Yang Wantong a person sad back to his home, she does not understand, she is not clever enough sensible? Yin Zhu and Bai Yangui have something to talk about, so she obediently leaves. As if she doesn't know what Yin Zhu has, she is willing to help, but in this way, Bai Yangui still can't see her.

Lin Chun watched Yang Wantong go out happily, but now a lost man came back. He couldn't see that the little girl was attracted to Bai Yangui.

But I can think of what Bai Yangui said to him, and what Bai Yangui brought out. Lin Chun knows that his little apprentice is too simple to be suitable for Bai Yangui. From the things Bai Yangui talked about cooperation with him, we can see that Bai Yangui's mind is much deeper than Yang Wantong's, and little girl has everything on her face, which makes people see at a glance got it.

"Girl, you haven't been to work for a long time. Why don't you go to the studio first?" Lin Chun very tactful persuasion.

When Yang Wantong heard this, she sighed and said, "if I go to any class, I'll take my place. It doesn't matter whether I go or not. There are many doubles."

Well, this girl is obviously not willing to hit the south wall.

"Girl, do you know the identity of Bai Yangui?" Lin Chun asked calmly and seriously.

Looking at Yang Wantong drooping his head and not talking, Lin Chun knows. He can't help looking at Yang Wantong with a headache, "girl, how can you be so brave? Do you think it's amazing and fun? "

"Master, what do you say? What's Bai Yan's identity, master? Do you know? Master, no matter what his status is, is he a rich family or a noble son? Even so, as long as there is a master, I'm still worthy of him. Right, master, you don't have to worry about this. " Yang Wantong is afraid of Lin Chun's questioning. At that time, she won't say it. She's afraid that the little old man will be hurt.

"Shit, I raised you by myself. I don't care about you. Who cares about you? Besides, can I not care about you? Girl, there are so many myths from ancient times to modern times. The cross racial ones have no good end. I can't watch you make mistakes. " Lin Chun is not going to be confused with Yang Wantong. He plans to talk about it directly.

The girl's temperament is simple, but a simple person is serious. He is really afraid that Yang Wantong will not care about it at that time. What will he do then?

"Master, how do you know?" Yang Wantong asked in a low voice.

"I don't know, girl, or you'd better leave a city." Lin Chun sighs.

"No, master, I haven't lost yet. Besides, master, don't you always teach me to grab what I like when I see it? You say that nothing can be solved by force. " Yang Wantong stares at Lin Chun.

Lin Chun couldn't help but cover his forehead when he heard this. He really taught him this, but at that time he directly taught this girl as a man. Shouldn't men be like this, but girls can't. however, Yang Wantong's becoming like this is his own sin.

Lin Chun felt that his chest began to hurt. If he went on like this, he would have a heart attack.

"The problem is, girl, they are more powerful than us. We can't suppress them, do you know?" Lin Chun's face is full of pain.

He really regretted it now. He shouldn't have educated a little girl like this at the beginning. If a girl likes a man and grabs it back, what can she do?

Yang Wantong looked at her master's anger and couldn't help laughing secretly. Then she said, "OK, OK, I know Bai Yangui is very powerful. I won't fight him. Do you think such a powerful man should be transferred to our school by me?"

"The problem is that you can abduct people." Lin Chun has a headache.

"Don't worry, master. I'm sure I can do it." Yang Wantong said with a smile.

Here, Bai Yangui takes people back to their place of residence, and comes to find Yang Wantong in a hurry. Yang Wantong is very happy to see Bai Yan come back to find herself. Lin Chun looks at the smiling girl for a second, and can't help sighing. She can't help it.

But when Bai Yangui brings Yang Wantong back to her room and asks her to take care of Yin Zhu for her, Yang Wantong is a little disappointed. She thought Bai Yangui was looking for herself, but she thought Bai Yangui was coming to comfort her. She didn't expect that she would ask for something, and Bai Yangui would not come to her if she had nothing to do.

Seeing that Yang Wantong hasn't promised herself all the time, and still looks unhappy, Bai Yangui can't help thinking, is Yang Wantong unwilling?

"I'm sorry, but I'm too forced." Bai Yangui said.

Yang Wantong quickly shook his head, "no, I just thought of something else. You can rest assured that you will take care of me." No matter whether they are of the same race or not, it's always bad for a man and a woman to have more contact. Moreover, the relationship between Bai Yangui and Yin Zhu doesn't seem to be ambiguous, but they rely on each other. This is not good. She wants Bai Yangui to rely on herself in the future.

"Sister, what's the matter? Who hurt my sister? " Looking at Yin Zhu lying on the bed, Yang Wantong is very puzzled. In her opinion, Yin Zhu's skill is very good and should not be injured. But this time, Yin Zhu fainted because of his serious injury. It's not so much that the world can hurt Yin Zhu."There was an accident. You took care of her for me, and thank you. Thank you very much." Bai Yangui is busy thanking you.

"Bai Yangui, thank you. It's so simple. You really have to thank me. Promise me three things, OK?" Yang Wantong suddenly feels that it's good to ask Bai Yangui for three things, and she doesn't like Bai Yangui's guilt.

"Yes, what did you say?" Bai Yangui immediately asked her.

"I haven't thought of it yet. Can I wait until I think of it?" Yang Wantong asked.

In fact, she didn't even think about what she wanted Bai Yangui to do now. She just wanted to have the handle of Bai Yangui in her hand, and she could also restrain Bai Yangui.

Bai Yangui's attitude towards her was vague before. Although she said that she was not ambiguous, at least she didn't refuse. It can be seen that Yin Zhu refused her very frankly. Yang Wantong had a bad feeling in her heart. She was afraid that Bai Yangui would leave without saying a word.

"Yes, but you'd better think about it quickly. I'm afraid I won't be able to repay you in the future." Bai Yangui said.

"Why do you say that?" Yang Wantong asked anxiously.

"Yang Wantong, you have been guessing my identity before, but I have never really told you. Now I tell you that I am not a human being, and my hometown is not here. There is a big disaster in my hometown. Yin X and I came here just to find a way to rescue her. At the beginning, I wanted to escape. The world is so beautiful, and it's very good for me to stay in the world OK, but now I've decided to go back. I'll go back when things are almost done here. I know you're a good girl, so I don't want to cheat you. " Bai Yangui originally wanted to say Yin Zhu's name, but when he thought about it, he found that it seemed that Yin Zhu didn't use his own name, so the word behind made him vague.

"Go back? Not the world? " Yang Wantong was a little confused.

"What do you mean?" She asked foolishly.

"Literally." Bai Yangui said calmly.

"Not the world? You mean your hometown is abroad, not in China. It's OK. I can go with you. " Yang Wantong felt flustered and said incoherently.

"No, not abroad. It's another world. Maybe you can call us aliens." Bai Yangui said calmly.

"No, no, how could there be another world, how could it be." Yang Wantong very flustered said, another world, she is really some hesitation, she can leave their own life in the world to completely a strange world? And leaving her beloved master behind? And your own family?

"Think about it." Bai Yangui turned and went out.

He'd better go to make medicine. Yin Zhu is seriously injured. Ze said several prescriptions before, which are good for Yin Zhu.

Ze wants to study the animal pill, and he follows Bai Yan back. Yang Wantong and Yin Zhu are left in the room.

Yang Wantong would sit at the head of Yin Zhu's bed foolishly, "sister, what do you want me to do?" Before, she wondered why Bai Yangui and Yin Zhu didn't seem to have an affair, but they couldn't give up. It turned out that they came from the same world and were the only two people in the world. They were relatives and depended on each other. The relationship was deeper than she thought.

"What should I do?" She thought she could give everything for love, but when Bai Yan Guiming put things in front of her, she hesitated.

She likes Bai Yangui. It's true. She likes Bai Yangui from the first sight, and then everything about Bai Yangui fascinates her. In fact, she doesn't lack pursuers, and many conditions are not bad, but she doesn't have one. For the first time, she wants to be the best and make Bai Yangui happy. What's the result?

Bai Yangui said that he was ready to escape before. How good it was to escape. Why should he go back? The world is dangerous. Can he save the world by relying on them? Maybe the two of them will go back and die?

How beautiful the world is. Why should we leave? Is it good for their world?

Yang Wantong asked herself again and again whether she wanted to keep Bai Yan. She wanted to, but how could she stay?

Bai Yangui is going to go back. She goes back with a big sister she used to like very much. Then, does she end up with nothing wrong?

Yang Wantong suddenly very uncomfortable, white Yan return too much, why he wants to tell her this thing, is to let her give up? Want her to give up and never interfere in their affairs?

Bai Yangui doesn't mean to go back when the work here is finished. Can't he go back when the work here is not finished? She went to stir up the matter of Bai Yangui. If she couldn't, Bai Yangui went back?

This idea rises in Yang Wantong's mind. Just for a while, Yang Wantong shakes her head fiercely. No, no, she can't do such a thing.

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