Everyone's hometown is the most important and sacred thing for him. Some things can't be touched. When Xiaolin Chun taught her, he told her that a warrior has the pride of a warrior. We must not control the uncontrollable things of Ziji because of our own desire and greed. In particular, the warrior's own strength is far greater than that of ordinary people. If we want to do evil, it will cause disaster.

If she likes Bai Yangui, she can't touch it, otherwise she will push Bai Yangui further.

Just can understand, can want to understand, but still very uncomfortable.

"Elder sister, I like you so much. I've been telling you all the time, but you know I like Bai Yangui. Why don't you help me persuade him to stay? You still abducted him." Yang Wantong looked at the sleeping Yin Zhu, some sad said.

Although Yin Zhu was in a coma at this meeting, her spirit was awake. After hearing Yang Wantong's words, Yin Zhu said that she was very unjust. Well, she didn't abduct Bai Yan back, she didn't.

"In fact, I know I can't blame my sister. I just feel bad in my heart." Yang Wantong wiped her tears. In fact, she knew very well that the main reason was that Bai Yangui didn't like her from beginning to end, so he said he would leave without even considering.

Yang Wantong looks at Yin Zhu who is in a coma for several times. Then she finds out that this person seems to have shrunk. Before, because Yin Zhu was lying on the bed covered with a quilt, she didn't pay attention to it. But when she saw too much, she found that Yin Zhu seems to have shrunk. Thinking about her fierce height before, her feet are going to come out, so she can't see her feet at all.

This is how hurt, even can the body is to shrink, really good magic.

However, it looks much more pleasing to the eye. Before, I had the feeling of looking at dinosaurs, and I had a lot of femininity.

I haven't thought about it in other directions before. Now I think about how a normal woman can grow up to be a sister. She likes her sister so much that she doesn't even tell her her real name, Yin Zhu? I always feel that this name doesn't look like sister, but it seems that Bai Yangui called Yin something before. It seems that the surname is true.

Bai Yangui has entered his study here. Bai Yangui is going to give Yin Zhu to refine medicine first, but Ze is already happy that the animal pill is being studied.

It's just that the beast Dan left Yin Zhu's body, but he didn't have the ability to absorb Yuehua. What he wanted was the other party's ability to absorb Yuehua quickly, but the thing was on his side, and he could always find out the reason.

On the other hand, Ziji finds the place where baiji is. When he sees Baiji, he is very happy and says, "looks like Yinzhu has brought you good news? Don't you share it? "

"Why didn't you send someone over, and your little friend betrayed you?" Bai Ji said with a smile.

Stimulated by Bai Ji, Zi Ji's face turned black, and he calculated everything. However, he didn't expect that Bai Yangui could get rid of his own control. He thought that the other party's weak body would have the ability to get rid of him. Obviously, he was in good health. If he didn't send Bai Yangui to Yin Zhu's world, Bai Yangui would have no life, As a result, the boy left him behind when he got the benefit. Obviously, Bai Ji was more powerful than him in the calculation of people's hearts and the control of others. At least in the case of Yin Zhu and Bai Yangui, Bai Ji obviously won.

"You think you must win? Do you think Yin Zhu will be obedient? " Ziji is not willing to give up. Although he doesn't know all the things Yin Zhu's friends do, he also knows some of them. All of them are ready to lift the stage of Baiji. I don't think Yin Zhu will listen to Baiji so obediently. Maybe Baiji doesn't know what Yin Zhu wants to do. Ziji feels much more comfortable when he thinks about it.

"I don't need her to be obedient? I just have to follow the path I want to follow. It's better to be obedient than to have a dog. " Bai Ji said with a smile.

"It seems that elder martial brother has a good plan. Do you want me to congratulate him in advance?" Ziji smiles falsely.

Bai Ji didn't get angry. "Congratulations, I'll be happy to hear this in advance. Anyway, I'm sure to succeed."

Ziji couldn't help sneering when he heard this, "OK, I'll wait for elder martial brother to succeed, and then pull me."

Bai Ji didn't get angry when he heard this. He just looked at Zi Ji faintly, and then said calmly: "have you come to inquire about the news you want? What do you want, Ziji? "

"Oh, elder martial brother, are you still angry? Elder martial brother, what do you think I want? " Purple sacrifice finish saying couldn't help laughing, and then more laugh more crazy.

Bai Ji can't help sighing when he sees the appearance of Ziji, and then coldly says, "ziji, I can tolerate any small action you do, but I tell you, you must not destroy my plan, otherwise even if it is you, I will not hesitate to kill you."

Ziji was stunned when he heard this, and then said: "well, as long as you have the strength, you can kill me naturally. In fact, after living so long, I've been very tired and wanted to die long ago. I've been waiting for the day of liberation for a long time. I hope you can do it as soon as possible, elder martial brother."

Bai Ji was stunned when he heard this, and then he looked at Ziji with strange eyes. This man used to be his intimate younger martial brother, and then one day they turned against each other for no reason. Then he became Bai Ji, and he became Ziji. But if they were really enemies, Ziji didn't hurt him or anything else, just made a little move in his plan However, the small moves did not affect his plan.He really didn't understand Ziji's idea. If he could find the problem of the animal pill in this world, Ziji, whose strength was almost the same as his, should also find the problem of the animal pill. At the beginning, Ziji was very kind and willing to contribute to the world. He once said that he wanted to be the guardian of the world, but it was this kind of Ziji after discovering the hidden crisis behind the world Bai Ji couldn't understand why he didn't do anything.

Over the years, he has changed. In order to know the secret hidden behind him, he will do whatever he can. As for Ziji, what is the purpose of Ziji.

"Ziji, what are you going to do? Can't we work together before? You know, can you watch our people's relatives and friends turn into other people's food one by one? Do you think it's worth living so hard for others? " Bai Ji cried angrily.

"It's worth it. All people live like this. It's the original sin for people in the world to live. Although the animal elixir has taken some life from the orcs, you can see that they still live well without knowing anything, and even protect their own animal elixir. They are happy and satisfied. What's wrong with them? Sometimes the truth is too cruel and makes people feel helpless It's believable, and even makes people crazy, such as you who are already crazy. " Ziji laughs.

Bai Ji was silly when he heard this. He didn't believe it was what Ziji would say. When did Ziji become so cold-blooded? He always thought Ziji had the same goal as him, but Ziji didn't want to go the same way as him.

But I didn't think that Ziji was totally different from what he thought.

Baiji is a little flustered. If he doesn't know the purpose of Ziji, he doesn't know what impact Ziji will have on his future plans. He doesn't worry about Yinzhu and her little friends. In his opinion, those people are just bugs in his hands, and they can't escape or make waves. But if Ziji's safety is different from what he thinks, it's over.

"Are you worried? Baiji, you don't do everything with your heart in mind. How can you worry? " Ziji said sarcastically.

"Ziji, is this irritating me? "Purple sacrifice." Bai Ji said in a calm voice. Over the years, no matter what happens, he can be calm and watch too much life and death. Those things really can't make waves in his heart.

"I didn't want to annoy you. Just look at it and I'll say a few words. You're so angry. I want to ask you a question. You've deprived so many people of their lives. For your so-called future, I'll ask you, are you ready to die?" Ziji asked with her face.

Bai Ji was stunned when he heard this, and then nodded his head and said, "I've already arranged my way. You don't have to worry about it. Many of the things I've done are right and wrong. I'll leave them to the people behind to comment. When the day comes, I won't live." Bai Ji said coldly.

Purple sacrifice heard this smile, very happy said: "that's good, remember what you said."

Bai Ji nodded, "please remember that if you dare to break my business, I will kill you first even if I fight to death."

Purple sacrifice ha ha laughs to turn round to walk out, white sacrifice then the dint of press and hold own brain door.

What does Ziji want to do and what does he want?

He asked him what was the intention of that question? He is really not afraid of death. After living for so many years, it's a joke to say that life and death can't be seen.

After Ziji left Baiji, he laughed loudly, and then left the dark abyss. In nearly 10000 years, Baiji has arranged a lot of backhand, and he has also arranged a lot of backhand. Now is the time for him to be born.

It's time for those people to come out and have activities. They have been raised for so long. Now it's time for them to contribute.

Ziji walked all the way from the dark abyss to the land, then to one of the villages at random

Ziji walked all the way from the dark abyss to the land, and then to one of the villages at random

Ziji walked all the way from the dark abyss to the land

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