The next day, when Yin Zhu wakes up, he looks at Yang Wantong, who is sitting on the windowsill reading a book. He can't help sighing. He has done evil and provoked such a good girl.

"Sister, you are awake." Yang Wantong smiles very gently.

"Well, thank you for taking care of me." Yin Zhu smiles politely. The girl has been guarding her all the time. She wants to recognize her kindness.

"No thanks. I didn't help. I just read here. You're seriously injured. You'd better have more rest. It's safe here. With my master, no one can hurt you." Yang Wantong explained with a smile.

The better the girl is, the more embarrassed Yin Zhu is. Although it's Bai Yangui's collusion, Yin Zhu still feels embarrassed. Bai Yangui is with her.

"Thank you." Yin Zhu had been in touch with the girl for a period of time. In fact, Yang Wantong talked more than Yin Zhu. Yin Zhu said less. The girl is very lively and talkative. It's rare that she will be very quiet.

It's so quiet that Yin Zhu feels a little uncomfortable.

"Sister, you've been sleeping for so long, but you're hungry. There's food in the kitchen. I'll get some for you." Yang Wantong is also a little embarrassed now. She thinks that she had nothing to say with Yin Zhu at the beginning, and then because Bai Yangui refused, she doesn't know what to say, and she doesn't know whether to hate Yin Zhu.

Before she clearly wanted to please Yin Zhu, and now she found that Yin Zhu, a woman, had nothing to do with Bai Yangui. Then they came to the world together.

"Thank you." Yin Zhu watched Yang Wantong go out, finally relieved. She really didn't know how to face this.

Not long after Yang Wantong went out, Yin Zhu heard someone knocking at the door. Yin Zhu thought it was Yang Wantong and said, "come in."

When you push away, you will find an energetic old man in his 50s and 60s. The old man walks with great momentum. It seems that this man is Lin Chun, Yang Wantong's master. He deserves to be a famous martial arts master.

"Nvwazi, it seems that you know my identity." Lin Chun said directly.

"Well, Wan Tong said that you are a very good person." Yin Zhu is careful to deal with it. This person is old-fashioned, not Yang Wantong's simple little girl.

"You're seriously injured." Lin Chun knows the reason why Yin Zhu is not in good health. Yesterday, he knew that Bai Yangui was going to meet a woman who was seriously injured and was still in his room. He also called his little apprentice to take care of him. After knowing this, Lin Chun was a little angry. Bai Yangui was so smart that he should be able to see that his little apprentice liked him. Then he asked the girl to take care of him Look after other women. What does that mean?

If it wasn't for Yang Wantong's willingness, he was afraid that he would find Bai Yan to settle the accounts at the first time. As for pills, he didn't care at all. Even if pills were of great use to him, they couldn't match his little apprentice. He was the most principled person.

"Well, it'll be fine soon." Yin Zhu said softly that the orc's ability to repair has always been very strong, not to mention that she has learned some techniques herself. This kind of injury will get better even if she doesn't take medicine for a period of time. It just takes a little longer.

"Well." Lin Chun answers. This woman is with Bai Yan. She has all kinds of good medicine in her hand, and she won't let her lie down for long. She just looks like she's hurt. Bai Yan GUI also has enemies. Isn't it proper for her to live in her own home? Plus the little apprentice's Thoughts on Bai Yangui? Think about it. Lin Chun wants to drive out Bai Yangui and the woman in front of her.

As for pills and other good things, they have to have a life to take. In case those people are of the same special race as Bai Yangui, he really can't guarantee the safety of himself and the girl. As for Bai Yangui, if he wants to cooperate, it's not the same where to go with his ability. Anyway, it's good to leave the whirlpool of a city first.

"I don't know the relationship between you and Bai Yangui, or the purpose of your coming here, but what I want to say is that we are just ordinary human beings, and we don't want to participate in your affairs. After all, even if we want to participate, we don't have that qualification. I'm going to leave here with a girl. You and Bai Yangui should leave here as soon as possible." Lin Chun originally wanted to say something to Yin Zhu, but later he thought it over.

No matter what she said, it can't change the fact that Bai Yangui is not a human being. The girl just likes it again. As long as it's disconnected, she can forget it. Why should he talk more nonsense.

The more you know, the more insecure you will be. He has lived all his life. This truth is clear. Sometimes you have to retire when you should. You can't let greed blind you.

Yin Zhu thought that the old man would talk to him about Yang Wantong. After all, Yang Wantong said that her master loved her very much, but she never thought that the old man was coming to drive people away.

She's a guest, OK? It's a shame to be kicked out like this.

But Yin Zhu is not the kind of person who will stay at other people's home. They all speak so clearly. She knows.

She didn't expect that Bai Yangui would bring her here. She would talk to Bai Yangui and leave directly.

I've been in this world for a long time. When Ze finished studying the problem of animal pill, she collected almost all kinds of information. She's going to go back."I know. I'll inform Bai Yangui later." Yin Zhu said calmly.

"That's good." Lin Chun went out with his hands behind his back.

Yang Wantong soon came back with a short bowl of bird's nest porridge, "sister, you can have some of this bird's nest porridge. I put some red dates down to enrich blood."

"Thank you for your trouble." Yin Zhu took the bowl and didn't know what to say.

Yang Wantong was also a little embarrassed. After a while, she said with a bitter smile, "sister, I think you are strange. Sister, how do I go with Bai Yangui? It doesn't affect the relationship between me and you. You don't want to ignore me, do you?"

Yin Zhu was embarrassed when she heard this. Yes, she was flustered. Anyway, what Yang Wantong said to her before was that she was in a coma. Although she could hear it, Yang Wantong didn't know it. She was embarrassed. Didn't Yang Wantong also feel embarrassed?

"No, you're the best girl I know." Yin Zhu reaches for Yang Wantong's hand.

"Of course I'm a good girl. Bai Yangui doesn't want me. I'm his loss. As long as I'm willing, I can go out every minute and find a man who is 100 times better than Bai Yangui. Hum." Yang Wantong said triumphantly.

"That's right. He has no eyes." Looking at Yang Wantong's playful appearance, Yin Zhu thinks that it must be her careful appearance before that, which makes Yang Wantong more restrained. What embarrassment must also be her wishful thinking. It will make Yang Wantong better.

"I tell you, in fact, Bai Yan's return to our side can only be regarded as an ordinary person. There are a lot of people who are better than Bai Yan's return. I'll introduce a better person to you later. I'm so angry with him that he doesn't understand the amorous feelings. Let him be a bachelor and pay attention to his solitude." Yin Zhu took Yang Wantong's hand and said with great interest.

"Yes, yes." Yang Wantong also happily follows Yin Zhu to make trouble.

When they were laughing, Ze fluttered his wings into the room and cried excitedly, "Yinzhu, Yinzhu, I have found the secret of the beast pill."

At this time, Yang Wantong looked at the chicken with silly eyes. What she said just now was the * *.

Ze will turn his head and look at Yang Wantong stupidly with a pair of corns. Then he looks at Yin Zhu stupidly.

When Yin Zhu heard Ze's words, he couldn't help but cover his forehead.

"Sister, this, this chicken can talk." Yang Wantong is very shocked, and then feels that it's normal to be able to speak. Isn't Bai Yangui also a wolf? Just think about it.

"Sister, is this chicken also your companion? I wondered before how Bai Yangui could go anywhere with a chicken? I was going to catch it for stew, but I didn't do it. " Yang Wantong pointed to Ze and said.

The chicken was called sister Yinzhu just now, right? She always thought it was a pseudonym? I didn't think it was my real name.

Even if the chicken's body can pronounce, it still has some distortion. Besides, Yang Wantong doesn't really hear it, so she thinks Yin Zhu is really Yin Zhu.

"What? You want to catch me stewing soup. It's so hateful. I've been helping you to intercede with Bai Yangui, you villain." Ze Qi Huhu said.

Bai Yangui also came in and looked at the shouting Ze. He couldn't help humming coldly, "I don't have a long brain. I can blame anyone. You can call again. Maybe many research institutions in this country will be happy to grab you for slicing."

Ze heard this scared immediately shut up, and then obediently nest under the bed motionless, pretended to be dead.

"Yin Zhu, this is the elixir I made. It should have an effect on your injury." Bai Yangui took out a pill and gave it to Yin Zhu. Yin Zhu ate it without hesitation.

Bai Yangui at the same time took out a to Yang Wantong, "this is for you, thank you very much, Miss Yang." Bai Yangui already knows how to call a woman.

Yang Wantong is a little sad to hear this. When Bai Yangui was not familiar with her at the beginning, she called Yang Wantong all the time. This is familiar, but Miss Yang is very strange.

"No, I take care of my sister. It's for her face, not for you." With that, he went straight around the white swallow standing in front of him.

What did the chicken say just now? She knew the secret of beast Dan. I think they had something to say. Yang Wantong wanted to say that she didn't like the feeling of being excluded.

But she doesn't like to be disliked. Now Bai Yangui doesn't like her any more. If she leans up, it will be disgusting.

But why so unwilling, she has been very hard to walk ninety-nine and a half steps, want to get close to Bai Yan, but the remaining half step is separated by an abyss, how she can't walk past.

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