She wants to get close to Bai Yangui and help Bai Yangui, but they don't want to let her know anything and exclude her. How can she get close to Bai Yangui and help her?

This thought, coupled with the heart of the unwilling, Yang Wantong or stopped, quietly returned, and then put his ear on the door to eavesdrop.

She didn't want to do anything bad, just wanted to help Bai Yangui, that's all.

Yang Wantong constantly comforts herself in her heart and wants to say that it's not too much for her. Even if she knows Bai Yangui's secret, she won't say it, and won't hurt them, so it doesn't matter, does it?

Zezhe rushed to Yin Zhu with the animal pill and said, "Yin Zhu, I have studied this thing. It is very similar to the demon pill of our demon clan. It contains powerful power. However, the difference is that the power in it is very chaotic. It should absorb the power of many people, so it seems a bit mixed. Don't look at human beings It's said that our demon Dan's power is violent and disorderly, which is hard to absorb. In fact, the main reason is that the demon Dan's power is too strong, but the demon Dan's power is pure. Unlike this, I think the beast Dan should not be developed by one person, but by several beasts. And there is another thing in the animal pill, which can not only absorb the power of the human body, but also the power of Yuehua. This is what I got through experiments, and I plan to go to the experiment again. If you can peel out that strange power, you can absorb and use the power of the animal pill. "

"In fact, I admire the man behind you. If you don't have demons in your world, there will be no demons. You want to cultivate those who are short of resources, but the other party is also a god man. How can you come up with such a way to raise the orcs as demons and then use the demons? The most important thing is that you don't feel it. It's really powerful." Ze exclaimed.

When Yin Zhu heard the constant praise, he couldn't help but raise his hand and knock him, "enough, is there anyone who praises the enemy for destroying his prestige? Remember you're with us now. "

Ze nodded and said, "Yin Zhu, can you take me with you when you go back?" Ze is thinking, it is said that there are many animal pills all over the place. As long as he can peel off the strange power in the animal pills, he can absorb those animal pills and grow up quickly, and then he will never have to be a chicken that can't resist being slaughtered.

"Good." Yin Zhu's original intention is to turn Ze back, because this guy knows a lot.

"Thank you." Ze said with a smile, thinking that when he is strong, he must catch Yin Zhu and Bai Yangui and enslave them well, so that they can feel controlled.

One wants to strengthen itself, and the other needs the help of the other. It can be said that both sides have different ideas, so this requires that both sides are quite harmonious and unified.

"Now that you're OK, study the experiment as soon as possible. Our time is precious." Yin Zhu directly sent Ze away. I don't know if I've seen too many short videos and so on. When I'm free, I often take the wrong line, and I like to eavesdrop on them.

"Go, go, what to rush." Ze muttered and flew out of the window.

"Bai Yangui, you see, I'm awake, and nothing's wrong. I want to go back to the house we rented, OK?" Yin Zhu thought of Lin Chunti's request, so he turned to Bai Yangui.

"Yes, I'll take you back first." After all, it's not used to living in strange places.

"You go back with me. I was not here at the beginning, and you were strange here, so you followed Yang Wantong. Now I'm back. It's not good for you to disturb people like this." Yin Zhu said very tactfully.

Bai Yangui thought of Yang Wantong's thoughts and nodded, "OK, I'll go and pack up something, and then we'll go."

When you come to this world, you can learn much more than you think. However, the orc continent is still very dangerous. Their affairs are almost done. They will probably go back soon.

Yang Wantong can't help but feel very sad when she hears this. Bai Yangui is about to move away.

I thought I could watch Bai Yangui at least every day. Now I'm leaving. Are they going to go back to their own world? Will she never see Bai Yangui again?

Yang Wantong has no reason to panic at this time. Bai Yangui is going to leave. She has an idea in her heart. No, she can't let Bai Yangui go like this.

This time, Yang Wantong anxiously went to the place where they were doing the experiment. Isn't there a very important animal pill in the chicken hand? If she takes this thing, they will not leave.

Yang Wantong doesn't know how to seal the magic. She runs there quickly. Looking at Ze who is still doing research there, she goes up and grabs the beast Dan.

"What are you doing?" Ze is surprised to see Yang Wantong take away the animal pill.

Yang Wantong probably hasn't figured out how to face it. She grabs things and runs away quickly.

When Zeze angrily found Yinzhu and Baiyan back, they were dumbfounded. "What do you say, Yang Wantong robbed your animal pill?"What's the matter!

At this time, Yin Zhu looked at Bai Yangui foolishly, "can you analyze the changes for me?"

Bai Yangui also wondered, "no, Yang Wantong is human. It's useless for her to take the animal pill. What does she want the animal pill to do? As for the study of orcs, if she wants to study, either Yin Zhu or Bai Yangui has no defense against her. If she wants to start, she has a great chance. "

"Go and ask what's going on." Yin Zhu rubbed his head and was ready to go. There was trouble again.

Yang Wantong ran back to her room at a stretch. When she got back to her room, she looked at the beast Dan in her hand with some silly eyes. She rushed in and robbed the thing directly. The chicken must go to find Bai Yangui and Yin Zhu. How could she be so stupid? Even if she wanted to rob, she had to disguise. No one would find out. Later, how could she face Bai Yangui It's very beautiful. Let's borrow it.

Why did she do something stupid? Yang Wantong fell on the bed and couldn't moan.

She has no face to see others. She has done stupid things without brains. If master knows, she will kill her.

"Miss Yang, are you there?" Outside the door came the voices of Bai Yangui and Yin Zhu.

These two people are so fast, unexpectedly so fast came, Yang Wantong this will be a little at a loss, put the animal Dan in his hand under the pillow, and then Shun Shun his hair, a good calm mood, and then slowly came to open the door.

"What are you doing?" Yang Wantong said that she felt silly again. After meeting Bai Yangui, she went away on the way of being silly.

"Can you give us back the animal pill you took from Ze? If you like shiny things, I'll buy you some jewelry later. " Bai Yangui said carefully.

Yang Wantong's face froze. After a long time, she shook her head and said, "I didn't see what you said about animal pill."

Bai Yangui was silly when he heard this, then pointed to Ze and said: "before you, Ze saw what you took. Yang Wantong's thing is a little better for you, and it's useless for you."

"You said that chicken said that. Who knows if he wanted to steal the animal pill himself or wronged me by accidentally losing it?" Since the things have been robbed, Yang Wantong also intends to brazenly rely on things, so that Bai Yangui won't go back.

Bai Yangui obviously wanted to say something, but he was held by Yin Zhu, "OK, let's go back."

Bai Yangui was not reconciled, but he was pulled away by Yin Zhu.

"Yin Zhu, what do you mean by Yang Wantong? Why does she lie? I don't understand Bai Yangui asked angrily. If Yin Zhu didn't take him away, he would force Yang Wantong to find out the beast pill in her hand.

"It's really useless for her. It's very useful for us." Yin Zhu said.

"And then?" Bai Yangui asked.

"Since it's of great use to us, we won't go back until we get the animal pill. Yang Wantong intends to let you stay in this way. She really likes you, Bai Yangui." It is because he wants to understand Yang Wantong's mind that Yin Zhu pulls Bai Yan back.

Bai Yangui was stunned when he heard this. He never thought it would be such a reason.

"No, I don't think she is very sensible and cheerful. She doesn't look like a person who can take a wind." Bai Yangui whispered.

"You haven't met anyone who is crazy about love. Love makes people crazy. She just likes you so much. Bai Yangui, do you want to talk to her and tell her goodbye?" Yin Zhu proposes that because he understands Yang Wantong's mind, Yin Zhu can't bear to blame. Besides, Yang Wantong is a little sister in her eyes now, and Yin Zhu is more patient with her little sister.

"Is it useful if I go and say it?" Bai Yangui can't help but wonder. Although he is smart, smart is smart, but he really hasn't met the problem of love. When he first met Yin Zhu, he didn't want to do anything to Yin Zhu, because he has no future and doesn't dare to think about love.

After he came to this world, he forgot everything, but now his physical problems have been solved, but there are still many things he has to face. He still doesn't think about love. Now Yin Zhu asks him to think about it.

"Go ahead, sue someone or something." Yin Zhu said that she is not good at dealing with feelings. She has four partners. In fact, she doesn't have to deal with the four partners. The four of them are all accommodating to her. If she is allowed to arrange it by herself, it will be a mess. Fortunately, the four of them will control it well and won't let her worry about it.

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