"Yang Wantong, it's very important for me to return the animal pill to me. Don't make trouble. I know you've helped me a lot. I'm very grateful to you, especially." Bai Yangui said sincerely.

"But I don't want your gratitude." Yang Wantong said some wrongly.

She so carefully to pursue a man, the result in exchange for other people's gratitude, she is not willing to.

"I know. I'm sorry. I can't be with you. In fact, you all know why you should embarrass us." Bai Yangui couldn't help sighing.

Yang Wantong is really good to him, so he doesn't want to hurt others if he can, but he and Yang Wantong won't have a result at all. Why?

"I, I..." Yang Wantong can't say the rest. She is really making it difficult for Bai Yan to return. She is probably not willing to give up, but she can't get a return.

But as Bai Yangui said, she knows, can she give up her relatives and the world she grew up in to go to another world? For a man, it's like taking her future as a gamble. Once she is wronged in that world, no one can comfort her.

"Give it back to me." Bai Yangui reaches out her hand to Yang Wantong.

"You, do you, do you like me, even a little bit." Asked Yang Wantong weeping.

Bai Yangui is stunned when she hears this. Yang Wantong can't help crying when she sees it. It seems that everything is sentimental. Bai Yangui doesn't like her. She doesn't like her at all.

Bai Yangui looked at Yang Wantong crying sad, can't help but sigh, "why do you want to?"

He has always been rational, probably from childhood to adulthood. Because of his body, he has constrained himself since childhood. As long as he can't do something, he will never go beyond it, because it has no good result. This is the character he developed since childhood, and the same is true for love. When he knows that he and Yang Wantong are two different races, he has never considered it, let alone now In the future, he decided to go back and help Yin Zhu as well as his own people, so he would not have anything to do with Yang Wantong.

However, such rationality is too cold-blooded in Yang Wantong's view.

Of course, if Yang Wantong wants to follow him because he loves him, he will protect her. He doesn't know what love is, but he has seen many Orc companions depend on each other for life and death. He probably can't give each other love, but he can give her a lifetime of protection and protection between close relatives. Unfortunately, Yang Wantong is not willing to give everything.

"Give it to me. It's not good for you to take it. It's also bad for you. It's not good for you to keep it." Bai Yangui spoke again.

How can the movements of Bai Yangui and Yin Zhu hide Lin Chun's eyes? Lin Chun looks at the men and women who are still in a stalemate, then slowly steps forward, looks at Yang Wantong sternly and says: "girl, give things back to others."

"Master." Seeing Lin Chun, Yang Wantong can't help but bow her head in shame.

"Give things back to others. Master never taught you to steal other people's things. Don't make a fool of yourself." Lin Chun is very serious.

Of course, he is more worried about the impatience of Bai Yangui and Yin Zhu. Bai Yangui is not something he can deal with. He is already merciful. He can't let Yang Wantong fool around. Animal Dan should be very important to their monsters.

"Master, I didn't steal it. I robbed it aboveboard." Probably do not like to steal this word, Yang Wantong angry correction.

"It's no more than three things to give back. Don't wait for me to say it again." Lin Chun's face had completely sunk.

Seeing this, Yang Wantong bites her lips and is very unwilling to throw the animal pill back to Bai Yan. Looking at Bai Yan returning to pick up the animal pill, Yang Wantong slams the door directly, and then comes her sad cry.

Bai Yangui looks at the animal pill in her hand, and then looks at Lin Chun awkwardly. "Thank you for your hospitality, sir. Let's go first."

This meeting can't be done without going.

Yin Zhu looked at Bai Yangui coming with a cold face, but he didn't dare to say anything more. Several people took their laundry and some research things and left directly.

Lin Chun looks at the closed door and knocks. Seeing that no one opens the door, he sighs and pushes the door open.

"Girl, master can see that you like Bai Yangui very much, but people don't like you. You are separated from each other in two worlds. It's really not suitable for you. Girl, you are so beautiful. What kind of man do you want? Why do you think about a beast? We are human beings and more noble than them." Lin Chun kept comforting.

Hearing this, Yang Wantong couldn't help humming, "we evolved from monkeys. Our ancestors were not wild animals. Fifty steps laugh at one hundred steps."

"I don't think you're heartless. I'm trying to comfort you. Do you turn your arms out like that? Fortunately, I accepted you as a female disciple. If I accept more female disciples, I will not be angry with my own disciples. " Lin Chun said angrily.

It's said that women in love have no brains. Now Yang Wantong is not like this. Bai Yangui doesn't like her any more. She doesn't speak for Bai Yangui, just like she's been drowned."I'm not angry with you. I'm filial." Yang Wantong can't help but turn around.

Lin Chun looks at Yang Wantong shaking his head and sighs. Before, he heard that the female disciple was in trouble. He didn't think that before, he always thought that his girl was good at everything. Now he understands that it's because the girl hasn't grown up and it's not time for trouble. Now the trouble is coming.

"Girl, there's something wrong with you today. You're at the top of your rope. For those of us who practice martial arts, you are possessed. Girl, Bai Yangui is just a pretty skin bag. The rest is not so good. What's a man who uses women's money? You should be a treasure. I don't look down on such a person at all. You go out and talk to your little sisters to see who can see such a person Lin Chun said nagging.

"That face alone is attractive enough. There's no need for anything else, OK? Those women are like wolves one by one. When they see that Bai Yan is such a little white sheep, they have to eat it alive. " Yang Wantong glanced at her master, and the example she gave was unreliable.

"Well, well, he's beautiful, but he doesn't want you. The most important thing is that Shifu is not his opponent. Otherwise, Shifu would have caught people back and ruined them for you." Lin Chun thinks it's hard to deceive others. It seems necessary to summon some of his disciples back and let them accompany his younger martial sister.

Yang Wantong was rarely amused by Lin Chun's words. She said with a faint smile, "master, I'm ok, and Bai Yangui is very good. He's very good to me. Before he gave me pills, he didn't want to take advantage of me."

"He told me that he and I are people of two worlds. If I don't intend to abandon all my plans with him, I don't want to talk to him. Master, he didn't apologize to me, but I'm not willing to." Yang Wantong sighed.

Yes, Bai Yangui and Yang Wantong are totally different from each other. They seem to come to this world suddenly. They don't walk in the secular world. This time, they should have something to do. I'm afraid they will leave soon after these things are finished. If the girl wants to go back with Bai Yangui, she may not be able to come back.

Lin Chun can't help but secretly congratulates Yang Wantong. Fortunately, Yang Wantong doesn't have a brain for love. He goes back with Bai Yan regardless of everything. Now he takes back the words that the women in love don't have brains. Now Yang Wantong still has brains.

"Girl, you are right. If you are sad and master has a card here, you go shopping. You don't mean shopping makes people happy. Go shopping and buy whatever you like." Lin Chun is very rare to take out his private bank card, which is his private house. No matter how Yang Wantong coaxes her, she can't get this card.

See in the little girl lovelorn sad share, borrow a girl to use.

"Remember not to blow it up." Lin Chun originally wanted to be generous, but when she thought about the crazy girl shopping, she couldn't help but exhort her.

Hearing this, Yang Wantong couldn't help laughing, "master, you'd better take it back." In fact, she doesn't have to use his master's card. She just likes to coax his master and look at the little old man smiling.

"Yes, you can brush it as you like." Lin Chun patted Yang Wantong on the shoulder.

Yang Wantong couldn't help tears when she saw her master doting on her. She really liked Bai Yangui, but she couldn't give up all kinds of things in the world, such as her beloved master and her family.

When it comes to feelings, if Bai Yangui doesn't feel anything about her, he won't go with her. He just says that he has a proper look and can't rise to the point of feelings. Then with the obstruction of their identity, it's impossible.

Bai Yan is quite determined to return, and doesn't give her a chance to hesitate at all.

Sometimes she thinks, how can she meet Bai Yangui? Maybe she has spent all her luck in this life, so that she can meet such a wonderful person, such a wonderful thing, which many people can't meet in their whole life.

Yang Wantong takes the card given by Lin Chun and goes out. She doesn't want to go shopping. She can feel that Bai Yangui probably wants to go. What about her? So she let Bai Yan go? That's it?

Yang Wantong feels that her mind is in a mess. She has too much time to think well.

This wobbly, Yang Wantong somehow hitchhiked to the house rented to Yin Zhu. Yin Zhu and Bai Yangui should be here. Should she go in and talk to Bai Yangui, at least make it clear, and let Bai Yangui give her time to think about it.

She needs time to think it over. She didn't want to end like this.

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