Bai Yangui and Yin Zhu, who have just returned to their residence, don't even have their things sorted out. Seeing Yang Wantong standing at the door, Bai Yangui can't help but wonder, "Why are you here again?"

"I can't come?" Yang Wantong asked rhetorically.

Looking at Bai Yangui's silly appearance, Yin Zhu can't help sighing. Asking a woman who has just been lovelorn for him is like poking a knife. No wonder Yang Wantong is angry.

Yin Zhu didn't expect that Yang Wantong would rob the animal pill, because the girl was very good at the beginning and open-minded, but she didn't expect that she would not be able to see it in love. Fortunately, Yang Wantong was willing to return to the animal pill even in the back. In fact, this girl is very good, and some innocent people like to join in the fun, but she has a soft heart.

Yin Zhu wants to say a few words to Yang Wantong as a woman, but when she thinks about Bai Yangui's going away with her, she just closes her mouth. What does she do when she says these meaningless words.

We have basically finished all the things we have to do here, and even over fulfilled them. We also found the problem of animal pill.

Yin Zhu plans to play with her parents for a few days after she recovers, and then erase their memory of this period. She doesn't want her parents to experience the pain of losing their daughter again. She wants them to live happily, and then be healthy and satisfied.

"Come in." Bai Yangui thinks it's not good to block people at the door, so he still asks people to come in.

Yin Zhu is wriggling to see busy Ze directly into the room to rest.

"Hey, you want to have a rest. Why do you arrest me when you come into the room to have a rest?" Ze puffed his little wings and said angrily that he had become a chicken. At most, he watched small videos on the Internet to have fun. He couldn't do anything. Now it's not easy to see the live version. Yin Zhu took him away.

"What do you want a chicken to watch? If it's OK, don't you think of a way to extract that power from the animal pill. As long as you can do this, there are many animal pills in the orc continent for you to use. Aren't you going to be a chicken? If you don't fight for me, you won't think that there will be pie in the sky, waiting for you to pick it up. " Yin Zhu said angrily, and then he kicked Ze's fart v-share.

"Can't you give me a break? Do chickens have no human rights? If you work all day, do you still have humanity? " Ze Qi Huhu said.

When Yin Zhu heard this, he couldn't help sneering, "human nature? You're not human. What kind of humanity do I have for you? I'm good enough for you. It's good that I didn't pluck you out of the pot. "

Ze can't help crying when he hears this, "I'm on a thief's boat. You've gone too far."

Ze leans against Yin Zhu and says, "Yin Zhu, actually I think it's good to take Yang Wantong back."

"Well, don't talk nonsense. It's impossible." Yin Zhubai takes a look at Ze. What are the requirements of this.

Ze shook his head and said: "listen to me, Yin Zhu, actually I don't know what your world is like now. I just listen to you. However, there must be a gap between this and what I understand. In addition, the situation there is still deteriorating. Who knows what it will be like when we go back. At the beginning, the so-called white sacrifice asked you to come here and get the blood of the earth people back. I think there must be a basis for him to think that way. You said you brought some blood bags back, but are those things enough? And those are dead, and Yang Wantong is alive, maybe more useful

After hearing Ze's words, Yin Zhu took a cold look at Ze, and then said seriously: "Ze, I don't like this, and Yang Wantong didn't do anything wrong, so she shouldn't bear those. I don't like you calculating people like this. You are different from Yang Wantong. You want to improve your strength. You want to go there because you want to be yourself I want to go, and it's good for you to go there. But Yang Wantong is too cruel to cheat people to do experiments with Bai Yangui. Besides, although Bai Yangui is very good at speaking, he is stubborn. He has his own persistence, and he won't do that. If he is willing to take Yang Wantong back, he will protect Yang Wantong with his own life, so This is not going to happen. "

Ze couldn't help rolling his eyes when he heard this, "Yin Zhu, sister Yin, are you so serious? I didn't say to force her. All this can be done on her own initiative. Besides, it's nothing to study. Taking some blood or something will not kill her. It's good to ensure that her health will not be harmed at that time. "

"Besides, you also said that if you can come back, the array will be opened by a large number of people's sacrifice. You should not have the chance to come back next time. If you need human blood at that time, what will you do? I can't do things like that. Besides, I didn't give up on Bai Yan when I looked at the girl. " Ze Leng snorted.

After hearing this, Yin Zhu hesitated for a moment and said, "anyway, I don't allow you to abduct her. Besides, when you cross the two realms, it's her."

The body and soul may not be able to bear it. Some people in our class did experiments. They said that it was because the way of heaven on both sides didn't accept outsiders. If outsiders entered, they would be killed by the way of heaven? "

Hearing this, Ze could not help but frown, "it should not be so. Although each world says that it has its own way of heaven, and they also exclude outsiders, generally speaking, as long as outsiders do not do too much, the way of heaven should not care. Otherwise, how can it soar? Or other powers? So you should be wrong"Wrong?" Yin Zhu was very puzzled. "It's not right. The orcs really can't come to this world. I can come because my soul belongs to this world. When Bai Yan comes back, it's because he didn't realize it at that time."

"It should be that you carry something that the way of heaven hates, and the way of heaven wants to destroy you." Ze said directly.

"Disgust?" Yin Zhu and Ze both think of the beast pill. Apart from this special thing, Yin Zhu can't think of any other orcs that are rejected by people, and everyone has them.

"According to what you say, people on our side can go there at will?" Yin Zhu said.

"Not necessarily." Ze Leng hum.

"What do you mean, can't you make it clear?" Yin Zhu said.

"it's very simple. Since the world has been raised by animals, people from all over the world have shown that the heavenly way of your world has been abolished, and that heaven should be in the hands of the mysterious person, so that we can enter the world of the world, and that mysterious person has the final say." Ze gave Yin Zhu a careful analysis.

"How can I take you back?" Yin Zhu looks at Ze foolishly.

Ze rolled a white eye, "you can bring Bai Yan GUI, but you can't bring me a chicken. Don't worry, I know a secret skill. At that time, I will seal my soul energy and won't be felt. You and Bai Yan GUI should be careful, and don't let him find that your animal pill is gone."

"Well, it should be OK. I told Bai Ji about it. Bai Ji would have a plan. If Bai Ji wanted something in her hand, she would not cheat on her way back." Yin Zhu said with a smile.

Ze looks at Yang Wantong downstairs with some regret. If he can, he really wants to turn Yang Wantong around and see what will happen. After all, human beings are the most suitable people for environmental changes.

Downstairs, Yang Wantong stands in front of Bai Yangui and looks at Bai Yangui seriously. "Bai Yangui, I don't want to give up on you, so I want to know something about your world, OK?"

"But I don't want to tell you." Bai Yangui said coldly.

When Yang Wantong heard this, she was stunned, "Bai Yangui, don't you feel anything about me? That's how I hate you? "

Bai Yangui was stunned when he heard this, and then said, "I don't hate it. I just don't think it's necessary."

"To understand what our world does, Yang Wantong, I can only tell you that when you still decide whether or not to mix in with the muddy water of our world, you should never understand. It's not good for you to know more. Don't be too curious." Bai Yangui said calmly.

"Do you think if I tell you everything, I can make you leave like this? Can I be at ease? Or can our world be at ease? Yang Wantong, you think you want to know, so what identity do you use to know? " Bai Yangui said coldly.

Looking at her standing there silent, he said again, "you are not ready to fly moths to the fire, why do you want to know the secret of our lives."

"In fact, Yin Zhu and I are relatively generous to you, and we have told you that we have advised you. What do you want to recover when you come here? Or what do you want to know? " Bai Yangui looks up at Yang Wantong.

Yang Wantong was so ashamed and angry that she didn't make up her mind, but did Bai Yan say so? Isn't that why she hesitated? It doesn't matter if she wants to know the situation before making a decision.

"You say you like me very much and love me, but you won't give everything for me, will you?" Bai Yangui said with ridicule.

"What about you? Can you give everything for your lover?" Yang Wantong called.

"Yes, as long as it's my partner, my lover, and she doesn't betray me, then I will give everything, even my life, for him." Bai Yangui said calmly.

Yang Wantong suddenly realized that this is the difference between her and Bai Yangui. This is also the reason why she likes Bai Yangui. Bai Yangui doesn't show any emotion. In fact, he is introverted. Once he chooses a partner, he will be desperate.

So that's why Bai Yangui didn't like her all the time? She seems to like Bai Yangui very much, and she pays some money for him, but these things are not what she owns, and she doesn't have the impulse to pay everything for it. She has rational and selective payment after all.

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