Yang Wantong looked at Bai Yangui, then slowly lowered her head. After a long time, she looked up and said, "Bai Yangui, I know what you think. I'll think about what to do when I come back to you. Please don't refuse me again." Of course, if Yang Wantong did not come to him again, there would be no future.

Bai Yangui didn't say anything when he looked at Yang Wantong going out. Of course, he thought Yang Wantong would leave directly. What Yang Wantong said behind was a bit unexpected. According to the girl's meaning, when she wants to understand, she will come back to him, that is, when she is willing to pay everything for him.

Yin Zhu had come down may be a tough battle, but did not expect that Bai Yangui even a few words to send people away.

"What did you tell her? What's more, I don't think Yang Wantong is angry. On the contrary, she is a little ashamed. What did you say? " Yin Zhu is very curious. I didn't expect that Bai Yangui has a good way to deal with women.

Ze also raises his head curiously and looks at Bai Yangui with great energy. He is also very curious. In the past, his teacher thought Bai Yangui was stupid, but now he thinks that Bai Yangui is also very resourceful. He spent the girl's money and finally let the other party go away without a word of shame. Can he not be curious?

When xiaobailian achieves this level, he is the model of all xiaobailian.

"what did you say, Ze you are very idle? Yin Zhu, you are not tired, do not have to rest? " Bai Yangui glances at Ze lightly, and there are threats in her eyes. For Yin Zhu, Bai Yangui's tone is much better.

Yin Zhu knows at a glance that he doesn't want to know. Bai Yangui obviously doesn't want to talk about it.

"Well, if you don't say it, I'll take a rest and leave the outside affairs to you." Yin Zhu said that he had better have a rest and leave the outside affairs to the experts.

Bai Yangui nodded. Today, the city is very quiet on the surface, but it's actually a bit chaotic, but it hasn't affected ordinary people. He wanted to drive away those disorderly forces very early, and Yin Zhu also meant that. This is Yin Zhu's hometown. It shouldn't be disordered in Longde. Those outsiders need to be taught a lesson once.

Looking back at how to operate, there was a green dragon gang leader who plotted against them. In fact, Yin Zhu didn't want to harm people from the beginning to the end. He just wanted to find a helper, which was also good for them. Yin Zhu's temperament was so good that he didn't want to harm people. He said that those people were not good people in the first place, but now he calculated himself. However, Yin Zhu's original intention was not to harm people, so He won't kill him, but he can teach a lesson.

Lin Chun thought that his little apprentice would come back with a lot of things after he went out, but he found that Yang Wantong came back empty handed, and looking at her expression, she was neither sad nor sad.

When Lin Chun saw this, he felt that there was a big problem. He couldn't help worrying and asked: "girl, what's the matter with you? You don't care for master's card. It's OK. You can brush it at will. "

"As long as you are well, whatever you want." Lin Chun said very generously.

At this time, Yang Wantong looked up and said seriously, "master, I've thought about it. I'm not sad because I'm not qualified to be Bai Yangui's lover. I'm ready to think about it carefully and think about whether it's worth my love."

"Not a girl, did you listen to who brainwashed you?" Lin Chun doubts of ask, this appearance very unlike her wench.

"Master, Bai Yangui asked me that he could give everything for his partner, including his life. He asked me how much I could do?" Yang Wantong light description, just that kind of yearning expression or can't hide Lin Chun.

When Lin Chun heard this, he jumped up and said, "nonsense, he is deceiving you. He is deceiving you to work for him. I'll go to him to settle accounts. He's talking nonsense."

Yang Wantong pulls Lin Chun. She knows more about Bai Yangui than her master. She only thinks he is a demon, but she doesn't know he comes from another world. In fact, what Bai Yangui says she already knows. Bai Yangui's meaning is very clear. If she really likes it, she will give everything to go with him and give up everything in the world If you don't like it, don't inquire about the world in the name of love. Bai Yangui and they will go back soon.

It is said that the world is waiting for them to rescue. She will go back with her. If she wants to become a hero or sink together with Bai Yangui, she really wants to sacrifice her life.

"Shifu, what are you going to do? They just tell me that. They just think I'm not qualified to be their partner. What do you want to say to them? I'll lose them." Yang Wantong pulled Lin Chun hard.

"He clearly means to stimulate you and know your mind, and then you will be fooled by stimulation. I've been raising you for so long, girl. You can't listen to Bai Yangui's nonsense. That's a man without conscience, you know? As the old saying goes, if you are not of my race, your heart will be different. Take it easy for me. " Linchun also know, with white Yan return a word to find someone to settle accounts, can't say, the most important thing is to take care of this girl.

"Master, am I that stupid in your eyes?" Yang Wantong said angrily.

"Silly." Lin Chun said in a special way.Hearing this, Yang Wantong couldn't help but look white, and then said unhappily, "I'll go back and have a rest. You can have a rest too. Don't think so much. Be careful how old you are."

After she drove her master away, Yang Wantong held her chin to think about what she wanted to do. In fact, rationally speaking, she should not listen to Bai Yangui, because all this was based on her trust in Bai Yangui. If Bai Yangui could not do it, how could she survive in a strange environment?

Can fall in love with a few rational, she is really like Bai Yangui, also believe Bai Yangui said every word.

"What should I do?" Yang Wantong said some irritable.

Bai Yangui is busy and Yin Zhu is resting. Ze's eyes are rolling. He really wants to turn Yang Wantong to another world.

After getting along with Bai Yangui and Yin Zhu for so long, he can see that both Bai Yangui and Yin Zhu are not very tactful people, and they are also relatively soft hearted people. It's good for such people to be friends, but it's really not so easy for such people to make a career, especially Yin Zhu is still carrying such a mission.

According to Yin Zhu, the white sacrifice should be taking advantage of her. In the end, it is likely to kill her. For what reason, Yin Zhu doesn't know for the moment, so does it mean that Yin Zhu, the alien soul, has something special? Because of this, Ze has always wanted to say that Yin Zhu turned Yang Wantong.

Of course, I can't say anything about this conjecture. Once I say it, Yin Zhu will not take Yang Wantong with him. Yin Zhu has no intention of harming others. Even if he has to, he won't replace himself with others.

In fact, he doesn't mean that he wants Yang Wantong to replace Yin Zhu, but there are two people who can at least take care of each other, right? Besides, he is also an outsider at that time, so he always has to find a partner to avoid being too unconventional and rejected.

Besides, Yin Zhu is a stranger. Can Yin Zhu find good friends in that world? There must be a familiar person with Yin Zhu to recall this beautiful world together, right?

Yin Zhu, they have no way to lobby Yang Wantong. He can go.

Thinking of this, Ze secretly starts to turn over Yin Zhu's mobile phone. When he's free, he has seen a small video. He plays skillfully. Yin Zhu's mobile phone doesn't even have a keyboard lock, so he can use it when he opens it.

Ze steals Yin Zhu's mobile phone, then finds Yang Wantong's phone and calls directly.

Yang Wantong was still restless in thinking, saw Yin Zhu's phone call, she still picked up first, "sister, what's up?"

"I'm Ze, the chicken." Ze introduced himself very simply.

"What can I do for you?" Yang Wantong said suspiciously that although the other party is a chicken, her thinking ability represents that the other party is an adult. She will not treat Ze as a chicken.

"Yang Wantong, do you like Bai Yangui? Bai Yangui is such a good man. Are you willing to give up like this? " Ze flickered.

"What do you want to say?" Yang Wantong asked.

"No, I just want to ask you if you are willing to go to a wonderful world and open up a new world. You know something about your lover, Bai Yangui. I want to ask you about your choice, but you'd better hurry up, because we're going to leave soon. The things we came here have been successfully solved, and we're going to leave soon." Ze knows that the best way to force a person to agree to something is to be urgent. People often make random choices when they are anxious.

"You're leaving?" Yang Wantong stunned, Yin Zhu rent the house directly for half a year, but did not expect to go.

"It's natural to leave when things are finished. You also know that if things go on like this, the city will be in chaos. Now that we're gone, they can slowly recover their peace when they go back. Originally, this matter can't be told to you. You don't need to know, but I think I'd better tell you. I'm afraid you can't find anyone when you come to Bai Yangui next time." Ze said with a smile.

"Me?" Yang Wantong is still hesitating.

"Forget it, originally I thought you love Bai Yangui enough, but now it seems that you still love yourself a little more. The so-called love is not selling pork. After calculation, how can you earn a little more, at least you can't lose money. Let's just forget this call." Ze finished and was ready to hang up.

Hearing this, Yang Wantong was in a hurry. "Why do you say that I don't like Bai Yangui? I like him very much. I can give everything for him."

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