"That's good. I thought you didn't like him. After all, you haven't been in touch with him for long. You don't like his face." Zehe laughs.

When Yang Wantong heard this, she couldn't help getting angry. "You know what feelings a chicken has, and the depth of feelings is not calculated by the length of time you have been in contact. Most people are just like strangers after they have been together for a lifetime. Some people will live a lifetime as long as they meet each other."

Yang Wantong doesn't like to be suspected by others. Her feelings towards Bai Yangui have never been faked. Even if she hesitates this time, it's normal. After all, not everyone can say that she'll leave everything, right? Normal people are like this.

"Then I'd like to see you do it." Ze hehe said.

Yang Wantong this meeting also returned to God, "what do you want to do, this phone call is you carrying Bai Yangui and Yin Zhu call me, just want to stimulate me?" Yang Wantong is very cold. She has seen the chicken many times, but she has never known that the chicken has the same thinking as human beings. Normally speaking, the matter of Bai Yan's return is not for him, it should also be Yin Zhu. When is it the chicken's turn to make the decision, so the chicken must have a conspiracy.

This guy certainly didn't want to do good. Although she is not very smart, she can understand a lot of things after the event.

However, after being so excited by Ze just now, Yang Wantong knows that she is reluctant to go back with Bai Yan and is willing to take risks with him. People often subconsciously make decisions that they want to do most.

After understanding her mind, Yang Wantong knows how to do it, but even if she wants to do it, she can't follow Ze's idea. This chicken is not simple.

Ze didn't expect that Yang Wantong would react so quickly. He couldn't help laughing and said, "Yang Wantong, you don't think what Bai Yangui said before is really interesting to you. He just declined. Do you know?"

Although we can't find out what Bai Yangui said to Yang Wantong, I don't think it would be a direct refusal, plus Yang Wantong's shame at that time, so Ze can only be deceived to see if he can be right.

Yang Wantong was stunned when she heard this. Yes, Bai Yangui didn't say anything like her from the beginning to the end. He just said that he would pay everything for his partner. Then, there was nothing. This is really a declined word.

"Since you know that Bai Yangui doesn't like me, why do you call me to ridicule me?" Yang Wantong said very unhappy.

Hearing this, Ze couldn't help saying that the girl is really impatient. How can she catch up with the beautiful man with this patience, right.

"Of course not. I'm here to help you." Ze said with a smile.

"Do you think what you say is credible? Your words are just like the words of the people who specially give brainwashing lessons in the MLM organization. They all have a taste of temptation. Do you think I'm easy to cheat? Even if I don't have a brain, it's also reflected in Bai Yan's return. For others, my IQ is online. " Yang Wantong said angrily.

Ze is hanging her with a white swallow as a turnip. She likes it, just as her master said. She should be dry and crisp, so that she can't touch it behind her back.

What's more, who knows if this Ze can be trusted? Even if this Ze comes back with Bai Yan, it may not be credible.

"What, how can I be like those people? Don't talk nonsense Ze Qi Huhu said.

"You don't believe me? If Yang Wantong is like that, you can't get Bai Yan all your life. Hum. " Ze Qi Huhu said.

Yang Wantong heard this did not angry, but laughed, "it seems that your goal has not been achieved, so angry, it seems that I won it."

Zeqi hung up the phone, originally thought it was easy to fool a woman who was dazzled by love, but the result capsized, really bad luck.

Ze dragged Yin Zhu's mobile phone forward, and suddenly saw a large shadow in front of him. As soon as he looked up, he saw Yin Zhu holding his chest and looking at her coldly.

"Tell me, why did you cheat Yang Wantong to go back with Bai Yan? You'd better make it clear, or I won't let you go." Yin Zhu coldly said, before she said that all things are left to Bai Yangui and Yang Wantong, before Ze said a reason, said Yang Wantong's blood may be useful, but she didn't care too much, everything depends on her own decision, but Ze this will go to deceive Yang Wantong again, let Yin Zhu feel wrong.

There's something she doesn't know.

So is there any place where you have to bring Yang Wantong?

"Well, I, I do it all for you, Yin Zhu, you, you blame me." Ze murmured in a low voice.

"I'm listening." Yin Zhu looks at Ze coldly. No matter what Ze wants is really good for her, Yin Zhu doesn't like this kind of person who makes decisions for himself. Ze must punish him before he knows.

"That, that, didn't you say that your world white sacrifice is calculating you? I've thought about a lot of problems. Where are you worthy of calculation? For that world, the only difference between you is the spirit of the alien world. So I want to take Yang Wantong with me, so that I can share the risk and disturb the water for you. I'm really for your good. " Zehe laughs."Did you tell Yang Wantong about the danger? Why do you cheat people and leave everything to her? Why do I hate you most? Besides, do I need Yang Wantong to replace me? " Yin Zhu said angrily that she would have died. She couldn't have dragged the innocent Yang Wantong. If she hadn't settled down in the orc mainland, she would have fled far away and would not have cared about the affairs there.

"Yin Zhu, I know I'm wrong. Please forgive me." Ze cried for mercy.

"You also said that the world has been regarded as private property, and all people are in captivity. As soon as we arrive at that world, we will be found. How can you guarantee that Yang Wantong will not be found in that world?" Yin Zhu thinks that Ze probably knows a lot, and doesn't tell her to go back with Bai Yan.

"Well, I found an interesting thing in the animal pill. I think Yang Wantong should have concealed her information by putting it on her." Ze was laughing.

"That's good. Tell me what else you have in mind." Yin Zhu grabbed a hair on Ze's neck and pulled it hard.

"Ah, ah, ah." Ze this household can't help fluttering, "Yinzhu, I do all this really for you, you are too cruel, too cruel."

Yin Zhu blew off the hair in his hand and said calmly, "it's just a hair lost. I'm afraid that nothing can die. Don't you see that some chickens and ducks are locked up together, and all their hair has been pecked away? I'm not living well

"No, I'm wrong. I'm wrong." Ze looked at Yin Zhu's hand that fell on him again and couldn't help crying.

"By the way, I'm going to catch some cocks to come back with you, so that you won't be too lonely." Yin Zhu said softly.

After hearing this, Ze stood up all over his body. "No, I'm wrong. I'm really wrong. You're my aunt Yin. If I'm wrong, don't you just pluck my hair? No problem. Just pull it out and wait for such inferior work. How can I dirty your hands? I'll do it myself. " Ze said this with his mouth kept pecking his body hair.

But his heart keeps bleeding. This time, he really pissed off Yin Zhu. Poor, poor, he's going to become a bald chicken.

Yin Zhu coldly looked at Ze's self abuse and pecked the hair off his body. Looking at Ze's chest, Yin Zhu said coldly, "I'll forgive you this time. Next time, I won't be able to speak so well."

"I see." Ze wrongly said, looking at his empty chest, he couldn't help tears, good ugly hot eyes.

Watching Yin Zhu go away with his mobile phone, Ze can't help but feel aggrieved. The world really can't be a good man. Even if he has selfish intentions, it's only a little bit. It's not for Yin Zhu's sake. In the end, Yin Zhu still blames him.

He was really aggrieved, very aggrieved. He had planned to come secretly, but he didn't succeed. He was also found by Yin Zhu. Later, Bai Yangui might teach him a lesson. He's so pitiful.

Looking at the chest exposed after being punished by Yin Zhu, Ze shivers. Isn't that a confession of leniency? He had better go to Bai Yangui to confess.

Thinking of this, Ze starts to run. Unfortunately, Bai Yan will go out to work. He can only wait for Bai Yan to come back.

In fact, he may not have made a mistake. Bai Yangui and Yin Zhu have different personalities. Maybe Bai Yangui will agree with his own idea. Thinking of this, Ze, who had been dejected, finally got a little angry.

Yin Zhu will go back to her room and lie down for a rest. After that, she is constantly thinking about whether Ze's words are true. Any alien soul can do it.

What's more, she has been thinking about what Baiji wants to do with her? She had discussed with Bai Kun many times before, but they couldn't come up with a specific one, because they know too little information. Now they know a lot of information, but they still can't infer what Bai Ji wants to do.

Then there is Meng Ji. Bai Ji says that he and Meng Ji are to save the world, so Meng Ji turns herself into a devourer and a cannibal. In Yin Zhu's opinion, Meng Ji is no different from the man who keeps the animal pill. Meng Ji also uses the whole nightmare people to support herself now. Maybe at the beginning, Meng Ji really wanted to save the world, but after a long time So long time, plus the strength of the powerful, dream Ji still remember their original dream?

If she takes Yang Wantong, she should at least ensure the girl's safety. But Yin Zhu can't, and she can't cheat another girl to replace herself for her own safety. Besides, whether she can replace this is also a problem.

Is there really no special reason why Bai Ji chose her?

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