Yang Wantong thought it over carefully, and then she was ready to go to her master. Since she was going to go back with Bai Yan, she had to explain the things here clearly. She couldn't let her master worry about herself.

In fact, Yang Wantong is also reluctant to give up her own master. As for her parents, her feelings are not so deep. Who told her that she grew up with Lin Chun? Lin Chun is her parents.

Lin Chun looked at Yang Wantong standing in front of him in consternation and cried out: "what do you say, you repeat what you just said?"

"Master, I've thought about it. I'll go back with Bai Yan." Yang Wantong said very seriously.

When Lin Chun heard this, he wanted to wake Yang Wantong up with a slap. Unfortunately, Yang Wantong could not wake up with a slap. He was very angry and said, "why, didn't you tell me you were not stupid before? Don't be silly. Why do you do that? You won't have a result with him. "

Lin Chun is very angry. Of course, he is even more angry with Yang Wantong's stubbornness. "Bai Yan belongs to him and you are two people in the world."

"Master, I know that I'm far away from him, but I still want to chase him. I know very well that if I don't work hard, I don't have any chance. I've thought about it. I don't want to give up on him. I don't want to give up on him at all." Yang Wantong said very seriously.

"Shifu, I grew up with very little to see in my eyes and very little to focus on. Maybe it's because Shifu has shown me too many things. In fact, Shifu, you know, I'm not stupid. You don't think I'm simple, but I can also feel a person's true and false. Bai Yan is good for him. I know that I am Do, master will probably be very sad, very sad, in fact, I can also leave secretly without saying anything, but I am afraid that if I do that, master, you will be more sad Yang Wantong said carefully.

"If you know me, no wonder you won't say it. They all say that girls are extroverted. Now I realize it." Lin Chun said angrily.

When Yang Wantong heard this, she was not angry. She just said with a smile, "master, I'm sorry, but I still have to go."

"If you tell me, I won't be afraid to lock you up so that you can't go anywhere." Lin Chun asked angrily.

When Yang Wantong heard this, she said with a smile, "master, you won't. I think master would like to see me break my head and come back obediently instead of being remembered forever."

When Lin Chun heard this, he couldn't help yelling, "that's the way I used to deal with your elder martial brother. You are a girl. I don't want to make you suffer at all."

Yang Wantong just laughed, "master will not."

"Bullshit." Lin Chun cried angrily. The little apprentice grasped his mind.

He doesn't like to use tough means, and Yang Wantong's temper doesn't work with tough means. At that time, he is afraid that it will stimulate her more, and then he will try to run out, and he will be more obsessed with Bai Yangui.

When he saw Bai Yangui at the beginning, he thought that the man was too beautiful and was a disaster. He didn't expect that he was also a disaster to Ziji's Apprentice. Now Lin Chun wanted to paint Bai Yangui's face immediately.

"Girl, if you really want to go, you can persuade Bai Yan to come back and tell me to take you away, I will promise you to go with her." Lin Chun takes a look at Yang Wantong and says, since the girl must go, give her a chance. Bai Yangui is very cold. In his opinion, Bai Yangui doesn't have any deep feelings for the girl. In the case of knowing that he doesn't want to, will Bai Yangui come to take the girl away from him? impossible.

If Yang Wantong really can persuade Bai Yangui to come to him, it at least shows that Bai Yangui has feelings for the girl, so he can rest assured a little bit.

Yang Wantong knows that it's not so easy for her master to agree to this. Moreover, her master always thinks that Bai Yangui and Bai Yangui are far away from each other in this world. He probably can't think of another world. It's impossible to say that she can't leave, but she doesn't want Lin chun to worry about it, and she also wants Lin Chun's blessing She thought that Lin Chun would embarrass herself, but she didn't expect that she would make such a request.

"Well, I'll let Bai Yan come back to mention it." Yang Wantong said with a smile, no matter how difficult, this step she will do.

Lin Chun looked at Yang Wantong who went out and couldn't help frowning. He directly contacted Bai Yangui and said, "Bai Yangui, didn't you want me to drive those people away faster? I promised to do it tomorrow, but I also have one thing for you to do. You should understand the girl's feelings for you, and I treat the girl as my daughter. I ask you not to take the girl away. "

Bai Yangui was silent for a moment when he heard this, and then said, "I never want to take her away. I know I have no possibility with her, so I never give her hope."

Lin Chun heard this very satisfied and said: "well, I hope you keep your word."

Lin Chun hung up the phone, can't help thinking, girl, this time the master really can't afford you, there is no way to comply with your intention.

The girl never thought that he would do such a thing behind her back.Yang Wantong ran to Yinzhu with great interest. When she arrived, Bai Yangui just came back.

Yang Wantong is very pleased to stand up, "Bai Yan back to the question you asked me last time, I can answer you now."

Yin Zhu can't help but prick up her ears and listen angrily. Bai Yangui, whom she wanted to inquire about last time, didn't want to say it. Now you can know.

"Bai Yangui, you said that you can give everything to your partner, including life. You asked your partner to do the same to you. Now I can say that I can give everything for you." Yang Wantong eagerly looks at Bai Yangui.

Yin Zhu couldn't help touching his chin when he heard this. He couldn't see that Bai Yangui would say such a thing. This is a typical cold outside and coquettish inside.

But if Bai Yangui can do what he said, Yin Zhu thinks about the orc tradition. There's no problem. The orcs do treat their partners like this. Is really pay everything, but Bai Yangui will accept Yang Wantong? Thinking of the words that Ze bewitched Yang Wantong before, Yin Zhu thinks that Yang Wantong is not rational enough. Will she regret it when she comes back?

"Look at what you've done." Yin Zhubai takes a look at Ze, who is also standing in the corner to watch the excitement.

Ze sees that Yin Zhu is angry and runs away in a hurry. It seems that his goal is to be achieved. In fact, it's nothing to take someone. Is Yin Zhu so angry?

"But Yang Wantong, I never wanted to choose you as my partner." Bai Yangui said coldly.

Yang Wantong was very happy. When she heard this, her face turned pale. She bit her lips and looked at Bai Yangui coldly. After a long time, she shook her head firmly and said, "no, it's not like this. If you really want to refuse me, you should refuse me before. You should be firm, not say that to me. Bai Yangui tells you, you can't think about it Get rid of me. I think I can do it if I want to. "

Bai Yangui looks at Yang Wantong's stubborn appearance and can't help but frown. He agrees with Lin Chun and thinks that Lin Chun's idea is good for Yang Wantong.

As for not completely rejecting Yang Wantong before, it's also very simple, because he understood each other's mind at the beginning, so he hesitated when rejecting, and he didn't have much idea about his partner, plus he didn't hate Yang Wantong. Moreover, he took her to the orc world, and he may not be able to give her happiness, which he always considered.

"White swallow belongs to you, wait for me, you will take me to your world." Yang Wantong said with a smile.

It's scary to go to a completely strange world, but it's not a good thing. The strange scenery and all kinds of things in those places are invisible to others. In addition, she knows Yin Zhu, and she's not totally strange. For Yin Zhu, Yang Wantong always thinks that Yin Zhu is very clever. At least she is more proficient in absorbing the knowledge of the world than Bai Yan There is no estrangement in communicating with her.

Where did Yang Wantong know that Yin Zhu came from this world.

Yin Zhu frowned, but Bai Yangui was not happy. Yang Wantong was on the bar. It was Ze who turned to clean up Ze, but found that he was gone.

Yang Wantong said such a series of manifestos with Bai Yangui, then turned around and left the yard.

Just as she walked out of the yard not far away, she saw Ze standing not far away looking at her, but now she looks a little embarrassed, especially the bald one on her chest. I don't know who pulled out the hair.

Maybe Yang Wantong's smile is really hard for Ze to accept. He can't help but say angrily, "what are you looking at? What are you looking at? What do you look like when a woman stares at a man's chest?"

"Man? Do you think I can't tell a cock from a hen? " Yang Wantong looks at Ze sarcastically.

Ze heard this sad, he will not become a demon! It's so hard. It's all Bai Yangui's fault. At the beginning, I found a man for him.

"I still have the energy to satirize me. It seems that I have figured out a good way to deal with Bai Yan GUI?" Ze Leng hum.

Yang Wantong heard this face a stiff, and then coldly looked at the eye Ze, "you are not what fun, in the calculation of white Yan back."

"What is calculating Bai Yangui? What did I do to him? It's a good thing to find someone to lead a bridge. If you think about how many single dogs can't find a partner, Bai Yan will die. I don't think about him. He will be a bachelor all his life. " Ze spoke louder and louder, and felt at ease.

Yang Wantong is also impressed by Ze's cheekiness. On the other hand, he is still fierce.

"Well, since you deliberately contacted me before, and now you're blocking me, I think you have an idea. Let's talk about it." Although this matter is oneself willing, but Yang Wantong also does not want to be calculated by Ze, always want to let Ze say his idea, she again good total.

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