Ze took a look at Yang Wantong and directly put the animal pill in her mouth into Yang Wantong's hand. "Here you are. As long as you eat the animal pill, you can gain powerful strength and have the ability to fight side by side with Bai Yangui."

Yang Wantong looks at the animal pill in her hand in dismay. It slips around and comes back to her hand. Thinking about Yin Zhu, they said that the thing was very important to them, but Ze gave it to herself?

"You're really upset." Yang Wantong looks at Ze with a straight face.

This guy goes back with Bai Yan every day, but his heart is not with Bai Yan. Yang Wantong takes the beast pill in her hand and wants to go back to Bai Yan GUI.

Ze saw Yang Wantong's appearance and couldn't help laughing and said, "you can go back to find Bai Yangui with the animal pill and say I gave it to you. I said you robbed it from here. Who do you think he will believe?"

Yang Wantong heard this face a cold, this she has a criminal record, don't know Bai Yangui will believe himself.

Then Ze said with a smile, "how do you think you can convince Bai Yangui to take you to his world? Yang Wantong, like a person is not the mouth to say like it, a lot of love at the beginning is just a calculation, things in your here, eat or not in you, go Ze turned and swaggered away.

Yang Wantong Ze looks at the animal pill in her hand. Ze has made it clear that as long as she eats the animal pill, Bai Yangui will have to agree to take her to that world. There is no reason at all. But in this way, will Bai Yangui like her?

Besides, the animal pill has hidden energy. If you eat it, you can become powerful. If you go to that world, you can help Bai Yangui. It won't be a burden to him, but it seems to be very important to Bai Yangui?

Eat or not? Yang Wantong frowned at the beast pill in her hand.

Ze has walked back to the house slowly this time. He is not worried that Yang Wantong will not eat that food. First of all, Yang Wantong has a purpose for Bai Yan. With his guidance, Yang Wantong has a great chance to eat the animal pill. He has studied the secret of the animal pill almost. Now there is no big problem without the animal pill.

The reason why he didn't stare at Yang Wantong and eat the animal pill over there was that he was worried about rebellious psychology. Didn't Yang Wantong suspect him before?

What's more, Yin Zhu didn't think of it. Normally, everyone cherishes his own life. If you can find a ghost to replace the dead, who won't? However, Yin Zhu refuses. The speculation he told Yin Zhu before is not nonsense. It's true. It's a pity that Yin Zhu doesn't accept it, but it doesn't matter. As long as Yang Wantong eats the animal pill, it's a good thing Love is a foregone conclusion.

Thinking of the secret he found in the animal pill, Ze thinks that if the development of this thing is really the same as his guess, it will be very interesting.

He hopped back to the yard, only to see Yin Zhu and Bai Yangui standing at the door, now staring at him.

"Ze, you are really positive. You have taken advantage of all the time. It's not bad. Since you are so confident in persuading Yang Wantong, why don't you persuade me?" Bai Yan asked in a gloomy way.

Ze couldn't help shivering when he heard this, and then he went to Bai Yan GUI and said, "I'm sorry, I'm wrong."

"What did you tell her?" Yin Zhu asked in a calm voice.

"Tell her not to give up, love is to persevere in the pursuit, there is no failure." Ze was very serious with his chest.

"What on earth did you find? Ze, why do you force Yang Wantong into our world like this? " Yin Zhu looks at Ze sternly.

Ze heard this silent for a long time and said, "just the reason I told you before."

"I don't believe it. If you don't say it, I'll kill you. Ze, I tell you, you and Yang Wantong are totally different in my heart. You are a chicken. I don't know how many chickens I've eaten since I was young. Yang Wantong is a person. If you think I don't give up Yang Wantong's sacrifice, I won't do anything to you. That's a big mistake." Yin Zhu has a cold face. She doesn't like to be calculated. She treats Ze as a trusted partner, but when she finds Ze calculating, Yin Zhu's heart is very uncomfortable.

Of course, these are all threats from Yin Zhu. She can eat other chickens with peace of mind. She can't do anything about thinking chickens.

Ze heard this wry smile, "what can I do, my whole life is still in your hands."

"As for you, if you want to ask me, I found another thing in the beast pill besides the evil array that can absorb life power, but I can't get rid of it. I don't know what it is. I only understand one part of it, which should be designated. I don't know the others. I don't know whether other animal pills are like this. So I read your beast pill However, I tried to absorb a little of the power of your beast pill, and found that once absorbed, the array in it would rotate, so I didn't dare to absorb it. I think your beast pill should be special, special. However, after leaving human body for too long, I found that the array in it would also rotate, as if it was used to locate you. Of course, there are other functions I don't know I don't know what will happen in the end, so I try to find another person to try. We can't find a suitable person to cooperate with us here, so I go to Yang Wantong and tell her that as long as she swallows the beast pill, you will take her away. Anyway, she is willing to go to your Orc world with you for Bai Yangui. " Ze introduced it carefully."Ze, you will kill Yang Wantong like this." Yin Zhu said angrily.

Hearing this, Ze shrugged and said, "Yin Zhu, I know you really can't bear it and feel guilty, but don't say you don't have any joy in escaping from the calculation."

When Yin Zhu heard this, he wanted to kill the dead chicken in front of him. Was he just happy? In fact, she didn't know. As Ze said, she really didn't have the heart.

"Hurry up and find a way to take out the animal pill. You're making a fool of yourself." Bai Yangui's face is also tight.

"It's impossible. You know how much effort we spent in order to take out the animal pill from Yin Zhu. There is also Yin Zhu's help. What help can Yang Wantong provide? In addition, the array of the animal pill has been started when I tried to absorb it. As long as Yang Wantong swallows the animal pill, he will hide and can't find it." Zee explained.

Bai Yangui ran out in a hurry when he heard this, hoping that Yang Wantong hadn't swallowed the animal pill. Now he wants to stew him, damned Ze.

"Yang Wantong, Yang Wantong." Bai Yangui looks at Yang Wantong standing on the side of the road in a daze and can't help shouting.

Yang Wantong looks at Bai Yangui, who is running anxiously towards herself. She thinks that Bai Yangui is so anxious because she is afraid that she will eat the animal pill? Yang Wantong looked down at the animal pill in her hand and slowly put it into her mouth.

"Yang Wantong can't eat it. You can't eat it." Bai Yangui cries anxiously.

Yang Wantong this meeting has already swallowed the animal Dan directly, looking at anxious to run to his front white Yan to return, smile eyes narrowed up, "too late, already swallowed."

Bai Yangui couldn't help but chagrin, "you, how can you listen to Ze's nonsense? Are you stupid?"

"You, what's wrong with you?" Bai Yangui asked anxiously.

In the orc world, there are many people who are willing to give their lives for their partners, but the only one who is willing to give their lives for Bai Yangui is the girl in front of her. What's more, Yang Wantong is still in such a world. People who grow up in this independent thought are willing to give everything for him. This is the most rare thing. He will probably be with her all his life, at least bear the burden This responsibility, as he said before, he will also give everything for his partner.

"No, it's fine." Looking at Bai Yangui and looking at herself with concern, Yang Wantong smiles brightly. She really feels good, and there is no discomfort.

"You, you come with me first." All the animal pills have been swallowed. Now let's see if we can find them.

Yang Wantong smiles and lets Bai Yangui walk towards the house with her hand. Yin Zhu looks at Yang Wantong's happy smirk and can't help but slap the girl. Who is this? I can't see it on weekdays. How can it be a love brain?

"Elder sister, please take care of me in the future." Yang Wantong said with a smile.

"I don't want to take care of you at all. You are a trouble." Yin Zhu said with a frown.

When Yang Wantong heard this, she was not angry. Instead, she was smiling. Bai Yangui was already looking for the whereabouts of beast Dan. However, as Ze said, once this thing entered her body, she couldn't find it at all.

Yang Wantong swallowed the animal pill. No one knows what kind of influence it will have. Naturally, they can't let Yang Wantong stay here.

"Since you are desperate to do it, you will want to go with us, silly girl. Have you ever thought about what kind of world we are in? You will regret it Yin Zhu reaches out his hand and knocks on Yang Wantong's forehead.

"No, sister, if you can adapt, I will." Yang Wantong said with a smile, "besides, there is Bai Yan GUI. As long as there is Bai Yan GUI, I will not regret it."

"You are out of your mind." Yin Zhu said weakly.

"I'm crazy. I'm forced by Bai Yan GUI. Bai Yan GUI tells you that you can't get rid of me. I'll follow you all the time in the future." Yang Wantong said happily.

Bai Yangui nodded helplessly when he heard this, "whatever you want." At this time, she does not follow him, he is not at ease.

"Have you talked to your master about this? Have you talked to your family? " Asked Yin Zhu.

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