"My master knows." Yang Wantong see Yin Zhu they no longer entangle themselves eat animal Dan things, can't help but smile said.

Yin Zhu looks at Yang Wantong's complacent appearance, and can't help pressing her forehead. The girl never says that she wants to go to another world and never comes back. If she has such a younger generation, she will also have a headache.

"Even if I know, I will tell your master. After that, we'll come back and have a good chat. " Yin Zhu shook his head and said helplessly.

Things here are almost ready, and she is about to say goodbye to her family.

"Well, let Bai Yangui talk to my master." Yang Wantong said with a smile.

This girl is really so simple. She is more simple than herself. Bai Yangui will say that she will definitely be beaten. She just wants to abduct other people's girls. Even if she is beaten, she should be beaten.

"Go ahead, go ahead." Yin Zhushi couldn't see Yang Wantong so happy. He didn't know if she would be happy when she went to the orc world and saw the backward economic conditions.

Yang Wantong goes to Bai Yangui's front with a smile and holds Bai Yangui's arm directly. Bai Yangui takes a look at Yang Wantong who is elated and then turns around and goes out.

Yang Wantong looks at Bai Yangui and does not throw her hand out. She can't help laughing triumphantly. It seems that Bai Yangui has accepted her.

If she had known that Bai Yangui would accept herself, she would have done it as long as she swallowed an animal pill.

However, Yang Wantong also knows that Bai Yangui is most responsible to herself now, but that's enough. As long as Bai Yangui is a responsible person, she doesn't have to worry about the future. As for love, she has so much time left to make Bai Yangui happy.

Yin Zhu sent Bai Yangui and Yang Wantong away. Then he looked coldly at Ze hiding away and said, "I probably understand what you said before, but I wonder. I haven't been with you for a long time. If it's not good for you, will you worry about me so much? Ze, there's a saying that is very good. If you don't pay attention to anything, it's either cheating or stealing. I'm not at ease that you treat me like this. "

Hearing this, Ze could not help but frown, and then seriously said: "I really have no bad heart."

Yin Zhu just looked at Ze coldly, and said nothing: "you may not have any bad intentions to me, but you must have selfish intentions in doing so. Don't think that Bai Yangui didn't settle accounts with you, you should be OK, or think that Bai Yangui won't notice."

"Bai Yangui is much smarter than me. Even I think there is something wrong with him. You think you can hide it from him. Although Bai Yangui is cold on the surface, once he makes a decision, he will take people in mind. Yang Wantong will definitely be with Bai Yangui in the future, unless Yang Wantong doesn't want Bai Yangui. You say that in this case, you calculated Yang Wantong and Bai Yangui What will Yan GUI do to you? " Yin Zhu squinted at Ze, looking at Ze tangled over there.

"I, I have a little selfishness, that is, I just want to see what happens when the animal Dan swallows it? After all, I also want the power of the animal pill. Of course, the greater role is for you. " Ze finish saying two eyes bright looking at Yin Zhu.

"What's more, I don't think Yang Wantong will have anything to do with you. This animal pill must have something to do with you. That thing should be aimed at you, but Yang Wantong is a human being. Maybe she will be ok?" Ze said suspiciously.

Maybe I don't know anything. This guy is not experimenting with Yang Wantong.

"Ze, I don't like your careful thinking. I know you can't wait to gain power. After all, you should have been a powerful demon before, but you are so unscrupulous that I'm afraid. I don't dare to take you to the orc world. I'm afraid that the disaster there has not been solved, and then I'll bring back a bigger one." Yin Zhu looks at Ze coldly.

Ze wanted to take Bai Yan back before. It's not a good man. Before, they always thought he was a chicken and had no attack power controlled by them, so they were very relieved. However, she forgot that he was a cunning demon, which was not easy for them to fool with. Now Ze had to follow them because he couldn't help it. If this guy has the ability, I'm afraid I'll be the first to take revenge on those who enslaved him.

What's more, Ze said so much, she can't believe it all. How to say this animal Dan depends on what he said. They don't understand it, and they don't know how to study it.

"What do you want?" Ze frowned and said.

"To tell you the truth, you have really helped me a lot during this period of time. I am very grateful to you. I really want to take you as my companion, but now I understand that we are not the same kind of people. Of course, it is difficult for people like me to do great things, but I fear life. Ze, you always have to give me reasons to trust you, otherwise, look at this period I won't embarrass you in the contact between you, but you will depend on your own life in the future. I dare not take you back. " Yin Zhu said calmly.

Ze can't help but jump up when he hears this. He looks up high. During this period of time, when he gets along with Bai Yan Gui Yin Zhu, he almost forgets his own nature. These two people are really kind-hearted people. They are very suitable to be partners, so he subconsciously calculates others.As for the selection of Yang Wantong, one is that this person likes Bai Yangui and goes there voluntarily. In addition, she also knows Yin Zhubai Yangui, so that the two of them are willing to take her to the orc world. Second, as he thinks, Yang Wantong may not be in danger.

What's more, after being with Bai Yangui for such a long time, he can see that Bai Yangui doesn't really love Yang Wantong, but he didn't expect that Bai Yangui, a fool, should shoulder his own responsibility. In this way, he can't say what happened to Yang Wantong.

"I really don't have any intention, and I don't want to count you. Forget it, what's the use of saying so much? The reason why I don't count you is that I think you are soft hearted and will be good friends. That's all. You can do what you want to do to me." Ze sighed and walked away slowly.

Anyway, Yin Zhu has done a lot of spells on him. He has studied them himself, and some of them haven't been cracked yet. That's it.

He has done so much to help, but it seems that he has done something wrong. He knows that they are soft hearted, so naturally he is not willing to take advantage of others.

Yin Zhu looks at Ze, who is walking far away. Maybe Ze doesn't have a bad heart. But if he doesn't restrain him, it will happen in the future. Yin Zhu doesn't want to happen anything out of control, especially when they are going back to the orc continent. The world is simpler, but there are more intrigues to face when they go back there.

On the other side, Bai Yangui follows Yang Wantong to Lin Chun. Lin Chun looks at Bai Yangui with a black face. Bai Yangui has just agreed to cooperate with him. What does that mean now?

"Master, please help me and Bai Yangui." Looking at Lin Chun's black face, Yang Wantong stands up to speak.

"You, fool." Lin Chun angrily scolds, he is to embarrass white Yan to return for who, this wench is really because of a man dizzy.

"Master." Yang Wantong cried wrongly.

"Forget it, you won't look back even if you break the south wall." Lin Chun said this, the whole person decadent.

"Bai Yangui, I don't know why you changed your mind. I only have one sentence. Since you choose a girl, you must take good care of her. Even if my strength is not as good as you, as long as you let me know that you make her sad, I'll try my best to find you. Do you know?" Lin Chun said aloud.

"You can rest assured that I will protect her well and protect her with my life." Bai Yangui answered firmly.

It has to be said that Bai Yangui's answer is deep in Lin Chun's heart, so he can rest assured. Bai Yangui doesn't have much contact with this person, but it can be seen that this person will not easily give a promise. As for whether he can do it or not, at least he has this heart.

"Thank you, master." Yang Wantong saw Lin Chun's face ease, said happily.

"Don't thank me. If you don't annoy me, I'll be fine. Take people back to your parents and have a look." Lin Chun also knows Bai Yangui's identity. I'm afraid that he won't stay in the city more in the future. It's estimated that he will see you again a long time later.

"Yes, yes." Yang Wantong answered with a smile. As for whether her parents would agree to this, Yang Wantong didn't think about it at all. Anyway, as long as the master agreed, her parents seldom asked about her.

Bai Yangui was also a little surprised. He didn't expect to pass the test so soon. After all, Lin Chun told him not to go with Yang Wantong. He agreed, and then changed his mind. As a result, Lin Chun didn't deal with him, so he agreed?

he thought this test was too easy.

Happy Yang Wantong this meeting already took Bai Yan back to his room to talk.

Lin Chun looks at Yang Wantong's appearance, sighs, sighs again, he also thinks that he doesn't agree, but what can she do if she doesn't agree? The girl is stubborn. In addition, Bai Yangui clearly agrees to him and goes back, so it shows that she must have done something to make Bai Yangui have to take her away.

Since it's to let Bai Yan return, it's not what he can stop. Sometimes girls do things without looking at the consequences. Fortunately, Bai Yan's quality is OK, so he can rest assured.

As for what the girl did, he didn't agree. He thought that he could even rob people () beast Dan before. It's not a good thing, and it's related to Bai Yan's return to their demon. It's really heartbreaking to accept such an apprentice.

He still hurried to think about what is more suitable for Yang Wantong to take away, do you want to get something to restrain monsters?

Lin Chun calculates in his heart what Yang Wantong can take away. It's hard for him to leave, but he always has to prepare some dowries for her.

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