Ze hiding in the corner of the room, some sad looking at Yin Zhu, from the white Yan back, after they left, Yin Zhu did not pay any attention to him.

Ze knows that he makes Yin Zhu feel uneasy. Even if he says he has no bad heart, Yin Zhu needs to believe it to be useful. Obviously, Yin Zhu is annoyed by his previous actions.

He really wants to go to the orc world, which should belong to a undeveloped world, and a beast Dan has such powerful power. He can imagine how much benefit he will get from going to that world.

There is no aura in this world for a long time, which is not suitable for him. Besides, the chicken body is afraid that it will soon be out of order. Therefore, the orc world must go.

How to make Yin Zhu believe in himself? Ze thought, frowning.

Ze knew that he was not a good man, otherwise he would not have calculated Bai Yangui at the beginning. He just didn't expect that Bai Yangui would be so cautious. The reason why Bai Yangui would stay behind was because he was useful. Otherwise, according to the way he calculated Bai Yangui, he would have died long ago. He has been with Bai Yangui Yinzhu for some time, and he has a little affection for them, but this kind of affection is not enough It's not enough to maintain the relationship between them. After thinking about it, Ze finally gritted his teeth and ran to Yin Zhu and said, "Yin Zhu, I know I can't let you or Bai Yan GUI trust me 100%. I also know that I beg you, not you beg me, but Yin Zhu, I won't give my life to you easily."

"Although I know you are soft hearted and kind, no demon will give his life to others, so the only thing I can do is to sign an equal contract with you. With this contract, I can't hurt you or cheat you, but at the same time, you can't hurt me, Yin Zhu. This is the only thing I can promise." Ze looks up at Yin Zhu seriously.

Yin Zhu nodded when she heard this. In fact, what she wanted was only a way to restrain Ze. She didn't care about anything else.

Yin Zhu looked at Ze standing in front of him and gave a faint smile. "Well, Bai Yangui and I didn't want to control your life and death. We just don't want you to count us, not only me, but also my relatives and friends. Ze, you can swear that you can't hurt my family and friends. Otherwise, you will die of five thunders."

Ze was stunned to hear this, and then asked: "Yin Zhu, do you still believe this?"

Yin Zhu listened to a faint smile, "isn't that what the novel says? You can do whatever you want. Anyway, you can have more peace of mind. "

Ze can't help but stare at this. Let alone, this monk can't swear casually, because many of them will come true unless he is strong enough to resist the punishment of the oath.

"Yes, I can." Yin Zhu said very simply.

Ze was relieved when he heard Yin Zhu's answer. He was really afraid that Yin Zhu would use him as a slave. In that case, he would not be reconciled. Even if he was enslaved, it would depend on time. If he lived forever, he would never agree.

Fortunately, there was no conflict with Yin Zhu, otherwise the next thing would be difficult.

After he got Yin Zhu's words, Ze left with a smile. He wanted to go to another world. He had to prepare things, all kinds of things.

Lin Chun looks at the distance between Yang Wantong and Bai Yangui. He can't help sighing. He used to go for Bai Yangui's medicine, but now he's his own man, and he's going to have to spend more time.

They used to look at the foreigners fooling around, waiting for the whole nest to clean them up.

I really think this is the place where they can go in and out. As for the problem of Bai Yangui, the werewolf, who saw it, would destroy all the data in the laboratory. I think Bai Yangui should have a way to control those people in the laboratory.

Lin Chun directly starts the relationship in his hands. If he can do it, he can do it directly. If he can't do it, he can't send it away.

It's Chen Ran, the leader of Qinglong gang. This guy has a black heart. It's better to ask Bai Yangui if he has any way to control the people. At that time, it's easy for such a big gang to do anything, so as to save these guys from having enough to do bad things.

Lin Chun quickly planning, the mind is fast rotation.

Bai Yangui followed Yang Wantong back to her room. This is the second time she came to her room. She didn't have a good look at it for the first time. This time, she can have a good look. Yang Wantong's room is very warm. The main color is orange. It's very warm. The things in the room are simple and generous, similar to her people.

Bai Yangui took Yang Wantong to sit down and said seriously, "Yang Wantong, you should follow me. Don't regret it in the future."

Yang Wantong smiles and grabs Bai Yangui's slender fingers to play, "don't worry, don't regret, I never regret."

Bai Yangui stares at Yang Wantong seriously. After a long time, he says, "since you want to follow me, I'll tell you what I'm doing."

Yang Wantong nodded cleverly, waiting for Bai Yan to return.

"The world I live in is called the orc world. I am not a demon, but an ORC. Orcs are divided into two kinds. Our family is good at spiritual secrets, called the nightmare family, which can control the fighting of wild animals. Yin Zhu and his family are good at fighting and strong.""However, the orc's life seems calm and peaceful on the surface, but it's not. Although Yin Zhu's family has strong fighting power, they are irascible and easy to get angry. Our family has strong mental strength, but they have physical defects. The two races are complementary on the surface, but there is no way to integrate them. Moreover, the defects between the two races are gradually increasing, if we don't solve them In other words, the people of the nightmare clan will go crazy in the end, and the orcs will gradually become irrational killing machines. For this reason, some strong people of the tribe send us to this world by way of blood sacrifice, saying that we can find a way to save the orcs in this world. In fact, at the beginning, those people only sent Yin Zhu. I was by the way, because I had too much mental strength, my body could not bear it It's only a few years since I died, so I came with Yin Zhu regardless of the danger. At that time, I didn't think about the consequences, so I thought that if there was a just in case, I could see another world, which others couldn't see. " White Yan return light say.

"Are you well now?" Yang Wantong asked anxiously.

"Now, we do find a way to heal our bodies in this world." Bai Yangui said with a smile, "you see, I'm not in good health now?"

Bai Yangui looked at Yang Wantong's concerned eyes and touched her long hair. "It's OK. I'm fine. I'm fine now." This kind of concern is also very good. In the past, because of his own body, he always kept away from others. Now can he harvest his feelings.

"How do you heal your body?" Yang Wantong asked curiously.

"That's what I'm going to say next. Didn't you eat the animal pill? The so-called animal pill should be brought into our body by a strong man in order to steal the energy in our body, and my shackles have been untied, so I'm ok. " Bai Yangui explained.

"Well, I swallowed the animal pill? I knew Ze was not kind. " Yang Wantong cried angrily.

"It's OK. He has dealt with the beast pill. What's stored in it is only energy. The one that can absorb human energy has been eliminated, but the beast pill has been marked. I'm afraid that the strong one in our world will find you. The strong man is terrible. You can imagine how terrible the strong man who can control the whole world is. Yang Wantong, if you go with me, you will have to fight against such a strong man. Are you afraid? " Bai Yangui asked word by word.

When Yang Wantong heard this, she laughed. Then she put her head on Bai Yangui's shoulder and said, "Bai Yangui, as long as you're here, I'll be at ease. As long as you don't leave me, there's a saying on our side, that's to say," marry a chicken with a chicken and marry a dog with a dog. "

When Bai Yangui heard this, he reached out and hugged Yang Wantong, "OK, I remember."

"What's your relationship with Yin Zhu?" Yang Wantong at this time can not help but curious to ask, any woman care about this.

Bai Yangui thought with her head askew when she heard this, "should be regarded as a friend, and a sister?"

"Yin Zhu was searching for the truth for the orc world, and then she went to the nightmare world. The first one she entered in the nightmare world was my tribe. Then I met her. My aunt was the priest of the tribe. She figured out that my life was on Yin Zhu. Then I told her all my plans. Yin Zhu was willing to take me with her and helped me along the way A lot. Of course, I also helped her, and then I came to this world all the time. My aunt was right. I really got rid of the shackles of fate, and then I found Ziji's partner. " Bai Yangui said happily.

Yang Wantong is also very happy to hear this, "when we go back to be filial to our aunt."

It seems that the priests are very powerful. They can even count these things. I don't know if they think they are human.

Yang Wantong feels that she is beginning to worry about gain and loss. Now Bai Yangui has finally accepted herself. She is worried that his family will not accept her. Maybe all the women in love are like this.

Bai Yangui doesn't know Yang Wantong's mind. When she praises her relatives, she is also happy in her heart. "Well, aunt is a very good person, and you will like it when you see her."

"Will the aunt like me?" Yang Wantong asked carefully.

Bai Yangui heard this and laughed, "as long as I like aunts will like it, you can rest assured."

Hearing this, Yang Wantong can't help but feel elated. Bai Yangui admits that she likes her, doesn't she?

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