After a few days' rest, Yin Zhu went to find his parents. Yin Zhu's parents probably knew that Yin Zhu was almost busy and was about to leave. However, Yin Zhu didn't mention it. They thought they didn't know. The family had a good time for a few days.

Yin Zhu cares about what Bai Yangui is busy with. Since he leaves everything to Bai Yangui, Yin Zhu also trusts Bai Yangui. Anyway, the main problem of animal pill has been clarified, the biggest problem has been solved, and the rest of the small problems are believed to be well done by Bai Yangui.

In a flash of time, Yin Zhu accompanied her parents for more than half a month. On the last day, Yin Zhu didn't tell her parents that she wanted to leave. She didn't want her parents to be sad. She directly sealed the memory of her parents. She didn't want them to be so sad.

Qin Ran's laboratory was abandoned somehow. Qin ran was even reported. All the illegal evidence had been handed in. As for Professor Baker, he forgot everything. The chaotic situation in a city had been changed. Yin Zhu knew that Bai Yangui and Lin Chun had done all these things. How did they do them? Yin Zhu didn't ask about the process. All these things were wrong Good is good, no one can find their parents there.

No one knows how Lin Chun and Bai Yangui negotiated. Anyway, it was a successful solution.

Looking at Yang Wantong holding Bai Yangui's arm with a smile, Yang Wantong doesn't know how to persuade her master. Lin Chun didn't come to see her off, as if she really put it down.

"We're gone. If we can come back in the future, let's say another thing. Yang Wantong, you still have a chance to regret it." Yin Zhu once again gives Yang Wantong a choice.

Yang Wantong held her fist, looked at Yin Zhu seriously and said, "Yin Zhu, don't look down on me now. I'm very powerful now. I can definitely help you a lot." In the past half a month, she has absorbed more than half of the strength of the animal pill.

"Well, no regrets." Yin Zhu smiles, and Yang Wantong is now satisfied with the return of Bai Yan.

"Well, I'm so excited. I'm going to start a journey in another world." Yang Wantong finished also pinched his excited red cheek.

Yin Zhu couldn't help shaking his head when he saw this. Well, I can't understand the girl's idea.

Yin Zhu looked at several people standing there and directly pressed the bead on his bracelet.

With the injection of Yin Zhu's power, the beads slowly melt and then break. Yin Zhu sees a pattern unfolding under his feet. Yin Zhu holds Yang Wantong's hands for the first time, and then a hole like a black hole devours them.

When Yin Zhu opens the array here, the orc mainland's array, which has been silent for a long time, shines brightly.

Bai Ji looked at the array that had been fully activated, and couldn't help laughing, "he's finally back. He's been waiting long enough." But think of the problems Yin Zhu said before, think of what they did, think that they did better than he imagined.

It's very good. Now he finally understands why God chose Yin Zhu. It seems that Yin Zhu is not all useless.

Bai Kun has been waiting with Tengxiao Leihe. He's worried that as soon as Yin Zhu comes back, Bai Ji will attack them. They'll be ready.

Bai Ji can't help sneering at Bai Kun's defensive appearance. If he wants to do something, these guys can't help it.

But I can't see that several people still have deep feelings. It seems that he didn't remember what he told them before.

With the energy launch of the array, everyone knows that people are about to pass it. Everyone can't help but stare.

The unreal figures have appeared. Bai Kun can't help staring at them. How can there be three figures?

As the power of the array slowly dissipates, Yin Zhu's three figures are firmly standing on the ground. Looking at Bai Kun who is not far away, Yin Zhu can't help copying them and running.

"Baikun Tengxiao Leihe, I miss you so much." Yin Zhu said happily, as for the white Festival, it has been ignored by Yin Zhu.

Yang Wantong was originally held by Bai Yangui. Before Bai Yangui, she had been holding Yang Wantong. She was afraid that Yang Wantong would be rejected by the will of the world. Fortunately, she was OK.

Yang Wantong at this time is curious to see left and right, looking around very excited.

Looking at Yin Zhu in a twinkling of an eye, she jumped into the arms of three men. Yang Wantong could not help covering her eyes and muttering, "how unrestrained."

When Bai Yangui heard this, he couldn't help laughing. "What are you talking about? Those three are all Yin Zhu's partners. Yin Zhu has four partners."

"Four?" When Yang Wantong heard this, she couldn't help staring big eyes. How can she, four? Look at the men, they are very beautiful, especially the one named Bai Kun. It's just as beautiful as the one coming out of the picture, many beautiful men.

"Are you going to find more beautiful men and more partners?" White Yan return light say.

Hearing this, Yang Wantong shook her head in a hurry. "I only want you." Then he laughed twice.

Bai Yangui also laughed when he heard this, "I tell you, a weak female like you can't get married in the orc continent. No one wants it. Yin Zhu's body is too small. Probably no one will like you except me." Bai Yangui said with a proud smile.Hearing this, Yang Wantong couldn't help but look silly, "isn't it? No one wants my perfect figure?" She looked hopelessly at the females around her. Sure enough, they were all similar to Yin Zhu. They were tall and big. What kind of taste were they.

Can look at the people around a curious look at her, to say the eyes of admiration that is not one.

"So don't compare with Yin Zhu." Bai Yangui said with a smile.

Yang Wantong heard this with a sly smile, and then said: "Bai Yan GUI, are you afraid that I will take a fancy to others?"

When Bai Yangui heard this, he just laughed, "as long as you feel good."

When Yang Wantong heard this, she was annoyed. "You don't care about your feelings at all. Bai Yangui, you are determined to eat me. Do you think I can't run?"

Bai Yangui said with a smile, "yes, I'll take you."

There is already a group of people around Yin Zhu. One by one, they begin to check Yin Zhu's body and make sure that he is in good condition.

Yin Zhu looked at them one by one and couldn't help laughing, "I'm going back to my mother's house. How can I suffer? Take a hundred heart. "

Looking at Yin zhujiaoqiao, Bai Kun couldn't help reaching out his hand and nodding, "OK, we know you're fine. Shall we go back first?" At this time, Bai Kun took a dim look at Bai Ji.

Obviously, he has a lot to ask Yin Zhu. The two people had a simple exchange before, but they still didn't understand many key questions. There is Baiji here. Obviously, baikun wants to ask everything before Baiji knows, so that he can make arrangements in advance.

And then there's the extra female. Who is it? In the past, there were only Yin Zhu and Bai Yan, but now there is one more female and one more chicken? What the hell is going on? These two people must be very important to Yin Zhu, otherwise Yin Zhu would not risk bringing these two people to the world.

The female looks so petite. Is that the female in Yin Zhu's world? I don't know what Yin Zhu was like before.

Of course, Bai Kun just thought about it for a moment and then forgot it. Now he'd better take Yin Zhu back and Bai Yangui back together.

Bai Kun has already left with Yin Zhuxian, while Leihe and Tengxiao stare at each other, one picks up Ze, and the other runs to Bai Yangui, pulling the two people who are living there.

Bai Ji looks at Bai Kun and takes them away. He is not worried at all. He just smiles faintly. What he arranges is not so easy to understand. Anyway, as long as Yin Zhu is in the orc mainland, she can't escape from her.

The most important thing for him now is to find out that Ziji wants to be himself. Ziji arranges Bai Yan to go back to that world. Now that Bai Yan returns, Ziji must know what they find, but Ziji is not on the side of Yanzu. Ziji runs away and goes to the orc world.

He doesn't know what he wants to do, but Ziji won't go there for no reason. Ziji has some ability. Baiji doesn't want to fall into Ziji's hands after he has planned so many things.

After Bai Kun returns to his residence with Yin Zhu, the person who looks at Bai Ji doesn't follow him. Bai Kun's heart can't help sinking. What does Bai Ji say so frankly?

To make it clear, Ji didn't worry about them at all, but felt that they couldn't escape, no matter how they struggled.

Bai Kun didn't say anything about his idea, but he was afraid to add pressure to them. Tengxiao Leihe and tengxi Tengcheng were both happy. He didn't want to destroy the beautiful atmosphere this time.

Since Bai Ji is not worried, can he relax? Anyway, salted fish is just like that.

At this time, Leihe Tengxiao has been asking questions around Yin Zhu, and everyone is talking a lot, very happy.

Yang Wantong will be very surprised to see Yin Zhu get along with several partners. It's amazing that she is so harmonious and has no accident. Looking at Yin Zhu who is surrounded by several beautiful men, Yang Wantong can't help but look at Bai Yangui beside her. This person is really incomparable with others.

Bai Yan Guiyi sees Yang Wantong's eyes. Seeing Yang Wantong's loss, Bai Yan Guiyi's eyes raise a faint smile. Then she secretly reaches out a hand, grabs her hand, and blinks at her.

When Yang Wantong felt that her hand was caught by someone, she couldn't help but be stunned, and then she laughed.

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