Bai Kun looked at the happy appearance of several people, but he was thinking about what Bai Ji wanted to do?

The purpose of baiji is Yinzhu, which is very clear. Now Yinzhu has come back, but Baiji doesn't show it at all. Is Baiji confident or indifferent? And then there's Ziji. Where's Ziji?

Bai Kun never dares to regard Ziji as his own person, even if he becomes a disciple under his name, even though Ziji has never hurt them from the beginning to the end, but he still doesn't believe that Ziji and Baiji are the same, they are both relatively selfish people, maybe they have their own reasons, but those weak and small people lost their lives because of their great reasons In Bai Kun's opinion, this is wrong.

Think about how weak the Meizu used to be, but no one in their race would sacrifice their weakness. They often choose to sacrifice themselves to defend their people. This is the real greatness.

Of course, Baiji can say that many of those who died were voluntary, and some of them were voluntary, but most of them died in ignorance, and the weak even had no chance to choose between life and death.

's white sacrifices were not unshaken, but in Bai's view, the white sacrifices were just like those people. Although the last thing she wants to do is to fight against those people and protect her people, who can guarantee that Mengji can really protect her people?

Thinking about the swallowed Xiaojin, Bai Kun can't help but frown. Xiaojin can devour the energy of the dark system. Although these energies can make Xiaojin powerful, he is also worried that these forces will hurt Xiaojin. After all, these forces even bother Mengji. How can Xiaojin feel that he can absorb them? What will little Kim become in the end?

Baiji must have a way to communicate with Mengji and let Mengji let Xiaojin go. Baiji also said that he would let Xiaojin come back, but he didn't move. Would Baiji want to use Xiaojin to threaten Yinzhu?

But it's impossible. Although they will be afraid of it, they will never compromise because of it. Even if Yin Zhu agrees, they will not agree. They have been on the road of finding the truth with Yin Zhu for a long time, and they want to pay everything for it.

Bai Kun's thoughts are spinning fast, but he is listening to Yin Zhu's voice and collecting some useful things.

When Bai Kun heard Yin Zhu say that her own animal pill had disappeared, Bai Kun looked at Yin Zhu in surprise and said, "do you think animal pill is something that outsiders left us to seize our power? Have you taken out the animal pill? " I knew before that Yin Zhu came back to deliver the news, but at that time, he was ambivalent. After I really knew it, I was still quite shocked.

Then Bai Kun looks at Ze, who is held in his arms by Yin Zhu. He can't help but frown and wring it up. Then they look at each other. Ze feels like he is in a crisis. "Yin Zhu, help me."

The way this man looks at himself is terrible. He was a little afraid. Now he thought that Yin Zhu and Bai Yangui were too kind. Fortunately, he had signed a contract with Yin Zhu, otherwise he would die miserably.

Yin Zhu looks at the monkey like Ze in Bai Kun's hands. He is very different. He smiles at this matter in his heart. "What are you afraid of? Bai Kun won't do anything to you with me."

Yin Zhu is also telling the truth. With her, Bai Kun really won't do anything to him, but Ze feels very bad in his heart. "Yin Zhu, big beauty Yin, you are kind-hearted and clever. We are so congenial. You won't be so cruel to me, will you?"

Yin Zhu can't help laughing when she looks at Ze's flattery, because she has never seen Ze's bad side. This guy is always proud of her. Even if he was oppressed by her and signed a contract, he would stand on the opposite side of the same. But she didn't think about it. Only when she saw Bai Kun, he turned out to be like this. I knew Bai Kun had this function She didn't have to worry about her rebellion.

"You'd better follow Bai Kun. I tell you, Bai Kun is the one who knows the most and is the smartest. Don't you want to know the history of the world? Bai Kun can meet all your requirements. " Yin Zhu has no compassion to throw Ze to Bai Kun.

Hearing this, Ze could not help but burst into tears. "Yin Zhu, you can't do this. I'm still a big yellow girl. How can you let me be with a man? You'll ruin my reputation."

Yin Zhu was a little scared when he heard this. He was always the most concerned about his gender. He wanted to wipe out all the people who knew about it. Then everyone knew that he was a man. As a result, at this time, Ze took the initiative to mention his identity, that is, he wanted to get rid of Bai Yangui. What's the matter?

"Ze, what's the matter with you? I don't think Bai Kun has the ability to make you fear when you see him. " Yin Zhu is very confused.

Ze this will be very sad to say: "Yin Zhu, this guy will absorb people's vitality, is the vitality ah."

Yin Zhu was stunned when he heard this, and then looked at Bai Kun in dismay, "no? No, Bai Kun won't absorb other people's vitality. Besides, I have been with Bai Kun for some time before, and we are all fine. Are you wrong? ""It can't be wrong, Yin Zhu. My feeling can't be wrong. I haven't felt much since I was far away from him. But close to him, my manager Sheng has been absorbed. I guess it's because you have strong strength and you don't feel the loss of vitality, or your ability in this aspect has been obscured. For example, you can't feel the things about animal pill, but I don't know The vitality of this chicken is very weak. I feel it when he sucks it. If you really let me go with him, Yin Zhu, I can collect my body in a few days. " Ze yelled.

Yin Zhu couldn't help frowning when he heard this, "Bai Kun, what's wrong with you." If you want to say that Bai Kun is the kind of person who can absorb life power, Yin Zhu absolutely does not believe it.

"No, I feel good about myself. No one should be able to cheat on me. Yin Zhu, is this Ze wrong?" Bai Kun couldn't help asking.

Ze couldn't help jumping up when he heard this, "how can I make a mistake, sir? It's also your fault."

Bai Kun directly stares at Ze when he hears this. He looks like a man without a soul in Ze, who was originally valiant, drooping his head and listless.

When Yin Zhu heard this, he frowned. It should be true that he could make Ze scold him like this. Although Ze's character is jumping off, he knows a lot about it. It's also very important. He usually doesn't talk nonsense.

But how could Bai Kun absorb the vitality of others? How many people did Bai Kun contact, and then all the people were absorbed by him?

"Well, you can feel it. Is there anyone else like that?" Yin Zhu asked questions.

Ze checked several people present, and then determined that only Bai Kun would absorb other people's vitality, and other people did not have such a situation.

Bai Kun couldn't help frowning at this time. Before, he had been thinking about other people's problems, but he didn't think that he had problems?

He can absorb other people's vitality. How he absorbs it, he doesn't feel at all, and he doesn't feel any different from others.

No, there must be something different, otherwise it would not be like this. He thought about what was wrong with him.

Is it because of the previous punishment? Or is it because of reincarnation? If you want to say that you are different from others, only these two points are different. It is obvious that Yin Zhu and some of them also thought about this problem at this time.

However, whether it's divine punishment or reincarnation, it's all made by Bai Ji. So it's still Bai Ji's plot. Bai Ji should know about this, right?

"Try reincarnation first." Yin Zhu told everyone to get out of the way and let Bai Kun have a try.

Bai Kun nodded, and then with Bai Kun's exercise, Ze cried out, "stop, stop, you can't practice, you're going to lose your life."

"It's reincarnation." Now Bai Kun said with great certainty.

When Bai Kun heard this, he couldn't help but have a headache. At the beginning, he practiced the reincarnation formula in order to understand the specificity of reincarnation formula and to relieve the consequences of divine punishment. At the beginning, he also knew that reincarnation formula had great defects, so he didn't dare to practice recklessly. However, he never thought that the so-called reincarnation formula was to constantly absorb the vitality of others. No wonder he practiced reincarnation formula No one will die, because they are robbing the vitality of the victim. Where will they die.

"Why? Why is it that if Mengji wants to be powerful, she can cultivate the reincarnation formula by herself? Why should she spread the reincarnation formula all over the world? Can it be passed on to her again through the power absorbed by others? Is she trying to drive the whole world crazy? The people who have practiced the reincarnation formula run to Hanhai and can't go back to land. Then they can only absorb each other's vitality. No wonder everyone is crazy at last. What does Mengji want to do? " Bai Kun can't feel his head and says with a headache.

Yin Zhu is also puzzled. Yes, Bai Kun is right. If Mengji really wants to be powerful, she can let some people practice reincarnation formula. Why should she spread reincarnation formula all over the mainland?

Baiji must know about this. Why didn't he say it? He also said that he was for the sake of the whole world and the continent. All this bullshit. Why? Why on earth is this? What should we do? Bai Kun thought angrily.

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