"Ze, what should Bai Kun do?" Yin Zhu asked anxiously.

Ze would shake his head and say, "I don't know, but this kind of people who win other people's life force through secret methods often come to no good end."

When Yin Zhu heard this, he couldn't help getting angry. At this time, Ze was still poor with her. "Ze, think about it seriously. I can tell you that this place is called the dark abyss. Almost all the people here have practiced the reincarnation formula. If you don't work hard, you can't get out of the dark abyss. So think about it carefully. Only we can get out of the dark abyss There are a lot of animal Dan waiting for you outside

Hearing this, Ze couldn't help but feel anxious. "What can I do to come up with this skill? It must be an evil cultivation. The method of evil cultivation is often the most difficult to deal with."

"I don't listen to excuses, I just want methods." Yin Zhu said coldly.

Of course, Yin Zhu doesn't put all his hopes on Ze. They also want to do a good job of reincarnation and reincarnation. Bai Kun has no practice, but this thing will subconsciously absorb other people's vitality.

After hearing Yin Zhu's mandatory order, Yang Wantong frowned. She would smile and knead her head and said, "Ze, you should be proud of them. So many of them are not as smart as you. They have to rely on you to find a way. You are the most powerful."

Originally some angry Ze was Yang Wantong so Shun Mao, actually very proud smile, "that is, you are weak chicken, a little thing or rely on my uncle."

Yin Zhu can't help laughing when he sees that Ze has to deal with it. This guy is better to follow Mao Lu.

"Yin Zhu, in that case, you guys should stay away from me for a while, and wait until I come up with a solution." With that, Bai Kun couldn't help being a few meters away from the crowd.

Yin Zhu couldn't help feeling a little heartache when she saw this. She wanted to go to Bai Kun, but Bai Kun shook his head with a smile and said, "Yin Zhu, don't come near me. I'm ok. You should believe me."

Yin Zhu could only stop and take a closer look at Bai Kun. When he saw that there was nothing unusual about Bai Kun, he was a little relieved. Among the partners, Bai Kun was the smartest and calmest.

Several other people were very happy with Yin Zhu's return. Because of Bai Kun's change, they were silent.

"Go and have a rest. Maybe we'll have a tough fight tomorrow." Yin Zhu sighed and said.

"Bai Yangui, what are you going to do?" Yin Zhu turns to ask Bai Yangui.

Bai Yangui said with a smile, "I don't have a place to go now. Ziji doesn't know where to go for the time being. I'll follow you first and most of you, so that I won't be weak."

"Is Ziji gone?" Yin Zhu asked curiously.

Bai Kun and Bai Yangui both nodded at the same time. Bai Kun said, "ziji hasn't been for a long time. At the beginning, I wanted to borrow her to deal with Baiji, but I don't know what happened. One day, he suddenly left without informing anyone."

Bai Kun thinks that Ziji had an intention to take him as an apprentice. It's impossible to give him benefits all the time and take him to the dark abyss, right? Even asking him to practice the reincarnation formula is arranged. It is estimated that he knows the function of the reincarnation formula. So where did Ziji go at this time and what did he arrange?

Baiji Ziji, thinking of these two priests, Bai Kun couldn't help but have a headache. Then he thought, he can say that he knows more than ordinary people. First, she even knows the biggest secret animal Dan in the world. So what would he do if he became a priest?

In such a world that is about to be destroyed, there are only three ways to be a priest. The first is to protect your own people, lead all the people to fight against, and finally save all the people. The second is to know that you are powerless and unable to change, and choose to save yourself and go with the tide? The third is to become someone on the other side and find a way out for yourself.

What kind of person is Baiji Ziji? On the surface, Baiji belongs to the first type, but baikun feels a little strange, but he can't tell where it is. Ziji seems to be the second type. He doesn't care much about the whole Orc affairs, so he has to live a good life. But if Ziji doesn't care, Ziji won't take him as an apprentice, and he won't take the opportunity to confiscate Baiyan to Yinzhu. So Ziji is definitely not the second type .

What's more, Bai Kun also finds it strange that both Bai Ji and Zi Ji are people in the nightmare world. Normally, the nightmare people and the orcs score the world. Even if the people of the nightmare people are naturally smart, why didn't the leader of the orcs show up in this catastrophe.

Animal God Wuji is not the leader at all. She is just a wretch arranged by Baiji. Is Yin Zhu the leader? Bai Kun thought for a moment. Yin Zhu is the leader of the younger generation. What about the older generation?

Since the orcs can share the world equally with the nightmares, they can't be without a leader. If there is no leader in the orc world, the orcs are not qualified to share the world with the nightmare clan.

"Bai Kun, do you think Ziji will go to the orc world?" Yin Zhu suddenly raises a question. Even if Bai Kun can't go to the land, he will certainly arrange for others to go. But Bai Kun says that there is no news of Ziji. Bai Kun wants to do things well, but now they can't find any news of Ziji. So will Ziji not be on the side of Yan Clan.Bai Kun just didn't think about it for a moment. Yin Zhu thought about it as soon as he mentioned it. Would Ziji be the real Orc leader? Now it's a bad day for the orcs. What will Ziji do when he goes back?

I'm afraid that the foundation laid by Yin Zhu will be cheaper than Ziji.

"Yin Zhu, I think we must find a way to go back to the orc world. We must go back." Bai Kun said with certainty.

"How can I get back?" They have been in the nightmare world for such a long time, but they have not found the way to the orc world. How can they go back?

"Baiji knows. We'll find Baiji and I'll go back." Bai Kun is sure that among them, only he can deal with Ziji. Others are afraid that they don't have the mental strength. In addition, he can't get close to them now, so as not to absorb their vitality, so it's best for him to leave.

"Will Baiji send you back?" Yin Zhu asked suspiciously.

"Yes, it will. As long as Baiji doesn't want to go wrong with his plan, he will need someone to stop Ziji. For this purpose, we are the same as Baiji. Baiji will help us." Bai Kun is quite sure that he doesn't know the purpose of Bai Ji and Zi Ji, but the only thing he is sure is that their purpose is absolutely different. Otherwise, Zi Ji doesn't have to calculate Bai Ji.

"Well, we'll go to Baiji later. Baikun, you're gone. What are we going to do here?" Yin Zhu asked with a frown.

Bai Kun couldn't help laughing when he heard this, and said very gently: "Yin Zhu, you are very powerful. You can do well without our help when you come back to your world. You just rely on us subconsciously. In fact, you are very powerful. I believe you will do well."

When Yin Zhu went back, they were really worried, but they didn't expect that Yin Zhu would finish better than they thought.

"Yes, Yin Zhu, you are very good. You want to develop well when the lake daze tribe doesn't have us." Reich couldn't help talking at this time.

"Well, no matter how many intrigues they have, I will face the difficulties and work hard for our future." Yin Zhu held his fist and swore loudly.

When we heard this, we couldn't help laughing. Teng Xi and Teng Cheng stood in the corner and looked at their happy family. They were very bitter. They knew very well that what their parents had to bear was because they understood, which made them more sad. They didn't know how to change their family's fate.

"Elder brother, shall we go to ask the master?" Tengcheng's two hands tightly grasped tengxi's hand, and his eyes were full of pleading.

When tengxi saw his brother's hopeful eyes, he couldn't help his bitterness. He sighed and said, "do you think master will change his mind? No, no, Shifu won't change. Shifu has already paid too much for this one. There is no way back. "

"What about father and mother?" Tengcheng asked sadly.

"I don't know. I wish I could replace my father and mother." Said tonsey.

They were once the genius Zichen of the nightmare clan. However, they were Teng Xi and Tengcheng, the children of Yin Zhu and Tengxiao. But they were unable to resist the master. It was the most painful thing to watch what they could not accept happen.

"Tengcheng, don't lose hope. You should know that master is still different to us. If we can't change master, then no one in the world can change him." Tanche patted his brother on the shoulder.

"Well, I know. I'll try." Tengcheng clenched his fist.

Bai Ji's meeting has already arrived in the underground palace. Looking at the sleeping appearance of Meng Ji on both sides, Bai Ji gently smiles, reaches out his hand and gently pats Meng Ji, "Meng Ji, Yin Zhu has come back. You can throw out the little gold inside and let them get together."

Mengji, who had been sleeping, slightly opened her eyes and glanced at Baiji. Then Baiji saw a group of figures thrown out by her.

Baiji will see Xiaojin sitting on the ground. At this time, he opens his eyes. But when he opens his eyes, Baiji clearly sees two faces smiling at him. He knows it's not his illusion, because it's Jono and Xiaojin greeting him. Yes, Jono wakes up and Xiaojin wakes up. These two people occupy half of their bodies, but they are weird It's the fusion of different cultures.

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