Bai Ji was very happy to take the small bottle in his hand, then carefully opened it and took a breath. He felt that his whole spirit was much better, and even his brain was clear. It was really a good thing, but he didn't know if Yin Zhu still had it. If he didn't have Yin Zhu, he wouldn't give it to himself so easily.

It's just that there won't be a lot of Yin Zhu left. It's not enough for people all over the world to use. Even if it's used, what about the follow-up new-born children? So the most basic thing is to solve the problem fundamentally.

However, this thing can be well studied. If we can study what ingredients it is and find a substitute, it's also a temporary solution, isn't it?

Bai Ji carefully covered the bottle and put it away. Then he looked at the two children not far away, sighed and said, "what are you doing over there? Come out."

Teng Xi and Teng Cheng walked carefully to Baiji and looked at Baiji with tears in their eyes. "Master, can't you let me go? Why do you want to deal with my mother, master? My mother is a good person. "

"In your eyes, Shifu, I'm a bad person. Is that the worst kind of person?" Bai Ji looks at the child in front of him with sadness.

Although he knew that the two children were not Zichen, he still saw all kinds of Zichen's figures from them. He was suspected by the people who once worshipped him most. Baiji's heart was not good.

"No Teng Xi answered in a hurry, but then he didn't know what to say.

It was not only because of Zichen's influence, but also because of his years of education.

"Teng Xi, I can tell you that I have no intention of harming your mother, but I don't admit it. A large part of the reason why she has gone to me now is in it. Teng Xi, I know what I say is useless, because the fact is that I did harm. I can only say that I will try my best to save her in the end, but I don't know what I can do." Bai Ji said with a sigh.

"Master, I don't understand. I don't understand." Teng Xi is very sad, more helpless.

Bai Ji reached out and gently touched tengxi's head at this time, "tengxi, I agreed to your mother's request before. Tengxi, you are also my child. I have taught you a lot of things that should be taught. I hope that after these things are over, you can become the leader of the world and take the rest of the orcs down."

"Master." This is obviously to account for future affairs. Bai Ji is strong enough in his opinion, but can't such a strong Bai Ji and Meng Ji defeat those people?

Who are the people hiding in the mystery? Why do they have to face such a thing.

"You are a male. You should protect the female from crying. Don't be afraid, tengxi. These things will be over soon." Bai Ji said gently.

"I don't understand and I don't want to. I hope they will be well, no matter you or my relatives. Master, tell me, tell me why?" Tanche was in agony.

Baiji looked at tengxi, then turned around and took out a roll of hide and handed it to tengxi, saying, "this is a souvenir I left you. Take it."

Bai Ji said and waved his hand, then he went directly into the room regardless of Teng Xi and Teng Cheng.

Tengxi Tengcheng looks at the hide in his hand, then they look at each other, kowtow to Baiji respectfully, and then leave.

They can feel that the baiji at this time is very abnormal, and even the feelings for them are all expressed. On weekdays, baiji is not so easy to speak and is very strict with them. For a time, they thought that Baiji only used them, but now they understand that Baiji still has feelings for them.

The two brothers returned to their residence with their skins. They studied the skins carefully first. There was only one altar painted on the skins, but it was different from all the altars they had seen in the orc world. Anyway, they had never seen it, let alone knew it.

"What is this? What's it for? " It's a pity that the two brothers can't find the corresponding information even if they have searched the memory of previous lives.

But tengxi didn't believe that it was useless. Baiji was just like a person who was explaining his future affairs. How could it be useless for him to give something to himself? But he really didn't know what the altar on the hide was for.

"Why don't we ask my mother how they are?" Tengcheng asked.

"How can I tell my mother?" Tengshi has a headache.

"Let's just say that we want to help both sides now, but we can't help anything. It's better to say everything. One more person can always do more, so that we don't have a clue to bump around." Tengcheng proposed.

Tengxi thought for a while and nodded. His mother even said that three cobblers were better than one Zhuge Liang. He didn't know who Zhuge Liang was, but what he knew was that there were many people and great power. Maybe some of them could be thought of by others.

Yin Zhu looked at the two children standing in front of him and couldn't help waving to the two brothers, "looking for a mother?" She gently held the two brothers in her arms and patted their vests with the palm of her hand.Just came back yesterday, she also wanted to have a good contact with the children, but because of many things, she said those things first, and then accompanied Bai Kun, but she didn't accompany the two children.

For her three children, Yin Zhu is deeply guilty, because she did not do a mother's responsibility.

Even because of their own reasons, these two children bear the pain and trouble that they should not bear at this age.

"I'm sorry, Teng Xi, Teng Cheng. My mother didn't take good care of you." Yin Zhu spoke softly.

"No, my mother is very good, very good." The two brothers said with one voice, they have Zichen memory of Yinzhu is also guilty, although now they have completely integrated together, but in the end is Zichen memory guide them to grow up, so Zichen to Yinzhu guilt, become their guilt to Yinzhu.

"You are so sensible. Just don't blame your mother." Yin Zhu is very pleased to hold two children, two children are really sensible, at this point she really need to thank Baiji, all this is Baiji teach.

"We are afraid that we will make my mother sad." Tengcheng bit his lower lip and said.

"No, you are so good, how can you make me sad, I'm too happy, because you are great, you know?" Yin Zhu said happily.

"By the way, mother, we have something to do with you, because just now we went to see the master. The master was strange, as if he was telling us something later. Then he gave us this. We read it, but we didn't understand it, so we wanted to discuss it with mother." Tengxi handed the hide in his hand to Yin Zhu.

Baiji is a monster. It's the same as what happens after you tell me. How can it be? Everyone in the world can die, but Baiji can't. baiji is a thousand year old monster. How can he die.

However, he left something for the two children. Yin Zhu quickly took the hide from tengxi's hand, and then looked at it carefully. It just looked like an altar from the things drawn on the map, but there was a big problem with the lines drawn inside, because she couldn't understand any of those lines. It couldn't be a brand new altar or array.

"What did he say then?" Yin Zhu asked anxiously.

Teng Xi Teng Cheng shook his head. "He said that he would be a souvenir for us. Mother, will master be ok?"

Hearing this, Yin Zhu shook his head. "It should be OK. As far as I know, no one in the world can hurt him except Meng Ji." Maybe even Mengji couldn't hurt Baiji. After all, Baiji didn't show his strength from beginning to end, unless he wanted to die.

But how can Baiji die? He hasn't got what he seeks. He will die, so it's impossible.

Teng Xi and Teng Cheng could not help laughing when they heard that Bai Ji was OK. "If master is OK, mother, do you want to see this?"

Yin Zhu looks at the two children's smiling faces and can't help sighing. It seems that the two children are very concerned about Baiji, but they are destined to become enemies. How can the two children deal with themselves at that time.

"I don't see any problem with this mother for the time being. Let's put her on the side of the picture. She's studying." Yin Zhu thinks this picture must be useful, but she still doesn't understand what to do, so she must study it carefully.

"OK, mother, take your time. Let's practice first." The two brothers went out laughing. They were going to practice hunting and improve their strength.

"Wait, Teng Xi, Teng Cheng. My mother plans to leave the dark abyss with your father in a few days. Will you come with us?" Yin Zhu asked carefully. All the children are big and can think for themselves. Yin Zhu wanted to take them away from Baiji as soon as possible, but she still wanted to consult the children and didn't want to force them.

"Leave? Where to? " Teng Xi Tengcheng was very puzzled and asked, where they lived before, they followed Bai Ji to the dark abyss behind the mangyuan tribe. Anyway, they never left their master. Now they want to leave, right? That's why master wants to give them gifts?

"I haven't decided where to go to land yet. Would you like to leave with my father and mother?" Yin Zhu carefully asked, she is really afraid of the child refused.

Teng Xi and Teng Cheng thought about Bai Ji's attitude towards them. The master agreed that his mother would not control them and wanted them to leave, right?

"OK, let's follow father and mother." Anyway, as long as I follow my father and mother, no matter what Baiji wants to do, I will meet again.

"Good, good." Yin Zhu said happily.

"Then let's go and pack up." Teng Xi Teng Cheng said, Yin Zhu nodded to let them go busy, these two little guys stay here for so long, there are a lot of things.

Yin Zhu looks at the skin in his hand, which will fall into his hand at last. He thinks Baiji should get it. Why didn't Baiji give it to him before, but he had to borrow two children's hands to give it to him?

Yin Zhu couldn't figure out the difference, or did he really just want to commemorate the two children?

I can't think of why Yin Zhu put away the hide for a long time. He went back to ask some old people if they had any other opinions. Of course, there was no old man in the dark abyss. He wanted to go to the land to have a look. It happened that they also wanted to go to the land to collect animal pills.

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