Although Baiji said that Jono would like to stay with Mengji, Yinzhu still didn't believe it. She went to the underground palace to have a look and said a lot in front of Mengji. Of course, Yinzhu didn't know if Jono and Xiaojin could hear her. At least she said that she would feel better.

She said all the things she wanted to do, which was also an account. Of course, she said goodbye to more things. Unfortunately, she said a lot. The person hidden in Mengji's body never gave her any response. I don't think she could hear it.

Looking at the silent Mengji, Yin Zhu sighs. It's not that she didn't want to wake Mengji up and let Xiaojin come out. But the problem is to think about it. Yin Zhu remembers that when Mengji woke up, the power that can destroy everything. Without absolute assurance, she won't wake Mengji up.

"Jono, I'm leaving. Take care of yourself. I won't come back to see you for a long time." Yin Zhu said with a sigh, and then turned away.

What Yin Zhu didn't know was that after she left, the person who had been hiding in Meng Ji's body raised his head slightly.

After Jono Xiaojin saw it, Yin Zhu knew it was time to go, and he had nothing to do here.

Yin Zhu and Tengxiao pack up everything. When Yin Zhu and Tengxiao are ready to leave, the whole dark abyss suddenly starts to shake. It's like an earthquake. Yin Zhu can't stand steadily and almost falls down?

"What's going on?" Yin Zhu asked anxiously.

With the help of Leihe and Tengxiao, Yin Zhu finally stood firm. The earthquake was not very violent, and it was regular. At least there was no damage to the stone houses on the side of the dark abyss. They were all in good condition. Even the guards walked in a leisurely way.

"Go and ask those people what's going on?" The guards are not busy. I think they know what will happen.

It's a pity that Tengxiao went to ask, but no one answered Tengxiao. Yin Zhu looked at the guards with some doubts. There were not many guards in the dark abyss, but one or two could be seen for so long. But all of them were wearing black armor, and even their faces were blocked under the armor, so he couldn't see what the guards looked like, Yin Zhu had also spoken to them, but no one had answered. These people insisted on following Bai Ji's instructions.

Before, Yin Zhu thought that these people were the confidants of Bai Ji, so they would never answer their own questions, but now they are strange.

"Teng Xi, Teng Cheng, do you know what these guards are all about?" Yin Zhu couldn't help asking.

"I only heard the master say that they are all blasphemers and exiled to this world, but they seem to be unable to speak and can only sink into this world forever." Tengxi told Bai Ji what he had said.

Blasphemers? Isn't there no God in this world? This person is very interesting, and they are exiled to this world. Does that mean that they are not originally people in this world?

Yin Zhu told Tengxiao Leihe about his idea. He was going to catch a guard to study it. But as soon as Yin Zhu put forward the idea, tengxi stopped him. "No way, mother. No one can touch these exiles. Whoever wants to move them will become an exile."

"What? Is that what Bai Ji said? " Yin Zhu asked.

Teng Xi nodded and said, "well, that's what it means. Even the master doesn't dare to touch them. At least we haven't seen the master touch them."

When Yin Zhu heard this, he could not help holding his chin and thinking, "in this way, these guards are really untouchable." Even Bai Ji didn't dare to touch it, so she couldn't touch it.

"Forget it. Let's go to the source and see what's going on." Yin Zhu decided to skip this problem and come back to see the problem of the guard when she was strong. By that time, she should be able to solve it.

Tengxiao nods and leads the way in a hurry. Yin Zhu's children and Bai Yan go back to the middle. After Lei he breaks up, this is to be careful of something unexpected.

The party quickly walked forward. The guards saw Yin Zhu's action without any obstruction. Soon Yin Zhu saw the place where the incident happened. It was a high platform built with stones, on which some arrays were depicted. At this time, Bai Ji was standing in the center of the array, with long hair flying and a pair of eyes smiling at Yin Zhu and his party.

What is this doing?

Yin Zhu looks at the white sacrifice on the altar with great doubts. At this time, Yin Zhu feels that the things on the altar are familiar. She quickly takes out tengxi's skins that she gave her last night, and then compares them one by one. Sure enough, this array is depicted according to the lines on the skins.

What kind of array is this? Yin Zhu watched Bai Ji accumulate more and more energy, and then his whole body began to change. Yin Zhu watched Bai Ji's whole body begin to blur, and then his body kept rising.

What kind of array is this? It looks strange. Yin Zhu can't help taking two steps.

And Teng Xi and Teng Cheng brothers could not help shouting at this time, "Shifu, Shifu, what are you doing? Master, stopBai Ji looked at the anxious appearance of the two brothers, gently shook his head and said: "this array is called turn around array, which can turn a beast pill without animal pill into a real spirit, that is, people from the last country, that is, people who grow up by eating animal pill."

"I'll give you the hide, and you'll decide for yourself the rest. Master, I'm on my way, and I can't go back. I'm glad to take you two apprentices." Bai Ji laughs. At this time, Yin Zhu sees that Bai Ji's whole body has become ethereal. Even his back has a pair of white wings, which looks a bit holy. With Bai Ji's emptiness, he looks very ethereal, but he just doesn't look like a human.

At this time, a gap suddenly opened in the sky, and then Baiji was directly absorbed by the gap. When you opened the gap, Yin Zhu saw that there were many people who were very similar to Baiji.

"Master, master." Teng Xi and Teng Cheng rushed up, but the white sacrifice was long gone.

"Is this the world behind it, the world where all the orcs are given animal pills?" Yin Zhu is very shocked to say, before she thought it was a person, who knows there is also a world.

But Bai Ji chose to give up and enter the world so quickly. He should have become a person of that race. Is he going to explore the way to sacrifice himself, or is he going to become those people completely?

If that world is human, does that mean that the orc world is their pig farm?

Thinking of this problem, Yin Zhu shook his head. No, orcs are not pigs. Each of them has his own happiness, anger, sorrow and happiness. They are rational and thoughtful. They should not become pigs raised by people. They should resist.

Since Bai Ji has already left at this time, I don't think it will harm her. At the beginning, Bai Ji said that the media's idea of harming her should be true, but Bai Ji kept saying that they didn't come to a good end. What was Bai Ji suggesting?

"Master, master's gone. Don't let us go." Tengcheng said very sad.

Tengxi stretched out his hand to hold Tengcheng and said, "we don't want master. We decided to go with father and mother before." But it's obviously a consolation, but it's very sad to say it.

"Don't worry, we can meet again. I don't believe that Baiji will go to another world like this and do nothing. He must go to that world first and fight. He is still waiting for us. No matter what the road ahead is, I, my children and my descendants can't be enslaved. We have to work hard. I don't believe in Baiji's plans, We have a saying that man will win, and we will win. " Yin Zhu clenched his fist.

Bai Yangui is also very serious looking at everything in front of him. It's worse than what he thought. But his partner, Yang Wantong, is still curious. After coming here for such a long time, the living conditions are a little poor, but it doesn't have much influence on Yang Wantong who has been learning martial arts since childhood.

"You, looking around, are not nervous at all." Bai Yangui wants to go back with a partner. Her aunt should be frightened, especially Yang Wantong's petite body.

"Nervous what, aren't you here? I don't worry about anything with you. " Yang Wantong said with a smile.

Bai Yangui wants to say that she trusts him. He can't guarantee that Bai Ji will protect Yang Wantong. However, she is very optimistic and optimistic. She doesn't care as long as he is in the sky.

"You two don't have to scatter dog food, OK?" Yin Zhu sighed and said.

After Yang Wantong came here, she knew that Yin Zhu was a ghost. She said that she felt that she was in tune with Yin Zhu inexplicably before. It turned out that she was from the same world. She was curious about the age of Yin Zhu before crossing, but Yin Zhu didn't say it.

"It's not enough for you to support yourself." Yang Wantong glances at Tengxiao and Leihe. Different types of beautiful men are good for eyes, but she just wants to see that Bai Yangui is a vinegar jar and strict in management.

Yin Zhu wants to say that although he has Tengxiao and Leihe around him, he has gone for two. How can he not miss them.

Forget it. She cares about the people she was in love with. Baiji has already left here. The altar set by Baiji has turned into ashes. It seems that the turning altar can only be used once, and it needs to be rearranged next time. It's very powerful to grow wings. But Yinzhu doesn't want to become a birdman, so it's better to turn around. She's better to be an ORC.

At this time, Yin Zhu carefully put away the hide in his hand. It's a dangerous goods. Bai Ji gave tengxi this at the beginning, which one of them wanted to go this way?

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