"We'd better get out of here as soon as possible. We don't think it's safe here." Reich said, frowning.

Here Baiji has gone, and only Mengji, who is sleeping uncontrollably, is left. The so-called guards are more mysterious. They can't touch them now. They are still saving their strength.

"OK, we'll leave now." They had planned to leave, but for Baiji, they had already left.

I don't know what Baiji did. Does Mengji know? Should be know, after all, so big news, dream Ji that strength, as long as a little attention to know.

And then there is Ziji. What did he do when he went to the orc world?

Yin Zhu feels that the world is full of malice against her. She can't clean up the hostile people one after another.

On the other hand, Bai Kun sends the array to the orc world directly through Bai Ji. He doesn't know whether the location of the transmission is random or not. Anyway, when Bai Ji can move, he finds himself in a big forest, and there is no special place around him. That's why Bai Ji determines the random transmission of the array.

It took Bai Kun two days to get out of the forest and come to a small tribe called Heitie. After some inquiry, Bai Kun knew that he was far away from daze tribe. There were many big tribes in the middle. It took him at least a month or two to get back to Daze tribe, which was quite a long way.

In a short time, he couldn't get back. Bai Kun just began to inquire about some useful information. Although the Heitie tribe is small, the information circulation here is OK. At least the ceramics and paper invented by Yin Zhu before, and some cultural knowledge have been spread here. Although the tribe is small, people's life is not very bad. Bai Kun didn't say where he is from, but he just went to the other side In the past, no one knew what the Daze tribe had said. Fortunately, now the news of daze tribe is very easy to ask.

At least on the surface, the news is easy to get. On the surface, the Daze tribe is still in good condition. It is definitely the most famous part of the orc continent. Moreover, because of the various cultures, cultivation and breeding transmitted by the Daze tribe, the fighting between these tribes is much less now. The real orcs don't like fighting. They go out every day to fight with wild animals, or else Because of the problem of resource survival, who is willing to fight every day? At least many people are grateful to Daze tribe and Yin Zhu.

Now all the tribes here begin to worship the statues of Yin Zhu, and they are very grateful to him.

Bai Kun looks at the people of the black iron tribe and talks about Yin Zhu's gratitude. He can't help but feel a little proud in his heart. That's his partner. They should really guard such a beautiful thing.

Seeing them laughing and happy, Bai Kun sighs. It's a pity that they don't know what kind of danger lurks in their bodies, and they don't know how much life they have been deprived of secretly. All orcs think that the reason why they don't live long is because of long-term work. Yin Zhu says that the average age of people in their world is 70 or 80, Don't say the orc system is better than the people in their world, but the average age of orcs is less than 50.

In addition to Daze tribe, there is another news to Bai Kun's attention, that is, the cold ice city, a place where few people lived, has been rebuilt, and a large team has been drawn up. Those people are powerful one by one, but they only live near the cold ice city, which does not affect the normal life of orcs, so no one cares about them, but those people No one knows how it came from. Some people say that it was a person who lived in the temple before, while others say that it was a sinner who was punished before. Anyway, there are many opinions, but there is no unity.

Bai Kun can't help but frown when he hears this. He knows more than ordinary people. He knows that cold ice city is the birthplace of Morrison. At the beginning, Morrison took his confidants away from the city of darkness. The strength of the people Morrison took away is not low. It's possible to live in cold ice city, but the number of those people is limited To make such a big battle.

Even the small tribes like Heitie know the news. It's obvious that the cold ice city is quite big, and there are many people. So where do those people come from?

So what's the problem with these changes? Who's responsible for them.

Bai Kun thought of Ziji at once. Ziji must have something to do when he left the nightmare world and went to the orc world. This ice city is probably Ziji's handwriting. Thinking of this, Bai Kun is going to visit the ice city.

It's said that the world is full of ice and snow, and the animals living around are all kinds of animals who are good at ice and snow activities. It's very strange. He always wanted to see such a landscape, but he had not been to that place for so many years before. Now he just went to have a look. If he could find Ziji, it's best. It doesn't matter if he couldn't find it. He can also see the ice city What's going on over there.

After determining his goal, Bai Kun left the black iron tribe and directly copied the ice city.

On the way here, Bai Kun found that there were many people going to the ice city, and he collected a lot of information about the ice city.

For example, there is a very young and powerful leader in ice city. Ice city suddenly emerges, and the population base is so large. Many Orc tribes are short of population, especially the big tribes. It's not that no one has ever made the idea of ice city, but no one can succeed. On the contrary, everyone who makes the idea is very unlucky. Fortunately, the city leader is kind, It's just a little bit of work. It's not too much.In addition, ice city gives preferential treatment to the surrounding tribes. Anyone who wants to learn the culture of their tribe or their unique technology can do it. They will treat them warmly. Yes, ice city, like daze tribe before, teaches orcs all kinds of technical skills free of charge. As long as you are willing to learn, they are willing to teach. This is also the way to go Why do many orcs go to ice city.

Cold ice city, it seems that this cold ice city is also painting its reputation. Of course, the other party may really want to make the ordinary people in the orc world live better.

But no matter how well the ice city is done, Bai Kun thinks that there is a ghost. After all, the ice city is emerging too fast, faster than the Daze tribe in those years. The expansion of daze tribe can be traced at least by annexing and merging the surrounding small tribes. But the population of the ice city is like a sudden emergence. Bai Kun thinks that many people must be surprised, and now this is the case There are so many people going to learn technology that many spies have taken the opportunity to get involved.

However, the leader of a large tribe may think of this situation and try to deal with the spies. He does not know whether the leader in the ice city is the purple sacrifice he thought. If so, it will be fun.

Bai Kun dares to say that most people can understand him when he has been with others for a period of time, but Ziji and Baiji, the two thousand year old foxes, are still unknown to him. These two people are hiding too deeply, such as Ziji. Even Baiji has been concealed. No one thought that Ziji would belong to the orc world.

Of course, all this is his own guess, but Bai Ji let Bai Kun come back, and Bai Kun knew that his guess was true.

When he comes back, Leihe and Tengxiao are left by Yin Zhu. They are not smart enough in his opinion. However, it will be better for Bai Yangui to help them. It's just that Bai Yangui is not a member of his family.

Bai Kun didn't dare to stop all the way. If the owner of the ice city was Ziji, he didn't know how much Ziji had done during this period. He needs to be faster to catch up.

It took Bai Kun five days to get to the ice city. Ice city is really a city carved out of ice and snow. Even the houses inside are carved out of ice. It's not as cold as expected. For the strong body of orcs, this cold can stand.

Bai Kun takes a close look at the orcs living here. They are all ordinary orcs. He doesn't see the orcs. Where are the people brought by Morrison?

Bai Kun just went into the ice city as a curious person. He couldn't see the owner of the ice city. However, it's easy to find out the appearance and name of the owner of the ice city here. The name of the owner has been changed. His name is haocang. However, listening to the appearance described by those people, he made sure that the owner of the ice city named haocang should be Ziji.

Sure enough, this ice city was made by Ziji. It changed its name. Maybe it didn't change its name. After all, Ziji is just the name of the most powerful priest in the nightmare world. Maybe haocang is the original name of Ziji.

After confirming that the ice city was made by Ziji, Bai Kun first made a few circles around the ice city and had a general look. He found that this is an ordinary tribe, and the orcs inside are no different from those outside.

Bai Kun decided to be more careful. First, he made a careful investigation, at least to find out, and then he decided whether to meet with Ziji.

Now he is in the dark and the purple sacrifice is in the light. If there is anything, he can do it for a while. When he faces the purple sacrifice, he can't do anything.

Later, Bai Kun began to inquire about all kinds of news carefully. Unfortunately, Bai Kun found that he had little information to know. If people here asked about technology, they would be very enthusiastic to tell you. But once you asked about their previous tribes, the other party would be black faced and not say a word. Obviously, someone reminded them that this question was wrong There is no answer.

Bai Kun tried to bully and cajole, but it didn't work. These people are really tough and don't say a word.

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