Nothing can be found in the ice city, but Bai Kun finds out that the owner of the ice city is not in the city and seems to have gone out.

After knowing this, Bai Kun's first thought is whether Ziji is where to settle down, or whether he will attack daze tribe. After all, Ziji knows the existence of daze tribe, even his origin. After all, he was his disciple at the beginning, and he said a lot about the orc continent. At the beginning, he always thought Ziji belonged to the nightmare tribe. Who knows Ziji It's from the orc continent.

Ziji doesn't have the heart to inquire about the ice city. Now he just wants to go back to Daze tribe as soon as possible. After so many years, he and Yin Zhu have been together and left. Only Mengtai, the old patriarch, is still there. I don't know what happened to Daze tribe.

Daze tribe is their root, and baikun absolutely does not allow any situation in daze tribe. It's full of their loved ones.

Fortunately, I didn't hear any changes in daze tribe along the way. Of course, it's very easy to change a leader secretly based on Ziji's ability. All things will have to wait for him to go back.

Yin Zhu, you must bless me and our tribe.

In fact, Yin Zhu is not easy on the other side of the nightmare clan. One Baiji, one Mengji, and the mysterious forces all depend on Yin Zhu. Of course, Bai Kun believes that eventually the two worlds will coincide again. It's one world, and there's no reason to separate them. Moreover, the nightmare clan and the orcs are two complementary races. If the two races live together, they can interact with each other If we help each other, we believe that people's life in this world will be better.

As soon as he could, Bai Kun spent more than half a month back to Daze tribe. Seeing that the wall of daze tribe was still there, Bai Kun didn't know any of the patrolling people. He was also the first daze tribe with only a few people, and later he swallowed up too many tribes, many of which Bai Kun didn't know.

Fortunately, daze tribe is still quite polite to outsiders. Bai Kun enters the tribe safely. When he gets to the tribe, Bai Kun is stopped by a man before he can find Meng Tai.

Bai Kun looked at Ziji standing in front of him and froze his face. Then he laughed and said, "master, long time no see."

When Ziji heard this, he just laughed, "you obviously don't want to see me."

"Why, you are always my master. I will be filial to my elders." Bai Kun needle points relative said.

No matter Bai Kun or Ziji, they are excellent people. When these two people fight here, someone immediately finds out the situation and reports it to the people above.

Daze tribe is not afraid of other people making trouble, but they will stop it when there are people making trouble.

Soon, some administrators came here, and the leader was a little familiar. But Bai Kun can't remember who he was. He should have been a resident of daze tribe.

At this meeting, the visitor recognized Bai Kun. It was Mark, Martin's nephew. He was almost wronged to marry Yin Zhu. At the beginning, mark disliked Yin Zhu. Who knows, he found that he didn't deserve Yin Zhu. Do you regret it? Probably regretted, but now he has found his own partner and has his own happiness.

Mark waved quickly, stood behind Bai Kun and asked softly, "Bai Kun, who is this man? Bad people? "

As soon as mark spoke, Bai Kun thought of Martin's identity. It was still a relative relationship.

"No, you don't want to participate in the affairs here for the time being. Let the people around you disperse. I'll have a good chat with my master." Bai Kun knows that no matter how many people come, they can't stop Ziji. Why let those people be here.

"Master, can you go to the disciples' house and let them treat you well?" Bai Kun said with a smile.

Since Ziji appeared as soon as he entered the tribe, it means that Ziji was looking for himself. Otherwise, it would be such a tribe, and it would not be so easy for baikun to find someone.

Ziji nodded and followed baikun.

Mark didn't care about baikun, but he went to Mengtai for the first time to report. Over the years, no one from Yinzhu or Yinzhu's children's partner has appeared in daze tribe. Mark doesn't know what they are going to do, but mark knows it's a very important thing. Now baikun is back, but he doesn't see anyone else. He doesn't know what happened Accidents, or other problems, all of which need to be reported to the patriarch.

Bai Kun takes Ziji back to his home. It's Yin Zhu's stone house. Bai Kun opens the door and finds that the stone house is very clean. It's obvious that someone often cleans it.

"Your tribe is doing well." Ziji said with emotion, Yin Zhu is really good at this point, and is not selfish, spread everything to the whole world.

"What do you want me to do, master?" Bai Kun said straight to the point.

People like Ziji must have something very important to ask them, or they need to use them for something, otherwise Ziji won't let himself come to Daze tribe and so on.

"Bai Kun, this is not the reason for hospitality. If there is no good tea, you should give me some pure water, milk and fruit. By the way, you can bring some other fruits." Ziji reached out and knocked on the table, very impolite said.Bai Kun couldn't help frowning when he heard this. He didn't see that this master would like these things.

Fortunately, Mark's notice has been sent to Mengtai, and some of the main leaders of the tribe are already outside the door. Bai Kun said his request, and someone went to prepare immediately. Bai Kun then asked Mengtai to go back first, saying that he had something to do and would see them later.

Montaigne and Thai are also human spirits. Bai Kun's words show that they are not suitable for conversation now. They nod their heads, leave a backup next to Bai Kun and leave.

Looking at Bai Kun's command, someone worked. Ziji couldn't help laughing and said, "you'd better tell me what you want. My master can only rely on you as an apprentice."

"What do you want to do? You should be the most powerful priest in the orc continent before? So did you do the Wuji thing or did you do it in vain? " Bai Kun asked directly.

"I'm waiting. I think someone from your side will come back. I think it must be you who will come back. And you will definitely go back to Daze tribe. Sure enough, I'll wait for you here. " Purple sacrifice light smile.

Bai Kun just looks at Ziji and doesn't speak. It's obvious that Ziji will explain to himself.

"As for Wuji, he's a fool. He only wants strength, but he doesn't leave anything in the end. I know about Wuji, but I didn't design it. Baiji is so smart. Once I wipe my hands inside, he will find out." Ziji said this with a smile.

"You didn't do anything, but you did something on the orcs." Since ice city is made by Ziji, the orcs should be made by Ziji.

"Yes." Purple sacrifice very simply admitted.

"Why?" Bai Kun is puzzled to say.

"Why, then I ask you, why did Baiji do that? Do you know my elder martial brother's intention? " Purple sacrifice light ask.

Bai Kun shook his head when he heard this. He really didn't know what Bai Ji wanted to do. He looked like salvation, but he didn't look like it.

"white sacrifice should get another world's essence from your partner's hands, and then change your destiny." Purple sacrifice light smile.

"Change your destiny?" Bai Kun was a little surprised. He didn't know what Bai Ji was doing because he left first.

Ziji nodded, "in fact, Baiji really wants to save the world, but our strength is too weak, even our strength is suppressed in a certain range, and it can't grow at all. You can see that the orcs and the nightmare clan have the highest strength, and then we are not willing to fight, want to change the fate of the orcs, but no matter me In fact, we have not found the way to the future. "

Ziji sighed deeply, then looked at baikun with a smile.

Bai Kun can't help but scold when he hears this. What's the meaning? These people have spent tens of thousands of years to decorate, and they have spent countless human resources and lives on it. Then Ziji says that they haven't found the way to the future. Is this playing the family?

"You really can't find the way to the future. Do you know what kind of person we are facing? You don't know, because what we have to face is not one person, but one world, the whole world, do you understand? The people in that world are different from us. They have used animal elixir as food, and then we are what they feed. They are very powerful by nature, which is not comparable to us at all. Just like insects and chickens, they are also born to restrain us. How do you think we can win? " Ziji sighs.

"Baiji and I are not reconciled. We want to break the shackles of fate. Baiji creates a reincarnation formula and Mengji, which makes Mengji wireless and powerful. However, Mengji's mind is slowly out of control. I create orcs, but orcs are like curses, which makes orcs lose their humanity. They will be handed down from generation to generation, and eventually they will become beasts and inhuman again 。” When Ziji said this, he was in pain.

"And then?" Bai Kun asked word by word.

"Why did layinzhu come to this world? Now that you have told me these things, you must make them clear to me. " Bai Kun asked coldly.

Ziji nodded, "since I will be sitting here, naturally I want to tell you everything. As for whether I can save your partner and the world in the end, it depends on your own choice."

Bai Kun always thinks it strange for Ziji to say this.

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