"Bai Ji knew from a very early age that he was not the opponent of the people in the world, so he tried his best to get rid of his fate by turning himself into one of them." Ziji couldn't help laughing when he said this.

Seeing that Bai Kun was a little surprised, Ziji said, "according to my calculation, Baiji should have become a member of that group and gone to that world."

"Change your own destiny with the lives of the rest of the world, and become the orc Eaters? That's called changing destiny? " Bai Kun felt a special irony when he heard this.

purple sacrifice heard this smile lightly, "no, Bai sacrifice is really not just to change the fate of himself, he really wants to do something for the orcs. I can probably guess what the white sacrifice wants to do. The white sacrifice itself is very strong. In fact, he wants to turn into that family. He has had an opportunity very long ago. I have been waiting for Yin Zhu to send the essence of the world to him. Only by becoming the leader and ruler of that group can we have the right to deal with our world. "

"This is a road that is doomed to be very difficult, or even impossible to succeed. Bai Ji, who has become a past person, would have been excluded. In addition, he has to touch the interests of all people. Do you think he can succeed? And when he comes to that world, if he wants to improve his strength, he has to absorb the power of beast Dan. Whether he is willing or not, he is doomed to be a sinner in the orc world, but he is braver than me, at least I dare not go this way. " Ziji said with emotion.

"What about Mengji? Mengji was abandoned by Baiji because she lost control? Then why do you let Mengji stay in the dark abyss and keep absorbing power? " Bai Kun stares at Ziji's eyes.

"No, Mengji is Baiji's backhand. Baiji can't guarantee whether what he does will succeed or not. Even if he succeeds, it will take a long time, so they set two paths. One is Baiji's way. Mengji has the way to go. Mengji's way is to be strong and powerful, and finally devour the life of the whole nightmare clan and destroy the world This is also the reason why the two worlds are sealed. This side of the orc world is the last inheritance. " Ziji explained little by little.

"What about Yin Zhu? In addition to Yin Zhu's white offering to bring the essence of the world, Yin bamboo should not be such a function. Bai Kun asked with a frown.

Ziji said with a smile, "if you think about it yourself, I've thought about the role of Yin Zhu, and even I have some ideas. After all, when Wuji went to that world, I helped, so I don't know whether my guess is right or wrong."

When Bai Kun heard Ziji speak frankly, he also had some ideas about Yin Zhu. This man said so clearly because his strength was not as good as him, so he dared to be so unscrupulous? He deceives others too much, but no matter how angry he is, Bai Kun knows that he can't do anything with Ziji. On the contrary, he has to thank Ziji for letting him understand a lot of things without detours.

"What do you want to do with the orcs? Bai Yan returned. I think you should know. What did you want to do when you sent Bai Yan back to that world? " Bai Kun directly changed the topic. Since Ziji didn't say it, he could only change the topic Ziji was willing to say.

Ziji saw that Bai Kun simply changed the topic and couldn't help laughing. His apprentice was really a smart man and didn't bother him. He quickly asked what was good for him.

Yin zhuxuan's friends are not bad.

"I, I'm the orc priest. Do you think I'll do something harmful to the orcs?" Ziji asked baikun.

"I don't know. It may be good for some orcs, but it won't be good for all orcs." Bai Kun said with certainty.

"Bai Kun, I'm not a God. I can't satisfy the wishes of all orcs." Purple sacrifice some weak say.

"Can you tell me, then, that what you do is good for half the orcs?" Bai Kun also knew that he could not force Ziji to be good to every orc, but at least he had to judge what it was like.

After hearing Bai Kun's words, Ziji kept silent for a long time and then said with a bitter smile, "I can't guarantee, I can only guarantee that the orc's inheritance will not be cut off or extinct."

When Bai Kun heard this, he understood that Ziji also wanted to use another way to get rid of the shackles of fate, but this method may only be useful for a small number of people, and most of the orcs may die or become the sacrifice of Ziji.

As Ziji said before, in fact, neither he nor Baiji could find a way out.

They just escaped with a small number of people. Not all the people in this world have been saved. Maybe they may come back to save this poor world one day. But time is like running water. Who can guarantee that they can remember, such as Baiji? Maybe he will fight for the orc world all his life, but his descendants? What about later generations?

"Since you can't help it, why save the society and let people in this world think it's not good to live happily?" Bai Kun sighed.

Before he knew Yin Zhu, he always thought that the orc's life was only forty or fifty years old, and he almost died when he was old. But now he suddenly found out that their lives could be longer and longer, and then he was not reconciled. Who would like their lives to be stolen."In fact, there are few people who know about it. You are the only ones. It's better not to tell the Daze people about it. Sometimes ignorance is a blessing. It's good for them to live a simple life like this." Or there is not much left in their peaceful life. Ziji didn't say the rest, but Bai Kun understood.

"Did you come here to see me for fear that I might tell you these things?" Bai Kun asked.

Ziji shook his head with a smile, "no, I'm not worried about that, because once you say these things, no one has any intention except to create panic. The reason why I come here to see you is to talk to you. No matter what you say, you are my disciple's, and I'll give you an explanation."

Disciple? Bai Kun thinks this title is funny. No matter Ziji or Ziji, they don't really care about this relationship. They both know that it's just the use of each other.

"Bai Kun, you don't have a lot of time to improve your strength. Even if you want to protect you, you have to have strength. In this world, you can only be a loser without strength." Ziji said slowly.

"Thank you for telling me. I'll be ready." Bai Kun said with a cold face.

Ziji smiles and says nothing more. Instead, he eats all the fruits that baikun has sent. Then he claps his hands and says, "have a good rest. I'll go first."

Bai Kun could not help grinding his teeth when he saw that there was only a pile of garbage with peel and core left. There was nothing left for Ziji. Finally, he had to leave. He did not forget to eat all these things, just like people who had never eaten them.

Looking at the empty table, Bai Kun sighs. Then he can't help worrying. Ziji is waiting for him here. It should be to tell him that Baiji has become the son of another world. It seems that Ziji has the contact information of that world, or the contact information of nightmare world. Otherwise, he won't know so clearly.

Ziji had guessed Baiji's idea before. It should have been uncertain before, but now it is the matter of confirmation.

No matter it's Ziji or Baiji, these two powerful people can only change their own fate and the fate of some people. What should they do? What should Yin Zhu do?

Let's not mention that Yin Zhu has been promoting her animal God in the orc world. With his kind nature, Yin Zhu can leave these other unfamiliar orcs alone. But for daze tribe, Yin Zhu has long regarded daze tribe as his responsibility. Her husband is the minority head of the tribe, and she is the wife of the head. Therefore, even for daze tribe, he can't be contemptuous and should work hard No matter how hard you try, it's not only for them, but also for yourself.

Bai Ji actually left the nightmare world directly. Now they should start to absorb the power of beast Dan according to their own plan. But he met Bai Ji before. Bai Ji means that Yin Zhu will not have a good result, but why does Bai Ji say that?

What does Bai Ji want to do to Yin Zhu? Yin Zhu's identity in another world, but now the experiment shows that as long as the orcs are seriously injured and then seal their souls, they can go to that world. There are thousands of other souls there, not to mention Bai Yangui's bringing back a female from that world this time. So why must Yin Zhu?

Bai Kun thought about it for a long time, but he couldn't understand why it was Yin Zhu. However, there should be a special reason for Yin Zhu's selection in the world cup. If he didn't understand, he had to stop thinking about it for a while. The more he knew, the more he knew. Sooner or later, he would be clear.

After Ziji left, Bai Kun sent the people in front of his door away, and then he was ready to have a rest. By the way, he had a good idea of how to tell Mengtai that he would definitely tell them about the beast pill, but only a few people could know the news, not all the orcs.

What's more, does he want to practice the reincarnation formula as Bai Ji thought, or do he want to try his best to delay the practice of reincarnation formula?

This is the most important point for Bai Kun to figure out. If he wants to practice, he can only leave daze tribe. However, he can go to the ancestral place to absorb the power of beast pill. Reincarnation formula can absorb any kind of power. There's no need to worry about the problem of no food. He can also learn how Mengji balances those powers, but he wants to Be the second dream girl?

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