"Bai Kun, are you going to leave soon?" Bai Xue frowns at Bai Kun.

Bai Kun nodded, "well, let's not say that I will absorb the vitality of the tribe if I stay in the tribe for a long time. There is no way to improve my strength in the tribe. I have to improve my strength. Otherwise, once something happens in the tribe, I can't solve it at all, and I don't like the appearance of being powerless."

Seeing this, Bai Xue can't help but look at Bai Kun. This child is the pride of the tribe. At the beginning, in order to leave the tribe without hesitation and find a way for the Meizu, Bai Kun really helped the Meizu find a way out. Bai Kun gave his life to Yin Zhu, but later he survived, because Yin Zhu embarked on another unprecedented road.

"Bai Kun, you are our pride. We will all remember you and wait for you and Yin Zhu to come back." Snow White said with tears.

"Patriarch, don't worry, there will be such a day." In the face of Bai Xue, Bai Kun is still used to calling her the patriarch.

"Take two more days off before you leave. I'll ask LAN Qin and them to bring you something delicious." White snow said nagging.

"Well, I won't be polite." Bai Kun said with a smile.

In the tribe, the news of Bai Kun's return is a little depressing, and everyone is happy because of Bai Kun's return. After all, it's better to have news than no news. Yin Zhu's road here is at least smooth. Even Qiao Nuo has his own way to go.

Yin Zhu has taken people to the land, and then they soon find a ancestral land. The first thing they need to do now is to take out the animal elixir from Leihe and Tengxiao.

With the previous experience, Tengxiao's animal pill is easy to take out, but there is a problem with Leihe.

Leihe is different from Tengxiao. Leihe is a half orc, and he is flawed. When Yin Zhu takes the beast pill out of him, Leihe becomes a beast and goes crazy.

This is what Yin Zhu never thought of. Looking at the crazy Lei he, Yin Zhu anxiously asked, "Ze, what's the matter?"

"I don't know." Normally speaking, taking out the beast Dan will not affect a person's reason, but Leihe now seems to have lost his reason.

A group of people finally tied Leihe up after wasting their power. They just looked at Leihe, who was struggling with red eyes. Yin Zhu was very anxious. Leihe was completely beast like and couldn't hear a word. It seemed that he had become a beast.

"I'll return the animal pill first." Yin Zhu asked anxiously.

Ze is also the first time to encounter such a situation, he does not know whether this is OK, now can only try temporarily.

"Try it first, if not, we'll try again." Ze bit his lip and said, it's a bad start. He thought of the way to take the beast pill. He must find a way to save Leihe.

Yin Zhu quickly feeds the animal Dan that belongs to Leihe into his mouth. However, the animal Dan enters Leihe's body again, but Leihe doesn't wake up.

"It's useless. What can I do? It's useless at all?" Yin Zhu is very anxious.

"Ze, do something about it." Yin Zhu is anxious.

"Don't panic, Yin Zhu. It's not urgent. Don't rush it. Ze will find a way." Tengxiao hugs Yin Zhu. This accident is unexpected to all people. At that time, everyone thought that taking the animal pill had been done many times. Leihe was very uncomfortable at that time, but all people regarded this discomfort as a process of taking the animal pill. It was just like this, wasn't it?

Yin Zhu also tried to calm down at this time. For those who can't be flustered, if they are flustered when they encounter something, what will happen in the future?

There's always a way. There's a way.

"Yin Zhu, I remember you said that the reason why orcs are so powerful is that they give up their reason and let themselves be demons, right?" Ze asked at this time.

Yin Zhu nodded. Yes, why do orcs repel orcs? Apart from their physical defects, orcs are grumpy and often disobey discipline. Moreover, they are fond of fighting and ferocious. This is the main reason why orcs dislike them.

, "Yin Zhu, you should have moon cakes on your body. Let's take a look at Lei he," Yuehua is one of the essence of heaven and earth, and it is the best medicine for the animal family. The beast and the beast are the same. The moon can also open the mind of the beast. I think the orcs should be considered as a kind of animal and should be useful. " Ze calmly analyzed.

"Good." Yin Zhu did bring a lot of Yuehua with him. When he knew the importance of Yuehua, Yin Zhu collected a lot of them. The small porcelain vase for Bai Ji was just a drop in the bucket.

Yin Zhu takes a small bottle and gives it to Leihe. Then Yin Zhu immediately finds that Leihe, who was restless, calms down.

Effective, Yin Zhu see this very happy, quickly take Yuehua out to Leihe poured down.

After pouring down five bottles of Yuehua in a row, Leihe's eyes twinkled with smart luster, "Leihe, Leihe, is that you?"

With Yin Zhu's cry, Leihe, who is tied up, turns directly at this time. Then Yin Zhu sees a complete Leihe standing in front of him.The face is as like as two peas. The only thing that is different is that Ray's half tail is going to be a pair of feet. Yin Zhu will be delighted to say, "ray, what's good about rehch? You've become an orc and become an ORC."

It's just that Leihe looked at Yinzhu vaguely at this time, and then said: "who are you?"

Yin Zhu was stunned when he heard this, "Leihe, I'm your partner. Yin Zhu, Leihe, you don't forget me, do you?"

"Companion?" Leihe looks at Yinzhu sarcastically at this time, and the scornful look makes Yinzhu angry.

"RAH, what's the matter with you?" Tengxiao will look at Leihe angrily.

Leihe glanced at Tengxiao for a while, then looked at the people around him carefully, then said sarcastically: "your strength is really weak, really weak, but you can wake me up, still have a little ability."

"What do you mean? Who the hell are you? What have you done to Reich? " Yin Zhu will understand that this person in front of him is not Lei he.

When the visitor heard this, he just laughed and said, "don't worry, your little lover is OK. I'm just an image in this body. I should say that there is Teng snake blood in the boy's body. Then what chance does this boy have? It stimulates the ancestral blood. It can be regarded as a complete stimulation of Ziji's blood and becomes my descendant, so I can wake up for a while, no What the hell is this thing in his body? " Yin Zhu will see the beast Dan appear in his hand.

"Are you the master of Teng snake?" Tengxiao can't help asking at this time.

"No, I'm just an image left by others. I just have a little sense. When someone stimulates the blood of the snake, it will appear. What's this? Why do I think the rules of the world are strange?" He frowned and looked up at the sky.

"Of course, because we're just food in captivity. What you took out of Reich's body before was specially used to absorb our vitality." Tengxiao explained.

Then the other party suddenly laughed, "it's the lower world, but it's very powerful that there can be a person of blood in the lower world. With him, it's estimated that he will burst out of the hope of this world."

"OK, nothing's wrong. I'll pass it on to him. After a while, your people will come back." The man gently waved his hand, swept several people out of a distance, and then began to inherit.

"This man is so powerful. An image has such strength. I don't know who left it." Tengxiao said with emotion that his current strength is more than twice as strong as before, but it is still far from enough.

Thinking about the past, he always thought that he was the first master of daze tribe. Even if he went to other places, it was not bad. Now it seems that he was really a frog in the bottom of the well. It was because of Yin Zhu that he had such a wonderful life now.

"What does that man mean by the hope of breaking out of the world? Does it mean that Reich has this inheritance and the power to fight against people in that world? " Asked Yin Zhu.

"It should be. This man is very powerful. Anyway, he is one of the most changeable. The demon is powerful. Only when he is powerful can you do what you want to do?" Said Ze.

Yin Zhu complained at this time: "I know, but I really don't like the days of fighting and killing like this."

Ze heard this with a smile, "this is the difference between men and women."

"Ze, I remember that you are a female, that is to say, you will become a female when you transform people. Can you stand firm?" Yin Zhubai glanced at Ze.

Hearing Yin Zhu talking about his gender, Ze couldn't help but feel sad, "Yin Zhu, you mean it, don't you? Why do you mention my sadness? "

Ze is crying. Can he change sex in the future?

Yin Zhu looked at the man standing there with his eyes closed. It should be a message to Leihe. After a while, Leihe finally opened his eyes. Yin Zhu saw the familiar person from the smile of his eyes.

"RAH, I'm fine. I'm afraid something will happen to you." Yin Zhu said happily.

Leihe looked at his feet and said with a smile, "Yin Zhu, I've become an ORC."

All the people say that orcs have no solution. Who could have thought that reih turned into an orc.

"Is it Yuehua? It's a pity that I don't have enough moonshine for the orcs in the dark city. " Yin Zhu said with some sadness.

Lehrer shook his head and said, "the reason why I became an orc is not entirely Yuehua. Of course, Yuehua is the main reason. Because of Yuehua, I can stimulate my hidden blood, and also because the activation of blood breaks the original curse."

As soon as Yin Zhu heard this, he understood that if he didn't inspire his blood, he would not be able to recover and become an orc, or even sober. That is to say, Leihe was dangerous and risky this time.

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