That is to say, if the way to solve the orc problem doesn't work, Yin Zhu is a little disappointed. Seeing this, Leihe can't help patting Yin Zhu on the shoulder and says, "don't be sad, Yin Zhu. At least this is a way of thinking, isn't it?" It's better than before, but this time it's really dangerous.

"Well, I know, RACH, you have to work hard. We'll all depend on you in the future." Yin Zhu said with a smile.

Reich said happily, "OK." It is his proudest thing to make a lover believe that he is attached.

"By the way, RACH, do you know who is passing on the knowledge to you? He's very good. " Tengxiao can't help but say excitedly.

Leihe turned over his inheritance memory several times, but he couldn't find the relevant memory. He shook his head and said, "I can't find the caution about that person, but I believe as long as I'm strong enough, I can find that person and thank him." Although the other side said it was because he had activated his blood, Leihe still wanted to be grateful to the other side.

Yin Zhu nodded, it seems that the orc world is really strange, connecting several of them?

If there are many planes in the world, normally, these planes should operate independently, not interfere with each other, and not intersect. But now the orc world is obviously connected with the earth. Although only she and Bai Yangui have been there, they believe that as long as the connection continues, they will have a chance to go in the future There is an obvious upper bound in the orc world. Moreover, it is the world of this mysterious inheritor. Is the orc world a kaleidoscope? You can connect anywhere.

Yin Zhu doesn't think it's a good thing to connect many worlds in this way. On the contrary, it's a bad thing. The first feeling of such a world is chaos.

But today's Orc world is really going to be in chaos. She will protect the people in the world when she can. If she can't, she will try to protect her people. As for many other orcs, she can only say sorry.

Ze also obviously felt this thing. He took a look at Yin Zhu, and then cackled. This chaotic world is bad news for Yin Zhu, but it is not necessarily for him. In this world, heaven will be more chaotic. At that time, heaven has no time to control him as a stowaways, and now there are ready-made opportunities to improve his strength Is this a better place?

Maybe he can find the way to the demon world. In that case, he would laugh in his dreams.

"Well, next we'll absorb the animal elixir, but in view of the previous things, we'd better be cautious, absorb one by one, and I'll guard it. Once there's something wrong, remember to stop immediately." Ze can't help but command at this time. Although he can't wait to absorb the animal pill immediately, he still can't help it. Things on Yin Zhu's side should be handled well, otherwise there will be a lot of trouble in the future.

Yin Zhu didn't dare to be careless at this time. Leihe once said that his strength and luck didn't mean that every time his luck was the same. Ze first taught everyone how to get rid of the harmful things in the animal pill, and then absorbed them.

Originally, Yin Zhu wanted to be the first to come, but Tengxiao robbed him. The reason is very simple. We can't let the females stand in front of us, or they can really die. Then he said that Leihe had taken a risk just now, and he would come first.

Yin Zhu did not force, she is very clear, the two men will not hesitate to block in front of their own, so Tengxiao to start first.

Of course, Tengxiao chooses to start first because he has a lot of pressure. Among Yin Zhu's four companions, the most useless one is him now. Bai Kun's wisdom is unparalleled. In addition, once he practices the reincarnation formula, few people can catch up with him. Jono and Xiaojin are one. They hide in Mengji's body to accumulate strength, and when they come out, they will be lost Not bad, let alone Leihe. He was the only one who inspired the blood of the ancient Teng snake. He was the first to follow Yin Zhu, or the only one who had a baby with Yin Zhu. He made the least contribution. He had a lot of pressure in his heart. He was even more afraid that he would not catch up with those people. When he fell behind, he could only look up at Yin Zhu, which he absolutely could not accept He can't wait to strengthen himself.

"Tengxiao, don't worry. Take your time." Seeing Tengxiao's anxiety, Yin Zhu could not help comforting him.

"I know." The sky rises.

Under the guidance of Ze, Tengxiao successfully absorbed a beast pill, and there was no problem. Then he changed his mind. Tengxi Tengcheng looked at Ze in surprise. Before, they wondered how their mother could bring such a little thing, that is, it was too small to be a grain reserve. It seemed that she had brought it back from her original world Come on, it's amazing.

At the beginning, all the people didn't notice this little animal. It was estimated that some people were curious, but they didn't care too much. They didn't expect that this person had the means to let them absorb animal pills. Thinking of this, the two people thought of Baiji. They already wanted to understand what Baiji wanted to do, but they wanted to say that this was the most difficult and there was no way out, Shiji Father, you are going the wrong way.

If I had known that they could absorb animal elixir in this way to strengthen themselves, why did master go to that world?It's a pity that no one knows and has not known for a long time. Teng Xi Tengcheng can't help sighing.

Next, the cultivation and absorption were very smooth. At this time, Yang Wantong could not help standing in front of Ze and said, "Ze, please show me if I can absorb it." All of them are strong. Will she be left alone?

If she can't, she should work hard. Maybe she can go back to see her master when she is strong.

"You?" Ze frowned. Although Yang Wantong swallowed Yin Zhu's animal pill and strengthened her body, no matter how much her body was strengthened, it was only human body, which was different from orcs. The power in the animal pill was the power of animals, which was not suitable for Yang Wantong.

"Why can't I absorb it? But I've swallowed Yin Zhu's animal pill before. Isn't it all right? " Yang Wantong can't help but frown and ask.

Hearing this, Ze shook his head and said, "I really don't know if you can absorb it. In essence, it's not OK. Let's say that Yin Zhu's animal elixir is almost purified. With your own martial arts training, your body strength is OK. You can absorb one animal elixir, but if it's too much, I'm worried that your body will turn into a monster. When you can't bear the burden of animal elixir When you are powerful, you will become a wild animal and lose your mind, just like the inner elixir that human beings used to want to be powerful and gobble up monsters

Yang Wantong hesitated when she heard this. Ze should not lie at this point, but she really wants to be strong. She hasn't met any danger these days. Seeing Bai Ji's rising and Yin Zhu's busy appearance, Yang Wantong knows that the world is still very dangerous.

She has been practicing martial arts since childhood, not dodder flower. She wants to be strong.

"I still want to try. I think if I can be a beast, I will feel it myself, right? Right. " Yang Wantong asked.

Ze nodded and said: "really, you should try to absorb it. Don't absorb too much at one time. Stop after absorbing one, and then have a good feeling. It's better to stop for one night and continue the next day. When you feel that it will affect your mood, you must stop and can't continue, you know? Bai Yangui, you have to watch her, unless you want her to become an irrational beast. "

Bai Yangui nodded his head, then took Yang Wantong's hand and said seriously, "you can absorb animal pills. You must listen to Ze's words. Don't be greedy. If you are crazy, I won't want you to lose you."

Clearly is concerned about people's words, but it happened to say more out of the awkward, Yang Wantong listened to smile, "don't worry, I went through a lot of hard work to drag you to my bowl, how can I let you go."

Bai Yangui heard this, his face raised a faint smile, "well, remember the best."

Since everyone has no problem, we all sit there to absorb animal pills. Leihe is the fastest to absorb animal pills, and then tengxi Tengcheng, Bai Yangui, Ze, Tengxiao Yinzhu and Yang Wantong are the slowest.

The speed of absorption also shows the future of talent. Tengxiao thought he was not the best, but he didn't expect that he could not even compare with the little pet Yin Zhu held in his hand. He was very angry and hated himself for nothing.

Here he is the worst of all the males. How much can he help Yin Zhu in the future? Or will it become a burden to Yin Zhu?

Yin Zhu, sitting next to Tengxiao, immediately feels something wrong with Tengxiao. She grabs Tengxiao's hand and pulls people aside, so as not to affect other people's cultivation.

Yin Zhu looks at Tengxiao with great doubt, "Tengxiao, is there anything wrong with you?"

Tengxiao heard this, his face was stiff, and then he said, "it's OK." Can he say that he is more jealous of others than himself? It doesn't seem that he is useless and narrow-minded. It doesn't seem that he is more despised.

"Yes, you are. Tengxiao, what's on your mind that you can't tell me? I'm your partner, your soul mate for the rest of your life. " Yin Zhu is very sure to say, and then also put Tengxiao face let him look at his eyes.

"Tengxiao, do you have the ability to lie to me in my eyes and say you're ok?" Yin Zhu looked at Tengxiao, who was about to turn his head, and broke him to himself.

"I'm sorry, Yin Zhu." Tengxiao squats on the ground decadent, grabs his hair and pulls it irritably.

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