"What's the matter with you?" Yin Zhu reaches for Tengxiao's hand.

Tengxiao looks at Yin Zhu's worried appearance, and can't help breathing out a deep breath. Then he shakes his head and says, "it's OK. It's really OK. It's just that he feels so incompetent that his strength hasn't improved at all." Tengxiao doesn't want Yin Zhu to worry about his own little things when he worries about those big things. He just needs to adjust this kind of thing himself.

"No, Tengxiao, your strength has been improved very quickly. Now we can absorb animal elixir. As long as we have enough animal elixir, our strength will rise like a rocket. Don't worry." Yin Zhu said with a smile.

Yin Zhu doesn't think so much about Tengxiao, and she doesn't compare Tengxiao with others. In her opinion, everyone is unique. Tengxiao is better than Tengxiao, and there is no comparability.

Tengxiao heard this and nodded, "yes, you're right." It's useless for him to let Yin Zhu comfort himself.

"Come on, let's go back and continue to absorb the animal pill." Tengxiao took Yin Zhu's hand and went back to absorb the animal pills. He didn't absorb the animal pills fast enough. It's OK for him to spend more time in the future. One hour for other people, he only spent two hours. He squeezed out his sleeping time and could always keep up with them.

Seeing Tengxiao, Yin Zhu nodded and went back to absorb the beast pill. After all, this is the most important thing.

The next step is to cultivate and absorb the animal elixir. Everyone should seize the time to absorb the animal elixir. When absorbing the animal elixir, Ze said that no one can use the animal elixir in the world, so those people are not in a hurry to collect it. However, once they use it and let those people realize it, they are afraid that the war will start soon, so they have to fight for all the time When those people don't know.

However, those people deliberately left their marks in the animal pill, but they didn't want the orcs to absorb it. They thought that the animal pill was useless. Most of the people who forced to absorb it became crazy because of the confusion of the marks. If they pulled away too many marks, the people above would feel it.

As for the strength of the people in the last world, Ze asked Yin Zhu not to think so much about it. After all, the upper world absorbed a lot of animal elixirs, but there are many people in the upper world. Now they are only a few of them. As long as their strength is stronger than those people, they can deal with those people.

As for the problem of many loopholes in the world, Ze said that it should be the lack of heaven in the world, or that the world has become someone's small world. No matter what, we must have strength to solve the problem.

Yin Zhu absorbed them one by one. Everyone knew that time was short. The animal elixir of the ancestral land of a small tribe was digested by Yin Zhu. They changed places, and the animal elixir of another small tribe was emptied by Yin Zhu. Several people kept repeating this. Now, Yin Zhu didn't know how strong his strength was It's very strong. If you play Wuji now, Yin Zhu thinks he can kill Wuji lightly. If Mengji, Yin Zhu doesn't know if they have a chance to win.

What Yin Zhu doesn't know is that they have already let the people above know what happened at this time, but Bai Ji was the first to find out this matter. After Bai Ji knew it, he was the first to hide it, and then he tried to help Yin Zhu cover it up for as long as possible.

Although Bai Ji rose to that world and competed for the son at the first time, with his own strength, he became the son. Some of his subordinates who had been arranged before also changed with him. However, he was guaranteed by his strength. He could do little and had little voice.

When it's all right, Bai Ji pays more attention to the orc mainland. After all, everything he does is for the world, so he is the first to find out what Yin Zhu did. When he saw that Yin Zhu had a way to extract the useless things from the animal pill, and then absorb them, Bai Ji could not help laughing. Sure enough, Yin Zhu still had his own good fortune, and this is the reason It's a good thing that he didn't calculate the point.

Give Yin Zhu some time and absorb them again. When you look back, you won't be the opponents of Yin Zhu. It's great to think that there will be more powerful opponents in the orc mainland. Bai Ji is very satisfied.

It's just that if they absorb Yin Zhu in this way, they will soon be found out. No, Yin Zhu can't let people give them to them for the time being. Bai Ji thinks about it and lets his own hands do things.

His subordinates could not help but frown when they heard Bai Ji's command and said, "priest, you do this. When those people check your head, how can you do it?"

Bai Ji didn't have a firm foothold over there. Now he has something to follow. There's no way to exonerate himself. Besides, Bai Ji is not the son of God, but a candidate for the son of God. Many people are willing to replace Bai Ji.

"But it has to be done by someone. No matter how much it costs, I'll do it. You know what we want when we come to this world and become demons who devour our people? Now that we can see hope, why not help? " Baiji asked.

"Does that female really give us hope?" They have heard too much about the word hope, but it has not been realized. Is this man named Yin Zhu worth sacrificing?"She was chosen by heaven. I once heard a saying that there is a chance of death. No matter how bad our world is, there will always be a chance of life there. Yin Zhu is change, which is where the life lies. Otherwise, I would not have spent so much to get people over. I believe in my own choice." Bai Ji said quietly.

Besides, Yin Zhu, a female, seems to be weak, but she is relatively flexible. She is strong when she is strong. No matter how big things are, she can handle them. She has not been defeated because of those difficulties.

When the world above lets you find that your storage has been stolen by the little people in the lower world, Yin Zhu can say that the animal elixir in the nightmare world uses one tenth, not to mention only one tenth. If you count the animal elixir, it's already an astronomical number.

The people above could not help but be very angry when they found out this, and the hands and feet made by Baiji were also found, so someone immediately took Baiji to accept the crime.

"Baiji, do you remember your identity?" A dignified voice remembered that there was a figure with his back in front of Bai Ji.

After hearing this, Bai Ji was silent for a while and said, "remember, you said I was the little Lord of Linfeng palace, and I would be the Holy Son after shenting."

"Well, since you remember who you are, can you tell me what you are doing now? Why do you help those people in the lower world? You don't think you are a person in the lower world after staying in the lower world for more than 10000 years? " It's cold.

"Of course not. It's just that Linfeng palace has been in decline for a long time, and it's not competitive with other thirty-five palaces. So I want to add some pressure to them. If those people don't discount, how can I get ahead?" Bai Ji said calmly.

"Fart, you cheated me. Baiji, you are really thinking about those damned people in the lower world." As soon as the hand swung, the wind blades flew into Bai Ji's body. Bai Ji flew out as if he had been hit hard. It was only when he hit the wall that he slowly fell down. It was obvious that Bai Ji's original white skin was stained with mottled blood.

"Ha ha, I'm a little careful. In my position, I don't count others. I'm waiting to be counted by others. Besides, I spent more than 10000 years in that place. I'm going to take it as my back garden. No one is allowed to dye it. Those things belong to me and Linfeng palace. How can I do that wrong?" Bai Ji asked, biting his teeth.

"But you're in such a hurry that you don't have the power to monopolize it." Come some headache of say.

Bai Ji heard this and laughed, "strength, as long as I have enough beast Dan, is it still lack of strength?"

"Well, I'll take care of it for you first, but if you have something behind you, make it out quickly, or you'll take care of it yourself, but that's what you have to suffer." Come person light say.

Bai Ji wiped the blood on the corner of his mouth and looked at him with an eyebrow. "I know. I've thought of that for a long time."

When the visitor saw that Baiji Ziji had plans, he turned around and left, "in this case, I'll go."

After waiting for that person to leave, Bai Ji just waved to let the people below help him up, "Bai Ji, are you ok?"

Bai Ji shook his head. "It's OK. What can I do for you?"

No matter what, he is also a person in this world. Although he was thrown into the lower world when he was a child because he was framed, will he come back? Those people wanted to feed him and his descendants, but they didn't expect him to come back and break free from the shackles.

The orc world, in the eyes of those people, is the crime world, because the people who will go down there will either be punished, or some extremely poor and vicious people who can't stay in this world will flee there, and then they will pass on their descendants with the original people in the crime world. What kind of crime world, and how good are those people? Sooner or later, they will destroy this false world, and they will have nothing to do with the orcs What's the difference?

It's all life. Why should he be higher than others? He came back from the world below so desperately that he wanted to pull these people to go to hell together. At that time, he would turn all the people into people in the crime world. Let's see if they can make music in front of him. The orc world is so good, at least the people there are not so hypocritical.

He spent such a long time planning this thing, and will soon succeed. I believe that both the orc world and the people in this world will appreciate him.

Yin Zhu, I sacrificed myself to fight for time for you. You should be more aggressive. The future of the orc world is in your hands. Of course, he will help them. Bai Ji laughs.

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