At this time, Mengji in the dark abyss slowly opens her eyes, and Jono in his body has been kicked out by her at this time. Looking at Jono in his body, whose two souls are perfectly integrated, Mengji smiles and says to Jono, "you two are well integrated."

"What do you want to do?" Jono was very restrained at this time. He had been absorbing Mengji's power before. Mengji didn't wake up. This time, he suddenly woke up. He didn't know whether it was good or bad for him.

"You want to be strong, don't you?" Mengji smiles.

Jono nodded. "Yes."

"What do you want to do when you are strong?" Mengji asked with a smile.

"Strong, protect your partner and your people." Jono said directly that in his world, people and partners are the most important. What he remembers from his childhood education is his own tribe, which does not include this world.

"Well, really, my purpose is to protect the people in this world." Dream Ji still smile, smile is very light.

However, Meng Ji's face immediately changed and became very sad. "I clearly want to protect the people in this world, but I almost destroyed this world. Now I become the devil who eats my own kind. Do you know how many people I devour? There were a lot of people in the original nightmare clan, but because of the practice of reincarnation, I don't know how many tribes destroyed the clan. "

"You?" Jono looks at Mengji in doubt, obviously surprised that Mengji chats with him at this time.

"Do you know where baiji is from? Baiji is a person from the last world. He cheated me into practicing the formula of reincarnation. I took him as my closest partner. Then he cheated me, making me look like no one, no ghost, and no extrication. " Dream Ji resentment said.

When Jono heard this, he couldn't help but wonder: "I don't understand. Your strength is very strong. You should have surpassed Baiji. If Baiji really deceives you, can't you kill Baiji?"

Mengji shook her head when she heard this, "I wanted to kill him when I knew I was cheated, but I can't. He told me that there is another world in our world, and we are the food of those people. In order to convince me, he also gave evidence, otherwise, we don't know what we are doing What's alive and what's the meaning of being alive? It's Baiji who let me know the news. "

"You said Baiji was from that world, and he came to tell you this specially?" Why do you think this is a bit weird? Why does Baiji do this?

"It's true, because Baiji has offended people in that world and can't survive to escape to this world. Baiji hates the people in the last world. He wants to destroy the world above, so he wants to help us. Baiji said that he lied to me because, apart from this method, people in our world can't win the people above, so I can only protect them If I had not been in this state, I would have been crazy for ten thousand years. " Mengji hugged her head.

"What's the status of the other Mengji?" Jono would be a little curious.

"That should be because my state of mind is painful, and then it produces too much negative energy. If it's not because you absorb a lot, I'm afraid I can't calm down. Just like this, I can't control them. Jono, I've seen a lot of them during your time here. I think you and your partner are very good. Can I ask you One thing? " Mengji looks at Jono pleadingly?

"I want to know what it is?" Jono did not promise Mengji at the first time, but asked first.

Baiji, the high priest of the nightmare clan, turns out to be the people from the upper world. They're afraid that they still don't know about it. Mengji didn't dare to make any noise until now. It's because baiji is here and Baiji goes back to the upper world. Mengji dares to come out and chat with him. It's obvious that Mengji is very afraid of Baiji even though she is stronger than Baiji.

Furthermore, Baiji said that he hated the world. Would he really destroy the world? Will you cheat them? After all, Baiji's mind is hard to guess.

"Jono, I think you two cooperate very well. Don't worry about going crazy. I'm too painful and tired. I want to give you all my strength. I just hope you can protect the world well and use the strength I give you to protect the world well. You see, your partner is also going this way now. It doesn't conflict with what you want to do. How about that ?” Dream Ji smile, very gentle, said tired look also light, as if things in the world for her is like this, but it does not matter like this, it is more distressing.

That is really tired, will be like this, even tired look can't show, can leave death said so light, this itself is tired to the extreme will be like this.

"Protect the world?" Jono was stunned for a moment. This is really a great ideal, but Jono doesn't know whether he can do it or not, and whether he can shoulder the heavy responsibility. He has always been able to do it before he agrees. If he can't do it, he won't agree.

"With my power, you can become very strong, and you are in harmony with your partner, and there will be no problems for me. With my power, you can protect your partner." Mengji said with a seductive tone."Can I know what you think of Baiji? Can he be trusted? " Jono asked in silence for a moment.

What he wants to do in the future is bound to collide with Bai Ji, and they still don't understand Bai Ji. If Meng Ji doesn't say that Bai Ji is from the last world, all of them don't know, Yin Zhu probably feels that Bai Ji is sacrificing himself.

After hearing Jono's question, Mengji was silent for a long time until Jono thought she lost her voice. After a long time, Jono heard Mengji say in a hoarse voice: "baiji is my partner. The only lie he told me in his life is to deceive me to practice reincarnation formula. He never deceived me again. He will go to practice after his goal is determined Nowadays, people are crazy, but they have terrible reason. "

At this time, Jono gave Baiji an X in his heart and cheated his partner. However, seeing Mengji's appearance, he should have liked Baiji very much at the beginning, otherwise he would not have suffered as much as now. However, Baiji told Mengji that other news should also be true, so Mengji would practice desperately and use her most disgusting way to give the world happiness It's a relief.

Mengji's evaluation of Baiji should be objective, and Baiji probably disdains to lie to them. If you want to say it, or if you don't want to say it at all, it's quite Baiji's malice to Yinzhu. Jono can't help but chill in his heart. He knows that if he doesn't step up his strength, he really can't help Yinzhu.

"If I absorb all your strength, will you disappear?" Jono asked in a low voice at this time.

"Yes." Meng Ji nodded faintly.

Jono looked at Mengji and said, "if you don't regret it, I don't mind." He wants strength. No matter what kind of way he uses, Cao Cheng's practice of swallowing others today is also Baiji. Finally, let Baiji's partner bear the consequences of this matter. Is it God's punishment.

Seeing that Jono had promised herself, Mengji finally began to smile. Her smile was very bright, and she was obviously very happy.

"You're good, really good, thank you, Jono, and best wishes to you and your partner." Mengji said with a smile.

Jono looks at the smile in Mengji's eyebrows and sighs in his heart. Mengji should also have feelings for Baiji, but there are too many things mixed in the feelings. Mengji chooses to let go and give up her life. I don't know if Baiji will jump up in anger when he knows the result. The man who doesn't care at any time knows that Mengji disappears After that, will it continue like this.

This time, Mengji doesn't let Jono get into her body. Instead, she actively divides a lot of energy to help Jono practice. Jono and Xiaojin practice at the same time. The absorption speed is very fast, hundreds of times faster than their passive practice before.

Xiaojin can't help communicating with Jono in her heart at this time. "Jono, you believe this Mengji, don't you worry about her cheating us with Baiji?"

When Jono heard this, he laughed, "Xiao Jin, do you remember why we didn't stay here with Yin Zhu, just to absorb more energy and strengthen ourselves? Now that people have sent things to the door, we don't want them. Anyway, we get benefits, don't we? What we need most now is to improve our strength quickly. If there is a conspiracy, does it make any difference whether she gives it to us or we absorb it ourselves? So why think so much? If you are powerful, you will know more. "

When Xiao Jin heard this, he turned his lips. Well, he said that Jono didn't open his mouth just now. It's the same thing that Jono had to deal with everything.

"OK, let's practice hard. After we absorb all the energy of Mengji, we'll go to Yinzhu. Yinzhu will be surprised to see us." Xiao Jin said excitedly.

"Good." Jono thinks he doesn't know how long he hasn't been with Yin Zhu. He also wants to have that time.

Mengji looks at Jono who is willing to absorb. She can't help affirming that this person is at least a person who does great things. At least she has courage and attitude, which makes people like it. Baiji, do you think that if you arrange everything, I will listen to you? You didn't expect me to go this way, did you!

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