After Bai Kun left daze tribe, he went to each tribe's ancestral place to look for animal elixirs. He soon absorbed those animal elixirs who practiced reincarnation formula. Reincarnation formula could absorb all kinds of forces. It could be said that it was for the garbage collection station. The good and the bad could be absorbed. Of course, the side effect was obvious. However, Yin Zhu asked Ze to hand over the animal elixirs to Bai Kun when he came back The useless things in Dan are eliminated, so practicing the reincarnation formula has some influence on Bai Kun, but it's not as good as Mengji's double-sided personality.

Meng Tai and Bai Kun remind them to collect information about the ice city and join hands with the dark city. At this time, Meng Tian finds that Teng an doesn't know when he has left the dark city.

Teng'an's strength is not enough, and he's still young. Normally, he won't leave the dark city, but teng'an has left, and tangzhuo hasn't delivered the message to Daze tribe for the first time. This is not right.

The city of darkness and daze tribe have always been an alliance. In addition, Yin zhutengxiao's relationship is very harmonious. However, Tang Zhuo can't hide the big news about tengan.

Thinking of this, the first thing Montaigne wanted to fight was a plot. He was anxious to go to the city of darkness. After all, he didn't know who had the right to force Tang Zhuo to tell the truth except him. As the head of daze tribe, he couldn't leave, let alone what kind of influence he would have on the tribe if he left daze tribe Ring.

Of course, the best way is to inform Bai Kun. Bai Kun is Teng an's elder. Moreover, Bai Kun is smart and rational. He will be able to deal with things in the dark city.

Fortunately, Bai Kun left them an urgent contact code. As long as there was something urgent, Bai Kun would come back.

Bai Kun just came out of one of his ancestral places. When he saw the sign he left, he knew that something must be wrong. Otherwise, they would not be so anxious to contact him.

Bai Kun, who has absorbed several ancestral animal pills, is super powerful. It took him a few hours to return to Daze tribe. He also went to Mengtai for the first time.

"Patriarch, what happened? Are you looking for me in such a hurry?" Bai Kun sees that daze tribe is still in good condition. That may be a secret problem.

At this time, Montaigne told teng'an's story in a hurry. When he knew the news, he also asked daze tribe's caravan outside to inquire about teng'an's news. For now, he didn't find any useful news.

When Bai Kun heard this, he frowned and said, "I know. I'll deal with it."

Bai Kun thought to himself that he was really confused. He didn't go to the dark city when he came back. He knew better than others that Teng an had some memories of Zichen, and he couldn't treat him as a child. He really had a headache about where this man went now, but it was only about Bai Ji or Ziji. Except for these two people, Bai Kun couldn't think of it Come on, who else can make tengan disappear.

According to Ziji, Baiji has left the world, so it is most likely that Ziji has taken teng'an away. If teng'an wants to leave, he will leave a message.

There is also Tang Zhuo there, unexpectedly did not tell this matter at the first time, really confused, he will not think it is a small matter, he can solve it.

Bai Kun didn't go to the dark city, but went directly to the ice city to find Ziji. No matter what Ziji wanted to do, there was no mistake in the first time.

Bai Kun went directly, without any cover up. He let go of his momentum and went directly to the city Lord's mansion. It can be said that his attitude was very obvious.

Ziji looked at baikun standing in front of him and said with a smile, "you are growing up so fast."

"Where's Teng an?" Bai Kun comes to the point. He doesn't want to talk to Ziji.

"It was looking for him. Don't you think I did anything to him?" Ziji looks at baikun with laughter.

"Don't say you don't know where teng'an is except you." Bai Kun said calmly.

"He's on my side, but I didn't catch him. He has to follow me. That's no wonder." After Ziji finished, he looked at baikun sarcastically and said, "people are in it. If you can, take them back. I'm still tired of him."

Bai Kun was stunned when he heard this, and then ran to the front quickly.

Bai Kun hasn't seen teng'an for many years, but teng'an's appearance is easy to recognize, which is similar to Teng Xi's and Tengcheng's brothers. With his half beast body, it's easy to recognize.

"Teng an, come here." Bai Kun stood not far away from teng'an, and his calm voice waved to teng'an who was not far away from him.

Teng an looked up seriously at this time, and then said: "you should be a father of mine, but I don't like you very much."

, when he heard this, his face turned black. Then he looked aside and looked at the purple sacrifice standing on the side. The big man could see the excitement. Was he too busy to do anything?

"That's what rhe taught you, teng'an?" Bai Kun frowned at him.

Teng'an frowned when he heard this, and after a long time, "it's none of Reihe's father's business. Come on, what can I do for you?"Although Leihe is not the father who gave birth to him, Leihe does raise him. For his best man, if baikun uses other people, Teng an will not care. But baikun says that Leihe can't lose his father's face.

"Teng an, I know you are not a child. Let's have a good talk." Bai Kun goes forward and catches Teng an all the time.

Teng an's first reaction was to struggle, and then he found that he had no way to get rid of it, so he said with a black face: "let go, I'll go with you." He's the Lord of the dark city. How can he be pressed on the ground and rubbed by others? So it's better to walk obediently.

After hearing this, Bai Kun stares at Teng an seriously. Seeing that Teng an is not a liar, he releases his hand.

"That's the attitude we should have towards bear children." Ziji touched his chin.

At this time, Bai Kun has taken teng'an to the outside of Hanbing city quickly. Bai Kun doesn't want to discuss some problems with teng'an in Hanbing city. Hanbing city is the chassis of Ziji. It can be said that Ziji will know about it. Of course, he may know about it outside of Hanbing City, but it should be better.

Bai Kun quickly found a place, and then sat down. Teng an was not willing to sit down in front of Bai Kun with a straight face. "What do you want me to do? I'm so old, you don't have to worry about it. "

"Teng an, I don't know what you want to do with Ziji, but I want to warn you, don't think about calculating Ziji. You are not his opponent. Be careful that you become his pawn. Do you think you have Zichen's memory, so you think you are very powerful?" Bai Kun said calmly.

Bai Kun doesn't like Yin Zhu's three children, who are not calculated, because they don't show filial respect to Yin Zhu's mother. They have something else in their heart, although they don't mean anything to Yin Zhu.

When Teng an heard that his identity had been exposed, he began to panic for a moment. Then he shook his head, looked at Bai Kun contemptuously and said, "it seems that my two elder brothers have no ability. You know that, but I don't think my mother and father know it."

"What makes you think I won't tell them." Bai Kun is cold.

Teng'an laughed at this time, "because you like my mother, I don't know anything else, but your hearts to my mother are really true. If my mother knows that our children are only half of her children, she will be sad. You won't let her feel sad for this kind of thing, unless we are hostile to my mother, but we have nothing to do with her It's a bad idea, so you won't talk about it. You'll just hide it. " Teng an said this and couldn't help laughing.

Bai Kun said with a smile, "I can't see that you are the smartest of the three."

Teng an laughed, "I'm not smart. If I'm smart, I won't talk to you about this. I shouldn't have seen you."

"Teng an, I don't know what you want to do, or what Baiji left you. I want to ask you, do you know what happened in the nightmare world? Are you sure you want to go the next way? " Facing such a smart and rational teng'an, Bai Kun knows that he can only stop teng'an for a while, but he can't stop teng'an for the rest of his life unless he follows teng'an all the time, but this is obviously impossible, so Bai Kun simply let teng'an choose for himself and think about it carefully.

"Yes, we all know. Then, will you stop what I want to do?" Teng an turns to look at Bai Kun.

Bai Kun sighed and said, "I won't stop you, because I can't stop you. But I want to tell you that it doesn't matter if you want to go your own way. Please bear your own people and your responsibilities on your back. Ziji once said that everyone has his own way to go, and so do I, so I won't stop you, but I hope you can take an exam when you do things Think about your father, your mother and Rachel

There are only three of them who can move teng'an in this world, so Bai Kun takes them out to persuade teng'an.

"I know. I will protect my people and my relatives." Teng an said word by word.

Bai Kun said with a smile, "that's enough. I'll take care of the rest. Anyway, I'm your father. Don't worry too much." Bai Kun rubbed Teng an's head, then turned and left.

Teng an can't help but curse his mother. Who needs his help and who allows him to rub his head? It's disgusting. He didn't like people who were too smart.

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