Teng'an promised not to interfere, but Bai Kun would not care about Ziji's business. Especially now teng'an is still following him. He always has to pay attention to it, not to mention that Ziji's business is probably more related to the whole Orc continent.

He always wants to know what Ziji wants to do. He never does anything he's not sure about. At least he has to prepare how to deal with it in advance. Ziji, an old man, can't do nothing if he makes a cold ice city.

He remembers that there was no one in the former ice city, because the former people in it seemed to have been sacrificed. Would the ice city be a built array? It's necessary to examine it carefully.

Ziji looked at Bai Kun, who had left and returned, and said sarcastically, "how do you worry about me dealing with that child?"

Bai Kun shook his head and said, "I know Teng an wants to follow you, not you."

"That's why you came to me for something." Purple sacrifice faint smile for a while, then directly waved to sit down, "what do you want to ask?"

"Yes, I have many questions, but I don't know if you will answer me." Bai Kun hesitated for a while and said.

Ziji couldn't help laughing when he heard this, "since you are not sure whether I will answer you, why ask me? You don't have an answer. You think I can give you an answer."

"To tell the truth, no matter Baiji or you, I don't feel too strong hostility, but I have a feeling that you will not be our helpers or even enemies. I just want to say that my intuition is right or wrong?" Bai Kun was silent for a long time and asked a question.

When Ziji heard this, he laughed, "enemy or friend, it depends on your own judgment, doesn't it? As for me, I don't want to hurt your mind, but I don't guarantee that what I do will involve you. After all, sometimes the weak will be abandoned. "

When Bai Kun heard this, he understood that the meaning of Ziji was very obvious, that is, the weak people didn't matter to him, they would be abandoned, they would be abandoned and used, only the strong people were qualified to speak.

"I see what you mean. I hope we are not enemies. No matter it's me or others, none of us is weak. If we don't compromise, we won't lose." Bai Kun patted himself on the chest.

Ziji nodded, "I feel it." As far as Bai Kun is concerned, he grows very fast. He thinks that he should be able to surpass him when he meets next time. However, Bai Kun is so uncontrollable and powerful that he will have problems later.

But how could a smart man like Bai Kun not think of it, not to mention that there is a Meng Ji in front of him who is setting an example there. What's the need for him to be talkative? Besides, there are two kinds of people. Why should he intervene? Maybe the reason why Bai Kun dares to do this is that they already have the ability to understand the negative influence. He never underestimates anyone's ability. Yin Zhu can come to the present step by step In fact, it means that she and the people around her are not weak.

"Please don't touch our things. I'm a short guard. I respect you very much." Bai Kun said.

Ziji knows that Bai Kun's words are threats, but is he afraid of threats? But the feeling of being threatened is very good. At least he doesn't know what it's like to be threatened. He can finally experience it.

"Bai Kun, I'll give you a chance." Ziji said with a smile, "just like when I gave Bai Yangui a chance, Bai Yangui should be very good now, but he doesn't appreciate me." Ziji then shook his head, as if very sorry.

"You're just taking Bai Yangui as an experiment. It's no help. You want to calculate Bai Yangui, but let him escape." Think about how smart Bai Yangui was at the beginning. He was not fooled by Ziji. I really don't know whether tengan is a good thing or a bad thing around him.

But teng'an is not controlled by others. Even if it is not teng'an's voluntary, it should be teng'an and Ziji who have reached an agreement. Teng'an doesn't say anything but shows his attitude. It's hard for him to destroy it.

"But I've told him all this before. I'm a kid and I don't like to cheat people." Ziji shook his head to show that he was innocent.

Bai Kun shakes his head when he sees this. In fact, the move of Bai Yan's return should be very important. Especially when Bai Yan's return is safe from the earth, Ziji can't give up so easily. There must be other calculation in the future, but they didn't think of it or didn't know it.

"Bai Yangui should still be under your control, saying that you don't like cheating." Bai Kun looks at Ziji sarcastically with a hook on his mouth. Like Baiji, he likes to arouse people's appetite. He hates it most.

"I really don't control him. I really don't, but I heard that he has one more partner. I think she may need my help." Ziji is very calm.

Bai Kun's eyes narrowed when he heard this. It's very good. Ziji knows Yang Wantong's identity so quickly. Do you want to help? The biggest problem in Yang Wantong's body is the animal pill. It seems that Ziji is really dead.

Ziji looks at baikun's face and can't help laughing. Baikun knows everything about it, so he doesn't want to stay here any more. He just gets up and leaves. Baikun is afraid that if he talks about it again, he will jump up and hit others. These guys are so terrible that he takes their next step into account.Looking at Bai Kun's quick walk, Ziji couldn't help laughing.

"Bai Kun, when the disaster comes, each of us has his own things to face, and each of us has his own disaster to deal with. I hope you can hold on. I think you also hope they are well, right?" Ziji turns his head and looks at tengan who has come back.

Teng an this time white one eye purple sacrifice, "you are not what good thing."

Purple sacrifice heard this words to smile, stretched out a finger to point to Teng an, "say to have been tossing my person is you, come to my side not little toss, also scold me, kid you are very rampant, purple Chen dare not like this in front of me, obviously with purple Chen that a clever, but not that a temperament."

Teng an hears this but white one eye purple sacrifice to say, "I am me, not purple Chen, I am Teng an, only, when purple Chen abandons ego, have no purple Chen."

Purple sacrifice listened to order to nod, also be in purple Chen according to white sacrifice of request give up ego to divide into three time, have no what purple Chen, even if Teng an they have the memory of purple Chen, have the affection of purple Chen, but this just have certain influence to Teng an they, they are still not, this world has no purple Chen.

"Boy, how do you persuade Bai Kun? I don't think Bai Kun is so persuasive." Ziji asks curiously. After spending some time with baikun, he knows that baikun is very smart, but it's not so easy to cheat.

"Why to persuade? I don't say anything. I just show that I must do that. As for no reason, then he doesn't care any more." Teng an said, shaking his little feet.

After hearing this, Ziji was stunned, and then burst out laughing, "yes, just show your attitude. Baikun has a lot of things to do. He really doesn't have so much time to stare at you. Sometimes when you need a reason to do something, you can do it if you want. It's not necessarily bad to be simple and direct. "

"Teng an, I've made it clear to you what you want to do. Will you regret it?" Ziji will look at tengan very seriously.

Teng an glanced at Ziji and said, "don't pretend. You want me to do it. This will show you a choice on purpose, and make you regret. I didn't force you to do it. Are you not tired? Do you think Zichen will regret it? Is Baiji sorry? Do you regret it? There's a lot of chatter. It's all rubbish. "

Purple sacrifice heard this again burst out laughing, and then said happily, "I should have come to you earlier, you are much smarter than your two brothers."

"It was." Teng an said triumphantly, "by the way, don't say those empty, come to some practical, you see I cooperate with you very much, do you let me get the best care in this period of time in ice city, such as responding to any request." Teng an put forward his opinion with a smile.

"Yes, I'm very generous." Ziji said with a smile.

Teng an didn't ask for anything politely before, but he tried his best to ask for it. Whether he agreed or not was not the same. This guy really didn't know what politeness was, but he used it to the best of his ability, which was not similar to Yin Zhu, and he didn't know who he was.

"Since there is nothing wrong with you, I'll go to work. Take your time to rest." Ziji stood up and went outside.

Teng'an is lying on his back, looking at the sky. He thinks, since this catastrophe is doomed to be sacrificed, why can't it be him? He misses the days when he was a child in the dark city. At that time, his mother and Leihe's father were with him. They were very happy. Now they are very far away from him, that's him Want to see all can't see of, don't still have another two elder brothers.

Anyway, he is a incomplete ORC. Compared with the complete father and mother, his sacrifice is worth it.

Ziji wants to use him, but he has no other mind. This is a mutual calculation. His master, Ziji and his mother are all good. In fact, everyone wants to live, want to live well, and come out of a way, but everyone is different.

When he came here, he always asked Tang Zhuo not to tell the people in daze tribe. He didn't expect that he didn't hide it. He didn't expect that Bai Kun would agree to him so easily, but Bai Kun's father should do something. Even if he was allowed to be here, he would not let go.

Forget it. He has already figured out how to go and what to do with so many troubles. It's better to eat and play when he has time. In fact, he likes to eat. Eating in this cold ice city is an alternative enjoyment.

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