Everyone is working hard for his own purpose. The whole world seems to be in a state of temporary peace, and the ignorant people are still living carefree.

When Yin Zhu absorbed most of the nightmare animal pills, Bai Ji couldn't hide them any more. After all, those people had done something about the animal pills. Now that all the information has been erased by Ze, their food is gone, and these people are worried.

Of course, they sent people down, but those people didn't take Yin Zhu seriously. Even if they knew that many animal pills had disappeared, they didn't think Yin Zhu could absorb them, because there were bad things in the animal pills, and the people in the lower world didn't have the means to deal with them. How many people would die if they ate them?

Bai Ji looked at those people and sent a small team of ten people down. He couldn't help laughing. These people went down to deliver food to Yin Zhu. Yin Zhu's strength at this time can easily beat them. These people thought they were superior.

He helped to buy a lot of time. I hope Yin Zhu will be smart and not kill these idiots. Then he will buy time to absorb more animal pills.

As Bai Ji thought, Yin Zhu was tracked down, and they felt it the first time. Then Yin Zhu found that the strength of those people was generally better than those in the nightmare world, but they were not as strong as those of them.

Tengxiao directly arrested people, and then tortured them. These people confessed quickly.

Yin Zhu didn't expect that the people above would notice their actions so soon. It seems that they don't have much time. It seems that they should hurry up. Fortunately, the people above didn't know them well enough and sent such a group of people down. How do these people deal with it?

Yin Zhu thought for a moment and didn't intend to kill these people. When these people die, the people above will feel it. At that time, they will let more people down, or send stronger people down. At that time, they will spend more energy. It's better to keep these people, let them relax their vigilance, and then speed up the absorption of animal elixir.

The people on the top really think what Yin Zhu thinks. Although those people don't come back, the number of animal pills on the bottom is still decreasing. At the beginning, those people don't think that the top is wrong. On the contrary, they think that the sent ones are greedy, and they are greedy for so many animal pills. However, when the number of animal pills is still decreasing, those people think that it's wrong, but the people in the row are still fine I can't help thinking that there are too few adults. They are too useless. They send more people down, but they are caught by Yin Zhu.

In this way, Yin Zhu and them slowly nibble at each other. When the people above really move, Yin Zhu and Yin Zhu basically absorb the animal elixir left in the nightmare world, but they still can't absorb the light.

Ze, who has absorbed enough power, has long become a human being. However, due to gender issues, he doesn't like to become a human being. He still likes the appearance of animal form. Maybe in this form, he will forget his gender.

Bai Ji looked at the people on the top sending people down again and again. He couldn't help sneering. These idiots didn't see that they didn't succeed every time. As a result, they sent them bit by bit. These people thought they were superior. Yin Zhu, you have to cheer me up. It's not in vain that he spent so much effort and was punished.

However, this hard work is nothing. He will soon be able to laugh and watch those people cry, and think how surprised they will be when they see the result, especially Mengji, which is a gift he has spent thousands of years to make.

Thinking of Mengji, Baiji can't help missing her. Mengji doesn't know if it's good to be there, but with Jono there to help Mengji balance, it shouldn't be a big problem.

Along the way, he has paid too much, obedient little apprentice, and lover Mengji. Yes, Mengji was his lover at the beginning, and then Mengji was willing to pay everything for him for the orc world. They spent too much time and cost, all of which will be successful soon.

He doesn't like the so-called upper bound at all, and he doesn't like his own form. He still likes the orc world.

On the other side of the orc continent, Bai Kun knew that he could not absorb all the animal pills. He asked the people to collect the animal pills, and then packed them all to ice city.

He didn't know what Ziji was going to do, but no matter what he did, he couldn't do without one thing, that is energy. Without energy, he couldn't do anything. Ziji should like the gift he sent.

No matter what Ziji wants to do, they are at least people of the same world. They should have the same purpose in the issue of uniting with others. Even if Ziji doesn't intend to fight against those people in the upper world, Ziji will not be their accomplice.

Besides, if they don't use so many animal pills, they will be used by the people in the upper world. This is tantamount to investing in the enemy. It's right to weaken the enemy's strength, so Bai Kun did it without hesitation.

Ziji watched daze tribe people send a lot of animal pills to him. His apprentice received them very well. At least they were very considerate.Ziji looked at Teng an who was shaking his feet and said, "this is from your father baikun. You can enjoy it."

"I only need a part of it. Let those people eat the rest." Teng an said calmly.

Purple sacrifice nodded, didn't say much, he looked at Teng an pick and choose to get a pile of animal Dan in the past.

"What else to choose?" Ziji frowned and looked at teng'an. The bear boy had many things.

"Of course, the ones with good color are fresher at first sight. The ones with bad color may have been dusty for a long time. I can't eat such things." Teng an said and spat out his tongue.

Ziji couldn't help but look at Teng an. He didn't say anything. He turned around and took away the rest of the animal pills. These animal pills are available or not for him. However, baikun worked so hard to collect them, so he helped. He didn't know that the people in the upper world knew that all the things he had collected were gone. He didn't know what the expression would be.

So many animal Dan, they raised a reincarnation, and then all disappeared, think of here purple sacrifice can't help but want to laugh, the people above will be very angry.

In fact, he is also very angry, especially after he knows the meaning of his existence, and then he starts to struggle. Even if they can't get rid of it, they won't be so cheap. Those people in the upper world will always be caught dead.

Ziji looks up at the sky, then smiles calmly. This is the way he chooses for himself. If he doesn't succeed, he will become benevolent, including teng'an.

Ziji goes away with the beast pill and goes into the depths of the ice city. Only Ziji knows what's in it, but tengan probably knows a little bit. There are all orcs like him, and they are almost all beast like orcs.

Now they are trying to absorb all the power as much as possible, even if they pay the same price, including teng'an. Teng'an looks at the pile of animal pills in front of him and eats them up, which should make him lose his sense. At that time, he will probably not be teng'an, but can only be regarded as a kind of fierce and savage beast.

They will break through everything. Even those people can't. those people think that beast Dan can trap them. Wrong, wildness can break through everything.

However, his mother would be very sad to know that he chose such a road. Unfortunately, he probably couldn't hear her scolding. It's very good. Otherwise, people would be nagging and he would be irritable. He is no longer young and can make his own decisions.

Upper bound people, we are waiting for, we do not know when you can afford our return.

The weak may not be really weak.

Moreover, the seal between the nightmare world and the orc world is not only the seal between the two worlds, but also the seal between the people of that world. This seal is very strange, and can't be broken by force alone. It's very simple, because the array is one-way, that is to say, Orcs can enter the nightmare world, and the people of the nightmare world can enter the orc world, but the orcs in the past can't come back Unless we break the law and politics.

Ziji doesn't expect this array to stop them, but at least it can stop a large number of powerful people. That's all right. The people in the dark abyss of nightmare world are Baiji left to deal with those people, while the ordinary people of nightmare will send them.

In fact, they didn't do anything, they just tried to do it. As for how many people they could help, he didn't know.

At the same time, Montaigne is also arranging things for daze tribe. He doesn't know what the world will be like in the end, but he can only store food and train soldiers according to what he knows. Then he can build fortresses and build weapons. Daze tribe is doing everything that can strengthen its own ability. Daze tribe is not only doing it by itself, but also letting other tribes do it. As for those Montaigne doesn't know whether to do it or not. Anyway, his message has been sent out, saying that there will be a catastrophe.

He did his best, and he didn't know how many orcs could do well.

But Montaigne knew that since the people above raised them in captivity, they would not kill all the orcs. If all the orcs died, he was afraid that they would have no animal elixir to use, so the most likely way was to find a big tribe or a strong one. Montaigne also divided a small part of the core members of the tribe in order to leave a legacy for his tribe Go.

He doesn't know if he can escape, but what he should do is to do.

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