Bai Yangui takes Yang Wantong to absorb animal pills all the way back, but without Yin Zhu, Yang Wantong is more cheerful and free and easy. The opposite sex with Yin Zhu is probably the kind of urgent atmosphere, which makes Yang Wantong a little unable to breathe. She is embarrassed to pull Bai Yan back to do something else, so as to save her feeling of disaster.

Now anyway, she and Bai Yangui are alone. She is not embarrassed. She wants to take Bai Yangui to play. Bai Yangui will not say anything. Bai Yangui will only look at her helplessly and accompany her to play.

In fact, this is also a test of Yang Wantong. What she knows is that Bai Yangui has no sense of responsibility to say how much she likes her. She thinks that she is in charge because he has become like that. However, she doesn't want this kind of relationship. What she wants is real feelings. She also wants to try where Bai Yangui's bottom line is for her.

But now it seems that Bai Yangui is really tolerant of her. What he needs most is to improve his strength as soon as possible, and then meet the next storm, but he still tries his best to meet her requirements.

Yang Wantong didn't make any more trouble after she made it several times. She didn't mean it. She just wanted to know Bai Yangui's attitude. When she knew it, she would let Bai Yangui practice wholeheartedly. Even she couldn't help practicing more. If she was bad at that time, what would she do to drag Bai Yangui's back? She would never be a drag bottle.

It took Bai Yangui more than half a month to return to Guyuan tribe with Yang Wantong. The whole Guyuan tribe was shocked by Bai Yangui's return. After all, at the beginning, everyone knew that Bai Yangui was in poor health. Even if he was well protected and suppressed, he could live to 18 years old at most. But now Bai Yangui went out and came back to see him walk without breathing Son, it is clear that the body is good.

Huang Yan looked at Bai Yangui standing in front of him, and with a smile, he stretched out his hand and touched Bai Yangui's head

A very common back, but contains a lot of, white Yan back at this time can't help but tears in her eyes, "aunt, I'm back." In his early years, if this aunt didn't help him suppress the mental power in his body, he probably couldn't wait for Yin Zhu.

"Aunt, this is my partner Yang Wantong." Bai Yangui is introduced by Yang Wantong, who is standing on one side.

When Yang Wantong heard this, she immediately stood upright, like a soldier waiting for the inspection of the leader. She raised her head and grinned, "good aunt."

Huang Yan looks down at the little female standing in front of her eyes. Yes, even if Yang Wantong is 1.7 meters tall, she is still a dwarf among the orcs. Any Orc she pulls out is taller than her. She is just like an underage ORC.

Yang Wantong was yellow smoke that serious eyes to see some hair counsellor, she necked looking at white Yan back, how to do? My aunt doesn't seem to like me.

Looking at Yang Wantong's small face almost turned into bitter gourd, Bai Yangui directly stood in front of Yang Wantong, blocking people behind him, "aunt, you scared her."

Huang Yan answered slowly, "if you have the courage to be your partner, if you don't have the courage to see me, I don't think you should be such a timid person."

"Aunt, I'm timid." Yang Wantong then stretched out her head and said weakly.

If she is really not afraid of others, isn't that the elder? Bai Yangui's only elder, of course, was worried.

"Come with me." Huang Yan takes a look at the two people and dismisses all the onlookers around. Then he waves to them.

Bai Yangui takes Yang Wantong by the hand and follows her.

On the way, Yang Wantong keeps asking Bai Yangui with her eyes. The aunt looks very serious. She doesn't know what she thinks of her. Does she like it or doesn't like it? It's just that her face doesn't welcome her very much. She has no bottom in her heart?

However, even if the aunt did not agree, she would not give up. She had sacrificed all she had for Bai Yangui. That is to say, now Bai Yangui is her only, and no one can take away her only.

"It's OK. Don't think about it." Bai Yangui looks at Yang Wantong's way of blowing up her hair. She can't help extending her hand to shun Mao. Her aunt won't care who he looks for as his partner, otherwise she would have arranged for him as early as he was an adult.

The two men went all the way to Huang Yan's residence. Huang Yan lived at the top of the tribe and on the top of the mountain, and the people were basically on the other side of the hillside.

"Yangui, when I saw you off, I was thinking about meeting you today. In fact, I want you to come back like this, but I don't want you to come back." Huang Yan finished with a faint sigh.

"Auntie, why?" White Yan return very don't understand of say.

Huang Yan looked up at the sky at this time, "you should know that I have been very gifted in divination since I was a child. I knew long ago that it was difficult for you to live this day, but I can't bear it. You are my only blood relative. I am a priest myself. When I die, my family will never leave anything in this world. But I divine that when you change one day When you come back, it's time for the disaster to start. So I hope you will be well, but I don't want you to come back. "

"Tell me how you cured your body." Huang Yan thought that maybe only when she knew how Bai Yangui had cured her body did she know what kind of disaster he had committed.At the beginning, when she knew this hexagram, Huang Yan didn't want to let Bai Yangui die early, but she couldn't bear it. So when Bai Yangui said that she wanted to leave with Yin Zhu, she agreed. After all, what could she do with her body like that? She didn't have to look at Bai Yangui's death and feel uncomfortable, so it was very good. Then one day Bai Yangui came back well.

Bai Yangui was silent when he heard this. He really didn't know that his aunt had so complicated feelings for him.

"Aunt, I didn't cause any trouble. I just know a big secret. It's a big scam in our whole nightmare clan and even the whole Orc world." Bai Yangui took a deep breath and said.

Huang Yan just looked at Bai Yangui, obviously waiting for Bai Yangui to tell the so-called fraud.

When Bai Yangui tells the story of Bai's sacrifice to Yin Zhu and going to another world from beginning to end, including Yang Wantong's identity, and then comes to the issue of animal pill, Huang Yan is stunned after hearing this. It can be said that Bai's words completely overturn her world.

The symbol of their Orc status turns out to be something like poison, which will constantly erode their vitality. What they are proud of should not exist at all.

"So, you don't have any animal pills, do you?" Huang Yan seriously looks at Bai Yangui and Yang Wantong. She is from another world. No wonder she says where Bai Yangui went to find such a short female. She is not an orc at all. She is a human.

"Yes, aunt, you believe me, I didn't lie, and because I have been absorbing animal Dan, my strength has been very strong." Bai Yangui just showed his strength and let Huang Yan have a look.

"You'd better let me be quiet and think about it." Huang Yan now feels that her whole head is going to be dizzy. She thought that Bai Yangui would be a disaster for the tribe. In fact, it's not. It's just that after many years of reincarnation, no matter whether there is Bai Yangui or not, there will be disaster for the tribe.

The animal pill is actually the problem of the animal pill. It's just that we can't say about it. If we don't say whether we can trust others, even the whole tribe will be in chaos.

Bai Yangui is not a destroyer, but a Redeemer of the tribe. Fortunately, fortunately, because she was reluctant to attack the child, what should the tribe do? What should we do with so many people?

These people are ordinary people. They have no ability to fight with the people in the upper world. Once they fight, ordinary people are victims.

"Yangui, you are so powerful. You can think of a way to take the people away. You can't let them all die in this place." Huang Yan tightly grasped Bai Yangui's hand.

In her life, she cared about two things, one was tribe, and then Bai Yangui.

"Aunt, don't worry, I will protect the tribe. In fact, Baiji doesn't do nothing. In fact, our people can go to the orc world. We will fight with those people in the nightmare world. We will stop the people in front of the array, and you will take the people back to the orc world." Bai Yangui said that although Bai Ji didn't say about the array between the two worlds, Ze already knew that Bai Kun left them at that time, but Ze secretly went to see it afterwards and made sure that Bai Kun left safely.

"To the orc world?" Huang Yan couldn't help pondering at this time. It's a big problem to move the tribe. Besides, the resources of the orc world are limited after all. With so many people in the past, is there enough food in the orc world?

When there are no resources, will there be a fight over resources.

When Bai Yangui heard Huang Yan's worry, he shook his head and said, "no, at least there won't be a big problem for a long time. Yin Zhu asked people to bring a lot of high-yield crops back for planting. As long as there are enough manpower, hard work and hunting, they should be able to eat half full and not starve to death." As long as it's not such a big problem as starvation, no one is willing to start a war.

Huang Yan nodded, then said in silence, "I want to think about this matter well, and I also want to think about how to talk to the clan elders." Moving tribes, big and small, is not an easy task, and they have neither foothold.

"If you really have no place to go, go to Daze tribe. It's a big tribe. If you settle down next to them, say Yin Zhu asked you to go, and they will take care of you." Bai Yangui thought of the tribe they came from, so he said.

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