Bai Ji and Yang Wantong look at Huang Yan's meditation. They are worried. Huang Yan looks at the two children and worries about themselves all the time. He can't help looking up at Bai Yangui seriously. "Yan GUI, since the world is so beautiful, why do you want to come back and stay in that world?"

When Bai Yangui heard this, he said with a smile, "aunt, I'm from this world. My name is Bai Yangui from Guyuan tribe. This world has bred me. I know your destiny clearly. How can I ignore it? Besides, Yin Zhu is very kind to me. It can be said that it depends on Yin Zhu. I'm going to help Yin Zhu."

Huang Yan is very pleased to hear this and nods. The child is really good, much better than she thought. It's a pity that she didn't treat the child very well before. She always has complex feelings for the child.

"What about Wantong? You just let Wantong come to this world with you to suffer. Have you ever thought about her?" Huang Yan likes Yang Wantong very much at this time. A woman can give up a world for a man, which shows that the woman loves that man enough, otherwise she will never be able to do it.

"Gu, I'm willing to do all this. Don't blame Bai Yangui." Yang Wantong is very happy to say, to see the aunt is to defend themselves, it seems that the aunt side of their own is through.

Huang Yan looks at Yang Wantong, who can't wait to protect Bai Yan's return, and thinks that his nephew is really lucky.

"Aunt, I know I owe Wantong a lot, but since we can go back before, there must be another way to go back later." Bai Yangui said with certainty.

Huang Yan nodded when she heard this. Now that the children are ready, she won't talk much.

"Auntie, what did you think of what I said before?" Bai Yangui said with some worry.

Huang Yan stood up at this time, stretched his body, and said calmly, "since the world needs fighting, I can't leave like this. This is my world, the tribe I protect. No one can occupy my chassis, no one can. Besides, we can't let you do all the things, and you can't do so many things Love, always need help

"Of course, the inheritance of the tribe can't be broken. I'll let the young people and cubs of the tribe go to the orc world, and I'll stay here. I'll have a good chat with the patriarch about how to operate this matter. Of course, you can't talk about the issue of animal pill. I don't think anyone will believe it. I think I can tell other tribes about individual reasons by the way, but I can't be blind Watch the other tribes suffer. " Huang Yan said very calmly.

"Gu, don't you go to the orc world?" Bai Yangui asked anxiously.

Huang Yan shook his head calmly and said, "I'm the priest and guardian of Guyuan tribe. I can't and won't go."

"Baiji, your world is very big. Take Wantong to have a look at the world. Gu is here." Huang Yan sighed.

When Bai Yangui saw this, he couldn't help tears in his eyes, but he didn't persuade him, because Bai Yangui knew that feeling very well, especially his aunt was still a tribal priest, and she couldn't go.

However, his aunt may not have an accident. As long as he and Yin Zhu solve those people before it happens, won't she be ok?

Yang Wantong was also a little shocked at this time. This tribe is just like a small country. Huang Yan is equivalent to a general who vows to accept his country to the death. Huang Yan is an admirable priest.

"Aunt, we'll stay here with you." Yang Wantong is very reluctant to look at Huang Yan. Although she saw Huang Yan for the first time, she fell in love with such an elder.

Huang Yan said with a smile, "but your battlefield is not here. Your aunt can't leave you here. Just for safety, you have to face more dangerous things than your aunt. Unfortunately, your aunt can't accompany you. She can only guard this small tribe."

"But we've just come back. You can't drive us away." Yang Wantong is very reluctant to say.

Bai Yangui thinks a lot more than Huang Yan. After all, his body is clear to the people in the tribe. It's not normal for him to stand here. He doesn't know how many people in the tribe died because they are like him. Huang Yan, as a priest of the tribe, if he knows what can be cured and doesn't tell the people in the tribe, he's afraid that he won't do anything to the whole tribe It's easy to explain, and now he can't remove the beast pill for the rest of the tribe, so the best way is to leave. That's why Huang Yan drives him away.

If he is in the tribe, let alone Huang Yan, it's hard to explain. There are people in the family who are similar to him. They may be bored to death, so it's really good to leave.

"Let's leave later. I'm very happy to see my aunt when we come back. Aunt, you must be good. I'll come back later." Bai Yangui said word by word, this is his home, he will come back.

What does Bai Yangui mean? She nodded and answered earnestly, "aunt will wait for you to come back."

Bai Yangui then quietly left with Yang Wantong, and did not go to see the tribal patriarch and other people. Yang Wantong wondered, "why do you want to go like this? I feel that it's a bit shameful."Bai Yangui then takes Yang Wantong by the hand and tells her what she thinks. Yang Wantong thinks that if she knows that someone who is as sick as Zijia's child suddenly gets better, she will be crazy to pester the person who is well. How is he cured? Thinking that Bai Yangui is really not suitable to stay in Guyuan tribe.

After Huang Yan sent Bai Yan back, he went back to his residence and saw Huang Chan, the head of the tribe, standing in his room waiting for him.

Huang Chan looked at Huang Yan, who came back from her body. Her face was very bad and she said, "Huang Yan, why do you let Bai Yan go back like this, even I don't want to see you? How is Bai Yangui's body good? Or are there secrets or taboos hidden in it? "

"What does the patriarch think it is?" Huang Yan was silent for a while and asked.

"If it's bad for the tribe, I don't believe it. Huang Yan, you're not that kind of person, but you don't even let me see you off. As soon as people come back, you send them off. This means that Bai Yan must have said something or done something that you don't want to do. So you don't hesitate to send Bai Yan away. Bai Yan's return is just a little time in the tribe There's nothing that can be done in front of the public. You can't do anything here. You can only say what Bai Yangui said. What can't be accepted is that it's related to his physical improvement. You're afraid that I'll force him to ask, so you sent him away. " Huang Chan analyzes it bit by bit.

"All right, but since you understand the patriarch, you still ask me what I do?" Yellow smoke white one eye Huang Chan, no longer speak.

Huang Chan couldn't help laughing at Huang Yan when she heard this, "Huang Yan, I'm the head of the tribe, the real leader of the tribe. You are the deputy, which is equivalent to the identity of a wise man. Now you know something very important to the tribe, and then you don't tell you, do you think you're doing it right? Is that all right? " Huang Chan can't help roaring at this time.

"A few years ago, when the man named Yin Zhu came here, you were very excited. You said that he was the messenger of the orc world. Later, Bai Yangui wanted to go with her, and you agreed. This matter should also have something to do with the woman. Let's talk about it." Huang Chan said this and sat down on one side.

Looking at the silent yellow smoke, Huang Chan can't help humming coldly, "if you don't say it, I'll live in your house."

Huang Yan can't help but smile bitterly when hearing this. Huang Chan can really do this kind of thing. "Why are you suffering? The main reason is that Yan GUI's news is too amazing. Even now I'm still confused."

Huang Chan heard this and laughed. She put out her finger and gently knocked on the wooden pier. "Since you are confused, you can't understand it. Let me give you a good reference."

"What do you think is the animal pill in our body?" Yellow smoke came slowly.

"Isn't the animal pill the symbol of orcs? Only those who have animal elixir can be called human beings. Those who don't have animal elixir are just irrational beasts. Why do you suddenly ask like this? " Huang Chan asked, is the problem in the animal Dan?

Huang Yan knew that most people would not believe it, but she had seen Bai Yangui transform before. Bai Yangui did not have the animal pill, and Bai Yangui could absorb the power of the animal pill safely to make herself strong. In order to win her trust, Bai Yan returned some of the animal pills, and let Huang Yan absorb them to make her strong.

At this time, Huang Yan takes out the beast pill left by Bai Yangui, takes out one of them and hands it to Huang Chan, "look at this."

Huang Chan looked, "isn't this the beast pill of the dead orcs? How do you take this thing? "

At this time, Huang Yan directly blocks Huang Chan's face and swallows a beast pill. Huang Chan is scared to death when she sees it. "You're crazy to swallow the beast pill. You don't want to die?"

At this time, Yin Zhu and Ze began to practice, and they could absorb it directly, but Huang Yan could only swallow it in the most primitive way.

Huang Yan shook his head and said, "it's OK. We've dealt with the animal pill. We swallow it, and then we can laugh and improve our strength according to our daily practice."

Huang Chan looks at Huang Yan doubtfully at this time. Huang Yan carefully says the news that Bai Yangui has brought back at this time, without missing a word. Huang Chan's first feeling when she hears this is that it's impossible, "it's not true." She cried out.

Huang Yan just calmly looked at Huang Chan, and then took a few animal pills in her hand and handed them to her, "take them back to practice, remember not to mix with other animal pills."

It's true or not. She has swallowed a beast pill given by Bai Yangui before. It's not good. It's true or not. It's true if you feel it. She doesn't believe everything Bai Yangui says. It's verified.

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