In the dark abyss, it's OK. Jono has already provoked those guards at this time. Although Meng Ji tells him a lot about the upper world, she still knows too little, and these guards are good strategic targets.

According to Bai Ji, these people were originally from the upper world. Because they had done something wrong, they were exiled to this world. These people must have no feelings for the people in the upper world, so he wanted to know something.

However, he remembers Baiji saying that these people can't be touched. Jono doesn't know if he can touch these people now, so he doesn't plan to touch them physically for the time being. What he wants to do is to control more than one person.

Jono got the rope and tied a guard back, but the whole body of the guard was held in the armor. He didn't know what it looked like. The armor was very strange. Jono found that his mental power would be swallowed up by the armor as long as he touched it.

Jono specially took some sharp weapons and broke the armor with his powerful power. Just at the moment when the armor broke, Jono saw that the armor was not a human, but a skeleton. Then there was a light blue soul energy wrapped in the skeleton.

It should be a soul, and the armor will slowly recover. Thinking that the armor can devour the soul, Jono will understand here. No wonder the exiles are punished to this world. It's a cruel means. These guardians have lost their lives, but their souls can't be liberated. Their souls are trapped in the armor and become a living dead.

As for the reason why Bai Ji doesn't touch these armor, it is because these armor will absorb people's soul power. If they touch it, they will become exiles. That's also the reason, because if the body touches this armor, the soul will be completely absorbed. What a terrible armor.

If all the people in the upper world are like this, I'm afraid that the orcs are not enough for them to devour. Of course, the more terrible thing is the people in the upper world who master these armor. They must find a way to crack this thing. Otherwise, they can escape when they meet this. What about ordinary orcs?

I don't know what's going on with Yin Zhu. He heard a little before that. They are going to absorb animal elixir, and I don't know how their strength compares with him. Besides, Meng Ji is worried about Meng Ji. It's a pity that Meng Ji still has to go after she has no strength.

Jono knows that Mengji, who has lost her strength, should not live long, and she doesn't know what kind of emotional resentment she had with Baiji. Mengji should go to find her own resting place.

Even Jono has a feeling that Baiji absolutely doesn't know what Mengji is doing. If he knows, he will settle accounts with him. Even if Baiji knows what Mengji chooses, he will still anger him.

In fact, if he is Mengji, he will probably make the same choice. Love hate entanglement is the most painful, love can't wait, finally can only choose self exile.

What kind of person is Baiji? Jono really doesn't know how to evaluate him. He probably can't understand such a crazy man, but if it wasn't for Baiji, no one would know the truth of the world.

But Baiji didn't really do it for the orc mainland. He just wanted revenge. Yin Zhu thought Baiji was a good man.

Forget it, or think about how to get the soul out, or force action? He broke the armor by force and fished out the mental power before he went back. Of course, he must be absorbed a lot of mental power in this process, but it should not hurt him at all. After all, his strength is too strong, and his mental power is super strong now.

"Xiao Jin, do you think I can try?" Jono asked.

Xiaojin laughed twice, "go, if you die, I'll take care of Yin Zhu for you."

When Jono heard this, he couldn't help laughing bitterly. He asked Xiaojin what to do for such a thing. Xiaojin only had Yinzhu in his head.

Xiaojin said sarcastically at this time, "Jono, I don't understand why you have so many responsibilities, or you don't love Yinzhu enough. I'm the only one who is purest." Xiao Jin was very proud.

Jono smiles bitterly again when he hears this. In fact, Xiaojin is right. The love for Yinzhu is the purest of Xiaojin. Of course, Leihe is also the same. The other three of them are more or less mixed with other things, but they all believe that Yinzhu will not change and will not betray.

"I want to be as pure as you, Xiao Jin, but I can't be like you because of my responsibilities and obligations, but no matter what kind of responsibilities and obligations, they can't violate my heart to protect Yin Zhu." Jono explained.

Xiao Jin Leng hum, this is a human saying.

Jono felt that he was looking for Xiao Jin to discuss these things, which was to kill himself. At this time, Xiao Jin slowly said, "just try it. If you die carelessly, just catch another one. Why bother?"

In fact, Xiao Jin said that he was willing to help Yin Zhu.

Jono nodded and planned to violently dismantle the exile.

Just when Jono made a big gap in the armor and was ready to catch the soul, Jono received the message from the other side, "no, no, it will die, it will die."You know, before, no matter what Jono said to this man, there was no response. The soul in this meeting actually reacted.

"Say, what's the matter?" Jono asked. If the other party didn't make it clear, he would seize the soul of the other party.

At this time, the other party trembled and sent a message, "the exile is the sinner who was abandoned by the upper world. After we come here, we must live in the exile's body for thousands of years to be free. Baiji is an exile."

Is Baiji an exile? Jono was stunned when he heard this. That is to say, Baiji didn't come to this world by accident, but he was an exile before. He just didn't know why he escaped from the exile Liman and became the priest of nightmare world.

"Said, why can't your soul to catch out, you would rather obediently punished, also don't want me to help you extricate?" Jono asked curiously.

"We can't get rid of it. Our soul is sealed on a small wooden card inside. As long as my soul has left the wooden gun, the armor will explode. I can't survive under the explosion of the armor. Don't hurt me. I don't want to die." Said the soul trembling inside.

"Tell me, what's your name, why you were exiled, how much do you know about the above things, if you don't say..." Jono took a cold look at the soul, the meaning is very obvious.

The soul trembled for a moment, and then explained everything clearly. He said that his name was taicen, and he was an ordinary person in the upper world. Because he offended the third son of the upper world, he was sent here. He was also angry, but taicen knew that he had no way to compromise. Now he only hoped that the punishment would pass quickly, and then he could go back to the upper world World reincarnation, and then from the beginning.

Yes, he must not be reincarnated in this world. He must go back to the upper world, or he will become an orc who is used as food.

"What about Baiji? How much do you know about Baiji?" Jono asked slowly.

"Baiji, I'm not very clear, but I know that he used to be the son of a big man. Later, his father and they all died, and then he disappeared for no reason. When I saw him again, he had become an exile here." Taicen recalled.

Qiao Nuo is thinking, parents die, suddenly disappear, and then get a big chance, this is not Yin Zhu's favorite story? The protagonist is often a variety of explosion, anyway, the super powerful kind, clearly without any background, is to go smoothly.

Baiji can't be that kind of person. If it's really like what Yin Zhu said, they are afraid to lose.

"Do you know how baiji is free from exile?" Jono asked angrily.

"Devour the same species, and then strengthen themselves. By the way, I remember he took a kind of green liquid and threw it on the armor, and the armor shrank into a day. It was like green ice grass. It was very cheap. You can try it." Taicen thought for a while and said.

He doesn't want to tell so many secrets, but now he can't help it. He doesn't have a good idea of the people in the upper world, and he also wants to see those holy sons who are superior eat shriveled. If it's not for this, how can the exiles here listen to Baiji? One is that baiji is originally a person in the upper world, and Baiji promises to do harm to them Those who have been here have been punished as they should be.

"Green ice grass?" It's really in the nightmare world. It's not a very rare thing. It's just scattered. You can still find it if you collect it.

I didn't expect that such a common thing could deal with this armor. However, Jono doesn't know what the principle is. He doesn't know whether taicen cheated him. Jono plans to have a try.

Taicen watched Jono go to get it. He was very happy, especially when he knew Jono's plan. In fact, this matter was very difficult, because the souls of these people were in the armor, and the armor would automatically reject the green grass. That is to say, they were exiles who could not get the green grass except for outsiders to pick it.

I don't know how Baiji fooled the people here to do that. At that time, Baiji didn't know that green ice grass could be used. It should have been tried a lot. This is what taicen admired most about Baiji.

Baiji is really powerful. He has done so many things for revenge. If people who want to come to the upper world know what Baiji does, they will regret that they once banished Baiji to this world.

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