Jono found the green ice grass according to taicen's words. Sure enough, it seems that the ordinary green ice grass can restrain the armor. Jono smears it on his hand, and then grabs taicen's soul out of the armor with the green ice grass in his hand. Moreover, the armor touched by the green ice grass can't continue to grow, that is to say, the armor is completely destroyed.

It's really amazing that all things in the world interact with each other. It seems that such a powerful armor will be afraid of such a weak thing.

After leaving the armor, taicen is very happy. He wants to go back to the world quickly. Who knows that at this time, Jono reaches out his hand to crush him and watch his soul dissipate in the world. Jono is cold hum, a cruel man to his own world. How can he let taicen go back to the world and eat orcs?

So it's better for people like taicen to stay in the orc world. As for whether they are reincarnated, let's talk about it separately.

As for taicen's statement, Jono didn't believe it all. Anyway, there are many exiles here. He would like to catch one more. More can always tell the truth.

Then Jono caught several more. Taicen's words were generally OK, but this guy really lied about ordinary citizens. This guy was obviously a subordinate of another Saint son. If ordinary people could see the subordinate of the third Saint son at random, and Baiji's identity was also known to him. Baiji was originally the son of shisan Saint son, shisan saint When the son died, Baiji had to become an exile and fled to the orc world. Now baiji is taking over the position of the thirteen holy sons.

Jono suddenly wondered that Baiji seems to be transformed into another race, but how to say, outsiders are all outsiders. Even if they use it, ordinary people use it as thugs, never reuse it, and use it as the core of inheritance. Now we finally understand that Baiji itself is a person in that world, so it's impossible It won't be excluded, so it's normal to fight for the son.

But Bai Ji's identity is a person of another world. When Bai Ji becomes the ruler of that world, will he help the orc world? It's hanging.

When Jono thought of this, he thought that something about Baiji should be discounted. Didn't he even cheat Mengji before Baiji? Otherwise, Mengji would not be so disappointed. She would rather die than wait for Baiji to return. Even Mengji doesn't believe in Baiji, let alone a few of them.

As for the rest of the exiles, Jono thinks that these people are weird, so we'd better kill them. Anyway, they are living as if they were dead. It's better to help them out. As for the things after reincarnation, who knows, right?

Jono decided this matter happily, and then he went to Huohuo. If these exiles had listened to the words of the people in the upper world at that time, what they would do to them, they would have better be destroyed.

Moreover, the reason why these exiles are on the side of the dark abyss is that this side of the dark abyss is the place where people from the upper world come, that is to say, the dark abyss will be the first battlefield.

These exiles are exiled here, but they can also be regarded as the contact between the two worlds, and they are the guardians of the array. After knowing that there is an array, Jono's first intention is to destroy these exiles and destroy the array. Of course, Jono also understands that people in the upper world can come even if they don't have an array, but they can't come in large quantities. There is no array In other words, as long as they destroy the array, they only need to face a few powerful enemies and don't have to worry about facing the whole world.

When Yin Zhu comes back, he will be very happy to find that he has finished everything. Thinking of Yin Zhu praising himself, Jono and Xiaojin are very excited, especially Xiaojin. This time, they are so excited that they come out of their bodies and start to kill those exiles.

The exiles didn't want to deal with Xiaojin, but Xiaojin's strength was too high, and the armor on the exiles was useless for Xiaojin with green ice grass.

Little Jin Fei made some effort to catch all the exiles who ran away. After cleaning them up, he took a big breath and said to Jono, "Jono, I remember I killed all these exiles, but I have a lot of credit."

Jono laughed at this. "OK." He is not angry at Xiaojin's behavior of snatching his credit, and he doesn't care. Anyway, he can have a rest without working by himself. It's nothing bad.

But this body is a little tired by Xiaojin's reckless tossing. Now it's safe here, and you can have a good rest.

It's just that the problem of the exile has been solved, but what about those who have practiced the reincarnation formula in the stone chamber?

Mengji has left, and there is no one to absorb the power of these people, but these people have been demonized. If they are released, they will harm the ordinary people. If they are not released, Jono worries about whether the people above will have any way to control these people. It's a headache.

On the other hand, Yin Zhu has asked Leihe to act separately at this time. Yin Zhu knows that it's too late for him to absorb all the animal pills. Can't he collect these things? Put it in the system backpack when it's time, unless those people can take away their system backpack.Yin Zhu thinks that his backpack should not be stolen. This thing should be regarded as a variation. Although it's due to Bena, it's also due to her own software. She believes that no matter Baiji or Wuji, they have calculated a lot and the general direction is right, but it's impossible that everything is going well. It's impossible, God On the first line, she couldn't have cracked it at all, so Yin Zhu also wanted to try whether her system belonged to herself or others.

Yin Zhu also wants to try his chance. Besides, the soul of Beina in the system has gone. Yin Zhu has identified some things more or less later. The system without Beina's soul is a lot more rigid, so there should be no problem.

All the people collect the beast Dan, and then fight with Yin Zhu, "we will go back to the dark abyss and save Jono."

Before Yin Zhu had no way to keep Jono in Mengji's side, now their strength can be said to be improved like flying. Now they have the strength to fight with Mengji.

"Good." Several people agreed, and then happily went to the place of the dark abyss.

Zee will talk to Reich, "the Jono soul? It's fun. I haven't seen one soul and two soul. By the way, which one do you like in the body, Yin Zhu? " Ze laughs miserably.

When Yin Zhu saw Ze's smile, he couldn't help but frown. "Can you be a little more restrained? You've lost all the faces of girls like you."

Hearing this, Ze could not help gritting his teeth and said, "I'm not a girl." Here, only Yin Zhu dares to digest him with gender issues, and other people are teased and scared by him.

"Hey, before you asked me, how to wake up a person's sleeping soul, it can't be just this double soul, right? Now this is what you don't like?" Ze still remembers that Yin Zhu asked this question before, but he didn't meet such a person around Yin Zhu. Did Yin Zhu ask for Jono?

When Yin Zhu heard this, he stopped. Don't you like Xiao Jin? At this time, the warm and bright smile of Xiaojin flashed in Yin Zhu's mind. If she dared to say she didn't like it, the guy's face would break down. It was the same face, but Yin Zhu could clearly tell who the two were.

Xiaojin also likes what she likes. She doesn't like less than Jono. She just comes out carefully, but Jono sleeps all the time. Yin Zhu is worried about Jono's accident.

"I like both of them, but one of them fell asleep because of injury. I think you can wake him up." Asked Yin Zhu.

"You've got a big heart. You've got several." Ze listened to TUT tut.

Yin Zhu was teased by Ze. This guy is from the earth. It's a joke. She's playful, and she's playful. But many of them are not provoked by her. Yin Zhu says that he's innocent.

"They are willing to follow me. You are in charge of so many things. If you have the ability, you can turn around a few females." Yin Zhubai glanced at Ze.

"What's the point? It's easy for me to want it." Ze said that as long as he is willing, it is very easy to deal with his sister. He has many years of experience.

"Ze, you haven't said whether you can cure Jono." Asked Yin Zhu.

Ze said slowly, "what are you in a hurry? Even if you see a doctor, you have to see the patient before you know what's going on. Now you are so general, I can know what's going on. I'll wait until I read the words."

Yin Zhu nodded, this is indeed right, to see the fried vegetables to know whether to save, how to save.

Leihe and Tengxiao, who watched the two bickering all the way, had a lot of fun on the lonely and boring journey. This boy is a hyperactive one. He can't afford to stay idle at one time. Even if he is practicing animal pill, he has to be provocative. It's a bit annoying, but it also makes the team lively and happy. At least now they haven't thrown this guy out.

Tengxiao looks at Leihe who has been completely transformed, and his face looks like a mural. Leihe's much stronger than he is now. But he has worked so hard, but he still can't catch up with Leihe. Is it better than other people's hard work when he has talent? God, it's unfair.

As for the mark on Leihe's face, it's the characteristic of Teng snake's blood. This group seems to be related to some tribal totems, but it's different. The pattern is more dazzling and bright.

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