When Yin Zhu returned to the dark abyss, he felt that there was something missing in the dark abyss, but he couldn't think of it.

"Do you think the dark abyss is a little strange, and you always feel very uncoordinated." Yin Zhu said, puzzled.

Teng Xi looked up and down at this time, and then after a long time said, "there is really something missing. The guards are missing."

There are not many guards in the dark abyss, but we can still see small groups of people patrolling for such a long time. But this time, the whole dark abyss looks empty, and there is no guard on patrol. It can only be said that all the guards are in trouble.

But those people are exiles. Who can fight those people? The people they dare not touch are gone now? Is it the people above who are fighting against the exiles? Or do those people want to control the exiles?

After all, the exiles are the work of the people above. They have been losing all the time before, which will remind them of the exiles. It's normal for them to do something.

As soon as Teng Xi's words were finished, several people on the scene were on guard, for fear that they would suddenly jump out. They were still on guard against the exiles, because they were afraid of the unknown.

"Be careful, Teng Xi, Teng Cheng. You two are in the middle. I'll open the way." Tengxiao has gone directly to the front, while Leihe consciously goes to the end, wrapping Yin Zhu or the children in the middle.

Zeze tut tut looked at it. To tell the truth, he was still very interested in the dark abyss. There were many interesting things in it, such as Mengji, Jono, and the array that absorbed vitality. When he first came here, he thought Yin Zhu wanted to avoid Baiji and left in a hurry. Now when he comes back, he should have a good study.

Ze didn't think as much as Yin Zhu. Anyway, he didn't see the so-called people in the upper world. Anyway, according to the things in the beast pill, those techniques are very rough. He doesn't have to worry at all. Let alone that his strength has improved a lot now. He doesn't have to worry about the upper world at all. Moreover, he also wants to see what people are doing.

Several people moved forward cautiously, and then they found that there was nothing wrong with it. The whole dark abyss was still locked up in stone houses. They could not find anyone who had lost his mind. They could not find anyone in the house where Baiji lived before.

"Let's go to the underground palace to find Jono." Now Yin Zhu is a little worried about Jono. Something has happened in the dark abyss. I hope Jono is OK. He must be OK.

Tengxiao sees this and goes to the direction of the underground palace in a hurry. However, here, Xiao Jin has found that Yin Zhu is back. This guy happily gets out of his body, and then runs to the direction where Yin Zhu is coming, ready to fight Yin Zhu with the fastest speed.

Jono grinned bitterly. Little Kim is a fast runner. He hasn't responded yet.

"Yinzhu, I'm here." Xiao Jin saw Yin Zhu coming from a distance and cried happily as he ran.

Teng Xiaoguang knows from Xiao Jin's performance that this is the impolite guy he hates. He really doesn't like it. He prefers Jono because Jono is reasonable and Xiao Jin is unreasonable.

Looking at Xiao Jin, Yin Zhu has a rare smile on his face. Xiao Jin is OK.

"You come out of Mengji's body. It's good. It's good." Yin Zhu hugs Xiao Jin and says happily.

"Of course I'll be fine. How could I be?" Little Kim answered.

"And Jono? Is Jono any better? " Yin Zhu asked anxiously at this time.

Little King Kong wanted to say that Jono was ok, but Jono got out and said hello to Yin Zhu with a smile, "Yin Zhu, I'm ok, you can rest assured."

Looking at Jono holding Yinzhu again, Xiaojin can't help but rush out and hold Yinzhu for a long time.

Yin Zhu began to be dazed by the seamless switch between the two people, and then responded, "what are you two?"

"The two of us can switch at any time now. Both of us are fine. Don't worry about Yin Zhu." Jono said with a smile.

When Yin Zhu heard this, he was very happy. "That's good, so I don't have to worry about it." No matter Qiao Nuo or Xiao Jin, Yin Zhu is worried.

"Yinzhu, you don't have to worry about me. I'm much better than Jono. I'll protect him. Don't worry." Xiaojin said triumphantly, to tell the truth, between the two, Xiaojin's force will be higher, and Jono will be smarter.

Jono laughs when he hears this. Before, he couldn't switch anytime and anywhere. Now they are one. They can switch at any time and have another body. They talk about how to protect him. Besides, sometimes the brain is better than force, but Kim likes to show. Jono won't tear him down.

"By the way, how did you get rid of Mengji? What's more, I found that the exiles on this side of the dark abyss were gone. Where did they go? Do you know?" Yin Zhu asked curiously.

Jono heard this light smile, "this thing is not urgent, I do, we first go back, and then make a small hot pot, I slowly say, you listen, you also stop by to have a rest, how about?"When Yin Zhu heard that this matter was related to Jono, he put down his heart, as long as it was not done by Shangjie, "OK, let's go back and have a good talk."

Several people happily went out of the underground palace and went to the house where they used to live.

Xiaojin bargained with Jono at this time. "Jono, I'm going to accompany Yin Zhu tonight. You know, without me, you would have been dead long ago, let alone sober, right?"

Jono could not help laughing at this time, "without me, do you have little gold?"

Jono doesn't have to fight for the first place with Xiaojin, but Xiaojin is not good-natured. He has to roll it off, otherwise he will have conflicts with the others in the future.

Jono is very clear that he is the husband, to take care of Yin Zhu's other partners, don't let the family disharmony, Xiaojin is also in his control.

"Jono, it's too much for you to cross the river like this." Xiao Jin said unhappily. He thought his attitude before was so obvious that Jono would not fight with him. But now Jono has turned over. Before, he showed no desire and no desire. He changed his mind when he saw Yin Zhu.

"It's not to break the bridge, but we have to divide the primary and secondary before. Xiaojin, I don't want to rob you of the contact time with Yin Zhu. We can divide it equally. I don't mind, but we have to separate the primary and secondary. You see, when you are busy, you are lazy, but when you are with Yin Zhu, you rush faster than anything. Have you ever thought about Tengxiao and Leihe?" Asked Jono in a calm voice.

"Xiao Jin, you haven't got along with us before. At most, you've got along with me, but you never wanted to let me, have you? You just want to take over Yin Zhu and Xiao Jin. We'll be a family and we'll be together. Do you know? In the past, Yin Zhu didn't want so many partners. At the beginning, she only wanted me to be her own partner. Then for various reasons and responsibilities, Yin Zhu had more and more partners around her. " Jono explained.

Xiao Jin couldn't help getting angry when he heard this, "it's not that you're useless. If it's me, I won't let Yin Zhu's partner increase."

Qiao Nuo laughs bitterly when he hears this. If he can, he doesn't want to let his partner out. Bai Kun really can't help it. In order to save Yin Zhu, Lei he and Tengxiao at that time, Qiao Nuo thought about the reasons of the tribe. In addition, they really feel that they can't help Yin Zhu by themselves. All kinds of reasons contribute to it. But now, Qiao Nuo is not ready I think this is the best ending.

"Nonsense, Xiaojin, Yinzhu is not an ordinary ORC. She is destined to face a lot of things. No matter Tengxiao Leihe baikun, each of us pays a lot for Yinzhu. Of course, it doesn't mean that we have to pay in return. But I think that now we have a family with Yinzhu. This is the fact, and our feelings are deep. You can't change it Change, so Xiaojin, you have to choose fusion instead of destruction, you know? Otherwise, you will be rejected by the four of us. " Jono said seriously.

When Xiao Jin heard this, he couldn't help asking, "do you reject me, too? We're alone

Jono nodded for sure and said, "if you don't change, I'll reject you too. Xiao Jin, you should treat me and them as a family."

In fact, Xiaojin understands this truth, but he still wants to grab more. He knows that he can't own Yinzhu alone, which will be taught by Jono. He can't help feeling blocked in his heart, "OK, OK, there's a lot of nonsense. If you don't want to let it, you don't want to let it." I don't want to talk to Jono anymore.

Jono shook his head when he saw this. "Don't be sad to let you get along with Yin Zhu tonight. I don't mean not to let you contact Yin Zhu. I just want you to be nice to Tengxiao and Leihe."

When Xiao Jin heard that Jono had asked him to join Yin Zhu, he couldn't help cheering up. "I'm good enough for them."

Jono wants to teach it slowly next time. Xiaojin is just a little temperament. Nothing else is bad. He has plenty of time now.

Several people went back to their house. Jono cleaned it very clean, and soon someone drove up the pot to cook. Jono told him all the things that Mengji asked of him and the power that was passed on to him, and then told him all the things about the exiles, including the news from the exiles.

Teng Xi and Teng Cheng were very surprised, especially when they knew that Bai Ji was an exile before. It can be said that they didn't know the secret in their two lives.

"How could it be, how could it be?" The brothers didn't believe it. They even felt cheated.

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