Bai Ji was originally from the upper world. Yin Zhu was in a trance when she knew about it, because she never thought that Bai Ji would be from the upper world. After all, Bai Ji had been doing it for the sake of the world, and then suddenly found that the identity of the other party had changed.

In fact, if Baiji didn't know the secret of the animal pill, who in this world would suspect that the things in his body are wrong? After all, the animal pill doesn't suck people to death at once. Instead, it's slowly absorbed over time. All the orcs think that he died of natural aging. Who would doubt the animal pill It's a matter of time.

But now the identity of Baiji has changed. Will Baiji wholeheartedly seek welfare for the orc world? Didn't you see that Mengji, as a lover, chose to give up?

It's a pity that Mengji has left now. Otherwise, Yin Zhu really wants to have a good talk with Mengji. It should be Mengji who knows Baiji.

Just at the beginning, Mengji told Jono everything and left. Jono didn't go out with Mengji because there were still many things in the dark abyss. Moreover, Mengji had helped him so much, and Jono was too embarrassed to follow him.

Jono says that Mengji's strength is very weak, but Yin Zhu thinks that Mengji won't die so easily. After all, Mengji is a rare genius in the orc continent. Will she really die like this?

Bai Ji has a grudge against the people in the upper world, which Yin Zhu believes should be true. Otherwise, Bai Ji would not escape to this world, but he would not have a grudge against all the people in the upper world. Will Bai Ji use them?

There are many problems here, but now Bai Kun is not on this side. If Bai Kun is on this side, he should give himself good advice.

"What are you thinking, Yin Zhu?" Leihe looks at the meditative Yinzhu and asks.

"I was thinking, didn't I leave a converted array before Baiji? I don't think we can stay here and be beaten passively. Why wait for those people to come to our world and let's go to the upper world? " Yin zhuleng hum, wait for others to beat him. This is what the weak will do. Yin Zhu doesn't want to be the weak who has been beaten.

"Yin Zhu is a good idea." Jono couldn't help laughing when he heard this.

Yes, why do they have to wait here? The world is theirs. If a battlefield is opened in this world, people who are hurt are ordinary people in this world. Why can't they fight in another world?

Teng Xi Teng Cheng looked at Yin Zhu, who had taken out the research on the conversion array, and couldn't help walking up, "father and mother, we don't have a clue about the upper world now. Do you think we should let someone go to the upper world to have a look? Or I'll go, I'll see. "

When Tengxiao heard this, he held tengxi's head down and said, "boy, your father is not dead yet. It's not your turn to fight."

Teng Xi shook his head and said, "no, it's true. It's better for me to go. Father, this thing was left to Teng Cheng and me by master before. Moreover, I have many questions to ask Master. I think master won't do anything to us at least. I'm sure of that."

Tengxi gritted his teeth and said firmly that in fact, he wanted to ask a lot about Baiji.

"Besides, father and mother, if you want to leave, do you want to solve the people on this side of the dark abyss? If Jono's father doesn't absorb these forces, I'm afraid these people will get out of control. That is to say, Jono's father, you can't run away for the time being. You need to solve this person." Teng Xi pointed to the stone houses and said.

Mengji has already gone, but what about the demons in the stone house? These people should be said to be caused by Mengji and Baiji, but now the benefits of Baiji and Mengji from these people belong to Jono, that is to say, these people also want Jono to solve.

"What's more, no matter what master wants to do, he always needs a messenger. Tengcheng and I are the best." Teng Xi said that their identities were easy to eat no matter in Baiji or Yinzhu.

Yin Zhu knew that they could leave, but just like tengxi said, there are still many things to do here, and Yin Zhu wanted to let go.

"But I can't let you take risks like this, Teng xiteng Cheng. As a mother, I can't protect you and let you take risks. My mother is very incompetent. I owe your brother a lot." Yin Zhu said very guilty, for the two children, Yin Zhu really feel sorry for them.

Teng Xi and Teng Cheng reached for one of Yin Zhu's hands and said, "mother, you are very good." Tengcheng said.

"As your child, we are very proud." Teng Xi also spoke.

"Even if you want to go to that world, it's not urgent. Even if you want to prepare the array, it will take a while. You two, let me think about it." Yin Zhu said with his eyes closed.

Tengxi Tengcheng also knows that it's very difficult for her to let them leave. Their mother finds them after a long time. How can she throw them into such a dangerous world.

Well, as Yin Zhu said, it will take a long time for the array to be arranged. If there is time, she can think it over. It's really not good. Then they will run away secretly.But Teng an, as a triplet, has part of Zichen's soul. Recently, they feel that Teng an's strength is rising rapidly. At the same time, Teng an's taboo is about to lose control.

They feel it, but they never say it. Teng an is not stupid. He should be very clear about the consequences of what he did. But Teng an still chose to do it. Did Teng an also feel the danger, so he did not hesitate to take risks?

Their younger brother all went to risk, they as elder brother also can hide in father mother's side to act coquetry?

In this world, live in this world, have that ability, we must work hard for this world.

Things have been said here, and everyone is ready to have a rest. Xiao Jin takes Yin Zhu out for a walk at this time. This guy can't wait to be alone with Yin Zhu.

Fortunately, no one wants to fight with Tengxiao or Leihe after his death.

"Yin Zhu, do you miss me?" Xiaojin happily grabs Yinzhu's hand.

Yin Zhu looked at Xiao Jin's cheerful smile and nodded, "I think so." Yin Zhu has no way to refuse Xiaojin's enthusiasm and sincerity. Seeing such a pure smile, what's not satisfied.

Xiaojin was very happy to hear this. He happily circled around Yinzhu, and then said seriously and affectionately, "I also want Yinzhu, every day, very much."

When Yin Zhu heard this, he gently laughed. Then he buried his head in Xiao Jin's arms and put his hands around Xiao Jin's waist. "I'm the same."

Now she can still lie quietly in her partner's arms and absorb the warmth from him. I don't know if she can do it in the future.

"Yin Zhu, give me a baby." Xiao Jin suddenly said something.

Yin Zhu heard this and was very disappointed. He said, "I want to have a baby, too. Unfortunately, this is not my has the final say." Moreover, this time is not suitable for children.

But Xiaojin is just a baby, and Yin Zhu really didn't think about it. It's just strange

except for the first three tengxi brothers, Yin Zhu spent a lot of time with his partner, and Yin Zhu didn't have contraception, but Yin Zhu didn't get pregnant. They all said that it's difficult for orcs to get pregnant, but is it too difficult for Yin Zhu? Can't it be your body?

Yin Zhu also wants to say that when these things are settled, she will give birth to a litter of children to her several partners. With so many partners, only this can make up for her debt to them.

But Yin Zhu can't help but wonder if his body is in trouble. He has been born tengxi for more than ten years, and the probability is not so low.

When Xiao Jin heard this, he said, "it must be that I don't work hard enough."

When Yin Zhu heard this, he couldn't help laughing, "you haven't worked hard enough. You want to stick to me as soon as you have a chance." Yin Zhu is just suspicious. She plans to have a good check on her body when she goes back. Otherwise, Yin Zhu really doesn't know how to tell Xiao Jin.

"I just like to stick to you? Don't you like Yin Zhu? " Xiao Jin asked angrily.

"Yes, why not." Yin Zhu comforts Xiao Jin with a smile.

Jono didn't come out, but he could feel all the situation outside. He would have seen that it was wrong. He came out of his body and pushed little Jin away.

"Jono, you promised me. You've gone too far." Xiao Jin was so angry that he wanted to press Jono down.

"Don't make trouble, Xiao Jin. I have something to ask for Yin Zhu. Listen first." Jono said directly.

Xiao Jin also felt that Jono had something to do, so he was quiet.

"What's the matter with you, Yin Zhu? I feel like you're not very happy. What's wrong? " Jono held Yin Zhu's hand and asked.

"Before you said you were worried about the upper world, but you were still fine. After Xiao Jin said about having a baby, your face changed? What's the matter with you, Yin Zhu? " Is it because Yin Zhu doesn't want to have a baby? But it doesn't look like it. Yin Zhu is very fond of his cubs.

Yin Zhu didn't think of the change of his mood. Jono felt it. Yin Zhu sighed, shook his head and said, "nothing."

"Nothing, Yin Zhu. I don't want you to hide anything from me." Jono holds on to Yinzhu.

When Yin Zhu heard this, he sighed, "it's Xiao Jin who talks about giving birth to a baby that reminds me that I haven't been pregnant with you for so many years. I wonder if there is something wrong with my body?"

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