When Jono heard this, he first frowned and then stretched out his arms. He held Yin Zhu in his arms. "This is not a big problem. Let's not say whether we have the ability to take care of children now. Even if we have children, they will suffer in this world. If we can't change the problem of animal pill, we'd better not have children or offspring. At least I don't want my offspring The descendants are enslaved. "

When Yin Zhu heard this, she nodded. Yes, it's really a problem. The problems in front of her have not been solved. She thinks too far about her children's problems.

Qiao Nuo saw that Yin Zhu was a professional topic. In fact, he probably knew the problem of Yin Zhu's body. Yin Zhu came through, that is to say, the original body was dead, but it just happened that Yin Zhu came through. Even if Yin Zhu came through immediately and let the dead body reborn, it still had some influence. And Yin Zhu was calculated by Sophie, almost After he died, he took half of the punishment for Bai Kun, which will definitely have a great impact on Yin Zhu's body. Yin Zhu has not been pregnant for so many years, so he can roughly guess which part of Yin Zhu's body has problems.

He has talked about this problem with Bai Kun and Leihe before. He doesn't care. Because Bai Kun said he didn't want children, so does Leihe. He doesn't know if Leihe is well now and will want children.

But what they care about most is Yin Zhu. Although it's a pity that Yin Zhu can't have a baby, it doesn't affect their feelings.

Yin Zhu didn't think of this question all the time. He didn't think of it because Xiao Jin's question was brought out.

Yin Zhu looks at Qiao Nuo and directly changes the topic, but he doesn't worry about this problem. However, Yin Zhu knows clearly in his heart that there should be something wrong with his body.

This problem can be solved later, especially now they are likely to have a fierce war. What kind of baby does she have? If she can't take good care of her baby, why do she have to.

For the three children in front, Yin Zhu is already in debt. She doesn't want the children behind to be worse, so it's really not urgent.

"Jono, when the affairs of the upper world and the beast Dan are settled, let's find a place with mountains and water for our family to settle down. Just our family, of course, don't be too far away from daze tribe." Yin Zhu said with some longing.

Yin Zhu is not used to living together in the whole tribe after all. She still wants to have her own small home. However, there are so many relatives in daze tribe. Don't be too far away. They can go back at any time.

Jono touched Yinzhu's head and said gently, "OK."

Xiaojin looks at the way that Jono and Yinzhu want to embrace tenderly. At this time, she comes out in a hurry, "Jono, please let me go."

Xiaojin will also know what was wrong with Yin Zhu before, but that question has been skipped. He doesn't say that today belongs to him. He can't take advantage of others, even Jono who has the same body as him.

Yin Zhu looks at Xiao Jin and smiles. You don't have to think that it must be this guy who can't help it. Jono has been replaced. He can't help it for a moment. He doesn't even have a chance to say goodbye to Jono.

Xiaojin looks at Yinzhu and smiles to himself. He can't help but smile brightly. "Yinzhu, I like what you mentioned just now. We'll make a family and don't want those annoying people."

When Yin Zhu heard this, he couldn't help rubbing Xiaojin with a smile. Xiaojin has some small temperament, but this small temperament makes Yin Zhu feel that this guy is all over himself. "OK, you can build a house. We've been to the world of two in the future." Xiaojin is very pure. Everything he wants is very obvious, which makes Yinzhu want to spoil him and agree to his request.

She can't give Xiaojin that kind of exclusive love, but she is willing to give Xiaojin that kind of independent space, just like her and Xiaojin.

Xiaojin also knows that he can't occupy Yinzhu alone. The reason why he will fight and rob is that he just wants to occupy more. Now what Yinzhu says makes Xiaojin very satisfied. Yinzhu is willing to live with him. Does that mean that he is unique in Yinzhu's heart.

"Yin Zhu, I'm so happy. I'm so happy. Well, I love you so much." Xiao Jin said excitedly.

Yin Zhu couldn't help laughing when she heard this. She reached out and pointed to Xiao Jin's head. "I love you very much, too."

Xiaojin can't help jumping up when he hears this. Jono in the same body can't help feeling happy for Xiaojin when he hears this. Xiaojin's luck is really super good.

Yin Zhu is responding to Xiao Jin's feelings. Yin Zhu is very kind to several partners, but he is relatively responsible for some things. Of course, it's not that Yin Zhu has no feelings with the others, or that his feelings are mixed with many other elements, and can't be separated. But if you want to say that Xiao Jin is the purest of feelings, even Jono dare not say that his feelings for Yin Zhu are beginning It's absolutely pure.

But now they are inseparable. Who cares how they started? They are a group, and there is no way to separate them.

Just looking at Xiaojin who got Yin Zhu's response, Jono is still a little uncomfortable in his heart. It's really not good to watch his beloved fall in love with others.But this person, on the whole, belongs to himself. Jono wants to say that he wants to be generous, and Xiaojin is his, but only he knows the taste in his heart.

In fact, he also envies Xiaojin. He wants to fight for everything. He is sensible and rational, but he really wants to fight for some things. But he still can't compete with Xiaojin. He can't do it.

Looking at Xiaojin happily with Yin Zhu, Jono decides to temporarily close his feelings to the outside world, so that he won't be able to help rushing out to blackout Xiaojin. If he does such a thing at a critical time, Jono thinks Xiaojin will fight with him, and then he won't be safe.

He has nothing to do but practice. He thought that he had absorbed most of Mengji's strength and should be able to protect his own people. But he didn't expect that they found another way and made great achievements. However, his current strength should be the strongest. This is also the reason why he and Xiaojin are two souls in one. He still has to work hard. As a husband, he should have been We should set an example.

Think about all the things Yin Zhu did, but he didn't do much. On the contrary, he swallowed the beast pill and brought a lot of trouble to Yin Zhu. Tengxiao accompanied Yin Zhu from beginning to end, so he should do well in the end.

In fact, Yin Zhu and Xiao Jin are a little uncomfortable together. She is a couple of partners, but this feeling of being watched by others is very uncomfortable.

Xiaojin didn't feel it at the beginning, but finally felt it at the back. He took Yin Zhu's hand with a smile and said, "Yin Zhu, Jono probably feels embarrassed. He has automatically closed his contact with the outside world. In fact, if he doesn't close it, I will force it to close. I don't want to show him."

Yin Zhu couldn't help laughing when he heard this, "Jono has always been conscious." But knowing that Jono couldn't see it, Yin Zhu was more open-minded.

On the other side, Ze looks at Tengxiao and Leihe. Tut Tut, this guy is very surprised when he knows that Yin Zhu has several partners. Especially when they are all in harmony, he really admires Tengxiao and Leihe.

"Hey, you said Yin Zhu and Jono and Xiao Jin. Is it fun for them to switch from one place to another like this? Shall we go and have a look? " Ze encouraged Tengxiao and Leihe.

Leihe looks white when he hears this. This guy looks like a female on the surface, but Yin Zhu says that this guy is a male. He will take a male to see his female. Do you think too much? Is he that stupid?

Ze doesn't want to see a needle. He just wonders what Jono and Kim will do when they face Yin Zhu?

Of course, in Yang Wantong's eyes, Yin Zhu's partners don't love him enough. If they love him enough, how can they tolerate other people? Anyway, she can't stand it.

Tengxiao glanced at Zehou and said, "you don't have to worry about that situation. Jono won't let that happen."

Jono used to be the head of the Daze tribe. He was trained from an early age to manage a tribe well. It's impossible that the relationship between Yin Zhu's several partners can't be coordinated, so there's no need to coordinate this situation at all.

As for the love they said before, Tengxiao said that he didn't know anything about love. Anyway, he knew that Yinzhu was his responsibility. He would never leave Yinzhu in his life. Of course, Yinzhu couldn't leave her.

Do you like it? Tengxiao thinks that he likes it, but it doesn't necessarily mean that he wants to have all of it. In a world like orcs, survival and inheritance are the most important, which is the foundation of orcs.

He also wants to be with Yin Zhu. It's estimated that Lei he also wants to be with Yin Zhu. If he likes Lei he, he definitely likes Yin Zhu a lot. At the beginning, this guy always followed Yin Zhu because he liked Yin Zhu.

But like does not have to possess, can be guardian, Tengxiao thought, no matter what Yin Zhu do, he has been guarding Yin Zhu side, this is enough.

Ze looked at the two men who were still lying there. He couldn't help shaking his head with regret. Well, these two are wood. It's boring.

Originally, I wanted to see Yin Zhu's jokes, but now I can't see them.

Why is Yin Zhu's partner so good? It's not fun at all. If he finds a partner in the future and such wood, he will kill them. No, he's not a woman. He wants to find a beautiful sister.

It seems that this gender or early change back, lest really one day as a woman. Ze frowned and thought, this phenomenon is very bad.

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