When he woke up the next day, xiaojindu was still smiling, as if he wanted to tell the world that he was in a good mood.

Ze can't help but cover his eyes when he sees this. This guy is really stupid. I heard that another person is quite smart. It's a big difference.

Leihe can't help but feel very eye-catching when he comes to Xiaojin's brilliant melting. If it's not for Jono's sake, who is willing to pay attention to him? A fool, he's in a bad mood. No wonder Tengxiao doesn't like him.

"Come on, Yin Zhu. We've got breakfast ready. We'll wait for you." As for Kim, Reich simply ignores the past.

Xiao Jin didn't get angry when he heard this. Anyway, he ate meat yesterday and was in a good mood. These people don't look good now. They are not jealous of themselves.

Jono woke up at this meeting. Looking at Xiaojin's triumphant appearance, Jono could not help shaking his head. If Xiaojin did this again, he would be covered with sacks. Thinking of his body with Xiaojin, Jono came out directly at this time.

Probably knowing that he occupied Yin Zhu all night yesterday, Xiao Jin didn't say anything about Qiao Nuo's coming out.

"By the way, have you ever thought about how to deal with these people in the dark abyss?" Yin Zhu asked with a frown.

The people in this dark abyss are all poor people. Let Jono continue to absorb their few vitality, or just tie them here?

They are all crazy people. It's impossible to let them out. In fact, this reincarnation formula was made by Bai Ji and Meng Ji. But Meng Ji is very painful because of this. They say they want to overthrow the management of the upper world. But Meng Ji is no different from those people. They are also devouring the vitality of their own people.

"It's a waste to kill." Ze, it's going to be smashed, smashed and said while eating.

"They're not beast Dan." Yin Zhu said directly that the reason why Yin Zhu can eat the animal pill is that those people have lost their lives, but these people are different. Even if they are crazy, they still have lives.

"And then? I can't bear to kill them. If you don't kill them, tie them here and let them live. If you live like death, you will be merciful. " Ze looks at Yin Zhu with a sneer.

Yin Zhu was silent when he heard this. Yes, these people may not be good to them even if they keep them.

Leihe looks at Ze coldly when he hears Ze's straightforward words. He looks at Ze coldly when he goes on talking about it. He doesn't like this person at all if he doesn't have some ability. No matter how Yin Zhu is, he thinks that Yin Zhu is good, Yin Zhu is good at everything. Why does Ze say that Yin Zhu is not good.

Leihe's eyes naturally feel it. Ze can't help shrinking his neck. Leihe really can't stir up trouble. A Teng snake who has awakened the blood of ancient times has no blood in his body, which is piled up by animal elixirs. His strength is inferior to that of human beings. He can't speak loudly. It's sad to think about it.

Originally, he thought that with his intelligence and absolute resources, how could he get a firm foothold in the world, and then get away from Yin Zhu's control, and never be a cow or a horse for others. However, he ignored that the most important thing for demon cultivation is blood talent. What's the use of intelligence? Now no one of Yin Zhu's partners is stronger than him .

"What do you want to do, Yin Zhu? Do you have any idea? " Jono asked softly at this time.

"The reincarnation formula tells the people of the nightmare tribe not to practice. As for the people here, ask the tribe on the Hanhai side to see if they can have relatives who are willing to take care of them. If not, get a tribe and surround them." Anyway, Yin Zhu can't do anything to hurt these people's lives. Anyway, as long as these people absorb some energy, they won't die. Let's do this for the time being.

When Jono heard this, he laughed. He knew that his Yin Zhu had always been soft hearted. He was kind and soft hearted from the beginning to the end. Although it's not good to be soft hearted as a leader, it doesn't matter. It's better for them to make up for the rest.

In fact, the best way is to directly absorb the energy of these people, as Ze thought, so that those people don't have to live as if they were dying, and they don't waste that energy forever. However, Yin Zhu doesn't like it. What Yin Zhu has to do still has a lot of trouble in the future. He just wants to live, even if it's crazy, but for some people's relatives, to live is to live, which may be true It's faith. Who can guarantee that they won't wake up one day? There's hope in life, and nothing in death.

Some things can be given up, some things can not be given up firmly can not give up.

"All right, Reich will do it." Jono arranged it directly.

Reich did not object, but nodded directly. Now his strength is the second best among the qualified people, he went to work with the right, and here Jono co-ordination, very good.

As for Tengxiao, everyone knows that Tengxiao is Yin Zhu's guardian. Except for the time when Yin Zhu went back to his original world, Tengxiao never separated from Yin Zhu for a long time. Therefore, Tengxiao generally doesn't arrange for him to do things. Tengxiao is mainly Yin Zhu's guardian. Once Yin Zhu is in danger, Tengxiao can directly exchange Yin Zhu with the technique of replacing life.

Ze looked at Yin Zhu and said a few words. Her partner didn't have any objection. They all did what Yin Zhu said. I have to say that Yin Zhu's partners were really good, at least for Yin Zhu.Ze didn't persuade Yin Zhu. In fact, he knew Yin Zhu's character when he chose to come to this world with him? Otherwise, he did not dare to come with Yin Zhu like this. Softhearted people have the advantages of softhearted, but not all the disadvantages.

"If we do, I'd like to take tengxi to Shangjie to have a look. Tengxiao, you stay and protect Yin Zhu." As for the question of going to the upper bound, Jono thought about it and decided that someone should go.

Although they have direct contact with some upper bound people and their strength is not so good, Jono believes that those soldiers are not a problem. It is important to understand other holy sons, such as how many are as strong as Bai Ji, and what is Bai Ji's plan.

Jono arranges to go by himself, because he is the most powerful and stable now. Yin Zhu will never let Yin Zhu take risks first. As for the reason why he takes tengxi, Jono also wants to ease the relationship, because Bai Ji does have a little affection for tengxi brothers, so Jono hopes Bai Ji won't make them too difficult for the sake of this child .

Jono doesn't expect Baiji to give up his action in tengxi's face. It's impossible for a person to give up when he has been preparing for so many years.

Yin Zhu also said that she was slowly preparing to go to the upper bound, but she never thought that Jono would make a decision so soon.

"Jono, you made a decision. You didn't tell me." Yin Zhu said unhappily, they just got together, now they have to separate, Yin Zhu is not happy, very unhappy.

Xiao Jin is also very unhappy. He just got together with Yin Zhu, and then he will be separated. Why? He also wants to be Yin Zhu's guardian. He can always be with Yin Zhu like Tengxiao.

When Jono heard this, he said with a gentle smile, "Yin Zhu, you actually know that there must be someone going to the upper boundary to inquire about the news, and your identity is too special, you can't go. I'm the most suitable one here."

Tengcheng at this time some unhappy said: "then why don't I go, I also want to go."

When Jono heard this, he gently touched the child's head. Bai Kun didn't say that the two brothers had part of Zichen's soul, but Jono knew it from Mengji. The two children were very good.

"I know you want to go, but I only need one person. You are willing to leave your mother here. You should take good care of your mother and make your mother happy for your elder brother and your younger brother." Jono said gently.

"Think about your three brothers. Your mother worked so hard to give birth to you. Now that you are not with her, how much she misses you. You don't know that she often cries when she doesn't see you. Are you willing to make your mother so sad? With you by her side, she sees you as her elder brother and your younger brother. Do you understand? Tengcheng, your burden is very heavy. " Signed a very gentle look at Tengcheng.

Tengxi and Tengcheng are good disciples and good children.

Tengcheng could only nod heavily when he heard this, "I know, I will take good care of my mother. But father jonoa, you and elder brother should be well

Teng Xi smiles when he sees this. In fact, Teng Cheng wants to go with him. It's good for him to go alone. He is the eldest brother. He should be the first one to face anything.

Ze can't help but say that every fool, every dangerous thing on the Internet, is a fool, but why are you so moved?

Tengxi gently touched his brother's head, "I and Jono's father will be fine, of course. You don't have to worry about this. Just take good care of his father and mother."

"Jono, can't you let me go with you? Jono, it's all my business. You shouldn't recite it all for me. " Yin Zhu said, biting his teeth.

Jono heard this and said, "Yin Zhu, you are my partner. It's my duty to protect you. Do you think your business has nothing to do with me? Orcs have never had the tradition of letting females rush ahead. You can't humiliate me, Yin Zhu. At that time, the whole daze tribe will laugh at me. "

Yin Zhu, you can't humiliate me for the tradition of letting females rush ahead. At that time, the whole daze tribe will laugh at me. " It's a tradition to let females rush in front of you, Yin Zhu.

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