When Yin Zhu heard this, he said, "I didn't leave daze tribe before that."

Jono couldn't help laughing when he heard this, "it's different, Yin Zhu. At the beginning, you left because of inheritance, because those things have a lot to do with you. You can't do without going there in person, so you were asked to investigate these things at that time."

"You don't need to go to the upper world in person, so it's better for me to go. Besides, Baiji has a bad idea for you. If you go alone, it's like sheep entering tiger's mouth. Do you think I'll let you go?" Jono can't help asking Yin Zhu at this time.

At this time, Yin Zhu couldn't help saying, "I'm not as weak as you think. Am I strong?" Yin Zhu said unhappily.

Jono reached out and touched Yin Zhu's hair, "Yin Zhu, your strength is very strong, but your heart is not cruel. I'm afraid you'll be counted

When Yin Zhu heard this, she was silent. She was really not cruel. For a person who grew up in a society ruled by law, she had no way to easily decide the lives of others. She was soft hearted. Although she had experienced a lot along the way, there were also people who died. Yin Zhu didn't kill people, but there were very few of them, and it was only when Yin Zhu was angry.

For people like Bai Ji, Bai Ji didn't really hurt Yin Zhu until now. Yin Zhu is less alert now. He is really afraid that Yin Zhu will die for no reason.

"But Jono, you don't want me to take risks. Have you ever thought that I don't want you to take risks as well?" Yin Zhu said with a frown.

When Jono heard this, he said with a smile, "Yin Zhu, what is adventure? In fact, it's all our imagination. In fact, it may not be dangerous. If you think about what baiji is like, he deliberately left this array. In fact, he thought that we would go to the upper boundary to find him. I think he will wait for us in the array. You can rest assured."

Baiji doesn't do things without purpose. Everything is arranged, so Jono thinks he will go to Baiji for a while.

"But it's because all this is arranged by the white sacrifice that we shouldn't step into the trap." Yin Zhu said with a frown.

Tengxi watched Yin Zhu argue with Qiao Nuo. In order not to let them go to another world, he couldn't help frowning, "or, I'd better go with Tengcheng? Shifu is different to us. Since it was arranged by Shifu, it is most appropriate for us to go. "

Yin Zhu shook his head and said, "no, tengxi, I once told Bai Ji that I don't want you two to participate in the cooperation again. I hope you are all well. Bai Ji promised. If you join in like this again, you will not be able to withdraw later. "

Teng Xi shook his head when he heard this, "mother, you are wrong. This matter is not your own business. It's related to the whole world. It doesn't mean that I can just ignore it, does it?"

"Well, you're really in trouble. There's a lot of nonsense. No one knows what's going on in the upper boundary. You must send someone to inquire about the situation. There's a lot of gibberish. If you don't have a definite word, you're tired of hearing it." Ze can't help but dig his ears impatiently at this time.

As a result, these words angered several people on the scene. Yin Zhu said angrily, "Ze, you're too much. These people have nothing to do with you. Of course, you don't care what happens. Why do you say that to me? I'm talking nonsense and I don't talk nonsense with you." Yin Zhu said angrily that she was in a bad mood because she wanted to separate from Jono.

Does Yin Zhu want to say that he is easy? There are four partners, but there are few people who really accompany her. One by one, because of this and that, she has to worry about their safety, but Ze is making sarcastic remarks here.

Ze thought at this time that he didn't like to see them scatter dog food. If he said something, how could he make people angry.

"By the way, just let you go. You know more. Maybe you can find something in the upper boundary?" Leihe said this time.

It's wrong to dislike Yin Zhu. Yin Zhu cares about what's wrong with them. Besides, this team has always belonged to their family. What's the matter with Ze? It's best to send them away quickly.

Ze hears this words a Leng, this war is simply inexplicable, suddenly falls to his head, what did he say, as for such?

It's just the upper bound. That upper bound is really interesting. Do you want to have a look?

Ze is really curious about the relationship between the two worlds. What he wants to see about the people in the upper world is that he seems to be taking a little risk in this way?

Don't mention that Reich's proposal has really been considered. Jono has at least considered it. He only planned to take tengxi to facilitate liannuo Baiji. In fact, he should take Ze with him. This guy's strength is not as good as him, but his eyesight is very strong. It's really good to take him with him.

What's more, things in this world have been dealt with almost. There's no need for Ze to be here, so that he won't provoke Yin Zhu and make him angry. It's better to bring people to that world and contribute to it.

"Well, Yin Zhu, I'll take Ze and tengxi with me. Ze knows a lot and should be able to help us then." Jono decided directly.Ze couldn't help rolling his eyes at this time, "when did I promise you to go to the upper boundary? How can you decide for me? " He also collected a large bag of animal pills, and he was ready to practice slowly when he had nothing to do. Although he was curious about the upper world, he didn't like to be arranged by others on the premise of his own willingness.

No one can arrange his way, Ze said boldly.

Although Jono didn't get along with Ze, he also knew what kind of person this guy was from Leihe's mouth. Jono looked at Ze coldly and said calmly, "it's ok if you don't go. It's said that you know much more about it. Start training with me tomorrow. I'm less active, but I'd better learn." Jono said and broke his fist.

Ze felt a dark moment when he heard this. This Jono was threatening him, right? But he was really threatened, because his strength was inferior to this Jono.

"Yin Zhu, look at your partner, and you don't care." Ze yelled.

Yin Zhu now knows that Jono's mind of going to the upper world will not change, but it's good for youze to follow him. This guy is so scheming and knowledgeable that he can definitely help Jono.

In this way, let Ze go with Jono, so that she can feel at ease. Thinking of this, Yin Zhu said with a smile: "what are you afraid of? If you can't die, you can't train. Don't you always say you are a man? It's time to show your manliness. "

Ze can't help but scold when he hears this. Sure enough, she is the most vicious woman. She can't beat her to death, but she can beat her to death.

"Yin Zhu, you are too much. You are too much to bully me with your partner. Why don't you think how much I have helped you along the way?" Ze began to cry, of course, the kind of cry of thunder without rain.

When Yin Zhu heard this, he couldn't help laughing, "Ze, don't pretend to be on my side. Think about what you were going to do at the beginning. To put it mildly, you are our prisoner. If you have been a prisoner like this, you are already burning incense."

Hearing this, Ze couldn't help looking at Yin Zhu sadly. "Yin Zhu, you see me like this. I always thought we were friends. I'm so sad."

When Yin Zhu heard this, he didn't lift his head. "OK, don't pretend. I beg you to help me accompany Jono to the upper bound? Of course, you don't want to After thinking about it, Yin Zhu added the last sentence.

But how did you get to know Ze? But now Yin Zhu really regards Ze as a friend. If Ze really doesn't want to, Yin Zhu won't force him.

Ze heard this and didn't say anything, but nodded and said, "OK, I'm very curious about things in the upper world, but I'll say it first. Help is OK, but if my life is in danger, I'll withdraw at the first time. This can't blame me."

Yin Zhu nodded, "of course, no matter who is in danger of his life, he will leave at the first time. If you find something dangerous you can't do, remember to help me drag Jono back. Don't let him take risks."

"Do you think I can drag him away?" Ze thought of being threatened by Jono before, and asked very unhappily.

When Yin Zhu heard this, he turned his head to look at Jono and said, "Jono, I promise you to let you go, but you have to listen to Ze. If it's dangerous, come back and don't fool around. Otherwise, even if you come back safely in the future, I will never forgive you."

When Jono heard this, he said, "OK, I know. Yin Zhu, I won't take any risks. Don't worry."

Yin Zhu hears Qiao Nuo's very straightforward reply, and thinks that it's strange that he can rest assured. This guy didn't swallow the animal pill without saying a word at the beginning, and he just wants to be strong. This man sometimes has a lot of thoughts.

"Jono, I tell you, you didn't discuss with me about swallowing animal Dan before. I'm very angry, but you didn't wake up all the time. It's hard to wake up. Because of many things, I didn't get angry with you. I tell you, I'm a vengeful person. If you make your own opinions, I'll be really angry."

"Including you, don't think you sacrificed for me. Anyway, I have other partners, and I will certainly live well. I tell you, yes, there are other people around me, and I will definitely not seek death, but I will be very painful and self reproach. People will do a lot of irrational things when they are in pain and self reproach, such as indulging themselves or living in the world In guilt, we have a saying that the dead don't suffer, while the living suffer. If you want to see me like that, just take the risk. " Yin Zhu said for a long time, these men all have the spirit of sacrifice, but did not think about what she would think and how to live in the future.

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