After hearing what Yin Zhu said, some of the people present were silent. As Yin Zhu said, they all thought about feeding Yin Zhu to sacrifice. As for what Yin Zhu would do after their sacrifice, they didn't think about it. They would be sad. But time will make up for all the wounds. Moreover, they can't all die. There will always be someone with Yin Zhu to heal.

In addition, there are many female partners in the orc mainland. In fact, it's because males often go hunting, which is very dangerous. They may die at any time. So it's normal for the orc mainland to sacrifice their partners.

In fact, each of them didn't think of Yin Zhu when they took risks. They could only say that they tried their best. When they heard Yin Zhu say this for the first time, Tengxiao felt the most. At the beginning, Yin Zhu thought that Qiao Nuo was dead, and Yin Zhu almost went crazy.

Tengxiao this word is very sure to take Yinzhu's hand, said, "Yinzhu, you can rest assured, we will protect ourselves, absolutely will not let their own accident."

When Yin Zhu heard this, he shook his head. "If only you guys would listen to me. Look at the four partners, if you want to be more obedient to Leihe, this smart one is more thoughtful and can't be controlled."

It's not true to think of his four companions. Bai Kun is too smart to manage them. Yin Zhu can't understand many things, but Bai Kun has already thought through them. Bai Kun has done a lot of things for Yin Zhu without saying anything. Qiao Nuo always wants to do a good job. He always carries the heavy responsibility, and then rushes forward regardless. Tengxiao has a strong disposition, but he has a strong personality It's good to have Yinzhu with me all the time. Because Leihe cares about Yinzhu, he is obedient and has no problem.

Xiao Jin heard that Yin Zhu had been saying that he came out of his body this time. "Don't worry, Yin Zhu. I like you so much that I can't bear to die. I'll give you to them. Don't worry. As long as I'm here, Jono will decide to be ok."

Jono laughs bitterly when he hears this, but now he really doesn't know how to answer Yin Zhu, so it's just right for Xiao Jin to come out this time. Don't say that sometimes, Yin Zhu needs Xiao Jin to coax him.

"You are not reliable. Who got into Mengji's body before?" Yin Zhu said unhappily.

When Xiao Jin heard this, he couldn't help grabbing his hair. "At the beginning, they didn't have any ability and couldn't protect you. Then I wanted to protect you strongly. Don't be angry, Yin Zhu."

One by one, those who are not powerful enough to protect Yin Zhu, when they heard this, they bowed their heads in shame. At the beginning, they were really useless. When they got to the dark abyss, they could be said to be fooled by Baiji.

"So you're not reliable." Yin Zhu said angrily.

"Yin Zhu, I promise I won't take risks for the sake of my so-called strength. I'll never take risks. I'm just going to get some information." Qiao Nuo didn't expect that this time, Xiao Jin was so useless that he had to come out to comfort Yin Zhu.

Yin Zhu looked at the people around him, and then slowly said: "Qiao Nuo Tengxiao Leihe, do you know? In our world, we are only looking for one partner, because if there are many partners, it is very unfair to other people, and there is no way to divide a person's heart into four parts. Before, I was always afraid that I would let you down and be unfair to you. Then, it's OK that you all handled things by yourself, and never let me have a headache, even if there is something between you You've solved all the little contradictions yourself. "

"Really, sometimes I think, how can I be so lucky to meet you? Really, I feel very lucky. I think my luck will be spent when I meet you again." Yin Zhu said with a faint smile.

"All of you are willing to take risks and sacrifice for me. I'm really moved, but I'm even more afraid behind this, because most of the time waiting is the most painful. I'm afraid that every one of you will have an accident. I owe you. I want to make up for you in the future. I want to be with you for a long time, and then be good to you. That's my way If you have an accident because of me, I will be very sad and painful. " Yin Zhu said slowly.

Jono sighed when he heard this, and Leihe rubbed Yinzhu's hair. "Fool, you just think too much. It's not your responsibility. In fact, we should all thank you. Thank you for making our life so wonderful. Thank you for giving up your wonderful life to come to our world and save our world. Do you understand? You don't owe us. We owe you. "

Think about Yin Zhu. He can live a good life on the earth and get rid of this terrible predicament. But because of them and tengxi's children, Yin Zhu came back without any scruples. If you want to say that he was moved, there was nothing in his heart.

Think about how much the whole Orc world has changed because of Yin Zhu's life. Even the half Orc's life is much better. The whole Orc continent owes Yin Zhu. When things in the nightmare world are finished, people in the nightmare world owe Yin Zhu the same. Originally, Yin Zhu didn't have to work so hard.

Ze looked at the people who kept spreading dog food. He had already taken tengxi and Tengcheng away.

"It's very funny when you watch it." Ze said impatiently.Tengxi retorted directly at this time, "I think you are envious and jealous. When you look at my mother and her, it's obvious that they have two eyes shining. It's because they can't meet such a good partner."

Ze heard tengxi's words, can't help but some want to vomit blood, now children's mind is so sensitive?

He is jealous. He thinks that the demon clan has always respected the strong, and the weak even become the food of the strong. How can he have any partner and sacrifice everything? Yin Zhu is really lucky.

"If you like, you can also find a partner." Tengcheng looks at the silent Ze and suggests.

Looking for a mate, looking for a girl to wait on? Ze shook his head in a hurry. He didn't want to find an ancestor for himself.

"Come on, Ze, help us to study the array." After all, it's not so easy to go to the upper world. If you want to turn the orcs into the upper world, you have to prepare the array first.

Tengxi had studied it quietly before. Originally, he planned to go by himself if Yin Zhu didn't agree to let him go.

"Teng Xi and Teng Cheng, I think you two are very familiar with Baiji. What kind of person do you think baiji is?" Ze asked curiously.

He met Bai Ji once. When he just crossed over, Yin Zhu took him away to hide his existence. Then when they were about to leave the dark abyss, Bai Ji left and met him at that time.

Although Ze heard Yin Zhu say something about Baiji, everyone's eyes are different. After all, because of all kinds of relationships, the senses are also different.

To tell the truth, Ze has some admiration for Baiji. After all, a person who can endure the arrangement for tens of thousands of years must be very strong and smart.

Of course, such a person is also relatively selfish, but this kind of person is somewhat similar to him.

After hearing Ze's question, Teng Xi Teng Cheng couldn't help asking curiously, "why do you ask like this?" Teng Xi and Teng Cheng are also a little uneasy. Ze is very smart and knows a lot. They are really worried about the things that they have mixed up with Zichen before. Ze knows. This guy is a big mouth. It's not good if his mother knows.

In fact, Ze really can't see that their soul is fused with another person. If they were just born for a while, maybe Ze can see that over the years, the part of Zichen's soul has been completely fused with them, and there is no way to separate them.

It's just that these two brothers have a guilty conscience. When Ze asks, some of them will be afraid.

"He's your master, and he's very nice to you. Isn't it normal to ask you about this?" Ze doubts of say, have what oneself don't know?

Teng Xi shakes his head when he hears this, "master, in my memory, is a person who has no feelings of happiness, anger and sorrow. Anyway, he is not in any mood, happy or sad. But master is very clever. He can figure out many things that have not happened, and then arrange the way to deal with them. That's the most terrible thing about master."

"This is also the place where you can't deal with him. After all, a person seems to be able to predict every step of the way. He doesn't know how to deal with such a person, does he?" Ze actually hates such people.

"What's more, you think that your master has feelings for you, and that he also has feelings for Mengji, but do you think this feeling can withstand consumption?" Ze asked softly.

Teng Xi and Teng Cheng are silent when they hear this. Can master's feelings be taken as his own? If the master really cares, Zichen will not completely merge with them, and then disappear without a trace. If baiji is really a good one, why does Mengji choose to leave? She is not willing to face Baiji because she doesn't trust him.

Think of this, tengxi and Tengcheng two people feel heartache.

Ze can't help thinking that it's not safe to go to the upper world with Teng Xi, that is, Teng Xi's going with him is not very useful.

"I'll still be useful. At least I'll hesitate for a while, right?" Teng Xi was trembled by Ze Na's disgusted eyes, and he could not help defending himself.

Hearing this, Ze couldn't help laughing, "OK, you and Yin Zhu are really like each other sometimes, when they are dead."

Tengxi could only smile helplessly when he heard this. He was also embarrassed to be despised like this. It's just that he really can help. Baiji knows a lot, but some things are irrelevant. He can help in some aspects.

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