Yin Zhu is having a carnival with several friends over there. On the other side of the orc continent, Bai Kun is paying attention to the cold ice city in addition to absorbing animal pills. Bai Kun thinks that there must be something wrong with Ziji, even if it's not a conspiracy, which will have a great impact on the changes of the world, so he should watch it carefully.

On this day, the ice city, which was originally very busy, suddenly got angry with a huge light screen. Bai Kun, who always paid attention to this matter, felt a scene for the first time, and he rushed to the ice city for the first time.

And the ice city this meeting has been silent, in the ice city, all the orcs seem to fall asleep, they one by one collapsed on the ground, motionless.

Ziji was sitting in Ziji's mansion. He looked at teng'an standing in front of him and asked seriously, "teng'an, are you sure you don't regret it? I tell you, once you do it, it will never change. "

Teng an nodded, "ziji, you are so wordy. I promised you a long time ago. Since I promised you, I won't regret it."

Ziji nodded and said, "OK, you don't regret it."

Teng an was sitting in the array at this time, with a lot of animal elixirs placed beside him. Some of these animal elixirs were sent by Bai Kun, and some were collected by Ziji. These animal elixirs were put into an array.

At this time, Ziji grabs teng'an and his own hand, and then cuts two people's fingers to let the blood flow into the array. The beast pill in the array absorbs the blood of the two people and starts to emit a strange blood red light.

Ziji and teng'an waited for a while, and let the array absorb enough blood before they started to stop bleeding. Maybe there was a little more blood loss, and both of them turned pale.

Then Ziji sat down with his back to teng'an, and the array began to rotate rapidly. The beast Dan on the ground also began to break, and the forces began to wind around the two men.

On the other hand, the changes on the side of ice city also attracted the attention of other people in the orc mainland. Bai Kun arrived at this place at the first time, and then he found himself blocked out of the array.

And when Bai Kun's hand touched the array, Bai Kun received a message, "Bai Kun, I know you will come, and I know you have enough strength to break the array, but I advise you not to do that. Once you do that, I can only tell you that this array is connected with Teng an's life. If you break the array, Teng an will die If you want to explain, I will tell you, or Teng an will tell you everything when the array is over. "

Bai Kun is very angry when he sees such words. He is sure that Ziji and tengan must be doing something he wants to stop. Only in this way can they stop him outside in order not to stop him.

Why did he stop it? It must be very bad. What the hell should I do?

Do you want to rush in regardless of everything, but in case what Ziji said is true? If teng'an is involved in an accident, Bai Kun will never want to see it.

He has been paying attention to the cold ice city. Now there are many spies from daze tribe in the cold ice city, but he didn't expect that there was an accident. Looking at the people who fell on the ground and didn't know what happened to them, he didn't know what happened to them?

Ziji is not going to do something with the people in this city. He and Baiji don't treat ordinary people as human beings. Damn it.

Bai Kun is very angry. He should have stayed in the ice city and shouldn't have left. If he was in the ice city, Ziji would have been afraid. Unfortunately, everyone is not as good as heaven.

Teng'an, you said before that you had plans. You said you would not let me down. What are you doing with Ziji?

Looking at the array blocking him, Bai Kun is as anxious as a peak. Teng an is not the kind of child who has no reason. He is a mature soul who has part of Zichen's soul. What do you want to do with Teng an?

Meng Tai had already arrived at this time, "Bai Kun, what's the matter?"

Bai Kun shook his head. "This should be made by Ziji and tengan, but I don't know how. Now we have to wait. All of us are blocked outside, and no one can get in. Now we have to wait for the end of the array." There are already people from other tribes trying to break the array. Unfortunately, they are useless and have no way to break the array.

The array made by Ziji can't be broken so easily. Bai Kun doesn't want to wait in vain. There's no way to break the violence. If he can find the heart of the array, it's not his style to wait.

Bai Kun also wants to find out what kind of array this is. He has a lot of knowledge in his mind.

There can't be any accident in the orc world. Yin Zhu trusted him so much that he thought he could deal with the things here before he came back. If Teng an had an accident, how could he explain to Yin Zhu.

Bai Kun walked around the array, that is, the whole ice city. Then he didn't find anything. Maybe the heart of the array was in the ice city, but the people outside couldn't go in at all. He had to wait for the people inside to come out. Ziji obviously couldn't come out this time.

While Bai Kun was still thinking about something, Meng Tai suddenly grabbed Bai Kun's hand and called in a trembling voice, "Bai Kun, look, look."At this time, Bai Kun turns his head and looks at it. At this time, he finds that the people in the cold ice city who were asleep because of the start of the array begin to wake up one by one, but they look strange.

The first time these people wake up, they become beasts. Then their eyes start to turn red and their bodies start to tremble, as if some pain is tormenting them.

"What's going on?" Montaigne looked at the people of the whole ice city like that. What does Ziji really do with the people of the whole city?

"Ziji, what are you doing? Ziji, you come out for me. If you don't come out again, I'll break this array directly. " Bai Kun yelled.

Although he is not familiar with the people in this ice city, there are too many people, too many ordinary people, and their lives should not be lost here.

"Bai Kun, what are you doing so loudly? I will come out when I finish my work." The voice of Ziji came slowly from the air.

When Bai Kun heard Ziji's words, he couldn't help attacking the array. Seeing the shaking screen, Ziji couldn't help sighing and saying, "Bai Kun, stop. You will kill the whole city."

When Bai Kun heard this, he could not help humming, "they are going to be killed by you now."

Ziji couldn't help laughing when he heard this, "baikun, I tell you that they can all live well. The reason why I do this is that they can live well. If you mess around, you will kill them."

"You come out. If you don't come out, don't blame me." Bai Kun didn't believe what Ziji said.

"Well, even if you insist on me coming out, I'll come out and meet you." As Ziji's words fall, baikun feels a powerful force rising from the center of the ice city. The whole Orc continent feels the powerful force. Then baikun looks up and sees a huge wind wolf appear in front of him.

"Purple sacrifice?" Bai Kun said in doubt? He had never seen the beast shape of Ziji.

"Don't you want to see me? You forced me out, and now what are you wondering? " Ziji can't help humming.

"Why don't you look like an adult? You're rare." Bai Kun is very cold. To tell the truth, it looks very strange to talk with a wolf like this.

Ziji couldn't help laughing when he heard this, "I think you can only see me like this in the future, even if you don't want to see it."

When Bai Kun heard this, he turned black and asked, "what do you mean by that?"

Purple sacrifice see white Kun stunned appearance, can't help but smile and say: "is literal meaning."

Literally? That is to say, purple sacrifice can only appear in this form? At this time, Bai Kun saw that the whole people in the ice city had become beasts. He was shocked and said, "why do you want to do this? Why do you want to turn the whole people in the city into beasts? Tengan is also like this? Why? "

Why do you want a good man to become a beast, and listen to the meaning of Ziji, there's no way to change it back. Why?

"Why? Because I want to live and change my destiny. " Ziji said with a sigh.

"Can you change your destiny in this way?" Bai Kun asked.

Ziji replied positively at this time, "of course, only when we become wild animals and thoroughly stimulate the powerful power in our bodies, can we defeat the people in the upper world. You don't think that only a few of you can defeat the people in the upper world. It's a joke."

"There are many ways to improve our strength. Why use such a way?" Bai Kun asked some unacceptable questions.

When Ziji heard this, he laughed, "I don't think it's bad to become a beast. Do you think of a way to improve your strength? Do you think that only a few people in the world can improve their strength, and then you can save the world with your personal heroes? It can't be saved. "

"The orcs used to be the same, but I don't think the orcs are strong enough, so I'll discuss with Teng an, and then we will become the whole beast." Ziji said with a smile, "Bai Kun, do you know? Now my strength is strong enough, even I have a feeling that if I want to, I can break the shackles of the world and jump out of the world. "

"But are you still human? What about tengan? " Bai Kun asked painfully.

"Is there a difference between man and beast? I think as long as you think you're human, some people in human skin are not beasts? " Ziji said sarcastically.

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