Is there any difference between man and beast? It's better to be a beast than to be a beast in human skin. This sentence really asks Bai Kun's heart.

Ziji would laugh wildly, "baikun, you know us, orcs (), orcs, beasts in front, people in the back, do you know what this means?"

Bai Kun shakes his head when he hears this, but Ziji laughs and says, "that's because we are beasts first and then people."

First the beast, then the man? Bai Kun quietly looks at the person standing in front of him, waiting for Ziji's next explanation.

"The world is very bad. We should be regarded as human beings who have not evolved completely. The real human beings should be like Yin Zhu's world. Because of the living environment in this world, there are various other reasons, but we have not evolved completely. It's wrong to have half human and half beast." Ziji said softly.

"Do you want us to evolve completely, or something else?" Bai Kun didn't believe that Ziji had said to help, but it should be true to fight together. After all, it's not easy for Ziji to rely on them.

"But now you're degenerating, not evolving." No matter what Ziji said, in baikun's opinion, it is a kind of degeneration to completely turn himself into a beast.

After hearing this, Ziji was silent for a while, and then said, "you are wrong. Only by correcting this incorrect line, can we make perfect evolution."

"Can you evolve now?" Bai Kun asked with a frown.

"Tell Teng an to come out." Bai Kun sees that the transformation of this array has been fixed and can't be changed in a short time. He doesn't want to talk nonsense with Ziji. Now he just wants to catch Teng an and ask Teng an what he wants.

Ziji nodded and didn't say anything. Instead, he turned his head as if to explain something to the people below. Then baikun saw a huge flying lion flying towards him with its wings flapping.

Then the array that he had been sticking to was broken, and there were a lot of beasts turned from orcs around Ziji.

"Teng an, give you a day, and then meet." After Ziji said this, he didn't give other people any time to oppose. He took those people away, and the people around him didn't want to stop them. The main reason was that they couldn't stop them. There were many beasts, and they were very powerful one by one.

Bai Kun catches teng'an and takes people away. He doesn't want to be surrounded. Moreover, his conversation with teng'an is not suitable for being surrounded.

Teng'an is also clever and doesn't struggle. Bai Kun takes him away.

Bai Kun took teng'an for a long time. After confirming that there was no one around, he threw teng'an out directly. "Tell me what you want to do. You just believe what Ziji said."

Bai Kun is very angry. When Teng an becomes like this, how can he explain to Yin Zhu? Originally, Teng an became a orc, and Yin Zhu was very sad. Now, he can't explain to Yin Zhu.

"I believe it, because Ziji is telling the truth. Besides, you don't think those who have changed are a strong force. I want to hold those people in my hands." Teng an said calmly.

Bai Kun was angry when he heard this, "do you want to rob people with Ziji? Teng an, you are too stingy, aren't you? Even if you have Zichen's memory, you still can't fight Ziji. They are all old foxes. You can't get any cheap ones in their hands. "

Teng an took a quiet look at Bai Kun at this time, and then laughed, "do you think I can't do it if you can't do it yourself? Why deny me so? "

Bai Kun's face froze when he heard this. Yes, why should he say that Teng an can't do it now? It's just that he's really angry and worried about Teng an. That's why he said that.

"Tengan, I'm not saying you're bad, but it's hard to succeed. I don't want you to go this way." Bai Kun sighed.

Teng an shakes his head gently at this time. "You are wrong. You should know that no matter I or Teng Xi Tengcheng, when Zichen has his own soul integrated into us, we have been arranged for this catastrophe. We are doomed to have no way to get rid of it. The only thing I can do is to do everything I can with all my strength."

Bai Kun is silent when he hears this. Yes, Teng an is not a simple child. They carry a lot of burden.

"What will happen to them?" Bai Kun can't help but ask, Yin Zhu, they don't know Teng Xi Tengcheng's special, these two children are following Yin Zhu now, once there is a bad one, I'm afraid Yin Zhu will not accept it.

"I don't know what our fate will be. I really don't know. In fact, I chose this fate by myself. No one forced me. I just felt that if I didn't work hard, I would regret it later. So when Ziji came to me, I promised, because this would really enhance my strength. And as far as I'm concerned, I like this 。” Teng an said calmly.

"Bai Kun, I'm not a child. I don't need you to worry about it. No matter what the consequences are, I can and can afford it." Teng an closed his eyes.

"What are you going to do next with Ziji? You can always tell me that. " Bai Kun knew that teng'an had become like this. There was no other way to go except one."To accept inheritance." Teng an said softly.

"Heritage?" Bai Kun said in doubt.

"Well, that's what Ziji said before. Orcs come first and then humans. Those heritages are powerful animal heritages." Teng an said it again.

This world originally belongs to the world of wild animals. The inheritance here is all wild animals, and there is no one. Of course, maybe there will be human inheritance in the future, such as the things left by Yin Zhu. Who can say that in the future world.

"Well, you can go." Bai Kun waved his hand.

Teng an thought that Bai Kun's anger was not so easy to let go of himself, but he didn't think that he should let go of himself so lightly. However, he thought that what could happen if he didn't let go of him. Since he has changed, he won't change back. In fact, at the beginning, Teng an thought that he would take all the orcs in the dark city with him. Later, it's better to think about it.

After all, this kind of thing is also dangerous. No matter what happens to orcs, they also have a part of human beings, and they have all become wild animals. Apart from rationality, they are no different from wild animals. However, because they have all become wild animals, the animal nature in their bodies has been aroused, and the animal elixir in their bodies has been suppressed, and then Next, as long as they get the inheritance, they can turn the animal elixir in their bodies into their own weapons.

Bai Kun looks at teng'an, who is walking slowly. Yes, everyone has his own way to go, and he is no better than others. He knows that the reincarnation formula is flawed, and he is not crazy to absorb the animal pill, regardless of everything, but he is not crazy now. But if he continues like this, he will be crazy sooner or later, even if the negative in the animal pill has been cleared Chu, but he more or less absorbed other things, just better than Mengji.

Is everyone's road destined to be good? The white sacrifice or the God? Just like Teng an said, no matter what, we should try our best. Only in that way can we be reconciled.

After solving teng'an's problem, Bai Kun turns to Mengtai, and Ziji in the ice city makes such a thing happen, which makes the whole Orc continent panic. Although they haven't been to their tribe yet, it's impossible that such a big event has nothing to do with them. So many people are exploring what happened, and how a good man can become a beast.

You should know that before there were orcs, all of them could be scared to death, not to mention now they have all become wild animals. Since Bai Kun knew this, he always wanted to tell Meng Tai to make the Daze tribe feel at ease.

At the same time, things have started in Ziji. It seems that Yinzhu is not very safe. There should be something happening there. Forget it, it's useless to think so much. It's better to think about how to deal with things in the orc world.

Inheritance, in fact, he is really curious about the inheritance of orcs, but Ziji won't let him find out,

is everyone's road destined to be good? The white sacrifice or the God? Just like Teng an said, no matter what, we should try our best. Only in that way can we be reconciled.

After solving teng'an's problem, Bai Kun turns to Mengtai, and Ziji in the ice city makes such a thing happen, which makes the whole Orc continent panic. Although they haven't been to their tribe yet, it's impossible that such a big event has nothing to do with them. So many people are exploring what happened, and how a good man can become a beast.

You should know that before there were orcs, all of them could be scared to death, not to mention now they have all become wild animals. Since Bai Kun knew this, he always wanted to tell Meng Tai to make the Daze tribe feel at ease.

At the same time, things have started in Ziji. It seems that Yinzhu is not very safe. There should be something happening there. Forget it, it's useless to think so much. It's better to think about how to deal with things in the orc world.

Inheritance, in fact, he is really curious about the orc inheritance, but Ziji will not let him find out. At the same time, things in Ziji have started. It seems that Yinzhu is not very safe. There should be something happening there. Forget it, it's useless to think so much. It's not as good as thinking about how to deal with things in the orc world.

In fact, he is really curious about the inheritance of orcs, but Ziji won't let him discover it.

in fact, he is really curious about the inheritance of orcs, but Ziji won't let him discover it

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