Jono knew these things very well. Knowing the reason why they did it, they didn't feel disgusted by Fang. On the contrary, they let those people follow them and didn't say anything. Anyway, after a while, they can explain everything through which nodes.

Jono quickly found the node, and then explained everything in front of those people. It is obvious that no one can stop the integration of the two worlds. It is also the people who can see it with their own eyes. As for the people in the upper world, they will naturally encounter them in the future.

Of course, Jono said these things must give those people a great shock, but all things like Jono said, if you don't believe it, those people can go to the dark abyss to see, they don't have to cheat.

Anyway, they have informed all the tribes to send a person to Hanhai to discuss how to deal with the people in the upper world. Jono doesn't think that they can handle this matter well, but he needs to unite the people in Hanhai to deal with it.

There must be some people who won't come or have their own plans. Jono, they can't force everyone to be present. At least they have been informed. As for the outcome, it depends on everyone's own choice. Even Jono can't guarantee that the people who follow them will be OK. So Jono respects no one's choice.

What Yin Zhu doesn't know is that with the integration of the dark abyss and the upper world, earth shaking changes have taken place on the other side of the orc continent. The most obvious change is that the road to the nightmare world hidden before the extreme north will have been revealed, and the huge temple and the towering wall will have become ruins.

This change attracted Bai Kun's attention in the first time. Bai Kun's strength is also the highest. He rushed there in the first time and deployed his array around him. This place is connected with the nightmare world. At least for the moment, the nightmare world is not suitable for merging with the orc world, so Bai Kun doesn't want any orcs to pass here.

The most important thing is that the seal between the two realms will begin to loosen. Now Bai Kun can easily go through this array to the nightmare realm.

Is this movement caused by something happened in the nightmare world, or by teng'an's so-called inheritance?

But if teng'an did it, why didn't teng'an show up? Bai Kun didn't have much time to contact teng'an, but Bai Kun was sure that teng'an would never do anything against Yin Zhu, but they didn't show up for such a big thing, whether it was Ziji or teng'an, unless they were trapped in a certain place If there is something that can trap a group of beast like people with such strong fighting power, there is only another possibility. Teng'an may have made this move, but they are not here. It is very likely that all those people have gone to the nightmare world.

Thinking of this, Bai Kun's first reaction was to go to the nightmare world and immediately see what Ziji wanted to do?

Just thinking for a moment, Bai Kun stopped. He carefully fixed the array around him and left a message to Meng Tai. Then he turned and stepped into the nightmare world.

Just as he entered the nightmare world, Bai Kun felt that something was wrong, because the aura of the nightmare world was much less. The aura of the nightmare world was always very strong, especially after practicing the reincarnation formula. He felt very sharp. However, this time, he found that the aura accumulated in the air was gone, and the aura here is almost the same as that of the orc world It's flat.

What's going on? How can this happen? Who can absorb so much aura in this world?

Bai Kun soon inquired into the cause of the incident. Yin Zhu explained everything very clearly. It was easy for Bai Kun to inquire. When Bai Kun knew the process and result of all the incidents, he knew that it was Ziji. Only Ziji could make such a big hand and powerful array, and only those with ancient inheritance knew it Things.

He was really surprised to know that the two worlds merged. He had been thinking about what Ziji wanted to do with such a large group of people, but he didn't expect that Ziji should merge the two worlds.

World integration has to say that this is really a solution. After knowing that Yin Zhu is OK, Bai Kun is a little relieved. He plans to go back to Montaigne and tell him the news so that he can get ready. Then he goes to Hanhai to meet Yin Zhu.

Yin Zhu is preparing how to meet the people in the upper world. The people in the upper world are going crazy at this time.

They had a good life, and they had enough food reserves, so they didn't have to worry about the future. As for the people in the lower world who wanted to resist, they didn't know that for thousands of years, or even every reincarnation, no one had resisted, but which time was not suppressed by them? What can the people in the lower world do to them?

But they never thought that the people in the lower world didn't know what way to integrate the two worlds. How could they harvest the rations of the lower world in the future?

What's important is that they try their best to change the trend of integration, but they find that no matter how they change it, they can't change it. The two worlds are integrating and the world rules are resetting. That is to say, they can no longer control the people in the orc world with the beast pill.They would like to rush to the orc world and catch the culprit, but now because of the integration of the world, the rules at the junction of the two worlds are very chaotic, and no one dares to move at this time. If they dare to move at this time, they are afraid that they will be melted by the rules at the first time.

They find that they can't do anything. They can only watch the two worlds merge, merge and perfect into a complete world.

In the beginning, these two worlds were considered immature. They should have been integrated. Normally, if they were integrated, they would become a mature world. Then the strongman of their world, that is, the Lord of the holy palace, was powerful. He directly intercepted the core of the orc world, making the Orc world their subsidiary world, and the orcs became their cultivation resources, But they never thought that the people in the orc world didn't know how to integrate the two worlds.

When Bai Ji knew the news, he couldn't help laughing and was very happy. "This purple sacrifice has two talents. I always thought this guy had nothing to do. I didn't expect that he had such a skill. It was really beyond my medical care." Obviously, the purple sacrifice made Bai Ji feel very good.

Taijing, the subordinate of Baiji, looks at Baiji's unbridled and happy appearance, and can't help but remind him carefully, "shisan Shengzi, people outside are not happy because of this matter. It's not good for you to let those people find an excuse to attack you."

When Bai Ji heard this, he glanced at his men and said, "I'm afraid of their useless waste? Besides, they are my enemies. If they are not happy, I will be happy. What's wrong with that? "

Taijing couldn't help crying when he heard this, "son of God, you can do this. We don't dare to fight them."

"Besides, although you are more powerful than other saints, don't forget that there are also palace masters. You are mainly out of the pass. Those villains will complain, and you will suffer in front of the palace master." Taijing frowns and persuades that Baiji will be seized by many people, which is not good for his little master.

After all, Bai Ji has been in the orc world for such a long time. Many people say that Bai Ji's heart has been taken away by the orcs. The reason why Bai Ji can take back his father's position is that he has enough strength. However, many people are envious of him. Some people want to step on Bai Ji. Bai Ji is really not suitable.

"Well, I know about this. I won't let anyone get hold of it." Bai Ji said lightly.

As for the palace master, the world is about to merge. Does he still need to see his face? He will soon return to the wet land and meet Mengji.

Think of Meng Ji, Bai Ji's heart is a little happy. Meng Ji should be very happy to see herself go back. There are also those noble sons who are supposed to have fun when they meet Yin Zhu. Yin Zhu's strength should be very strong.

Forget it, there are still more than ten days to go before the two worlds are fully integrated. Anyway, those people have a hard time, so he won't add fuel to the fire. That's all. However, what he has to do still needs to be arranged.

Bai Ji asked Taijing carefully several times. Looking at Taijing's surprised eyes, Bai Ji put out his finger and knocked on the table. He said with a smile, "I'll tell you something? As for the surprise? In addition to the earth shaking changes in the world, why should we be superior? Do you think orcs will never be able to turn over? Don't worry about it. I'm sure even if the orcs can't win, they can't lose. Go ahead. "

Ziji left behind and made a lot of preparations. He also made a lot of preparations. Although his purpose was different from that of Ziji, Baiji's intention to deal with those saints and the palace master was true.

Taijing nods when he hears this. Anyway, Baiji's orders will not start until the two worlds are completely integrated. Now it's OK to arrange them. Just as Baiji said, it's too easy for him to do something when the world is integrated. Even if he loses, it's still very easy to escape. It's because he believes in Baiji's strength that Taijing does what Baiji asks .

Baiji looks at Taijing's back when he turns around and goes out. He can't help but laugh. I believe it will be super fun when the two worlds are completely integrated. Ziji has done a good thing.

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