As time approaches, everyone is making final preparations.

Yin Zhu took teng'an for a rest. Looking at teng'an, who had become a lion, he could not help rubbing teng'an's head. "Teng'an, it's been several days. How can you not be an adult? My mother hasn't seen you for many years. Can you come back and show me?"

Teng an can't help but tremble when he hears this. When the orc is seriously injured, he will become a wild animal and recover better. Now he has been injured for several days with Yin Zhu, and his body is much better. In fact, his body is not a big problem. It's just that his skill is sucked away. He has recovered after a few days' rest.

"Mother, I'm not in good health yet. As for me, I look like tengxi. Just look at tengxi when you think of me." Teng an doesn't solve his own physical problems now. He only plans to solve them by himself. Yin Zhu and his family have enough worries. Besides, if the purple sacrifice who arranges this array can't change the situation, I'm afraid Yin Zhu and his family have no good way.

But these days he received a lot of memories of Ziji, but he didn't find any useful way.

"OK, as like as two peas, but it's good to come back early, so you can't keep your head up. Although it looks good, but mom wants to see you now. Even if you want to get Teng, you are not tengxi, even if your foreign trade is exactly the same as tengxi in the eyes of outsiders, but in the eyes of your mother, you are different." Yin Zhu holds Teng an and says with a smile.

"I see." Teng an finally sent Yin Zhu away, and then very irritable grabbed his hair.

"Teng an, is there something wrong with your body?" Hearing this, Teng an turned back and saw tengxi standing on one side. Teng an could not help but let out a sigh and patted his chest.

"Big brother, people will be scared to death." Teng an rolled his eyes.

"OK, tell me what's going on. Don't try to hide it from me. The connection between us is continuous. If we can't feel it far away, you will be by my side. If I can't feel it, I won't be your brother." Tengxi said directly, and then sat down beside tengan.

When Teng an heard this, he gave Teng Xi a white look, and then said, "you feel it. What else do you want me to do?"

Teng Xi reaches out his hand and gently touches his brother's head. For this brother, he and Teng Cheng are both guilty. At the beginning, one of the three brothers needed to be a semi orc, but as brothers, they both absorbed enough strength. Only Teng an became a semi ORC. His brother, who clearly needed to be taken care of, took the responsibility for them.

Although the three brothers were forced to separate soon after they were born, tengxi's feelings for the younger brother did not decrease.

"Is that all you can do? Can't change back in the future? " He saw with his own eyes the ending of those people led by Ziji. They were all dead. It's very good that Teng an could recover his life. It can't be without consequences. In combination with his recent experience of Teng an's psychological activities, he had a guess.

If there is a way to save, tengan will not be like this. Only if there is no way, tengan will be so restless.

"Don't tell my mother, she will be sad when she knows." Teng an whispered.

Tengxi can't help but grieve when he confirms what he thinks in his heart. His brother, who owes a lot, has become a beast before he can repay him.

"Is there no way to recover?" Teng Xi asked very sad.

"In order to pursue the ultimate power, we gave up the human gene in our body and became a complete beast. Apart from retaining my current consciousness, I am no different from beasts. Of course, the only difference is that I am stronger than ordinary beasts, that's all." At the beginning, Teng an knew the consequences, but he was cheated by Ziji. In fact, it wasn't cheating. Ziji's promise to him was actually completed under certain conditions.

So does he regret it? Teng an doesn't mean to regret it. It's just that this matter shouldn't be known by his mother. In fact, it doesn't matter if he is dead. His family doesn't know that it didn't happen if they didn't see it, does it?

But he happened to meet a group of Yin Zhu, who couldn't run away if he wanted to, or could he run back secretly?

"So, you're going to hide it from anyone? You don't have to say it now, but after a long time, can you hide your mother? " Asked tanche in a calm voice.

"I know. Isn't that something?" Teng an frowned and said.

"If you really had a way, you wouldn't be like this. You wouldn't be ready to sneak away when we are busy and no one cares about you?" Tengxi seized tengan's wings.

Teng an's face froze when he heard this. He was really a brother from the first child. He even guessed what he wanted to do.

This is, this is too accurate. Looking at Teng Xi's dark face, how can he go now?

"Teng an, are we brothers? You have something we can help you, we can discuss, you can't just leave, if you fool around, mother, they are afraid that they will be more upset and sad because of your things, I am very straightforward to say, you are mother's child, mother can't ignore you, there is also Father, even if short time can't find you, short time no time, can go on, in the future Well, they are afraid that they will go all over the world to find you. Are you sure you want to leave without saying a word? " Tengxi looked at tengan with a cold face.Teng an's face turned white when he heard this, then he was silent for a while and said, "what should I do?"

"Stay here. I'll cover for you if there's anything. I promise that they won't suspect you. Besides, you're here. You can take care of each other. Teng'an, you know what's going to happen next. We can't guarantee that we'll do well. You say that in case, there's a case. When you run away, you won't even see the last time. Think about what we're going to do How sad. " Tengxi could not help but give a small threat at this time, so that tengan would not go.

Teng an's face froze when he heard this, and then he gritted his teeth and said, "you want me not to leave, but you said, you have to give me cover. If my mother finds out, I'll leave."

Tengxi nods. He's going to go back to Ze to inquire about the relevant information. It's really no good. After the complete integration of the two worlds, he's going to find Baiji to inquire about some news. Who knows the most about Ziji is of course Baiji's old rival, and Baiji has been operating in this world for so many years, so he's very familiar with some related things. Maybe There's no way.

Fortunately, he found out in time and didn't teach Teng an to sneak away. The three brothers had a hard time reuniting, but they didn't want to disperse.

It's just that his mother has some signs of doubt today. It seems that he should try to prevaricate Yin Zhu like a way.

What should we do? Go back to Tengcheng and discuss with them. Let's think about what we want to do.

What tengxi doesn't know is that Yin Zhu went to Ze after he went back here, "Ze, you can help me see tengan. You've been looking at tengan for many days. You also say tengan's health is almost good, but tengan says that he is still injured and can't become a ORC. He always feels that there is something wrong." Obviously, Yin Zhu also suspected that teng'an had physical problems.

It's just that Teng an doesn't want to say it. It's meaningless for her to force her child to say it. Anyway, she wants to know. There must be other ways to know why she has to force her child to do something she doesn't want to do.

Ze nodded at this time and said, "I think it's a bit strange. In fact, I've seen the array made by Ziji. Normally, the orcs should not be able to activate so much energy of Hanhai, but they not only activated it, but also detonated it. I also think it's strange that they combined those forces to fuse the two worlds."

What's more, why all the orcs were in the form of wild animals at the beginning? Is it because of this reason, or did they turn into wild animals in some taboo way and then detonate the vast sea? Since it's taboo, it often has a very powerful side effect. Don't you see that the leading purple sacrifice is dead? It's normal that teng'an won't go now.

It's just that it's too hurtful for a mother. Ze didn't immediately answer her guess. Instead, he said seriously, "I'll go back and check what the problem is. You don't have to worry. You can see that I can become a man with a chicken, not to mention tengan? If it's a big deal, just follow me. "

Ze comfortingly patted Yin Zhu on the shoulder and said, when Yin Zhu heard this, he gradually let go of his original worry. Yes, what he was worried about was to cultivate demons at most. In addition to the different cultivation methods, in fact, he was similar to orcs, for example, he could change from human to beast.

"OK, I'll leave it to you. Don't forget to give me a good home check." With Ze's words, Yin Zhu's heart is very stable.

Ze doesn't know that his words will become a pot that he can't throw away all his life. He didn't know whether he was in a big trouble or a big trouble that he couldn't solve.

Then Ze went to teng'an and said to check teng'an's injuries. Then Ze couldn't find any problems, and teng'an didn't have any injuries. Then Ze had to give teng'an his training methods and let teng'an practice.

Teng'an also knows the particularity of Ze. He wanted to try Ze's way when he couldn't help it. Ze told him that it was the best way. Then teng'an found that he could practice this skill. After practice, his strength soon recovered, but he couldn't find the chance to change.

That is to say, he can practice this skill, but he can't become a demon like Ze.

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