I don't know why. According to principle, any animal can become a demon, but Teng an has no way to practice. Teng an thinks that it may be the transformation array of Ziji lane at the beginning. Moreover, he is not a traditional animal.

Teng'an has heard about the definition of demon. Human beings are originally evolved from intelligent animals. Some animals have no way to evolve because they are too big, so they create the skill of demon cultivation. The reason why all animals can become human beings is that they have human genes, some of which are only very few, and Demons cultivate these genes The bottom of the trigger.

Teng'an is different. At the time of transformation, teng'an has eliminated all the genes that belong to human beings. Now without human genes, teng'an can't become human after natural cultivation.

"No use?" Teng Xi looked at Teng an's disappointed face. He thought that the clever Ze should have a way, but he didn't think it was useless.

"What to do? I can't hide it for a long time." Teng an said anxiously, if Teng Xi can't help himself solve this problem, he will find a way to run away.

When Teng Xi heard this, he grabbed Teng an and said with a straight face, "what are you in a hurry? My mother, they are going to be busy next time, but they don't care much about you. You stay first. We can ask Master later. Maybe master has a way."

Although Teng an was not accepted as a disciple by Baiji in this life, tengxi knew that Teng an understood what he said.

Hearing what Teng Xi said, Teng an hesitated for a moment, then nodded. There is no one in the world who knows orcs better than Bai Ji. Bai Ji has done so much and studied so much. Maybe he has a way.

"Master, brother, do you think master will help us?" Teng an shook his head, thinking how much Zichen cared about this master before, who could think that Baiji was not a person in this world.

Tengxi nodded his head and said, "I don't know what master wants to do, but I think master is willing to help us as long as his interests are not touched."

Teng an heard this words silent, then nodded, is white sacrifice to purple Chen this disciple should have feelings, but this feeling has a premise, that is not to violate his interests.

"OK, I'll talk about it later. I won't leave for the moment. Don't worry. If I really want to leave, I'll tell you about it." Teng an looked at these two days are guarding his big brother, very helpless said.

Teng Xi was afraid that he would run away secretly. Teng Xi nodded with satisfaction after hearing this, "OK, you said, if you didn't tell me to leave secretly, I won't forgive you in the future, understand?"

Teng an rolled his eyes when he heard this. If he really wants to leave, does he need to be forgiven?

Forget it, I'd better not say that. Let's have a look. It's not the time to leave.

On the other hand, Bai Kun told Mengtai what happened in Hanhai. He didn't take part in the rest. The head of Mengtai will do a good job in arranging the tribe. He doesn't have to worry about it. Unless Mengtai and ordinary people can't solve it, Bai Kun won't take charge of daze tribe.

Fortunately, there is no need for him to worry about Montaigne. Montaigne went to other tribes to unite himself. In recent years, the orc world has changed a lot, that is, priests with a little ability can predict the great changes in heaven and earth. Naturally, many people believe in the news from Mengtai.

At this time, Bai Kun has returned to Hanhai. He is going to fight Yin Zhu for several rounds. He can't fall behind.

Bai Yangui, who was going to take Yang Wantong around to have a look at the news, also took the initiative to move closer to what Yin Zhu said. He wanted to see where he could help Yin Zhu. In fact, he couldn't help. After all, he was a part of the world. Helping Yin Zhu was helping himself.

It's very open that most of the tribes in Hanhai sent people out to talk about it, but there were no leaders. Yin Zhu didn't want to take care of so many people. In the end, this matter was put on Qiao Nuo's head. Qiao Nuo was strong enough, and he was also good at dealing with people. Anyway, Yin Zhu didn't listen to how Qiao Nuo and those people agreed. He only knew that most of the tribes decided to join hands and let Qiao Nuo do it Commander, if this battle fails, then they will not continue to send people out, but protect other people of their tribe.

The meaning is very clear, that is, if Jono wins this battle, if he loses, he is afraid that he will go on fighting his own way.

Jono can't say that it's not good for them to do so. After all, he can't hand over all the power of the tribe to another person. Now he has the answer, and he's actually quite satisfied.

Soon all the soldiers sent by that tribe will go into the dark abyss. They will have direct contact with the people in the upper world. It's better to keep the people in the upper world out of the dark abyss.

Over the upper boundary, Bai Ji is calculating at this time. He has been very leisurely recently. The two realms should have been integrated, and they were intercepted by the former palace masters. Now once the trend of integration begins, it can't be changed at all. Their palace masters haven't appeared from beginning to end. Only those saints are busy over there, right?Of course, there are also people who can't find Baiji to get into trouble, but they all ask Baiji to Dafa to leave. On the surface, he is just the thirteen Saint son, but even the first saint son is not his opponent. Here, Baiji dares to say that he doesn't avoid anyone except a Palace leader.

"Taijing, the integration of the two worlds is about to be completed." Bai Ji said quietly.

He nodded too much. Now he was afraid of the old master. Baiji had changed too much. At least he couldn't find out his mind.

"Then we'll go to the border and have a look, so that we can enter the orc world at the first time." When talking about the orc world, Bai Ji's face rarely had a smile.

"All right, son." Taijing bowed his head and answered respectfully.

"Taijing, am I nice to you?" Bai Ji suddenly opened his mouth.

Taijing nodded hastily, "of course, you are the best son." Taijing remembers that Shengzi asked a partner who had betrayed him when he was a child a few days ago, and then Shengzi tore each other alive. He still remembers the blood. Although he didn't betray Shengzi at that time, Shengzi suddenly asked this sentence, which made him feel a little cold for no reason.

"Taijing, why do I think you are a little cold?" Bai Ji said.

"Yes, yes, I'm going to add a dress." Taijing said and left in a hurry.

Bai Ji looks at Taijing walking away and smiles. He doesn't want to scare Taijing like this, but there is only one Taijing around him now. Because Taijing has different ideas, this guy hesitates when he does things. He doesn't need such hesitation. Of course, he is not a cruel man, just like tengan brothers Up is not betrayal him, but he still forgave those children.

There are too many things to do for the integration of the two worlds. However, there should be no animal elixir in the orc world now. I don't know what the people who organized people to rob the animal elixir in the first time think.

Bai Ji really wants to see this joke. It will look good then.

After Taijing came out with a piece of animal skin, he could not help shivering at the smiling Baiji. Normally, baiji would laugh as long as he wanted to figure out who he was. Now he found that he could stand Baiji's cold face, at least he didn't need hair in his heart.

"Pearl, you've done everything you need to do." Taijing responds in a low voice at this time.

"OK, I'll thank you later, Taijing." Bai Ji said with a smile.

Taijing couldn't help wiping the sweat on his forehead when he heard this, "forget it, I won't be rewarded, as long as you don't count me in the future." The fairy fights and the kid suffers. He really can't afford to play.

Bai Ji said with a smile, "don't worry, you can write down what you spent. I'll give you money later." Taijing is worried that his failure will affect him. Every brave guy, but forget it, who taught him to take care of him when he was a child? Now he risks helping her and helping him.

What Baiji asked Taijing to do was about the palace master. According to reason, the world rules were broken, and it was the palace master who was seriously injured. But this time, the palace master didn't move at all. It's too abnormal, it's just like a trap.

The whole upper world is going crazy now. Only the palace master is calm. If you don't know, it's absolutely impossible. Baiji sees many notes flying to the palace master every day. But why is the palace master so calm and not worried about anything?

Bai Ji didn't know much about the palace master. He left the upper world and went to the orc continent when he was very young. The only thing he heard was that the palace master was very powerful, but he was not sure what kind of master he was.

He left a lot of backhand, among which Mengji was the most important part. But he couldn't judge if he didn't see the palace leader with his own eyes.

No matter how powerful the palace leader is, he is not afraid. The world is so big that he can just find someone to live. Anyway, there are so many people in the upper world. No one can stop him except the palace leader. Where can he not go.

Baiji has done something for himself, but it's not enough. He also plans to select some reliable servants to cultivate, and then enter the orc world with him.

Baiji has a feeling that the two worlds will be very interesting after the integration of the world, especially the other holy sons, whose eyes are on the top of their heads, should let them fall a few somersaults in this world, but he didn't say it. Anyway, he is very happy to see those people being beaten in the face.

There are also a few Yinzhu. He has created so many conditions for them. If they don't make any progress, he will go to Yinzhu.

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