"Is Mengji OK?" Bai Ji was silent for a long time.

Jono thought for a moment and said, "Mengji gave me 90% of her strength at the beginning, and then left. At the beginning, I asked her where she wanted to go, but she didn't say anything. She left directly. She said she would go to her own resting place."

Bai Ji smiles when he hears this. Sure enough, Mengji is OK. As long as Mengji is alive, she can still live well even if she doesn't have enough strength. Where can she rest assured of him? She is also worried that if he really wants to destroy the world, she can stand up for a while. At least in this world, only she can influence his mind.

"Cooperation is OK, but both sides should show their sincerity." Bai Ji had stopped fighting at this time and went directly to Yin Zhu's barbecue. Then he sat down, picked up the barbecue and ate it. It was quite impolite.

Seeing Bai Ji like this, Yin Zhu really wants to kick him. This man is really conceited. She doesn't like him very much.

"Sincerity, what kind of sincerity do you want? Baiji, if you want to talk about sincerity, it should be that you have no sincerity to us from the beginning to the end? " Yin Zhu said unhappily. She was very unhappy when she thought that she had been arranged by this person before, not to mention that Bai Ji was good at calculating. She didn't worry that he was real. This guy wanted to be sincere with her.

"Come on, I know you have a problem with me. Let me show my sincerity first. In short, the animal dan you absorbed still has problems, and only I can solve your follow-up problems, such as Jono. Although Jono absorbed so much energy because of the seamless transformation of Xiaojin, I can clearly say that you really don't have it now But when you face the people in the upper world, you will find that the power in your body can't be exerted at all. " Bai Ji said directly.

"What do you mean?" Yin Zhu asked directly, you know that all the people here have absorbed the power of the beast pill. If they are completely restrained by the people in the upper world, how can they fight with the people in the upper world? Thanks to her thinking that they are strong enough to deal with several high handed people in the upper world before, and now Bai Ji says they are completely restrained? So they're going to be prisoners?

Bai Ji laughed, "there are many powerful forces in the animal pill. Do you think Ziji doesn't know about this? But why didn't Ziji absorb it? You don't say that Ziji can't find a solution to those means in the beast pill. "

Yin Zhu clenched his teeth when he heard this. They still fell into the hands of Bai Ji.

"Say your terms?" Bai Kun holds down Yin Zhu who wants to get angry and asks in a low voice. Now they are controlled by others.

Bai Ji smiles at this time, and then he throws a small pottery bottle directly. A thin layer of powder mist flies towards several people, and then he directly gets into their bodies. Yin Zhu is terrified and wants to escape, but he finds that it's useless to escape. It seems that the thing has been staring at them, and they can't stop There is no way to get rid of it. Although it can be dispelled by the wind, as long as they have time, they will gather again until they all get into their bodies. Even Ze can't avoid it.

"Baiji, what are you doing?" Yin Zhu cried out, and he was cheated again.

At this time, Bai Ji smiles gracefully: "don't worry, I have no malice to you, at least now it will be absolutely no malice, I'm not worried that you said I lied to you, now you can try, how much power do you have left?"

Yin Zhu felt relieved when she saw that Bai Ji had not done anything to them. Then she tried. She found that the smoke had entered their bodies and did not damage their bodies. It was just strange that it had locked most of their strength. For example, now Yin Zhu can still fight, and the strength they might play is only ten times of their original strength Two.

How can we fight with the people in the upper world?

"Baiji, who knows if what you said is true? Maybe you have developed this thing to deal with us. After all, you are so familiar with orcs." Yin Zhu said unhappily, now they are completely at a disadvantage. What's worse is that they don't even have the qualification to negotiate.

"You can't believe it. I've already told you, haven't I? To be familiar with orcs, it should be said that the temple that controls the world has long been thoroughly studied. " Bai Ji said indifferently.

"You contact us in this state first, otherwise we are not easy to negotiate." Bai Kun didn't like this feeling of helplessness.

"It's very simple to solve this problem. It only needs a drop of blood from the people in the upper world." Bai Ji said and directly cut his fingers, and then a few drops of blood fell on everyone's head, and then the invisible suppression dispersed.

Ze looked at Bai Ji very seriously at this time. His strength can be said to be 100% raised by beast Dan. Just now, because he was suppressed, he turned into a chicken that could not do anything, and almost didn't scare him to death.

Bai Ji also saw Ze, "this is what you brought back from the alien world. It's pretty."

"Want my blood?" Baiji looks at Ze seductively.

Ze was more alert when he heard this, and he didn't know if the red fog they had met before would become like this or that, or if it only works for the first time, if it works every time, they really need to prepare a share of the blood of the people in the upper world, so that they can relieve their negative state at any time.Baiji is luring him. He wants Baiji's blood very much and wants to study it carefully. As long as the research results come out, he can get rid of those annoying red fog.

At this time, Bai Kun directly twisted Ze back. The orc Yin Zhu brought back is a bit funny, but the knowledge is very rich. It can be said that they have encyclopedias here, but they can't give them to outsiders.

Ze was an animal first, and then a man. Although Ze said he was a demon, not an orc, they still regarded Ze as an orc, just an orc without a beast pill.

"Before you asked us to show sincerity, what is your sincerity?" Bai Kun will ask seriously. There is always a feeling that Bai Ji wants to rob Ze.

"I'm very interested in him. How about trading him for it?" Bai Ji pointed to Ze and said with a smile.

"Yinzhu, don't, don't abandon me." Ze will rush into Yin Zhu's arms and cry sadly.

When Yin Zhu heard this, he turned black and twisted out Ze in his arms. Then he threw it aside. "Don't take advantage of me." Don't think that if you are a female now, you can take advantage of her. She knows what this guy has.

"Ze is my friend, not goods. I won't use my friends to get any benefits, so you'd better change a condition for Baiji." Yin Zhu said directly.

Bai Ji said with a smile, "it's very touching."

It's very moving. I'm so grateful to Bai Ji.

"Don't worry. If you don't agree with me, I can still take people away? Well, it's easy. If I can abduct him, you can't stop him. Let Ze make his own choice, OK Bai Ji stepped back and said what he wanted.

However, the more baiji is like this, the more wary Yin Zhu is. Why does this guy give in? He is not the one who will give in. So the guy is very sure that he can take Ze away from him?

Ze heard this and hugged Yin Zhu's feet, "Yin Zhu, I won't go. No matter what he uses to tempt me, I won't go."

When Yin Zhu heard this, he patted Ze on the shoulder. "I'm very moved, but if you can get Bai Ji's obedience, I'll give you to him right away. It's a pity that people don't like you."

Ze turned a white eye when he heard this, and directly lay on the ground and pretended to be dead. He didn't want to talk to Bai Ji. Bai Ji is a monster. He can't do anything he wants. That's not the same as prison. He doesn't like it at all.

"Come on, you've got it." Yin Zhu glared at Ze, and then said to Bai Ji, "as long as you have a way to make him willing to talk to you, I promise not to stop him."

Ze wanwan didn't expect that Yin Zhu abandoned him at this time?

"Yin Zhu, you have no conscience. I'm tired to death for you. You have no conscience. You have no conscience." Ze cried out.

When Yin Zhu heard this, he raised his leg and gave Ze a kick. "I'm not promising. When do I want you? If you are seduced and abducted by others, what's the matter with me?"

When Ze heard this, he turned back slowly. Yes, as long as he keeps his heart, how can he go with Bai Ji? He can't be fooled.

Bai Ji looks at Yin Zhu's gag and says nothing, just smiles.

"I want a way to completely solve our health problems, not a drop of your blood, because then I'm afraid you'll bleed a lot, and you won't be happy." Yin Zhu said directly.

Bai Ji nodded when he heard this, and then said simply: "this is fair, but I didn't get what I wanted. When I let Ze agree, I'll give it to you."

Yin Zhu's face froze when he heard this, and he said that he wanted them to agree. It was clear that he forced them to express their opinions. Bai Ji had never been magnanimous.

This Ya is a living villain, treacherous villain.

People from the upper bound will come soon. What if they can't cope with the previous move? At that time, no matter whether Ze Tong agreed or not, they would force Ze to agree. Bai Ji should have planned for Ze long ago.

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