Ze slowly raised his head at this time, looked at Bai Ji seriously, and then asked, "what do you want to know from me?"

Bai Ji shook his head helplessly when he heard this, "I don't know."

"What do you mean?" Asked Zener dully.

Bai Ji said frankly at this time, "I really don't know, because you are an unexpected person, but just because you have a lot of interesting changes, so I want to contact you and have a look. In addition, I find that the things you cultivate are a little similar to ours, but they are very different, so I want to study them."

When Yin Zhu heard this, he immediately understood that it was Ziji's surprise attack that Bai Yangui would go to the earth with her, while Ze was brought back by Bai Yangui. This is a little different, and the following is a lot different.

"So that's why you want me? Aren't you afraid you won't get anything then? " Ze looks at Bai Ji coldly.

Bai Ji shook his head and said, "even Yin Zhu can get help from you. I can use more. My intuition tells me that you will bring me a big surprise."

Ze shook his head at this time, "but I don't like you." Ze is willing to be with Yin Zhu, because Yin Zhu is simple and direct. Such a person can't calculate anything about him, but baiji is different. This is clearly an old fox. If he follows Baiji, he probably doesn't know when he will be calculated.

"You don't have to be hostile to me. I'm not your enemy, am I? If you want to gain powerful power, I can help you. There are many magical things in this world. If you want to survive in this world, you have to understand this side, don't you? How much do you think Yin Zhu's half bucket of water can tell you? Only I can help you, or we can make a fair deal, for example, I ask you a question, you ask me a question? How about it? " Baiji lure () confused looking at Ze.

"Ze, don't believe him. He will tempt others most. It will only be good for him, not for you." Leihe hastened to tell Ze.

Ze was meditating at this time. He had to say that Bai Ji's words before really moved him, especially that his strength was still defeated by others, which he could not accept.

He is not Yin Zhu, may not be Baiji to catch, he is not a fool.

"You can think about it. I'm not in a hurry anyway." Bai Ji said very casually.

When Yin Zhu heard this, he couldn't help gritting his teeth. He was not in a hurry, but they were in a hurry. But Yin Zhu couldn't force Ze to make a choice. At least Ze helped her a lot during this period of time. They were friends.

"Let me ask you a question first. How can we get rid of this sequela completely?" Ze asked the most important question in the hearts of several people present.

"It's simple. Just go back and find someone in the upper bound to take their life cards." White sacrifice very simply said, finish saying he also belongs to his life card out to Ze see.

Ze then studied it for a while, and then said, "this life card should be a personal item. It's useless to take it."

Bai Ji said with a smile, "when they become ownerless, you can use them. Do you need me to teach you this? Anyway, it doesn't matter how powerful it is. It's all the same. If you go back and find someone with low strength, you can easily win even if you are suppressed, OK? "

Ze listened to order to nod, as for how to let these life card have no owner, this nature doesn't need others to teach.

"Now it's your turn to ask me." Ze doesn't want to deal with Bai Ji yet. He just wants to get rid of him.

Bai Ji shakes his head at this time. "Don't worry. I'll have such a chance. Naturally, I have to think about what to ask, don't I?"

Ze saw this frown, one is Baiji really didn't think well, the second is baiji is thinking of some bad idea, but he said out of the natural will agree, anyway, just a question answer, think there won't be too big a problem.

"Then come to me when you think of it." Ze said impatiently.

Yin Zhu found a place to rest after eating and drinking. Not far away from Hanhai, the experts of various tribes were waiting for the latest news.

Teng Xi and Teng an secretly run to find Bai Ji after a rest in Yinzhu.

Looking at the familiar and strange master standing in front of him, Teng Xi didn't know how to speak.

"What? What are you doing here? I asked for help, but even Shifu didn't want to ask? " Bai Ji glanced at the three children in front of him, especially Teng an.

Teng Xi said, "no, master..."

"You are always our master." Tengxi murmured.

Bai Ji directly sat down cross legged, and then looked at Teng an seriously, "come on, what's the problem?"

Tengxi saw that Baiji was not angry, so he said tengan's question quickly. Baiji thought for a while when he heard this, then grabbed tengan and checked it.

Teng an also cleverly with the white sacrifice check, white sacrifice check again, "Purple sacrifice is really a madman."Teng Xi looked at Bai Ji disappointedly at this time, "master, don't you even have a way?" If even Baiji has no way, tengxi really doesn't know who to turn to.

Bai Ji shook his head slowly to Teng Xi's face at this time. "Yes, there's no way. In fact, Teng an is good, isn't it?"

When Teng Xi heard this, he almost didn't cry. "It's not good. Master, you can think of another way."

Bai Ji turned his head and put out a hand and gently touched tengxi's head, "tengxi, do you really want to save tengan, even if you pay your life, you are willing?"

Tengxi was stunned when he heard this, and then he nodded his head for sure. He was living well, and his younger brother suffered so much that he should enjoy his happiness.

"Hu Lai, I'm living well. Why should I be saved? Tengxi, you're sick. You don't want to live a good life." Teng an was so angry that he swore.

"Little brother, you, don't be angry, big brother. Big brother just wants to help you." Teng Xi is a bit at a loss.

"Shit, do I need your help? I like what I am now. I used to be a monster. Isn't it good now? Go back to sleep. " Teng an roared loudly.

Bai Ji saw that the two brothers were going to fight red eyes. With a smile, he reached out and touched the two brothers' heads. "OK, I'll tease you two. There's no magic like that. But I can see that the relationship between your brothers is very good."

Teng an was so angry that his eyes were red, "you are full, right? It's fun to tease us?"

When Bai Ji heard this, he stretched out his finger and knocked teng'an's head, "master, I haven't taught you for a long time, and I've forgotten the honor and inferiority."

Teng an hears this words a stiff, think of the terror that purple Chen is dominated by white sacrifice.

"Master, the previous joke was not funny. I took my brother to have a rest first." Teng Xi said this without waiting for Baiji reaction, directly pulling Teng an to leave.

Bai Ji can't help laughing when he looks at the two brothers who are far away. In fact, he is not joking. He really has that method. Not only tengxi will die, but also Tengcheng will die. He can understand why Ziji left tengan at the beginning. This is for him to make a choice.

Teng Xi, Teng Cheng and Teng an are triplets, not to mention that some of their souls are separated by Zichen. They can fit together well. To say that the skill is evil and powerful, and evil needs to devour his own brothers to grow up. To be strong is to cultivate that skill will be incomparably powerful. Teng an's human nature has been eliminated, and then he will grow up To tell the truth, if these were not his disciples, he would not hesitate to follow the idea of Ziji.

But when the two brothers quarreled with each other just now, he hesitated.

He used to cheat Zichen, let Zichen no longer exist, now tengxi they are not Zichen, even if there is Zichen memory is not, for example, they will not be like Zichen as 100% loyalty to him, before he did not give Zichen choice, now he wants to give tengxi Tengcheng tengan three choices.

Tengxi and Tengcheng, in particular, have been around him for many years. Although they were looking for Zichen's shadow at the beginning, he never liked such a little apprentice. The three of them are independent individuals, and he doesn't want to integrate them any more. No matter the integration or division, they are not the original one.

They are all human, just like Mengji. When Mengji left, it really hit him a lot. He didn't want to send his little apprentice away.

He has already completely lost purple Chen, dream Ji also did not have, these two still think about his apprentice to also fuse? He was a little reluctant.

In his life, he has done too many hurtful things for his own purpose. Tengxi and others really don't want them to join in. Just like Yin Zhu asked him to let go of the two children before, he agreed.

It seems that he will send the three to the orc world directly. It's better for them not to touch the muddy water.

Sometimes he envies Yin Zhu for their simplicity and purity, where he needs to think so much, so complex, obviously very simple things, but he makes them extremely complex, love and hate, all kinds of entanglement, he doesn't know how much he owes, but he will never get on.

Seeing Bai Ji, I can't help sighing. This stupidity is really contagious. After staying with Yin Zhu for a long time, he is more or less infected. Isn't it a pity?

This mood sounds annoying. He is not like him any more. Baiji, the preparation of tens of thousands of years, you can't drop the chain here, otherwise all the previous sacrifices will be in vain.

It seems that we should stay away from Yin Zhu in the future, so that we can't start against him in the future.

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