Teng'an and his wife went back to their home powerlessly. They thought there was hope before, but now they are only in despair. The world even has no way to solve teng'an's problem. Who else can save teng'an?

Teng'an looked at teng'xi who had no idea what to do and stretched out his hand. "Brother, don't be sad. In fact, I thought about the consequences as early as I promised Ziji. In fact, it's not bad. Really, you don't want to be like this."

Tengxi couldn't help feeling sad when he heard this. He really didn't use it. He vowed to comfort Teng an and give Teng an hope. As a result, Teng an was disappointed and he had to let Teng an comfort him.

"Big brother is OK. Let's have a rest early." Tengxi took tengan's hand and said.

"Well." Teng an answered in a soft voice and didn't speak.

Tengxi couldn't sleep with his eyes closed. He thought, even if there was no way, he would come up with a way. If he didn't work hard, it was really nothing, but then he would not be so reckless. He would have to wait until there was a definite result to tell tengan. Tengan couldn't be happy any more. After all, he was full of hope and despair before, and that feeling was better than at the beginning The pain in the future.

Tengxi was lying on the bed, tossing and turning. In the middle of the night, he felt as if someone was watching him. When he opened his eyes, he saw Baiji standing in their brother's room.

"Master, why are you here?" Teng Xi is very puzzled to ask, after all, baiji is not the kind of person who will break into people's bedroom, something will wake people up outside.

"I'll see you off?" Bai Ji said lightly.

Go? "What do you mean?" Tengxi looks at Baiji in doubt.

"The nightmare world is not suitable for you to stay here. I brought your brother to the nightmare world at the beginning, and now I will send you away." Bai Ji said calmly.

"Leave?" Tengxi looks at Baiji foolishly. How can they leave when it's so important? If they can't leave, he will help their father and mother.

"It's no use for you to stay here. It will only affect your parents." Bai Ji said calmly.

Tonsey heard this in silence and said, "where do you want us to go?" He didn't want to leave, but as Bai Ji said, it's really useless for them to stay here.

"You'll know when you go." Bai Ji waved, and tengxi, who was not sleepy at all, immediately fell asleep.

Bai Ji looks at Teng Xi sleeping in the past, waves his hand and takes the three sleeping people out directly. He doesn't even find Yin Zhu sleeping nearby.

Baiji takes tengxi to walk quickly and sends them to the orc continent. Looking at the orc continent preparing for war everywhere, Baiji goes directly to the cold ice city.

In fact, this side of the ice city is where the earliest Orc King City is located. Unfortunately, all of them are destroyed. The reason why Ziji chooses to reverse the array in ice city is that there is still the last inheritance of the orc king family left here. Ziji almost runs out of the power of inheritance, but there is still a little firewood left behind. It's just that no one knows whether this firewood can be ignited or not.

Bai Ji throws people at the silent ice city, then turns around and walks away.

Teng Xi, Teng Cheng, Teng an, you three, this is the last thing I can do for you. Your destiny depends on your own life, and the road is your own choice.

Yes, the reason why Bai Ji sent people here is to see if tengxi could get the final inheritance. It is estimated that once the inheritance is found, it will disappear and no longer exist. Of course, with the pain of inheritance, there is no way to change his body, but he can share a body with his brother.

This is what he just thought of, and it's better than his previous method. The three brothers will be integrated, but they are independent. I don't know if they can accept this.

Forget it, what does he want to do? Anyway, he has tried his best. The rest depends on tengxi's own luck. He has a lot to worry about if he can get the inheritance.

Softened, Bai Ji laughed sarcastically, and then left quickly.

It was a long time after Yin Zhu woke up the next day that he found that his children had disappeared. These three children were always good and would not leave quietly. Yin Zhu's first thought was Baiji. Except for the baiji that just arrived yesterday, Yin Zhu could not think of any other problems.

"Where are my children? Did you take people away? " Yin Zhu impolitely blocked the entrance of Bai Ji.

Bai Ji rubbed his forehead. He just came back. Sure enough, good things still can't be done.

"Yes, so what?" Bai Ji looks at Yin Zhu badly.

"Baiji, you don't mean what you say. You use my children. Those two children trust you and love you so much. How can you do such a thing?" Yin Zhu asked angrily.

Yesterday, I made a little improvement on this man, and then found that this man was in fact a mess.

"I sent people away, but I didn't use them, so don't use this attitude to talk to me, or I will be very angry. It's not suitable for them to stay here. Besides, Yin Zhu, don't make it seem that you love your child very much. How long has the child been lost before you know? You don't know if there's something wrong with your child. To put it bluntly, I'm a master, but you know your child better than your mother. " Bai Ji looks at Yin Zhu with a sneer.When Yin Zhu heard this, she knew that she didn't pay enough attention to her two children. She didn't grow up with them when she was young. When she saw them, they were sensible enough, and she was still running around. She owed her three children.

"Baiji, where did you send them?" Yin Zhu asked, biting his teeth.

"Sent back to Orc land." Bai Ji said slowly.

The three children can be said to have been created by him. Their birth and even their experience were all arranged by him. Now he has let go and is unwilling to be in charge. The future depends on their own way.

Orc continent? Fortunately, it's safe there at least for a short time. Their strength is not low now. No one in the orc mainland can embarrass them.

"By the way, did you just say that there was something wrong with my child? Who, Teng an? " Teng an didn't change back into a orc, and said it was more comfortable to become a beast. At that time, she doubted that only one didn't dare to confirm. Now Bai Ji said this, which made her confirm her conjecture.

"You don't seem too stupid." Bai Ji laughs.

"Baiji, you don't ridicule that people are not comfortable, do you?" This dream Ji left, white sacrifice this is to let go oneself?

"Yes, I'm not happy in my heart. I'm not happy with you all." Bai Ji said directly. When Yin Zhu heard this, he really wanted to kick him. What he said made people angry.

"Why do you suddenly want to send those three children back to the orc continent?" Bai Kun pulls Yin Zhu who wants to be angry and asks curiously.

Hearing this, Bai Ji looks at Bai Kun with a crooked head and a smile, "maybe he has found his conscience?"

Bai Kun is really hard to answer when he hears this. Will Bai Ji have a conscience?

"By the way, the seal of the two realms is very loose. Can you reinforce it?" Bai Kun doesn't want the seal to be loose, so that the pure land of the orc world will be disturbed. As long as the seal is there, people in that world will at least get a piece of pure land, even if it is sealed for a period of time.

Bai Ji shook his head and said, "it's impossible. I can't reinforce that seal. It's the seal made by the king of orcs with his own blood. The seal used to be useless, but now the two worlds are integrated. The upper world can no longer control the world. It can only be conquered by human power."

When Bai Ji finished saying this, he suddenly felt something. Then he couldn't help reaching out and knocking on his head. He felt that he had a bad headache. Just when he said the orc king, he thought of tengxi. As a priest, he often felt something, which means that this is probably related to tengxi in the future.

Bai Ji can't help but want to go to the ice city to find out the three children. Shouldn't he send them there?

Bai Kun looked at Bai Kun with a changed face and couldn't help asking, "what's the matter?" There are few things that can make Bai Ji pale.

At this time, Bai Ji looked up at the sky, and then asked in an almost inaudible voice, "do you say that people's destiny has long been predestined?"

"What do you mean?" Bai Kun asked.

Bai Ji looked up helplessly at this time, "yes, I also want to say what I mean. I want them to be well, and then? God, is this against me? I arranged all their routes, but when I let go, I got into trouble with them. "

"What do you see?" Bai Kun anxiously asked, listening to Bai Kun's meaning, this is not good information. As a priest, Bai Ji sometimes senses or sees the information of the future.

"Nothing. I'll take a walk first, and you'll guard this side well. " Bai Ji said to play with this and left.

He calculated everything and was used to arranging everything. He would never allow anyone to do anything bad to him. He didn't believe he couldn't do it. Baiji thought, isn't it the inheritance of the orc king? He got rid of it and saw what they did. Thinking of this, he rushed to the orc world.

Yin Zhu looks at Bai Ji walking away, but Bai Kun is thinking. It seems that something happened to the people Bai Ji cares about. There are not many people who can make Bai Ji care. Bai Ji also says that he wants them to be well, they? It's not Mengji. Is it tengxi?

Thinking of this, Bai Kun has an impulse to catch up with Bai Ji. He just thinks about it and doesn't go. Bai Ji has already gone. If Bai Ji can't change it, it's useless for him to go.

It's just that I really don't see that baiji is still the kind of person who cares about his apprentices. Does it mean that baiji is not so bad?

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