Jono is still wondering why the grandson opposite is so good. He finds that a powerful force comes directly to him. Jono looks up and sees a very young man walking out of the middle of the other team. He can't see the man's face clearly. He can only see that he is a man.

At this time, the alarm in Jono's heart rings. It's impossible that he can't see a person's face clearly in terms of his strength. The reason for this is that the strength of the other party is stronger than him, which affects him.

"The master of the sacred palace?" Apart from this Jono, he can't think of anyone else. According to the information revealed by Baiji, all the eighteen holy sons can be dealt with, but the Lord of the holy palace, even Baiji, doesn't know how strong the man is.

Jono thought they could catch a few saints, and then slowly strong, did not expect each other to shoot the most powerful person directly.

Qiao Nuo felt the strength of the other side. He was really stronger than him, but he was not totally unable to resist. Qiao Nuo was thinking that he could resist several moves, whether he would let Yin Zhu retreat first.

The god palace leader looked slow, but soon came to the front. He looked up at Jono, and then looked at the missing person in his camp. Then he sighed with a faint sigh and said, "Baiji, you've arranged so many things to attract me, don't you? You're really good. You've made so much capital and integrated the two worlds. What else are you going to do? "

At this time, Bai Ji slowly came out from the rear of Yin Zhu's team and said with a sneer, "the palace Master said with a smile, how can I achieve this degree of integration of the world, but the priests of the world do it. I don't have the courage to calculate you. I'll help you if I don't want to."

Bai Ji said with a smile and retreated away from Yin Zhu.

The person opposite said with a smile: "Baiji, I'll give you the last chance. You can have a try. Otherwise, you won't even have a chance to try. "

Bai Ji just laughed when he heard this, "I really don't have any intention. Although I live here for a period of time and sympathize with these wretches, I will never betray my country." Bai Ji said this quickly and quickly, as if he could not wait for an explanation. Once the explanation was slow, there would be terrible consequences.

The man heard this with a satisfied smile, "this is the best, otherwise, I'm afraid you can't sit in the position of the son."

When Yin Zhu heard this, he felt a little nervous. Was such a character afraid of Bai Ji?

"Bai Kun, shall we help Jono?" Yin Zhu asked with some worry.

"We can't go. We can't go. We just have to stand in front of him. He's afraid that he can control us for the first time. If we can't help Jono, jonon will be implicated. We'll try to get the opposite life card first." Bai Kun said, biting his teeth. As for whether they don't help Qiao Nuo or not, Bai Kun doesn't know if Qiao Nuo can last until they get the life card.

"You mean something." The man opposite looked at Jono and laughed, then waved to his men.

Bai Kun's side also ordered people to meet him directly. Qiao Nuo also directly met the two holy sons at this time. Maybe they also knew that one person was not Qiao Nuo's opponent, but Yin Zhu was relieved that the other palace leader had no intention of ending for the time being.

"You can go fishing in troubled waters, but remember not to attract people's attention. First get the life card and refine it." Bai Kun knows that the most important thing now is to get the life card, and the others can be suspended.

There are also a lot of chaotic people. Yin Zhu didn't show strong power for the time being, and he really got some life cards secretly. After getting them, Yin Zhu went to find a place to refine them for the first time, but the scene was not good-looking. In the orc world, it can be said that there was a falling situation. The people on the opposite side were too strong, and their average strength was too strong.

For a time, the orc world was badly damaged, and even those who had practiced reincarnation formula began to suffer casualties. The reason why those who had practiced reincarnation formula did not die before was that the powerful power of Hanhai was added. This time, the power of Hanhai was used by Ziji to fuse the two worlds, and there was no power to support them.

The palace master looked at the scene, couldn't help looking at it sarcastically, and then said indifferently: "you have a good life, but you have to make trouble. See, this is the evil you have done." It's a light word, but it's clear to all the people present.

Bai Kun, the commander in the rear, can't help trembling when he hears this. This man is directly killing his heart. This is to make the people in the orc world give up their resistance and become their vassal slaves.

"We'd rather die in a fierce battle than live as food that you can kill at any time. Brothers of ORC world, give me a rush, give me a rush for freedom and dignity." Bai Kun stood up and roared.

The palace master looked up at Bai Kun coldly at this time, and then just laughed coldly.

"If you have such a successful resistance, maybe I will clap my hands to support you, but you are just suicidal. Do you think the free range animal is good or rebellious, or the captive animal is obedient, right? You should have domesticated animals, even if the same species, the domestic animal is obedient." The palace master was laughing, very happy.As for the scene of the meeting, Yin Zhu didn't dare to see it. Leihe held Yin Zhu in his arms tightly at this time. The scene was really shocking.

"Yin Zhu, don't look if you are afraid." Reich has got his life card ready by this time.

Yin Zhu shook his head at this time, "I'm afraid, but the more I'm afraid, the more I have to see and face. Only after seeing the cruelty, can my heart be hardened to deal with the animals." Yin Zhu bit his teeth and said word by word.

"Then I'll help Jono. Be careful." The people over there couldn't help Jono when they sent out two people before. In the end, they got two more. It would be four people fighting Jono. Jono is in a hurry now. Jono is still on the scene, and the others can't be seen at all.

Leihe then ran directly to Jono. Yinzhu, Leihe and Bai Yangui ran to the defeated people. Some Yinzhu added in. The scene was very beautiful, but there were too few of them. Even if Yinzhu could sweep one piece at a time, there were too many. Even if she swept one piece at a time, she would have to sweep for a long time. I'm afraid she would be exhausted at that time It's done.

The palace master was not too surprised to see the extra Yinzhu. He didn't believe that Qiao Nuo was an expert in the orc world.

"This is your backhand. It doesn't look good enough." The other side laughs, white sacrifice this meeting facial expression some not good.

Yin Zhu's strength is strong, but he is still much worse than the palace master.

"What about me?" Teng, who came in a hurry, asked with red eyes.

"It's very kind of you to absorb the power of my people and use it against my people." Teng red eyes said, and then he roared angrily, only to see his body as the naked eye a rapid increase, the sky at this time under a red drizzle.

However, with the light rain falling, the originally scarred orcs were injected with strength one by one, and their wounds began to improve and scar. Every Orc who was still alive got up at this time, staring at the huge Teng.

On the other side, people in the upper bound began to itch one by one at this time, and then some skin began to crack. Drops of blood trickled from the cracked skin. The outflow of blood was not much, it could be said that it was very little, and it was not fatal at all, but the pain of skin cracking was unbearable.

The palace master finally couldn't sit down at this time. He stood up and looked at Teng standing over there. "The orc King finally appeared. I thought it was all fish and shrimp. Only in this way can we have fun."

At the moment when Teng appeared, both Yin Zhu and Tengxiao felt it for the first time. Yin Zhu looked up and looked at Teng, who had become huge. This was her child, but she could not feel the breath of Teng Xi, Teng Cheng and Teng an. Yin Zhu looked at the totem like branches and leaves on his arm in a panic. At this time, Yin Zhu found that the three leaves were all gone by this time After withering.

Why? What happened to the three children? But why does the orc king have the smell of her child.

"Tengxiao." Yin Zhu ran to Tengxiao at this time and cried anxiously.

"Tengxiao, he." Yin Zhu points to Teng, who has become huge. She can't say the rest. Teng in the sky seems to feel Yin Zhu's attention. He looks down at Yin Zhu and nods.

Tengxiao naturally felt the shackles from his blood. The orc king was his child.

"Don't worry, Yin Zhu. Let's wait until the end of the matter here." Now even if they ask him, he doesn't know. They can only wait now, and they don't know if God will give them a chance to ask.

"Well." It's really not the time to talk.

"You've been waiting for me?" Teng spoke slowly.

"Yes, we have to solve them anyway. Those gadgets are not worth doing. You can still do it. You should be the last king of the orcs. As long as you die, we will be really at ease." Yes, if there are Orc kings, they will be restrained even if they absorb animal elixir.

"Protect the king." At this time, the orcs react and rush in front of Teng to protect him.

At this time, Yin Zhu's heart has been corrected. Is this what Bai Ji felt before? But her child is still young. Why should she make him king and bear such heavy responsibility?

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