"Yes, you're right. I'm really the last king of the orc world. Officially, because I'm their king, I'm going to give them a final fortress. Ziji has already taken half of the road ahead for me, so I'm going to do the rest." Teng said formally at this time.

When he accepted the inheritance, he got all the memories of Ziji and knew the reason why Ziji left him.

"You are good, at least not degenerate, but I want to see how you escape from me." The palace master made a mocking smile at the corner of his mouth.

Yin Zhu looked at the two men who had been fighting together. The two men's fighting speed was very fast. Even Yin Zhu couldn't see it. The people on both sides of the lower part had already dodged, for fear of being affected by the two men.

Bai Ji looked at Teng fighting in the sky with a very complicated expression at this time, then turned to Yin Zhu and said, "do you know what the ending of this boy is?"

Yin Zhu looked at Bai Ji coldly at this time, "if you want to say it directly, don't beat around the Bush for me."

"Remember the array of the nightmare clan and the orc world? The reason that the array is so powerful is that it was built with the blood of the king of the beast king city. Ziji first let the two worlds merge, and then let the three brothers merge to get the inheritance of the beast king. Then their final destination is to sacrifice Ziji. The orc world is the way that Ziji left you, because the two worlds can merge, and the orc world will be new The child that gives birth to won't appear again animal Dan Bai Ji rarely explained a few words.

"Of course, there is no permanent array. If you just use your body to build an array, it can last for thousands of years at least. The orcs should be strong enough for thousands of years. If the orcs can't fight the dreamers in the upper world by that time, there is no need for them to exist." Bai Ji said it indifferently.

"You, you will come to me on purpose to say these words. What about you? You always said that your purpose is different from that of the palace master. What about you? What's your goal? I remember your goal should be me, right? Will you tell me what you want me to do? " Yin Zhu looks at Bai Ji calmly.

In fact, she knew that she had no way to calculate the baiji, so the best way was to say it directly, clearly and roundabout.

"You're calm." Baiji wants to be herself, but she can't do it.

"What if I'm not calm? I think you are quite sure. How can you persuade me? " Yin Zhu holds his chest and looks at Bai Ji, but his heart is not calm.

"Come on, let's talk somewhere else, lest some of your friends seem to eat me." Bai Ji smiles.

Leihe grabbed Yinzhu at this time. "Yinzhu, don't listen to Baiji's nonsense. He just lied to you. We have other ways to save Teng."

Tengxiao also grabbed Yinzhu at this time, "Yinzhu, you can't mess around." Teng is his child, and he loves more than anyone, so he is really worried about Yin Zhu's mess.

When Yin Zhu heard this, he turned his head to Tengxiao and said, "Tengxiao, what are you afraid of? You forget that you are my guardian. Even if I have an accident, you are the first one. Do you think I am willing to let you have an accident? I'll go and see what he says? " Yin Zhu pats Tengxiao's arm to reassure him.

"You look at Dian Teng. You need to help." Other people can't get involved in this kind of fighting. Reherjigg can help if he wants to fight.

"OK, you go, but no matter what Baiji says, don't promise. Come back and discuss with me." Bai Kun affirmed Yin Zhu's request.

He also wanted to see what Baiji was going to do. Only by making sure what Baiji was going to do, could he know what to do next. Before that, he couldn't find the trick of Baiji.

Bai Ji left the battlefield with Yin Zhu and found a relatively quiet place to sit down.

Bai Ji turned his head to look at a depressed place, and then said to Yin Zhu, "Yin Zhu, you are very kind, kind-hearted and more responsible. Of course, I don't want you to selflessly dedicate yourself. If you look at the world, you are afraid that it will be destroyed soon. Are you willing to let those people destroy it?"

"Just say what you want to say." Yin Zhu sits without any image.

"I want you to destroy the rules of the world. Only by thoroughly destroying the rules of the world, can the world become the world where ordinary people live. No one has to cultivate any more, and there will be no domestication. Without those powerful forces, the world will become more beautiful." Bai Ji said directly.

"Your idea is very good, but I don't quite understand what you mean. Besides, the rules of the world can't be destroyed if I want to destroy them?" Yin Zhu is very puzzled to say.

Bai Ji shook his head at this time and said, "wrong, only you can destroy the rules of the world, Yin Zhu. Just think about it, as long as you destroy the rules of the world, your children, your partners, many of them don't have to sacrifice, and your friends."

"Why only I can do it because I'm from another world?" In that case, Yang Wantong can do it.Bai Ji shook his head at this time. "No, it's because you have the awareness of the rules of the world. To defeat the rules, only the rules themselves, we have no ability to defeat the rules."

"I don't understand." Yin Zhu still didn't understand what Baiji was talking about.

"You should bring something when you cross over, and it's a very powerful thing. It should be part of the rules of your world. That's what I want." Bai Ji said very frankly.

At this time, Yin Zhu understood that the things she brought through were useless systems for a long time. Because of Bena, Yin Zhu was afraid of the system, and the system had been upgraded to the highest level, so he almost forgot that he had such a golden finger.

But the system is something that can't be seen or touched. How can she get it out? It has been integrated with her soul.

"I can't get it out at all." Yin Zhu said.

"I know. So if you want to do this, you are sacrificing yourself and your soul. The integration of two different rules will make the rules of the world break down, and then the world will become an ordinary world. There will be no so-called power and no so-called slavery. " Bai Ji said this and looked at Yin Zhu, who was thinking deeply, "after all, this matter is going to take your life. Think about it for yourself. I originally intended to capture you directly for sacrifice, now let you choose for yourself."

Bai Ji said and turned to leave. Yin Zhu looked at Bai Ji, who left naturally. He couldn't help but curse. What's to give her a choice? Is that a choice? Hearing this, I was in a bad mood and felt very upset.

What's this? If it's OK to say that people die, Baiji makes it very clear that it's all dissipated with her soul. What's wrong with her, and she should dissipate with her own soul?

But can she not care? Looking at the few people who are still struggling with the leader of the holy palace, Yin Zhu can't help feeling sad. Those are her closest people. Even if they don't have to die, they escape to the orc world. Then her son will die in order to protect the people in the world.

Yin Zhu thinks about it and makes himself in a bad mood. He doesn't think of any way. Yin Zhu decides to go back first so that Bai Kun won't worry about it. As for whether to say it or not, Yin Zhu has to think about it.

The Lord of the holy palace had a fight with Teng, and beat Teng hard. Then he said with a smile, "do you want me to give you time to escape, let you run back to your king of beasts City, and set up the last fortress for your people?" Obviously, he also knows about the seal of ORC world and nightmare world.

Teng looked at the palace master standing in front of him, raised his head and laughed, "I know I'm not your opponent now, do you think I'm stupid? Why don't you wait there when you get the inheritance? If you can't, you can turn yourself into a guard array. I came here on purpose. "

"Because everyone in your dream clan has something of our clan. It's my stuff. Naturally, I got it back from the demon." Teng said, at this time, everyone steals low, and finds that the blood of the dream people is low. On the surface, one person only flows out dozens of drops of blood, not much, but the dream people here are tens of millions, which is a terrible amount.

At this time, the blood on the ground had gathered into a pool of blood, and the amazing power came from the pool. Teng had directly flashed into the pool, and then directly absorbed the blood. Teng absorbed the blood while dealing with the palace master.

The palace master saw the whole pool of blood on the ground, and could not help frowning. "I didn't expect that I would get so much Wang's blood for you, but do you think you would win?"

It's obvious that Teng's accident is beyond his expectation, which will make him angry.

At this time, Bai Kun saw that Teng had reached the critical moment, and he quickly commanded Leihe and other orcs to besiege the palace leader, just to buy Teng time. Of course, Teng could absorb and fight at the same time, which was not very convenient after all.

"I didn't say I was going to win, but do you think that's the only thing we're going to do? You underestimate our Orc world. We have been preparing for thousands of years. How can we allow ourselves to fail? We are different from you. You look down on us all the time, and we are fighting for victory. " Teng shouts loudly that he will never allow himself to fail. As he said, he carries the hope of the orc world for thousands of years.

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