Yin Zhu came back in a trance. Bai Kun looked at Yin Zhu very worried. "Yin Zhu, what did Bai Ji tell you?"

Yin Zhu looked up at Bai Kun, said with a bitter smile, "it's OK."

Bai Kun looked at Yin Zhu's reluctance to say anything and couldn't help sighing. That's what happened. He reached out and rubbed Yin Zhu's hair. "Yin Zhu, you remember that no matter what happens, we will accompany you."

When Yin Zhu heard this, he could not help feeling very comforted, "I know."

If you directly tell Yin Zhu to sacrifice and save the world's people, because life is related, Yin Zhu may not be so fearless, but as long as you think of her close relatives, Yin Zhu will have the determination to protect the world's people.

In particular, Teng, who is still struggling in the battlefield, is her child. Her three children have now become one, which is called integration. Yin Zhu doesn't think that the integration of the three people is still there, and integration has become a new individual. The three children only do this to protect their relatives.

What's the fate? She doesn't believe in God. Her child, who is still a mother, can't let her child pay for it. Otherwise, she doesn't deserve to be a mother.

"I hate war very much. I live in a peaceful society. War is a terrible and terrible thing for me. With any command of those people, many ordinary people will die and many families will be broken. I hate these people and those who have super power. I hate these things, and I want to destroy them Some people don't have strong power. When they become ordinary people, I'll see how they are superior. " Yin Zhu looked at those people in the upper world with some resentment. These people were really cruel. They were not soft hearted at all when they reaped the lives of the people in the lower world.

Yin Zhu thinks that if Bai Ji's words are true, she really wants to give back a peaceful world.

Bai Kun was silent when he heard this. Yin Zhu would not say such words for no reason. What does it mean that they do not have such powerful power? This must have something to do with Bai Ji. Looking at Yin Zhu like this, Bai Kun has some bad ideas in his heart.

Unable to verify Bai Ji's words, Yin Zhu is going to verify his system. Because of Beina's business, Yin Zhu has no good feelings about the system. He always feels that he has been calculated. Since the system is part of the way of heaven, I think he is conscious.

"The system comes out, won't you talk to me? I know you can talk to me. What do you want to do when you bring me to this world? " If there was no way of heaven, it would not have been so easy for her.

"Ah." A sigh appeared in Yin Zhu's mind.

"Sigh, what do you want to do when you bring me to this world?" Yin Zhu clenched his teeth and asked again, "just like Bai Ji said, do you want me to sacrifice my soul and let the world return to normal?"

"I am indeed a member of the way of heaven, but I am not the way of heaven of the earth. I cheated you in vain." The system said slowly.

"Then say what you know." Yin Zhu thought that Bai Ji didn't tell the truth.

"In fact, the so-called upper world and the original Orc world are the same world, but at that time the two worlds were a little far apart. At that time, I was just born with consciousness, and then there were strong people in the dream clan who tried to control the world. The strong people in the dream clan fought against the king of the ORC. I was still weak when I was just born, and then I was divided, and most of me was led by the strong people in the dream clan He left, wiped out his consciousness, and became a puppet. Therefore, the strong Mongolians mastered the rules of looking at the world, separated the orc world into two worlds, and continued to harvest the resources of the orc world. "

"At that time, when the king of the orc world got me, he wanted to resist through me, but I was too weak at that time, and I was not the other half of the opponent at all. Even if I appeared, I would be devoured by the other half. The king tried every means to supplement my strength, but I couldn't, because I was too weak, and I was too incomplete, and I couldn't even grow The world is becoming more and more chaotic because of the incomplete rules. Only by completing the rules can the world be complete. But the rules have been controlled by the people of the dream clan. I can't get the completion in this world at all. The final outcome of my life in this world is to be swallowed up. "

"In the end, what they can do is try their best to send me away from this world, let me go to another world, and then I went to the earth like that. When I first went, I was almost engulfed by the world consciousness of the earth, and then I chose to surrender and become his subordinate."

Can world consciousness surrender? Yin Zhu gasped at this.

The system seemed to know what Yin Zhu was thinking, and he replied directly, "of course, the way of heaven can be divided into different levels, such as the size of the world and its own power. For this, I give up my original rule system and learn the rules of the other side of the earth. You know, more and more people learn the consciousness of a certain way of heaven, and their ability is stronger. I have no choice, In addition to death is to change themselves, originally the world should be respected, and I learn the rules of science and technology on earth

"You changed the rules of the world. Can you win?" Yin Zhu asked very kindly."If the external way of heaven really can't win, but I am the way of heaven in this world, and the original way of heaven can no longer exist because I have been enslaved by others. But because my own rules have changed, once I merge into the way of heaven, I can control this world, and then there will be no power system in this world. What about the world in the future It's up to you to bring that knowledge and develop technology slowly. "

"Then why did you come to me? How can Bai Ji help you? " Yin Zhu is not happy to ask. It's uncomfortable to be calculated.

At this time, the system said weakly, "I didn't want to contract you. At that time, I had learned all the rules to go back, but you just died suddenly, your soul was out of body, and your soul was accidentally drawn into the black hole by me. If I didn't contract with you at that time, your soul would be broken and disappear."

"But now my soul will disappear as well. After you let me feel all the beauty, you can tell me that you can die. How can I accept that?" If she had died at the beginning, it would have been better if she didn't feel anything and didn't know. Now, I tell you clearly that you have to be terrified. It's even worse.

"I will try my best to protect your soul when it merges." The system said weakly.

Why doesn't Yin Zhu think the system is very reliable?

"Is there no other way?" Yin Zhu is very puzzled to ask.

The system carefully said at this time: "it's not without, unless you find someone who can accept the contract."

When Yin Zhu heard this, he was silent. Didn't he let others die for him? Yin Zhu said he couldn't do such a thing.

"And this is not for everyone." Will the system prompt again?

"Then who can?" Yin Zhu is just curious. She really doesn't want to hurt people.

"Mengji." The system said.

Mengji? When Yin Zhu heard this, he was silent. It turned out to be Meng Ji, "why?"

"Why do you think Bai Ji rushed up so enthusiastically, not to protect his partner?" Make complaints about the system.

"Why can Mengji? Can't anyone else? " Yin Zhu asked curiously. She was really curious.

"Because you have the breath of Mengji's soul, and that's why you can quickly integrate with the orc's body. Otherwise, if you come to this world, only your soul and the orc's body can't fit. Mengji was the king's daughter in ancient times. She used to be the king of the orcs selected by the king of beasts. Later, he was with Baiji. Although Baiji belonged to the dream clan, he was exiled here by the dream clan. He hated the people of the dream clan. Baiji could not bear to have an accident with Mengji, but the world must be integrated. If the world's heavenly way continues to be incomplete, the world will be destroyed Toward destruction, for Mengji's sake, Baiji comes up with a way to let Mengji share her soul. The so-called Wuji is just Mengji's share of the soul. As for Mengji, who has been hiding in the dark abyss to absorb all kinds of energy, that's because most of Mengji's soul has been separated out. She is muddled and must be kept there. " It's time for the system to say all that it knows. It's also time for the system to come to the end. If it doesn't say any more, now it's time for them to ask Yin Zhu to understand.

"It wasn't until Wuji died that the soul power returned to Mengji's body, and Mengji left a soul division in your body. As you know, it's not so easy for outsiders to enter a world. The reason why you were able to live at the beginning is that I am because of Beina."

"You mean outsiders can't come to this world, so why can Yang Wantong and ze them?" Yin Zhu asked curiously.

"No, I didn't say that outsiders can't come to this world at all. For example, Bai Yan returned to your world. As a result, you know, he was lucky to absorb the moonlight of that world, and then he was gradually excluded by the rules. You're different from Yang Wantong. You only have souls, not all of them can live in one body. Even if you take away, you need two people to fit together. Do you understand? Yang Wantong and Ze are both their own bodies, and they will not be excluded by the world because they have swallowed up your animal pill. They are animals themselves. " The system is slowly explaining.

"I see. In fact, you should be with Mengji, but they don't want to die, so I'm the ghost of death. Is that what you mean?" Yin Zhu could not help gritting his teeth. He thought his life was miserable. As a result, not all of them were calculated. This time, Yin Zhu was in a bad mood.

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