"I understand what you mean. I came to this world by Baiji and Mengji. That is to say, I want to find Mengji to take over. You have no chance. That is to say, I have to wait to die. But this world is not mine. I'm just an outsider. What if I don't like it? As for my relatives, I can tell them to just let go regardless of things here. Anyway, with our strength, it's very easy to live. If I say that I don't care about the world, I don't think people in the upper world are so reluctant to be enemies with me. " Yin Zhu said very unhappy.

She is willing to sacrifice and be calculated are two different things, there is a big difference in essence.

After hearing this, the system kept silent for a long time and said, "if you don't care, the world will be destroyed."

When Yin Zhu heard this, he said, "does this have anything to do with me? No matter how the world is destroyed, it will wait until I die. After I die, I am in charge of the flood. How come if I don't like it, you'll force me, won't you? "

After hearing this, the system kept silent for a long time and said, "I'll wait for you, and when you're about to die, I'll fuse with you, and I'll give you the whole life."

When Yin Zhu heard this, he couldn't help laughing, "do I have to thank you for your kindness?" Ma Dan is very scared. Although she doesn't mean that she looks forward to the afterlife very much, it's hard for her to say whether the afterlife is not yet. She's just upset to know.

"I think Baiji must have a backhand. After all, Baiji won't give me such a long time to wait, because he's afraid that something will happen after a long time, and Mengji will be involved at that time, right? Tell me, what's Baiji's backhand? Or who is it? " Yin Zhu asked again.

Then Yin Zhu saw the system issue a series of ellipsis.

Yin Zhu took a serious look at the people around her at this time. She couldn't help taking a deep breath. She wasn't stupid. She wasn't really stupid. She just didn't want to think a lot. She always thought she was a little woman. She was a little lazy and liked to rely on. But when she really thought seriously, she could still find problems.

Baiji works by calculation, and what he wants is absolutely safe. But how can Baiji guarantee that what he wants to do is absolutely safe? Guess all the way? Yin Zhu doesn't believe in the so-called divination, so the most likely thing is that she has Baiji around her, so Baiji can grasp her trend in real time, and then push things to the direction Baiji needs. Who is this person?

The four closest friends around him are the children. Bai Yangui's relationship with her can only be said to be friends, which can be almost ruled out. But looking at the four friends who are deeply devoted to him, Yin Zhu really doesn't want to doubt them. As for the children, Teng xiteng Cheng was brought up by Bai Ji when he was a child. Now three of them are combined into one, and Bai Ji takes them to find them Inheritance, for now, Teng is the most likely one. After all, there is a saying on the earth that it is better to give birth to grace than to raise grace. Who knows if they will lay hands on her mother.

But will Baiji put the pieces in such an obvious place for her to guess?

Can't doubt, can't be suspicious, that will hurt her true person, can't do that, everything is just her guess, maybe Baiji didn't do that?

Moreover, the ellipsis of the system just now makes Yin Zhu feel that the system knows something. Obviously, the way of heaven is towards Mengji, or Mengji is his master.

I can't guess. Yin Zhu doesn't plan to guess. The system should know something, but it won't tell her clearly. In this case, Yin Zhu plans to ask herself to see if she can ask something.

"System, you say you have a contract with me. How do I think you have a contract with Mengji, and Mengji is the master?" Yin Zhu asked with a smile.

When the system heard this, it was silent immediately. After a long time, the system slowly said, "you are right. Most of the original way of heaven was contracted by the palace master of the dream clan, while I was contracted by the king of beasts. They all wanted to fight for control of the world. Obviously, the king of beasts lost, and the king of beasts transferred the contract to Mengji when he was dying."

"I think you are a failure. You are either enslaved by this person or that person. No wonder you need me to integrate part of Mengji's soul. That's the truth. Mengji is good at calculating. I sacrificed her and picked up a world. It's amazing." Yin Zhu sniffed and said with disdain.

"Which, I was just born? My strength is very weak. I'll tell you that after integrating the way of heaven, Mengji can't control me, because my rules and everything have changed, and once I integrate, I will become a fully formed way of heaven. If Mengji dares to contract me, she will be attacked. She can't control the world. " The system breathes.

He is the master of the world. As a result, he was abducted and enslaved at birth. Those people made his world such a mess and made him a subordinate. He didn't teach those people a good lesson. They all regarded him as a vegetarian.

When Yin Zhu heard this, he couldn't help laughing, "so, you're not funny, you're not funny." Yin Zhu scolded angrily.

After hearing this, the system was silent. After a while, it said, "Yin Zhu, I'm really sorry for you. As the way of heaven, it should be fair and just. Mengji tries to master the way of heaven. Even if she is attacked, she deserves it. The only thing I feel sorry for is you, but I have to integrate. This world can't be destroyed like this.""Well, I understand. I wondered why baiji would spend so much effort to do such a thing, even without destroying his native people. Now I finally understand, because Baiji wants to do the whole world, and his ambition is really great, but if he knows that once you integrate successfully, he will get rid of Mengji's control, I'm afraid he will regret it later." Yin Zhu laughs. It's called Mantis catching cicadas, but she's the unlucky cicada.

"Yin Zhu, I've told you all I know." The system said this as if it could have a clear conscience.

Yin Zhu thinks that this person is like the son of a memorial archway. If he really wants to tell her, why don't he tell her who is the person arranged by Bai Ji? This is for fear of destroying the integration of heaven and her own good things.

Although I told myself over and over again not to doubt the people around me, when I have the heart of doubt, I will try my best to dig each other's heart.

Bai Kun looked at the silent Yin Zhu, went to Yin Zhu's side and held him in his arms. "Yin Zhu, I know you are very smart, but I'm too lazy to think about it. Don't think about it. You'll be OK. I'll protect you. Don't worry. This is my promise to you."

Looking at Bai Kun's affectionate eyes, Yin Zhu nodded, "I believe you."

Bai Kun seldom makes promises. Does he see that she is upset, so he makes promises?

At this time, Yin Zhu looked at Teng, who was still fighting with the palace leader in the distance, "do you think Teng can win?" Teng absorbed the blood of the king of beasts, and his strength increased little by little. Although he could not compare with the palace master, Teng's strength was still increasing.

Bai Kun patted Yin Zhu gently on the shoulder. "Don't worry, don't say win or lose. Teng is not fatal even if he loses. He has enough strength to escape. The battle can't be separated in one or two days."

Yin Zhu nodded. At present, he can't tell the result. He just depends on the degree of casualties. The orc world has lost.

"Frown again. It's not good for you to frown." Bai Kun pokes Yin Zhu's brow with his finger.

"Is it not appropriate for you commander to flirt with me at this time?" Yin Zhubai looks at Bai Kun.

At this time, Bai Kun shook his head, quickly glanced at the battlefield, and then said, "do you think it's necessary to command now?"

In the battlefield, those who can survive have already crawled out. Now there are only the palace master and Teng and Lei hetengxiao over there. Jono is fighting with three or four holy sons, and the others have stopped.

If you beat one of the three, the palace master won't get any advantage.

Probably both sides know that the time can't tell the outcome, and the palace leader is not willing to fight any more, so he said, "forget it, I won't fight today, but I tell you, if you are at this level, I tell you, you have no chance of winning."

In fact, what the palace Master said was not arrogant, because there are still many holy sons who have not come to an end. All those people have come to an end. Jonoreh is a few people who are hard to deal with, let alone so many dream people.

It can be said that the strongest fighting power has gone down in this battle, and the explorations of both sides can be said to be almost the same. They all know where the bottom of the other side is.

The palace master is not afraid to retreat and turn it into a guard. They have studied which guard. Although it can't be broken at once, he promises that he can break the guard as long as he is given ten years. It can be said that the living Orc king is more difficult to deal with, and it's easy to die.

If Teng is willing to incarnate as a guard, he is more willing.

At the end of the battle, there are a lot of things to do. At this time, Jono has gone to summarize and finish what she has done. At this time, Yin Zhu is also going to treat some patients. There are a lot of things to do, and she doesn't have much time to think about those things.

In fact, she has a lot of questions to ask Teng, but she obviously has no time now. She'd better deal with the injury first, calm her mood, and believe Teng should have something to say to her.

Yin Zhu is thinking that she should organize her language well, how to say and how to ask. That is her child. She was born, and the two children have been thinking about her since the beginning. She should think about how to ask so as not to hurt the child. She didn't want to hurt anyone.

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