When Yin Zhu finished his work, it was already midnight, but no one was sleepy. No matter how sleepy he was, all of them were talking about what happened during the day and discussing what to do next.

Yin Zhu stood in front of Teng and asked softly, "can you give me an explanation?"

Teng looked up at Yin Zhu seriously, and then hugged him, "mother, as long as you remember, no matter what I become, I am your child."

When Yin Zhu heard this, he was very sad. In fact, Yin Zhu already knew what Teng had experienced, what he would undertake in the future, and the pressure and pain that the child faced were no less than her. At this time, the child could still say such words, and she had nothing to doubt.

"I know that since you still call me auntie, I will say that if you intend to sacrifice yourself at the end of the day, you should tell me first, or I will never forgive you." Yin Zhu doesn't know how Teng decides to do it, but Yin Zhu hopes Teng can discuss it with her when making a decision.

Even though she hasn't figured out how to make the medicine for the time being, she hates the war and wants to end it, but Yin Zhu doesn't want to do so, just like Bai Ji and Meng Ji. Knowing that she has been calculated, she is willing to go in and die. If Yin Zhu is not willing, he will struggle.

"I know, mother, mother, don't worry, it will be OK." Teng sighed softly. Teng, who was inherited by the king of beasts, now knows the cause of things and the final outcome of Yin Zhu. But it's because he knows that he wants to change. No matter he or Zichen, they have paid enough. Why do they have to pull up his mother? In this world, the most innocent person is his mother, because Yin Zhu doesn't owe the world, it's the world Thanks to Yin Zhu.

"I know, with so many people protecting me, how could I have an accident." Yin Zhu said softly.

"You're very tired. Go to sleep. Will your mother watch you sleep well?" This one and two told her that she would be OK, that they would protect her, and that she had nothing to worry about. There's nothing to doubt.

"Good." Teng whispered with a smile, then closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Yin Zhu looks at the sleeping Teng curiously. The child becomes very big. When he grows up, he looks like a child.

Tengxiao came in at this time and sat quietly beside Yin Zhu. His two eyes looked closely at Teng who was asleep. These are his children. The three children are more powerful than anyone else. They bear the fate of all the people in the whole continent without hesitation and meet all the difficulties without fear.

Yin Zhu turned his head and looked at Tengxiao, then quietly reached out his hand and grasped one of Tengxiao's hands. "Tengxiao, our cub is very powerful. He's grown up, sensible and especially handsome."

Teng Xiao nodded when he heard this and put Yin Zhu in his arms. "Yes, our children are very powerful." Tengxiao's tone is not only proud, but also helpless.

As a father, his strength is weaker than that of his cubs. He failed to protect his cubs and let them face the most dangerous situation. His father is really weak.

But his children are the heroes of the world, which he is very proud of. Not everyone can be so fearless when facing death.

"Tengxiao, do you know his mission? Have you thought of a solution? " Yin Zhu turned to look at him.

Tengxiao was silent for a while when he heard this, and said, "I really know this thing. I have no other way for the time being, but if there is any way, I will not let my child take risks. But if there is no way in the end, if the child insists on it, I will not stop it."

The last sentence is particularly heavy, "the child has his own ideas, he is very smart, so I don't stop him. If he really wants to understand what to do, I will help him." Tengxiao said a few more words.

Yin Zhu is silent when he hears this. Tengxiao looks at Yin Zhu's head down and doesn't speak. He can't help but feel a little flustered in his heart. "Are you not happy, Yin Zhu? Don't you like my answer?"

When Yin Zhu heard this, he shook his head. "No, I don't know the answer myself." She really didn't know what choice she would make in the end.

Tengxiao's ability to make choices now is a bit beyond Yin Zhu's expectation, but this is probably the difference between men and women's thoughts. Women are hesitant and even dare not face it when they always think about things. Of course, women only think about their own home, and men will have a better overall view.

"Will you stop that?" Tengxiao asked.

When Yin Zhu heard this, he shook his head. "I don't know." Will she go all out to stop the child? Or choose to end everything for this child?

"Don't think about it if you don't know. You think you've got a headache. You didn't tell me that when the boat comes to the bridge, it's natural to go straight and think about what to do. Maybe you'll make your own decision at that moment. You'd better have a rest first. You're very tired." Tengxiao reaches out a hand to cover Yin Zhu's eyes and presses Yin Zhu's head on his shoulder.

"Go to sleep. Have a good sleep. I'll watch over you." Tengxiao said softly.Yin Zhu closed her eyes when she heard this. Yin Zhu wanted to say that she really couldn't sleep. The smell of blood was floating in the air. How could she sleep peacefully? However, her heart was very restless this time. If she couldn't sleep, she forced her eyes to have a rest.

Tengxiao looks at Yin Zhu and forces his eyes to rest. He puts Yin Zhu down and lets him sleep on his legs. He leans against the wall and closes his eyes to rest.

In the middle of the night, the camp is very quiet. All the people are tired and rest on one side. When they sleep, there is basically no one to sleep. Everyone is worried that there will be an emergency. They force their eyes to rest. There is a terrible silence in the camp, only the sound of firewood burning.

At this time, Bai Kun was sitting quietly in his own place. He didn't look very good and didn't know what he was thinking.

He is also the general of this battlefield. It can be said that the whole battlefield is still under his command. Even now, the end of the orc continent is in his hands. He has the most and heaviest things on his back. Today's situation is very unfavorable to them, and his anxiety is normal.

Qiao Nuo originally went out to see Yin Zhu. Seeing that the three members of Yin Zhu's family were resting there, he didn't say anything more. Looking back at Bai Kun, who was still frowning, "very upset?" Jono sat down directly in front of Bai Kun.

"Jono, where do you think the way out of our world is? Do we have to sacrifice?" Bai Kun said in a trance.

When Jono heard this, he laughed. "Sacrifice, isn't it enough? If sacrifice can bring peace, I think it's worthwhile to sacrifice as much as possible. It can also bring happiness to the younger generation and their relatives and clansmen. But I'm afraid that sacrifice will still be the same. " Jono said with emotion.

"Is Yin Zhu OK? Today Bai Ji talked to her about something. I don't think Yin Zhu looks right." Bai Kun asked anxiously.

"It's OK. Yin Zhu can adjust himself. How many things have happened? Yin Zhu has come here. Now three people are resting there." Qiao Nuo said, but he said nothing in his mouth, but he was worried in his heart. What Bai Ji said to Yin Zhu, Yin Zhu didn't tell them.

Baiji is a good and evil man, but Jono doesn't believe him. He feels bad about him.

"It's good to have Tengxiao with her." Bai Kun looked up at the sky, then turned his head and smelled Jono seriously, "Jono, what do you say if some of us die?"

When Jono heard this, he looked up at Bai Kun and said, "isn't that normal? It's normal for some people to sacrifice in this battle, but as long as someone is left to take care of Yin Zhu. "

"What about Yin Zhu?" Jono said quietly.

"What do you mean, how can we let Yin Zhu have an accident in front of me? If I die, there's nothing I can do about Yin Zhu. " Jono sighed helplessly.

"The goal of Baiji has always been Yinzhu, hasn't it? You don't think it's us, do you? What's in US worth plotting for nothing? " I make complaints about it.

When Jono heard this, he nodded. This is really a problem. Baiji didn't solve it. It's equivalent to a hungry wolf staring at Yinzhu. This kind of feeling is very bad.

"Otherwise, our current strength is not bad, let's go to kill Baiji, and it's over?" Jono suggested.

Bai Kun shook his head at this time. "Bai Ji didn't know where to go this time, and didn't find anyone at all, OK? Moreover, baiji is extremely scheming. He won't give us a chance to calculate him. "

"What do you say? Now we don't have time to find Bai Ji, and if Bai Ji hides and is ready to attack Yin Zhu secretly, we really can't help it. " Bridge anger idol now they have to face the dream people, plus the white sacrifice, really double headed attack.

"I can see that it's still impossible to fight. There hasn't figured out a way to fight Fu Teng. I'll go out and find Bai Ji. How about you watch Yin Zhu at home?" Jono said.

Bai Kun is the commander and can't leave. Bai Ji is too clever to let Lei he or Tengxiao go. These two are easy to be fooled and used, especially Tengxiao. So the best way is for him to go.

What's more, something so big happened in the dark abyss. If Mengji really has feelings for the world, he will appear secretly. Maybe he can't find Baiji, but if Mengji does, he should be able to find Baiji soon, right?

His power and Mengji can be said to come from the same source. He can probably feel that Mengji once appeared in the dark abyss today, but at that time he was busy fighting and left behind.

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